

24338 Uppsatser om Information system - Sida 7 av 1623

SAB-systemet och Yahoo! En jämförelse rörande traditionell och ny klassifikation

The aim of this Master thesis is to investigate the similarities and differences between a traditional and a new classification scheme. Two classification systems are compared, "The Swedish Library Classification System" the SAB-system - and Yahoo!. The SAB-system has been used in Swedish libraries since the beginning of the 20^th century, and Yahoo! has been online since 1994. Yahoo! has a Swedish version of its international original, which is used in this study to get a similar starting point with the SAB-system. The method used for this is a content analysis, which in this case is not a quantitative analysis.

Ökad användning av Storumans kommuns GIS

Genom att skaffa och införa ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) kan en organisation utnyttja sin geografiska information på ett bättre sätt och både effektivisera arbetet och skapa bättre beslutsunderlag. En utmaning vid införandet är att sprida användningen av systemet. Storumans kommun har införskaffat ett GIS men inte börjat använda det fullt ut utan har stannat i införandets första fas vilket har gjort att de inte kunnat tillgodogöra sig de fördelar systemet kan ge. Syftet med detta arbete är att öka kommunens användning av deras GIS-program Solen genom att uppdatera programmet med geografisk information som kan användas i förvaltningarnas verksamhet.Genom en fokusgrupp, intervjuer och observationer har jag kommit fram till vilken geografisk information som kommunen behöver i systemet och därefter har jag lagt in den. Studiens slutsats konstaterar att användningen ökar med mer och uppdaterad information i GIS-programmet.

Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner

This paper describes the evolutionary development of an Information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an Information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.

Behovsstudie för implementering av ett informationshanteringssystem i el-utvecklingen på Volvo Car Corporation

VSEM project and the need for a more efficient way of handling requirements andinformation are highly apparent.The overall objective of this thesis is divided into two parts:1. To identify criteria/factors leading to a successful introduction of an informationmanagement system.2. To develop an implementation process for a requirement management system ?the first step towards a PLM system in EE development at VCC.This will be done through interviews with employees, a literature review and an analysisof studies of three earlier projects within VCC.The conclusion of this study shows the great need for change in work methods fordesigners handling information and requirements. An implementation process has beenidentified with guidelines on how to handle different phases of the process.

ASB lika med SAB? En jämförelse av dokumenttitlar i de båda klassifikationssystemen.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to compare the scheme structure of two national classifications system, namely the Swedish SAB system and the German ASB. It has been assumed that there are no major differences between the two models of classification systems or the main classes into which documents are placed. The classification theory and subject analysis, which form the basic theory on which my research is based, are taken from Dahlberg, Langridge and Rowley. A comparison of 30 monographs classified in the SAB system Sveriges allmänna biblioteksförening and in the German ASB system Allgemeine Systematik für öffentliche Bibliotheken showed that the classification structure was primarily responsible for determining where a particular document was placed. However, despite the fact that the subject in various documents may be similar, my research will demonstrate that the structure of the two codes also depends on different interpretations of the main subject in a document.

Webbsida för lagring av alumner i en databas

In supporting an efficient way to gather and develop contact information for the Uppsala Association of Technology Physicist alumni, it is crucial to have in place an adequate and user-friendly system allowing the continuous collection and storage of such contact information. This can achieved by the creation of a website where alumni can enter information about themselves and where such information in turn is stored in a database. A database containing relevant tables has been developed in MySQL. In utilizing phpMyAdmin, the programming language PHP and Web Server Apache, a fully functional website to be included on the Association's website has been created..

Utveckling av ärendesystem för föreningsaktiviteter

IT-baserad hantering av information kan i många fall vara till stor hjälp för organisationer, vid hantering av administrativa uppgifter. Rollspelsföreningen Trollborgen använder idag ingen typ av sammansatt teknisk lösning vid hantering av information. Idag används endast ren pappershantering för medlemslistor, spelcirklar och materialhantering, samt e-postmeddelanden för att sprida nyheter till föreningens medlemmar. Genom att använda ett webbaserat IT-system kan Trollborgen lättare interagera med sina medlemmar och hantera information på ett mer tidseffektivt sätt. IT-system kan även minimera risken för problem vid hantering av viktig information rörande föreningens medlemmar och spelmaterial.Syftet med denna rapport var att genom utvecklingsmetoden OpenUP få fram hur Trollborgen på bästa sätt kan effektivisera föreningens administrativa arbete, samt utveckla ett webbaserat och databasanslutet system, som underlättar Trollborgens föreningsverksamhet.

Energieffektivisering i offentliga byggnader : Jämförelse i elanvändning för ventilation med olika luftflödesstyrsystem

I got interested in this subject when I came in contact with Västtrafiks new paymentsystem myself during my visits in Gothenburg. I suspected problems with the informationmaterial regarding it and others seemed to share my opinion that the payment system wasdiffcult to understand. When I contacted Västtrafik and asked them about the paymentsystem they confirmed that some understanding diffculties had occurred. With thatconfirmation I decided to make it my project to look in to the matter.Some methods were used to identify the problems. The methods could again confirm thatthere were some problems with the payment system and that the information material wasa vital reason.

Det är dit man går om man ska söka information. Skolbibliotekets roll i gymnasieelevers informationssökning

The aim of this thesis is to examine how high school students use their school library for their information-seeking. The theoretical framework is based on Louise Limbergs three categories of students views on information-seeking and Andrew Large and Jamshid Beheshtis three categories of students choice of Information systems. Qualitative interviews were used and seven high school students were interviewed. The empirical material was compared and divided into 9 categories. The results show that the students see the school library as a place where they can search for information, but its also considered to be a good place to hang out between lessons to study or to meet friends.

Kungliga bibliotekets klassifikationssystem över den svenska samlingen år 1887

We have carried out a study of a classification system for the Swedish collection at The Royal Library in Stockholm from 1887. It was printed in 50 copies. The constructor, Bernhard Lundstedt, and his colleagues used it as guidance in lack of a catalogue. We regard it a local classification system. Little research has been done on old classification systems, but Francis Miksa points out the importance of examining them.

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

Implementering av mjukvarubaserat PLC-system för reglering av magnetiseringen av en synkrongenerator

In order to reduce the price for, and improve the performance of automatic control systems for magnetization of synchronus generators, the possibilities of using a PC based software PLC system, Programmable Logic Controller, has been investigated. The result is a system based on the CoDeSys software PLC with runtime environment from 3S-Software, communicating with external units via Modbus fieldbus. System price is reduced from ?5000 to ?2000 and system processing speed is reduced from 10 ms for a Siemens S7 PLC to 4 ms with the CoDeSys PLC system though unsolved problems with runtime seizure caused by improper settings in the PC BIOS..

Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem

We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times.

Säkerhetsanalys av Windos Server 2008 i militära system

This analysis recommends not to use Windows Server 2008 without properevaluation in any system containing classified information. The reasons are too lowassurance and too weak authentication. If Windows Server 2008 is to be used itshould be supplemented with a stronger authentication mechanism. The installationshould preferably be of Server Core type and the server should be maximallyhardened..

Miljöbron - Går det att göra ett databassystem med begränsade resurser?

Miljöbron is a non-profit organization; their main purpose is to merge companies and students into different environmental projects. The projects can be an assignment, practical vocational training or degree thesis. Miljöbron is expanding and the demand from students and companies is rapidly growing. Because of the expansion, a large amount of information needs to be stored and managed in a structured database. Also the need of a interface that is structured and easy to use when managing information and Miljöbron?s statistics, for Miljöbron?s staff.

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