18580 Uppsatser om Information security governance - Sida 20 av 1239
Styrelsens sammansättning, Är diversifiering en framgångsfaktor?
Syfte: Undersökningens syfte är att bidra till forskning om sammansättningen av Sveriges styrelser och dess påverkan på bolagets framgång. Metod: Denna undersökning har en deduktiv ansats och består av dels dataanalys och dels intervjuer. Den kvantitativa dataanalysen undersöker egenskaper hos styrelseledamöterna och kopplingen till företagets börskurser. Den kvalitativa intervjudelen undersöker åsikter hos personer insatta i styrelsearbete. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vi valde att utgå ifrån de teorier om Corporate Governance och team som stödjer antagandet att en heterogent sammansatt grupp presterar bättre än en homogent.
Att Visualisera Oron : Hotet, subjektet och terrorattentatet i Stockholm 2010
This study examines which socially constructed threats and subjects of security existed during the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Stockholm 2010. With ideas of identity and difference as a starting point the theoretical framework is then developed with ideas from the new critical security studies including key subjects such as attributes, risk, imaging and visualisation. The study will be executed with the use of a discourse analysis approach using newspaper articles and chronicles as the principal empirical material. The analysis will then follow two separate themes. Firstly, the different threats and subjects of security will be deduced, and also, how these social constructions inevitably create each other and require each other to continue existing.
Att inleda ett arbete med CRO inom webbutvecklingsföretag
This study test the short-termism of companies listed on the market OMX Stockholm 30. We will use a deductive point of view where the purpose of this study is to investigate whether corporate short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to corporate governance and compensation practices. This is to investigate whether there is an intentional action on raising the short-term return in order to achieve a higher CEO compensation. In the study, theories dealing with corporate governance and agency theory have resulted in two hypotheses. Basic Hypothesis H1 is: if short-termism of Swedish industry due to the company's short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to the company's management and compensation. This hypothesis could not be verified through the quantitative study. Alternative Hypothesis H2 is: the compensation of a CEO can be explained by the independent variables related to company performance and size.
Böndernas vägar till Bryssel, många och långa men värda att gå. En studie om svenska jordbruksintressens möjligheter att påverka den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken
In this essay, I investigate Swedish possibilities to influence the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP). After having summarized my findings, I try to explain the structure of influence by using Multi-level governance theory.Ten years have passed since Sweden joined the Union, and many changes have followed in the agricultural sector. By investigating the small country of Sweden's possibilities to influence CAP, I hope to be able to get a notion of the possibilities to influence the EU in general. The essay examines four possible paths for agricultural interests to influence the policy process in Brussels:* Through elected representatives of Sweden in the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and in the Swedish Parliament* Through subnational institutions, such as the local authorities and regional representatives.* Through the Swedish Agricultural Office* Through the Swedish pressure group within the agricultural area, LRFThese four groups all have very different channels to the policy process on agricultural issues. The differences are mostly in terms of decisive power or advisory power and institutional contacts or lobby contacts.
Ideella organisationer- En arena för diktatur
The purpose of this research was to examine the current field of management in non-profit organizations, mainly focusing on managerial approaches, but also the impact of organizational size on the shaping of governance. Non-profits are widely discussed in contemporary research, particularly due to the increasing external pressure on voluntary organization to professionalize the way they work in line with standards in the private sector. Due to this our thesis aims to investigate whether professional, bureaucratic approaches are useful when governing a non-profit organization, or if social structures are enough to ensure goal congruence and efficiency. To conduct this research qualitative interviews were carried out and a case- study was made, using the Swedish Karate Federation as object of study. Results show that formal and more professional structures are useable to achieve efficiency and prevent inertia within the organization.
Försäkringskassan- effektiv och/eller rättssäker?
The public administration and its officials have a number of values which they have to relate to in their work. The values are a set of democratic and economic values.This study?s purpose is to examine how the officials at the National Insurance Office in Sweden give priority to these values. The study is performed by interviews with officials at two insurance offices.The study shows that the officials in a high degree value the democratic values legal security and public ethics. In turn they experience that productivity, which is an economic value, is being promoted in a high degree from the management.
Révision à la suédoise : En studie av förvaltningsrevisionen i Sverige
BakgrundUnder de senaste åren har en rad bolagsskandaler uppdagats, vilket har intensifierat diskussionerna kring corporate governance- och revisionsrelaterade frågor. I Sverige ska revisorn granska såväl bolagets årsredovisning och bokföring som styrelsens och verkställande direktörens förvaltning. Det lagstadgade kravet att granska förvaltningen av bolaget återfinns inte i något annat land, med undantag av Finland. Vilken innebörd förvaltningsrevisionen har är dock inte tydligt definierad i lagen och frågan är även huruvida den svenska förvaltningsrevisionen har någon framtid i den alltmer internationaliserade värld som revisorn arbetar i.SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att beskriva och analysera den svenskaförvaltningsrevisionens innebörd, de historiska orsakerna till varförförvaltningsrevisionen ser ut som den gör idag samt utreda vilken framtid den går till mötes. Inom ramen för syftet kommer följande frågor att besvaras:· Vilka är de historiska orsakerna inom revisionsområdet till varför det idag hör till den svenska revisorns uppgifter att granska företagets förvaltning och vilken innebörd har förvaltningsrevisionen?· Hur kan EU:s harmoniseringsarbete inom såväl revisions- som corporate governance-området komma att påverka den svenska förvaltningsrevisionens framtid?GenomförandeStudien har genomförts med hjälp av 10 stycken expertintervjuer med såväl svenska som utländska respondenter, samt en enkätundersökning utskickad till 73 stycken godkända eller auktoriserade revisorer i Linköping och Stockholm.ResultatDen svenska förvaltningsrevisionen har en stark tradition och har formats genom ett antal tydliga ställningstaganden, där Sverige exempelvis har tagit avstånd från införandet av ytterligare ett kontrollorgan i corporate governance-strukturen.
