

18218 Uppsatser om Information Network - Sida 7 av 1215

Fördröjning och bortfall av nätverkskorrektioner : osäkerhetskällor för nätverks-RTK

Network RTK is a real-time technique for accurate positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The technology means the use of correction data from a network of GNSS receivers with known positions (reference stations) to reduce the uncertainty in position for the user´s GNSS receiver (rover). However, this requires that the correction data can be transferred seamlessly to the user in real time. Commonly the corrections are transferred via mobile phones. The Swedish National Land Survey operates a nationwide Network RTK service, where users can receive correction data via GSM or mobile Internet (GPRS).

Managing Positions in a Dynamic Environment - New Technology Impact on Tactel and the Telecom Industry

The Telecom industry is facing a paradigm shift, where the industry is converging with Internet technologies and the market is becoming more sophisticated. This results in more demanding customers, and the need for offering more content and services with a focus on usability for the end-users. The operators are starting to loose both their strong position and revenue in the Telecom industry, due to new technology and the fact that other actors are starting to enter the market, offering new content and services. In the end, the operators have two choices, to become bit-pipe providers, and only focusing on network management, or keeping the control over their networks. The latter would mean that they block other actors who are taking parts of their revenue, e.g.

Virtualiserat datacenter med heterogena kunder för moln eller network-as-a-service-miljö. : Analys resursanvändning vid delad virtualiserings värdmaskin för webbservrar samt videokonferensservrar.

Detta projekt undersöker en praktisk lösning av virtualisering i Ubuntu-server med kvm och virt-manager för användning i en moln- eller Network-as-a-service-miljö. Projektet inkluderar även en jämförelse mellan webbservermjukvaran NginX och Apache2 och en jämförelse mellan videokonferensmjukvaran BigBlueButton och OpenMeetings genom att mäta CPU, Minnes och Nätverksbelastning till de virtuella servrarna vid 1 till 20 uppkopplingar från en klientmaskin.Utifrån projektets resultat rekommenderas Apache2 som webbserver då installationen är enklare och skillnaden i resursanvädning är försummbar och Openmeetings som videokonferesserver då detta alternativ är det mer kompletta..

Från den stora världen till den lilla familjen : En kvalitativ studie om rekrytering, utredning och utbildning av familjehem för ensamkommande barn

This study aims to examine how professionals in the field of foster care works with recruitments, assessment and education of family homes for unaccompanied children. The intention is to find out in case there are specific needs that justify specific approach to ensure that the child's best interests are indicative and satisfied. The survey was conducted based on a qualitative method and empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews with employees in the social services. The result shows that there is a need for more and specific education for families receiving unaccompanied children. It is motivated by the needs and conditions that are often common for this group.

En systemlösning för en framtida fjärrvärmeutbyggnad i Täby : ur Fortum Värmes perspektiv

At the moment in central Täby there are small district heating network operated by Fortum Heat. The distribution network has an annual heat demand of about 70 GWh, which is supported by the network's two plants, Galten and Farmen. Täby as a region is rapidly growing and there are grand plans to develop the area. Estimated market potential for a future district heating expansion in Täby is very high and as early as in 2007 Täby decided to invest in a large-scale expansion. In autumn 2009 Täby did a procurement process, known as the ?Täby initiative?, to find a partner that could implement those expansion plans. To secure a cheap basic production the partner also need to build a power plant at Hagby recycling center. Despite high interest during initial state of the process, only one procurement offer were received and Täby suspended the contract in March the following year.

Överföring av och beräkning med timmätta värden ? från MT2000 till Xpower

New technology makes it possible to remotely measure all consumers in a power network onan hourly basis and store the values in a database.This thesis work describes the conversion process between automatic meter reading systemMActor and calculation software Xpower.Then the possible differences between calculations of power networks using load curves incombination with a yearly estimate of consumption and calculations using hourly measuredvalues is examined.The result of the comparison shows that, for the power network under inspection, nosignificant difference could be noticed. This does not mean that calculations using hourlymeasured values would be unnecessary. I believe that in a near future calculations using hourmeasurements will be the primary choice for many power companies to whom technology isavailable.Also some basic calculations of fundamental power network parameters, such as power factorand loses, are presented using hourly measured distribution transformers in combinations withits hourly measured loads.The report is written in Swedish.

