308 Uppsatser om Injury-surveillance - Sida 10 av 21
Ett flervariabelt feldetekteringssystem för övervakning av bärlagertemperaturen i vattenkraftturbiner
The purpose of this thesis work was to develop an automatic fault detection system for surveillance of bearing temperature in hydropower turbines. The parameters used except the bearing temperature were cooling water temperature and cooling water flow. A simple static model based on data sampled every minute was developed to estimate the bearing temperature. Then a detector for detection of change in bearing temperature based on the CUSUM-algorithm was designed. Since the amount of data was very small the developed model was too uncertain to be used in a working system.The designed fault detection system showed to work well for the available data.
Logopedisk afasiintervention : -en studie av journalanteckningar ur ett historiskt perspektiv
A historical study of intervention for aphasia may provide information on how speech and language pathologists work with people with aphasia. Aphasia is seen as an umbrella term for symptoms of language disorders caused by aquired brain injury. The overall aim of the present study was to describe and analyze the development of intervention for aphasia during the periods 1990-1999 and 2000-2010.The study was conducted by analysis of 83 medical records from two hospitals in Sweden during a period of 20 years. These decades were compared to each other and yo current litteraturein search for differences and trends in aphasia intervention.The Results of the present study revealed that intervention mainly focused on recovering the linguistic ability in both the 1990s and 2000s. Intervention and literature focusing on communication seem to increase during the 2000s.
Prevention av ljumsksmärta hos herrfotbollsspelare - en möjlighet med enkla medel? : En kvantitav studie i 14 herrfotbollslag
Bakgrund: Ljumskskador, ljumsk- och höftsmärta hos fotbollsspelare har oftast samband med minskat rörelseomfång i höfter, svaghet i bål och höftmuskulatur. Risk för ljumsksmärta ökar hos idrottare som inte tränar skadepreventivt. Syfte: Att undersöka om ett preventionsprogram med sex övningar för styrka och rörlighet kan minska förekomsten av ljumsksmärta hos herrfotbollsspelare. Material och metod: En kvantitativ experimentell fallstudie med kontrollgrupp, som utfördes med 14 herrfotbollslag (7 lag interventionsgrupp, 7 lag kontrollgrupp). I studien deltog 514 manliga fotbollspelare i åldern mellan 15-47 år. Resultat: I interventionsgruppen som genomförde ett preventionsprogram var antalet spelare med ljumsksmärta oförändrat, medan antalet deltagare med ljumsksmärta i kontrollgruppen ökade. Konklusion: Ett preventionsprogram med övningar för styrka och rörlighet kan förebygga förekomst av ljumsksmärta hos herrfotbollsspelare. Nyckelord: Fotboll, prevention, ljumskskada, ljumsksmärta, höftsmärta.
I väntan på prostatacancer behandling : Copingprocessen för patienter med prostatacancerinnan medicinsk behandling
Varje år diagnostiseras 10 000 män med sjukdomen prostatacancer i Sverige. Att drabbas av sjukdomen prostatacancer är emotionellt ansträngande. Väntetiden vad gäller behandling för patienter med prostatacancer är lång. Detta gör att patienter med prostatacancer lever med sjukdomen prostata-cancer och känslorna kopplade till diagnosen prostatacancer under en lång tid. Syftet med den aktuella studien var att beskriva copingprocessen för patienter med prostatacancer innan medicinsk behandling.
Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av arbetet i ett team för rehabilitering av vuxna med förvärvad hjärnskada
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta i ett team med rehabilitering av vuxna med en förvärvad hjärnskada. Sex arbetsterapeuter verksamma på rehabiliteringskliniker i Västerbotten och i Norrbotten intervjuades. Det insamlade materialet analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i tre kategorier: ?Strukturens betydelse för en effektiv rehabiliteringsprocess?, ?Samarbete ger rehabiliteringen ett mervärde? och ?Arbetsterapeutens roll med aktivitet i fokus?. Resultatet visade på behovet av ett strukturerat arbetssätt i teamet där en gemensam ledare är betydelsefull för att driva rehabiliteringsprocessen.