Den svenska neutralitetsdebatten 1988-1992
Starting at the end of the Cold War, this publication assesses the impact of the upheavals in Eastern Europe and the atrophic Soviet Union on the Swedish doctrine of neutrality with its 200 year old tradition. Since the end of world war two the proximity of the Soviet Union had constituted the major impetus for upholding a position of neutrality and as this vanished a pressure for change was created. This essay works with a theoretical framework delineated by Kjell Goldmann and under this disposition, the Swedish tradition of neutrality, governmental positions, opposition and four major influential newspapers are studied. The standings of each variable are canvassed in an attempt to explain the development of Swedish security policy during the crucial years of 1988-1992..
The Capital Structure Puzzle of SME's - Evidence from the Swedish Security Industry
The purpose of this thesis is to ascertain the main determinable factors of Swedish SMEs capital structure decisions and to investigate whether existing capital structure theories are applicable on Swedish SME financing. We have used panel data to run regressions of various capital structure determinants on three measures of capital structure; short- term debt, long-term debt and total debt. We found that growth opportunities, profitability and age are the most important capitalstructures determinants for our sample. Firm size shows a small explanatory result but the effective tax rate and the asset tangibility do not seem to explain the capital structure at all. Thematurity matching principle is considered significant..
Molnet och dess användning i stora organisationer
Att nyttja marken 30 meter från järnvägen : hur platser, syften och miljö vävs samman
The purpose of this work is to raise ideas and interest for land that is very much forgotten,unused and neglected in terms of maintenance and usability. Railroads are often seen as adirty and loud intrusion in the landscape and therefore cities turn their backs on them. Theland around railroads is not considered useful despite its often central location and scrublandis common in these areas.The starting point of this work is the restrictions and possibilities linked to the land withinthe security distance 30 meters from the railroad center. Within this security distance thereare numerous limitations and regulations due to the nature of railroad use. These limitationsare counted for in the initial chapter and lay the foundation for the rest of the work.
Flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden : Ett genuint utbyte mellan bemanningsbranschen och dess anställda?
The flexibility of the labour market is considered as an instrument for increasing economic growth.Therefore has the use of flexible employment, also called atypical employment, increased. The atypical employment is characterized by insecurity in comparison with a traditional permanent full- time employment. One of the most common atypical employments is the manning employment, which is insecure whether it is permanent or not. The insecurity in the industry is based on insecure income, unpredictable working hours and poor psychosocial work environment.In order to encourage a continued increase of flexibility in the labour market while the need for security for staffing employees would be satisfied was Directive 2008:104 adopted. A certain amount of security has been achieved.
Föräldramedverkan vid utförande av vårdåtgärder i hemmet efter instruktion/utbildning från sjuksköterska : Föräldrars och sjuksköterskors upplevelser
Introduction: Parental involvement is becoming increasingly common in the paediatric health care. Parental participation at home means that parents receive instruction by nursing staff in order to perform a caregiving procedure at home.Aim: To explore parents' feelings about performing caregiving procedures on their child at home, and their experience of instruction about these, and to explore nurses? experiences of their instruction to parents.Method: A descriptive quantitative and qualitative design using questionnaires with statements to be responded by nurses and parents according to scales graded 1-10. The study was carried out during the autumn of 2009 at a pediatric unit in the University Hospital in Uppsala.Results: Ten completed questionnaires from the nursing staff and ten from parents were obtained. The mean assessment of parents' perceived safety and security, and their perception that their questions had been answered ranged between 8,6 and 9,2.
En diktaturs väg in i Informationssamhället Kina och World Summit on the Information Society
This masters thesis investigates the relation between China and the Information Society as it is manifested in the UN conference the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS. The first phase of this two-phase conference took place in Geneva 10-12 December 2003, with two documents, Declaration of principles DP and Plan of action PA, as main results. The information policy is central to an authoritarian rule in its efforts to keep control over the national identity. The thesis investigates the impact that the information revolution and Internet might have on the Chinese national identity through the acceptance of DP and PA in various aspects. With the use of the information science theories by Manuel Castells and Frank Webster, the vision of WSIS was compared with the Chinese information policy.
Inloggning : Lösenordskryptering och Brute force attack
This report is the result of a sub-project of a larger project to create a platform formathematical education. The sub-project focuses on authentication with associ-ated security, where security is emphasized. The project environment is Java EE 6where GlassFish 4.0 acts as the server. The project has been divided into threeparts; password encryption, Java EE authentication and brute force attack. Thepassword encryption part focuses on examining different hash functions executionspeed, the result shows that none of the examined hash algorithms is suitable fordirect use.