LIN baserad kommunikationsmodul för GPS

The work that is the basis of this Master Thesis was performed on Scania´s group of cabdevelopment, and concerns the GPS-system in Scania´s trucks. Today, the GPS-systemconsists of an active antenna mounted on the roof of the truck. The antenna is connectedto the receiver with a coaxial cable.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to develop and evaluate a new GPS-system,where the information is distributed using a LIN-network. Today, each unit requiringGPS-information is equipped with its own antenna and receiver. This solution has beenthe most cost effective to this point.

Näthat : I gråzonen mellan straffrättsligt ansvar och yttrandefriheten

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Lågtempererad fjärrvärme i Umeå

People in today?s society are becoming more and more aware of how important it is to use energy as efficiently as possible. This is clearly noticeable by an increase in home produced heat with e.g. solar panels or heat pumps heating systems. These changing customer demands forces district heating technology to be redesigned, which is why there is an ongoing research regarding the next generation of district heating - low temperature district heating (LTDH).

?Jag är hemlös, inte lealös?: En undersökning om hemlösas informationsbehov

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the information needs of the homeless. The main focus is to investigate what kind of information needs that are to be found among the homeless and also how information is exchanged and shared by the group. Another aspect of our study includes the sources that are used to fulfil these information needs. The homeless use of the library, as one of these sources, is also examined.

Distribution och försäljning av kvalitetsfuru : en fallstudie

The purpose of this study is to analyse how a distribution and sale-network for quality softwood lumber should be designed to fit sawmilling companies? business concepts, and at the same time satisfy customer needs regarding delivery time and quality aspects. This thesis work is a case study based on a sawmilling and retail company in Sweden. AB Karl Hedin is a private owned sawmilling company with 500 employees. The company?s turnover is 1500 million SEK, it includes 4 sawmills, 16 builders merchants stores and a packaging company.

Kommunikationslösningar i molnet : Examensarbete angående olika nätverkslösningar i WAN

Att koppla samman nätverk över geografiskt olika platser har blivit allt vanligare i dagens samhälle. Rapporten kommer belysa olika WAN-lösningar för att göra detta möjligt. De olika lösningar som kommer belysas i denna rapport är att hyra egen fiber, lager2-länk, MPLS och även VPN. Det kommer göras jämförelser mellan dessa lösningar när det gäller kostnad, säkerhet, hastighet och tillförlitlighet. Detta har gjorts med vetenskapliga artiklar och intervjuer men rapporten innefattar även en praktisk tillämpling i form av ett experiment..

Hantering av QoS i Distribuerade MPEG-videosystem

With the advance in computer and network technologies, multimedia systems and Internet applications are becoming more popular. As broadband network is prevailing, more clients are able to watch streaming videos or to play multimedia data over the Internet in real-time. Consequently, there is an increasing demand in the Internet for streaming video systems. As the run-time environment of such applications tends to be dynamic, it is imperative to handle transient overloads effectively. The goal of this work is to develop an algorithm that would provide a robust and controlled behavior of the video system so that important data is delivered on time to the video clients.

WAN-optimering för sjöfarten : En möjlighet att effektivisera datakommunikationen till sjöss

Verksamheten ombord på fartyg blir mer beroende av datakommunikation och många av arbetsuppgifterna ombord underlättas genom att besättningen kan nå information lagrad på annan plats. Fartygens bredbandsanslutning sker till största delen via satellitkommunikation där långa avstånd och begränsad datahastighet resulterar i att datakommunikationen blir ineffektiv. I denna studie undersöks vilken prestandaförbättring som utrustning för nätverksoptimering kan innebära för långsamma WAN-förbindelser via satellit. Undersökningen visade att det största problemet med anslutningar via satellit är den signalfördröjning som uppkommer vid långa sändningsavstånd. Detta medför att det blir prestandaproblem för datatrafiken och användare upplever anslutningen som långsam.

"Follow me, and I follow back" : En kvalitativ studie om unga killars upplevelser av sin twitteranvändning

Online social networks are a natural part of the lives of today?s western youth. Media and information literacy is a central part of research in Library and Information science and until now there has always been more focus on these subjects in a learning context rather than in an every day life context.The aim of this study is to further examine how adolescent boys value and trust the information they receive via Twitter in their personal lives, and how this effects their view of their environment. The study was done with a qualitative method, where we conducted interviews with six boys who were all born in 1997. The results showed that they knew how to react critically to information on Twitter.

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