18580 Uppsatser om Information security governance - Sida 58 av 1239
En studie av två invänjnings-modeller i förskolan. : 3-dagars och två-veckors modellerna
I have made a research about two different methods for introducing small children to Nursery School/Kindergarten. I choose to do this as I have found very little about this in the literature we have studied during my education to become a pre-school teacher.This period in the life of very small children and their parents is a big change in their daily life. The more traditional way to start pre-school is to do it very gradually during two weeks, the two-week method. This means that the parents visit the pre-school together with their child for a very short time, about one hour the first day. After one week they leave their child with the staff for about an hour and at the end of that week they try to leave it full time (6-8 hours).
The Purchase Decision Process Revisited: The Role of the Internet on Swedish Consumer Behaviour
The aim of the thesis was to provide further understanding on how Swedish consumers use the Internet as an information source in their purchase decision process. The subject was investigated from different perspectives: gender, product type and information type. The authors used a quantitative approach, and a survey (n=120) was conducted. It was concluded that men and women are equally influenced by traditional word-of-mouth, but more men than women search for product information online and they are more likely to let their purchase decision to be influenced by it. Women tend more to trust commercial sources.
Organisera mera : En studie i att utforma riktlinjer fo?r organisering av information i ett specialutformat anva?ndargra?nssnitt
I have in this thesis studied how guidelines for organizing information in a custom- made user interface could be made. Teletal is service with a special designed user interface were information is stored. The purpose of this study is to encourage a consistent organization, and management of information in a user interface. The methods used in this study are as follows ? qualitative interviews and two card-sorting tests, of which one was closed and the other open.
GA-elevernas integration på Elinebergsskolan
The purpose of this essay was to find out whether the students, which had moved from the school of Gustaf Adolf to the school of Elineberg, had been integrated into their new environment. We chose to analyze the degree of integration concerning their schoolwork, how they interacted with the students from the new school, the school of Elineberg, and their level of wellbeing in their new school. We have used two methods, surveys and interviews, to be able to obtain the general picture of how the integration of the students has succeeded.Our conclusions are that the student has adapted well in their new school despite many obstacles along the way. Our essay shows that the students get along well with their new school friends during class, but they don´t socialise in their spear time. Although they seem to have accepted the closure of their old school some students express that they wish the school would be reopened.
Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information
To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance. Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.
Bibliotekarier i privat sektor
The aim of this thesis is to accomplish an understanding on how librarians experience their professional role at private companies. The study is based on qualitative interviews with persons who have a degree in Library and Information science, but does not work as an ordinary librarian. To answer why the respondents work at private companies, this thesis dwells on how the education in library and information science prepares their students to face an alternative career; why the respondents wants to work at private firms instead of a library; if the salary is a key factor in order to choose a career; if the respondents think the companies appreciate their qualifications, and finally, if the respondents think they intrude on other professions' territory? Working at a private company, with a degree in library- and information science, is not, according to the respondents, easy. Although appreciated by their knowledge in the field of information, the interviewees think that the title librarian is hard to cope with.
Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning - Har bolag frivilligt börjat tillämpa Koden?
Bakgrund och problem: Bolagsstyrning, corporate governance, handlar om styrning ochkontroll av företag. Företagsskandaler i Sverige har lett till att en kod för bolagsstyrningträdde i kraft den 1 juli 2005 för börsnoterade bolag med ett marknadsvärde över 3 miljarder.Koden har tagits fram i syfte att bidra till förbättrad bolagsstyrning av svenska börsnoteradebolag. Genom att låta de mindre bolagen förbereda sig en längre tid och se på de störrebolagen som redan börjat tillämpa Koden finns förhoppningar om att dessa drygt 225 bolagredan innan 1 juli, 2008 (då Koden blir ett krav för alla börsnoterade bolag) ska ha börjatanvända Koden frivilligt för att underlätta dess implementering.Syfte: Vår avsikt är att identifiera om de bolag som ännu inte genom reglering måste följasvensk kod för bolagsstyrning har börjat ta till sig de idéer och riktlinjer som beskrivs i Kodenoch i så fall varför. Vidare syftar vår studie till att ta reda på vilka delar av Koden som i så falldessa bolag har valt att tillämpa och till att urskilja mönster för vilka bolag som gjort vilka val.Vårt mål är att öka förståelsen och bidra med information som kan vara intressant förKollegiet om hur bolagen frivilligt börjat tillämpa Koden och hur den förväntandespridningsprocessen fortlöper.Avgränsningar: Undersökningen avgränsas till att endast de bolag på Stockholmsbörsen somär svenska juridiska personer och som ännu inte genom reglering måste tillämpa Svensk kodför bolagsstyrning är föremål för undersökningen.Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts och observationer har gjorts utifrån årsredovisningaroch kompletterande material från bolagens hemsidor. Vi tog fram ett formulär att använda ivår studie där vi kontrollerar totalt 15 punkter av Kodens 69 punkter.Resultat och slutsatser: I vår studie ser vi stora skillnader i hur de mindre bolagen förhållersig till Koden.