Från idé till IPRED ? Svenska Filminstitutets argument kring fildelning, upphovsrätt och Internet
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish Film Institute?s arguments regarding file sharing, copyright and the Internet relates to the changes made in the Swedish copyright law during 2003 and 2007, using the current debate about surveillance versus liberty on the Internet as a backdrop. The theory used is based on Lawrence Lessig?s ideas about how a network such as the Internet can be controlled, and what regulating forces a government can use to constrain a certain behavior such as illegal file sharing. By examining referral statements made by the Swedish Film Institute to five different communications from the Swedish government regarding copyright and film politics an idea analysis is being used as a method to answer the following sub-questions: 1.) How has the Swedish copyright law evolved during the latest years? 2.) What arguments are being used by the Swedish Film Institute in issues regarding file sharing, copyright and the Internet? 3.) Are the arguments being used by the Swedish Film Institute regarding these issues changing during the examined period? The findings of the study show that the Swedish Film Institute has been eager to support a more powerful expansion of the copyright laws, often suggesting more powerful solutions than the Swedish government itself.
Attityder kring självskadebeteende relaterat till empati
En experimentell vinjettstudie genomfördes för att undersöka hur graden av em-pati för personer med ett självskadebeteende varierar beroende på bakomliggande orsak samt grad av kännedom om ämnet. I studien deltog 121 respondenter som fick besvara en av tre vinjetter: (a) självskadebeteende utan angiven orsak, (b) Självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning eller (c) Självska-debeteende med orsak övergrepp. Studien visade att ett samband mellan empati och självskadebeteende utan orsak samt mellan empati och självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning. Inget samband påvisades mellan em-pati och självskadebeteende med orsak övergrepp. Vidare framkom inga signifi-kanta skillnader mellan grupperna i empatigrad, vilket kan ha att göra med att självskadebeteende som enskild variabel var tillräcklig för att generera ett visst mått av empati.
Hantering av personuppgifter ? en arbetsmiljöfråga?
Unhealthiness is not just a damaged back or asbestos. The fact that mental ill-health seems to increase in our society is well known. Statistics from Arbetsmiljöverket proves a fourfold increase of work-related disorders since 1997. These are primarily caused by organizational and social factors, 60% are considered caused by stress and a heavy workload. Sick leave due work related fatigue and depressions are scarily common today.
Impact of EU-regulation on pigs? welfare during transport
Each year 225 million pigs are transported within the European Union (EU) for slaughter, fattening and breeding. This results in poor animal welfare due to the fact that animals are exposed to several numbers of stress factors in the vehicle during loading, transit and unloading. Animal welfare can be defined as how well the animal attempts to cope with its environment and during transport there is often severe difficulty for the pigs to cope properly. There is a growing societal concern for animal welfare. This resulted in that the European Union enacted a law called the EU-regulation with certain directives of how to improve the welfare of the animals during transport.
Social isolering. En studie om a?siktspolarisering och normativ press i sociala medier
The purpose of this study was to look for tendencies that social media can contribute to exposing users to a stronger perception of opinion polarization, and further to see if the daily presence of social networking sites can put normative pressure on the users. The study was made using a survey with participants from Umea? University during the time frame of november-december 2014. The theoretical framework behind the study was mainly drawn from The Spiral Of Silence by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann and was further supplemented with more current research, studying the effects from The Spiral Of Silence in the modern and more fragmented media landscape that exists now then when her theory was written. Further theoretical tools for analysis of the results came from Michel Foucault and his discussions in Discipline and punish, specifically his views on how surveillance can be discontinous in practice, but still permanent in it?s effects.The results of this study indicates that social media users tend to isolate themselves from uncomfortable opinions, and do not follow or read opinions they do not already agree with.
