

24338 Uppsatser om Information system - Sida 51 av 1623

Lyftfri bagagelossning

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Backventil för motorsmörjsystem

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Evaluering av Secure Connection Manager : med fokus på användarvänlighet och effektivitet

In today?s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring.The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country.

Webbaserat resultat och uppföljningsprogram för idrottsförening

Students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have on behalf of the swimming organization ?Nässjö Sim och Livräddningssällskap? conducted research on how to monitor and evaluate swimmers and swimming groups in a simple and efficient manner with a focus on usability and user friendliness. Since no system existed that could meet these requirements, the client had a desire to tailor and develop such a system. The purpose of this work was to develop a system that would work as a tool to be used by coaches and swimmers alike and allow them to eventually follow the development of swimmers and swimming groups. The organization also wanted to have the ability to create tests and exams, both for land and water training, register these in the system and in a structured way know which swimmers took and passed these.For this thesis, the following questions functioned as a framework for progress.UsabilityHow to design a usable system and what is required?SystemWhat type of system is best suited to meet the client's requirements and preferences?Competition resultsHow can one retrieve all the competition results for swimmers of Nässjö SLS?DatabaseWhat type of database is best suited to easily share data with an external existing database?Usability has been the main focus throughout the project.

Utredning av möjlighet att automatisera trucktrafik

This master thesis investigates the possibilities of using GPS-information from trains to create a model of a railway system, register the routes of the the trains and predict how the trains will travel in the railway system.The thesis work was done at Icomera AB which is a company that specializes in internet connected vehicle solutions.We describe how the GPS-information is sent from the trains in the form of samples and investigate limitations and possibilities with the available information. About three million samples from 83 SJ-trains were analysed and the samples were filtered with the intent of removing erroneous information. We here found that about 30 % of the samples from the trains were unreliable.A solution for how the samples from the trains can be used to create a model of the railway system traveled by the trains is presented. We use a large set of historical samples and use cluster nodes and Hermite curves to generate a graph that represent the railway system with stations, nodes and the railway itself. A fully automatic solution is not presented since it did not fit into the time frame of the thesis; instead we created a simple tool which can be used to manually finish the model of the railway system.Furthermore, we describe how the railway system and the samples from the train can be used to register the routes the trains travel.

Inkludering i skolan : Lärares meningsskapande för möjligheter och förutsättningar till inkludering i skolan

Sammandrag Information flödar genom samtidens organisationer och behöver systematiskt kontrolleras. Genom att implementera Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, även kallat ERP-system, kan företag enklare samla upp, strukturera och utnyttja all denna flödande information i ett och samma informationssystem. Majoriteten av alla företag misslyckas dock att fullständigt integrera ERP-systemet med sina vardagliga rutiner. Tidigare forskning tyder på att den utbildning slutanvändarna får och ett kontinuerligt ifrågasättande av organisationens värderingar, även kallat double-loop learning (DLL), påverkar organisationens möjlighet till en fullständig integration. Genom en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie på olika företag inom detaljhandeln, alla användare av samma ERP-system, har denna studie undersökt vilken roll utbildningsfasen spelar för att DLL ska uppstå vid en ERP-implementation.

Revisionens krav på informationssäkerhet

Information är en tillgång som liksom andra viktiga tillgångar har ett värde fören organisation och därmed måste få ett lämpligt skydd. Målet medinformationssäkerhet är således att skydda informationen mot olika hot. Det ärviktigt för flera olika intressenter att den information företag delger är trovärdigoch rättvisande, något som en revisor har till uppgift att säkerställa. Att granskadatorprogram är en av de svåraste uppgifterna som finns för en revisor.Antalet komplexa system ökar ständigt och därför behövs ofta experthjälp iform av IT-revisorer.Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva vilka krav som idag ställs på företagsinformationssäkerhet, sett ur revisionssynpunkt och hur de här kraven harförändrats över tiden. Syftet har även varit att beskriva vad som innefattas ibegreppet och att beskriva den process som sker då en revisor granskar företagoch dess informationssystem.