Business intelligence : Framgångsfaktorer vid användningen av ett BI system
The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.
Patientens behov av information postoperativt
Syfte: Att belysa patienters behov av information postoperativt. Bakgrund: Flera hundra tusen operationer genomförs varje år i Sverige på patienter som läggs in på sjukhus. Många av dessa patienter är stressade och oroliga och behöver få information för att minska deras oro. En av kärnkompetenserna för sjuksköterskor är att kunna ge information. Metod: Kunskap om vikten av patientinformation införskaffades genom vetenskapliga artiklar.
Det handlar om tur: en kvalitativ studie av rättsprocessen vid kvinnofridsbrott
The purpose of this essay was to examine the experience of the judicial process concerning domestic violence from the perspectives of abused females and from some of the authorities and organisations which meet these women. The essay investigated several views of the judicial process in order to obtain a wide perspective. It responded to the following questions:- How are abused women treated by the authorities and organisations?- Are there enough resources and knowledge among the authorities and organisations?- Is there any collaboration between the authorities and organisations which the female meets in the judicial process and if so, how does it look like?- What does the aspect of security of person look like for the women which have been exposed to domestic violence?- What in the judicial process is important for the women's ability to move on in her life after experiences of violence in a relationship?This study was based on a qualitative method, where the interviews constituted of empirical material. The essay was based on interviews with two females who have experiences of violence in a relationship, two social workers from Kvinnojouren in Lund, two social workers from Kriscentrum in Lund, one lawyer, one prosecutor, one policeman and one social worker from Kvinnoforum in Lund.
En jämförande studie av IPv4 och IPv6
The Internet protocol of today has been used for over 20 years. A new version of the protocol has been developed to replace the old one. This is a direct result due to the explosive growth of the usage of the Internet. This follows by new demands which needs new solutions. This report brings up the old protocol IPv4, the new protocol IPv6 and shows what kind of changes that has been developed to meet the users demand.The report brings up two important aspects; internet security and mobility.
Informationen flödar : - men vem förmedlar?
Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur information kan hanteras med ett integrerat affärssystem till stöd för controllers och personer med ledande befattningar.Metod: Vi genomförde en fallstudie där vi intervjuade controllers och personer med ledande befattningar på WSP. Detta för att kartlägga de informationsbehov som finns utifrån deras centrala arbetsuppgifter. Med utgångspunkt från en teoretisk referensram och med vetskap om deras informationsbehov analyserade vi hur information kan hanteras med hjälp av ett integrerat affärssystem till stöd för dem.Resultat: För personer med ledande befattningar handlar det ofta om att få information för att ta sig till beslut, och de behöver oftast olika sorters information. Controllern har en central roll för att hantera och vidarebefordra information, och det är viktigt att det finns bra verktyg för att hantera och distribuera information. Ett integrerat affärssystem kan vara till stöd för hantering och spridning av information, och vid utformandet av affärssystemet är det viktigt att skapa en presentation av informationen som stimulerar användaren och ger möjlighet för användaren att förstå dess innehåll.
Rättssäkerhet och anstånd med betalning av skatt : En analys av 17 kap. 2 § p. 2-3 Skattebetalningslagen ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether legal rights are upheld when wording and applying the postponement of payment of tax regulations of chapter 17 section 2 p. 2-3 of the payment of Tax Act. We also investigate how the wording of the regulations relate to the requirement of legal security.It has been questioned if the regulations concerning postponement of payment of tax are compatible with the requirement of legal security. Of course does not a taxpayer want to pay tax that he or she consider incorrect, and that has not been under trial by an impartial authority. If the request for postponement of payment of tax is rejected, the consequences for the taxpayer can lead to huge financial losses.
Kommunikationsproblem och bemötande inom referenssamtalet
This bachelor thesis is about communication problems and treatment during the reference interview. The purpose was to investigate the reasons of why users? information needs are not always understood by the librarian and what to do about it. I have also investigated what kind of skills that can be useful for librarians to have and how a librarian can act in a way that makes the user feel welcome during the reference interview. The method I used was a literature study and an own study through interviews of library users.
Styrelsesammansättning - och dess inverkan på företagets prestation
Uppsatsens syfte är att söka klarlägga om olika styrelseutformning, med avseende på sex bestämda faktorer, påverkar företagets prestation och om det går att genom statistisk analys fastslå om dessa faktorer utgör en mätbar påverkan på prestationen. Faktorererna utgörs av styrelsemedlemmarnas kön, genomsnittålder, andel utländska ledamöter i styrelsen som på ett direkt sett utgör oilka kategorier av styrelsemedlemmar. Dessutom har uppsatsen sett på effekten av styrelsens storlek och ledamöternas eventuella beroende. Dessa faktorer har jämförts med ett prestationsmått som utgjorts av företagets värdeförändring på börsen, korrigerat med respektive branschindex. Jämförelsen har gjorts över fem år, med hjälp av regressionsanalys.