Högskolestudenters psykiska hälsa : Kartläggning av självskadebeteende
Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of deliberate self-harm in a Swedish University population.Method: A random sample of first year students at University of Kalmar was invited to participate in an Internet-based survey in the autumn of 2007. A total of 139 (53,1 %) completed the anonymous survey.Results: The results showed that 25,2 % (n=35) of the students reported having engaged in some kind of deliberate self-harm at least once, and deliberate self-harm was endorsed by 7,9 % within the past year. The most frequently procedures to self-harm were to tear, carve or pinch self, cutting skin and hitting self on purpose. 37,1 % reported that they had told no one about their self-injurious behaviors and 36,4 % significantly reported that they had no one they trusted and who they could talk to if they were concerned about something. Students with self-injurious behavior were also more likely to report a history of emotional, sexual and/or physical abuse, alcohol and drug use, cut classes and questioning their sexual orientation.Conclusions: Findings suggest that self-harm is associated with risk factors and that self-injury is not only associated with adolescence but also with adulthood.
Liv och hälsa ung i Örebro län : Hur använder rektorer resultatet?
Liv och hälsa ung är en enkätundersökning bland ungdomar i skolår 7, 9 samt år 2 på gymnasiet i Örebro län. Barn och ungdomar är en prioriterad målgrupp för Sverige och Örebro län enligt regeringens folkhälsoproposition samt Örebro läns folkhälsoplan. I skolan har rektorn det yttersta ansvaret, i denna studie valdes rektorer ut för att ge ett ledarskapsperspektiv på ett användande. Uppsatsens syfte äratt undersöka hur resultatet från Liv och hälsa ung undersökningarna används avrektorer för skolår 7-9 i Örebro län. Studien är kvalitativ där nio stycken rektorer iÖrebro län har intervjuats.
Personlig integritet mot Arbetsledningsrätt : Användandet av belastningsregistret i anställningsprocessen
Due to the wide usage of different databases administrated by the Swedish government to keep control over its citizen?s the issue has arisen concerning if this information is subject for other purposes then originally acknowledged. Executives induced in recruitment for labour has over the years extended their need for information accumulated by these systems. Especially data from the criminal records registry are now being used as a normal step in the employment process among a vastly growing spectrum of enterprises and businesses all over the country. This thesis aims to illuminate the subject by grasp to what extent the described behaviour can be considered legally accepted according to the law or if these actions are inflicting with the foundational juridical principles that has to be ensured by the Swedish government due to our constitutional law.A strict jurisprudential method has been applied throughout the entire thesis to ensure the reliability of the results. The diversity of sources has gently been put together to assure the overall quality.
Gruppträning som inslag i uppbyggnadsträning för lagidrottare : En kvalitativ studie om tränares uppfattningar kring gruppträning som inslag i uppbyggnadsträning för lagidrottare
This study was aimed to investigate why team sport coaches use group training as a part in their build-up training. Issues covered in this study are: "What motives have coaches in team sports that use group exercise as part of the build-up training?" and "What are the positive and negative aspects experienced trainers of using group exercise as part of build-up training in team sports?". It was a qualitative study, seven interviews were made with team sport coaches that has used group training as a type of exercise in their built-up training in collaboration with Friskvårdskompaniet. The results showed that the reasons why group exercise were used was different from coach to coach for example one motive was to increase the players physically ability.
Behandlingsmetoder vid hopparknä: en litteraturstudie
Jumper´s knee is a common overuse injury due to repetitive microtrauma to the patellar tendon. It is especially common among athletes who are involved in sporting activities that involve jumping or fast running. The term jumper´s knee was adopted after Blazina published his original paper in 1973. Its pathology can be considered as a partial or total rupture of the patellar tendon in one of its three insertions. The aim of this literature study was to review the methods used to treat this condition and the results obtained focusing on pain relief and returning to previous sport or level of activity.