Vem styr mitt arbete? Förändrade arbetsuppgifter vid datorisering av körschema

Abstract This report is our bachelor thesis. Our work has taken place at a galvanising company in Sölvesborg. The company faced major changes, of which one was a computerisation process. The new system could involve changes in work practice and in specific tasks, affecting the workers. If the coming system was to support work, from the production personnel?s perspective, we felt a legitimate participation in the development and design of the future work practice, was a requirement that was not met.

Kan Hedvig lösa De mystiska tecknen? : en studie av två biblioteksdataprogram för barn

This thesis examines which function the information technology may have in thechildren's library, with the example from two library computer programmes. One is anexpert system, Hedvig, which will help children to choose and to find books, and theother is a computer game, The mysterious signs, that will teach children library user education.The main question is: What conceptions do the project-leaders, the children'slibrarians and the children have concerning the function of these two programmes in thechildren's library?The study is based upon qualitative interviews with two projects-leaders, fourlibrarians, three computer programmers and twenty-eight children.The theoretical material consists of examples on other library computer programmesfor children developed in Denmark and USA, some American studies in children'sabilities to use computerized information retrieval systems, and studies concerningchildren's relations to computers.The adult's conceptions of the computer programmes are divided into categories asfollows: Democracy, aspect of sex, complement, marketing, reading promotion,development of competence, information technology development, pedagogics, adulteducational activities, compensation and armusement, pedagogics, usefulness,effectiveness and information. These categories shall be seen as the conclusions of the thesis..

Det mindre företagets räddning? : en studie om hur ekonomisk brottslighet kan undvikas genom en intern kontroll

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether small businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even small businesses need an internal control to protect their business.

Design och tillverkning av en stereoanläggning med aktivt delningsfilter

This thesis is the result of the author?s interest in music and electronics, namely the design and manufacturing of a stereo sound system with an active crossover. In short it can be stated that an active crossover has many advantages over its traditional passive counterpart. The active design naturally results in a more complex system comprised of a multiple number of components. This report deals with the theoretical aspects of preamplifiers, crossovers and power amplifiers as well as power supply and control.

Bedömningar av krav på interna informationsflödet inom supply chain på DeLaval (Shanghai)

DeLaval distribuerar fullständiga mjölkningssystem vilka säljs på drygt 100 olika marknader över helavärlden. Det finns alltid en strävan efter att leverera beställningar till kund i tid. Direktören förInköp ochLogistik Asienpå DeLaval i Shanghai har uttryckt ett behov av att undersöka hur informationen böranpassas så att ett stöd för supply chain uppstår med syftet att förbättra tiden för leverans till kund.Detta resulterade i en utredning att kartlägga behoven i informationsflödet och vilka system sombehöver stöd för att möjliggöra leverans i tid till kund. Det finns ett mått vilket kallason time in full(OTIF) som används av DeLaval för att mäta leveransprecision för slutkund. Detta var grunden för attföljande frågeställning kunde formulerades:Hur kan informationsflödet inom supply chain anpassas föratt förbättra OTIF?För att kunna svara på denna fråga kom författarna fram till att en fallstudie var den mest lämpademetoden att gå tillväga.

Datadriven diagnos av inbyggda system

Dagens fordon är försedda med elektroniska styrsystem, ECU:er, som styr många av fordonets funktioner. I takt med att dessa system blir mer avancerade krävs en effektiv process för att hantera systemens specifikationer för diagnoskommunikation. Hanteringen av dessa specifikationer är inte standardiserad. I många fall dokumenteras en ECU i ett ordbehandlarformat, t ex Word eller RTF, som inte enkelt kan läsas eller tolkas av ett diagnossystem. Specifikationerna måste översättas till ett maskinläsbart format för att kunna användas vid kommunikation med ECU:n.

Alternativ hylluppställning ? En studie på Jönköpings stadsbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelning

In this Master we have studied classification system and alternative arrangements of books in a public library. The public libraries in Sweden use the SAB classification system. This system was created nearly a hundred years ago in order to suit the librarians and the Swedish society at the time. Today many library users find the system difficult to understand. This and other factors have inspired a number of libraries to arrange books in an alternative and more user-friendly way.

Supermarket Strategies : Kvalitativ studie av Ica Maxi, Coop Forum och Citygross konkurrensstrategier

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

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