

17487 Uppsatser om Information Overload - Sida 27 av 1166

Att mötas på Insidan : En användarstudie av Piteå kommuns intranät

Today?s society has become more and more digitalized and we have access to more information than ever before. This has had a major impact on organizations and their work processes. For example have intranets become a common technical groupware to communicate and get relevant information from inside the organization. A common problem related to this is an over-reliance on the technology, where there's not taking into account that some informal and communicative means are difficult to occur through digital resources.The aim of this study is to examine the use of an intranet in a municipality, which consists of many different employees with various work situations.

Lika barn leka bäst? Om kvinnliga doktoranders vägar till information

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the information access of female Ph. D. students in connection with their situation as women and researchers within the academic setting. In order to examine this, qualitative interviews with ten female Ph. D.

Anhörigas erfarenheter av information och stöd i samband med palliativ cancervård.

Fler och fler människor vårdas i livets slutskede av anhöriga. Detta gör att de anhörigas situation behöver belysas för att sjukvården på ett bra sätt ska kunna stödja dem. Syftet var att belysa anhörigas erfarenhet av information och stöd i samband med palliativ cancervård. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningar gjordes i Cinahl, Pubmed och PsycInfo.

Det finns ett syfte med att delge information : - en studie om intern kommunikation av CSR-relaterad information

CSR är en förkortning för Corporate Social responsibility och innebär kortfattat att företag eftersträvar ansvarstagande genom att arbeta med sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter. Det finns relativt lite forskning kring den interna kommunikationen av CSR-relaterad information i jämförelse med den externa kommunikationen. Samtidigt är den interna kommunikationen av CSR-relaterad information betydelsefull för att den interaktiva kommunikationen, mellan de anställda och konsument ska vara välfungerande. Slutkonsumenter skapar sedan en huvudsaklig uppfattning om ett företag baserat på den utvärdering de gör av företagets totala verksamhet. Företag som arbetar med att kommunicera CSR-relaterad information på ett samordnat sätt genom samtliga kommunikationskanaler kan därmed skapa kundrelaterade konkurrensfördelar på marknaden.

Nätverk i nätverk : en nätverksansats i den nya ekonomin

Society and technology develop together in interaction processes. Because of the development of information technology, the Industrial society has been left behind in favor of a society where information is the key production factor, i.e. the Information society. In the Information society, social functions and processes are organized in networks. These networks integrate geographically separate markets to parts of a complex global economic system.

??Auktorisation och ackreditering inom Försvarsmakten : En studie i nyttan av en standardiserad process för att hantera informationssäkerhet

???Information Technology is an essential part of the society today, not least in large ???organisations dealing with sensitive information. An example of such an organisation is the Swedish Armed Forces which indeed is in the need of ways to ensure information security in their Information Technology systems. The means which is used is an authorisation and accreditation process.All Information Technology systems go through a life cycle which includes realisation, usage, development and liquidation. In the Swedish Armed Forces the lifecycle is an authorisation process.

Demokratin och folkbiblioteket folkbiblioteket och demokratin: Hur demokrati, offentlighet och information omnämns i kulturpolitiska dokument från 1990-talet

This Master Thesis aims to study and discuss the occurence of three concepts in some influential cultural policy documents which includes the UNESCO public library manifesto, the Swedish libraries act, the Swedish cultural policy objectives, and a study from the mid nineties which deals with the cultural policy. The questions asked are: -Do the documents mention democracy? In what way? -Do the documents mention the public sphere? In what way? -Do the documents mention information? In what way? -How can we understand the content of the documents through relevant theories about democracy, the public sphere and information? Theories about the information society are used, as well as theories from Jürgen Habermas, Herbert Schiller and Robert Dahl. The way of method is document studies and abduktion, with influences from hermeneutic theory. The analysis deals with the documents through these concepts: democracy, the public sphere and information and puts forward the content, or lack of content, about democracy in the analysed material.

Spåren av framtiden : Näringslivets utmaingar i informationssamhället speglade i politiska intentioner och tre utbildningsföretags uppfattningar

There are numerous of ideas and theories around the present development in our global society, describing an ever changing era based and propelled by information and communication technology (ICT). How influential has this development been on political visions and intentions and on the business worlds views on important competencies? The purpose of this thesis is to describe the national and international visions of important competencies in the ?information society?. Through a case study, focused on how the training and consultancy industry apprehends and answer to this change and development, as they often act as agents for new trends in the business world both as accommodators and originators. The growth and speed of the universally available information demands knowhow in seeking, analyzing and managing information, and this competence is crucial today.

