14838 Uppsatser om Individual based education - Sida 56 av 990
Palliativ vård. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans syn på mötet med döende patienter och närstående.
Palliative care concerns care of those who are dying and when cure is no longer an option. The nurse´s job is then to support the patient and to give care of good qualitive so that the patient will experience optimal quality of life. The aim of this literature review was to describe how the nurse can prepare herself/himself for the meeting with both the patient and close ones also to describe a nurse´s need of support and education. Nine studies have been used as a foundation for this literature review. Four headlines have been crystallized out of the result, a) the view of death b) the impact of the meeting c) the importance of support d) the importance of preparation and education.
Att mötas i mitten. : En studie om romska föräldrars samarbete med sina barns skolor.
That parents should be a part in their children?s education is something that we educationalist wish for the future. Research show that if you have a good relation between parents and school, it can help a student's educational process. In this study I have concentrated on the Swedish minority group Roma. The study is qualitative and based on interviews with Roma.
Dags för IT-boom i hotellbranschen?: Om hur svenska förstaklasshotell med hjälp av IT kan förbättra service för sina gäster
This thesis seeks to investigate how Swedish first class hotels by use of IT can improve customer service and thereby increase the share of loyal guests. The authors have conducted a qualitative study predominantly consisting of an interview-based case study at one of Stockholm?s largest independent hotels. To get a broader and more generalized picture of the hotel industry four smaller studies at other hotels in Stockholm were also conducted. The findings suggest that the use of IT can improve the communication between the hotel and its guests and make possible a continuing relationship between visits that strengthens guest commitment.
Folkbiblioteket och marknaden - En diskursanalys av ideologiska konflikter i diskussionen om marknadsanpassning av folkbibliotek
The recent decades have been characterised by a trend where the public sector's been inspired by several methods and strategies from the private sector. The public library is in this case no exception. In this context there are different perspectives on whether or not this will lead to a dramatic change of the role and values of the traditional public library. The aim of this master's thesis is to make a contribution to a deeper understanding of the ideological conflicts within the Swedish public library and its relation to the market. In the literature of library and information science I have identified two separate discourses representing two contradictory systems of meaning concerning this relation.
Individens rätt till jämlikhet - en kollektiv affär? : En ideologikritisk studie av debatten om positiv särbehandling i Sverige
In this study thoughts of the individual?s right to equality are considered. By using critical ideology analysis the central tools of the study are strongly connected with thoughts of representation, equality, individual and collective rights, equal opportunities and possibilities and discrimination. In critical ideology analysis nothing can be automatically visible to us and critical ideology analysis is a method as well as a theory.A central point in this study is to investigate whether there are oppositional views or unanimity in the debate of affirmative action. The debate is still under ?construction?, which means that the debate has not yet come up with a solution to the problems of discrimination.
Individens rätt till jämlikhet ? en kollektiv affär? : En ideologikritisk studie av debatten om positiv särbehandling i Sverige
In this study thoughts of the individual?s right to equality are considered. By using critical ideology analysis the central tools of the study are strongly connected with thoughts of representation, equality, individual and collective rights, equal opportunities and possibilities and discrimination. In critical ideology analysis nothing can be automatically visible to us and critical ideology analysis is a method as well as a theory.A central point in this study is to investigate whether there are oppositional views or unanimity in the debate of affirmative action. The debate is still under ?construction?, which means that the debate has not yet come up with a solution to the problems of discrimination.
?Jag är inte som alla andra. Vad får jag för betyg?!? : En studie i bedömning och betygsättning av elever med funktionshinder i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa
This study is a study of the assessment and grading of Swedish students with physical disabilities in physical education. The purpose of the study has been to look into how teachers assess and grade students with physical disabilities, and if there are any difficulties or problems in this assessment and grading. Focus has been on students in year three to six because this is where the assessments and grading take place. It?s a qualitative study, where eight teachers have been interviewed using a semi-structured interview model.
Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrott
The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people?? How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport?To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality.
Laborativ matematik : - Fem pedagogers syn på laborativ matematik
The students are usually eager to develop their mathematical learning. However, the Skolverket can see that this eagerness passes in the early years of school. A study shows that a varied mathematical education creates enthusiasm to learn, which can decrease the negative view of mathematics.The purpose of this study is to see how five pedagogues use laboratory mathematics, their approaches to laboratory mathematics as well as to find out their role in the laboratory education. The result of the study is based on interviews with the pedagogues, who are all teachers for students in year F-3. All of the pedagogues work in a laboratory way, but to different extents.The study shows that the pedagogues aim to make the mathematics as concrete and everyday as possible.
Underliv och överordning ? En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania
The aim of this study is to analyze the discourses of activists who work against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Tanzania. The study focus on the discourses that arise during interviews about FGM/C with five activists. To examine this we asked the following questions: What discourses are presented in the interviews? How do these discourses interact together ? are there any discourse conflicts? How do the activists talk about FGM/C in comparison to our western view? The study is based on discourse theory. We also use feminism and postcolonialism as theories in our analyze.
Individens upplevelser av arbetslöshet : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar hur arbetslösa upplever och hanterarsin situation och hur dessa upplevelser kan förklaras
That parents should be a part in their children?s education is something that we educationalist wish for the future. Research show that if you have a good relation between parents and school, it can help a student's educational process. In this study I have concentrated on the Swedish minority group Roma. The study is qualitative and based on interviews with Roma.
Att kunna det som andra kan : Knowledge management i ett kunskapsföretag
The capability to know what knowledge there is and where it resides within an organization is becoming increasingly important in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper takes on a practise-based view of knowledge in order to decide on a course of action for how to successfully implement knowledge management within a knowledge-based company. By considering all knowledge as more or less contextual and socially constructed, knowledge is divided into three dimensions depending on the degree to which it is tacit, namely: information, knowledge and skills. The paper then discusses inhibitors and enablers for transferring knowledge via these three dimensions respectively. The empirical findings are based upon a case study of Faveo. It is shown that Faveo, like most organizations, has til now focused on the collection of codified knowledge, i.e.
Kommunikation mellan företag - förutsättningar för bruket av sociala medier i en företag-till-företagskontext
The study examines how social media can be used in a business-to-business context. To understand the communication conditions, factors has been identified that affects the choice of communication channels for different types of information transferred between parts. Furthermore, the study investigates the underlying reasons for why certain communication channels are chosen before others, in different situations. The study results are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees in a small engineering consulting company. The investigation has focused on employee communication and choice of communication tools primarily in relation to the business relationship.
Rektors systematiska kvalitetsarbete ur ett helhetsperspektiv
A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.
Det är aldrig barnets fel : En kvalitativ studie av hur stödgruppshandledaren talar om sin egen roll, metoden och det enskilda barnet
This is a qualitative study designed to investigate how professional support group leaders talk about their role as supervisor of support groups for children and adolescents with problematic home situations. We also examine how these supervisors talk about the method they use and how they talk about the individual child. We have chosen critical discourse analysis to help us explore if there are different ways to talk about these territories. Our questions are:How does the support group leader talk about his role?How does the support group leader talk about the method?How does the support group leader talk about the individual child?The theories we have chosen to use in the analysis of our material is Aaron Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence and social constructivism.