Patientens upplevelse av information i samband med en radiologisk undersökning eller behandling ? en litteraturstudie

Information är en viktig del i arbetet med människor. Jean Watson beskriver i sin omvårdnadsteori hur information kan reducera stress, rädsla och ångest samt öka möjligheten att förutsäga vad som kommer att hända. Arbetet som följer ämnar beskriva patientens upplevelse av information i samband med radiologiska undersökningar eller behandlingar samt identifiera röntgensjuksköterskans möjligheter att stödja och hjälpa patienten genom undersökningen eller behandlingen. Litteraturstudiens resultat baseras på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar från år 1999-2005 och behandlar patientinformation utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv i samband med radiologiska undersökningar eller behandlingar eller vid liknade undersökningar eller behandlingar. I resultatet framkom att en patient som inte fått ta del av eller fått tillräckligt med information kan känna sig orolig och stressad inför och vid sin undersökning eller behandling.

Vad förklarar variationer i frivillig information?

There is an increased pressure for firms to provide the financial market with additional information. Such disclosure is attached with different kinds of costs. In spite of these costs, and in spite of increased mandatory disclosures, firms choose to voluntary disclosure financial information to analysts and others. This indicates that firms also benefit from providing additional information. The subjects of this study is 431 annual reports from firms listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange for 2002 and 2005 and the objective is to survey factors that can explain variations in firms? voluntary disclosure.

Intranät och dokumenthantering vid ett mindre till medelstort företag En fallstudie

The aim of this masters thesis is to learn how an organization has solved its information management via intranet and document management. The purpose is to identify what different types of information are made available via an intranet, how this information is structured and what functions the intranet includes. Conventions, directions and advice about intranets and document management were studied, with the purpose to compare whether the systems of the company correlate with these. Other issues considered in the thesis, are how the employees of the organization use the intranet and how the document management is organized. To get an understanding of these questions the structure and functions of the intranet were studied empirically and a questionnaire on what the employees need and use, concerning the intranet, was sent out to 130 employees.

Gymnasiebibliotekarien ? informationsspecialist och pedagog: om gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll och dess angränsningar till lärarrollen

The purpose of this study has been to examine different aspects of the professional role of the high school librarian, especially the educational role, and its delimitations to the teacher's role. The methods that were used were studies of literature within the subject area and qualitative interviews with high school librarians and high school teachers of social studies. Andrew Abbot's theory on the system of professions was used in the analysis of the results of the study. The high school librarians who were interviewed enabled access to information, both intellectually and physically. They helped students develop information seeking skills and they functioned as educators and counselors.

Patienters behov av information efter en hjärtinfarkt. : litteraturstudie

Syftet med den här litteraturstudien var att beskriva vad patienter vill ha för information av sjuksköterskor efter en hjärtinfarkt relaterat till behoven, och hur de upplever informationen de fått. En beskrivande litteraturstudie genomfördes där vetenskapliga artiklar av kvantitativ och kvalitativ karaktär analyserades. I föreliggande litteraturstudier framkommer att hjärt och kärl-sjukdomar är ett stort hälsoproblem p.g.a. den ohälsosamma livsstil som så många har i dag. Hälso och sjukvården jobbar med detta genom att försöka förebygga ytterligare hjärtinfarkter, vilket kan innebära att patienten måste ändra sin livsstil.

Att tala för döva öron. Döva och hörselskadade studenter om bibliotek, information och kultur

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the attitudes of deaf and hear-impaired people towards libraries, information, and culture. The issues are: What are the attitudes of the informants towards libraries and culture? What do reference group theory and the theory of information access-/avoidance implicate concerning the information behaviour of the informants? In-depth interviews with five deaf and hear-impaired university students have been carried out in this qualitative study. The world of deaf and hear-impaired people is presented as well as a survey of political guidelines to make, for example, libraries and theatres more available to disabled people. The research overview analyses scholarly studies on deaf and hear-impaired people.

Mobil lösning för intern informationsspridning

Nethouse Sverige AB is an IT consultancy in need of a mobile solution to inform participants of in-house events and distribute news to their consultants working in the field. This report  describes the planning and development of such a solution. The result of this thesis is a three system-solution. A mobile application where it is possible to view news and information about in-house events, and also receive suitable notifications, a web service which assists the mobile application by providing the corresponding information and finally a website to manage the information and notify mobile clients..

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