

5137 Uppsatser om Independent school - Sida 41 av 343

Konsthögskolestudenters informationssökning och ?användning

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the experience of art students and their attitudes and use of information during the last years of their Master?s degree. I also examine their opinions about the art education in general. The theoretical framework encompasses a sociocultural approach within the field of psychology-pedagogy and library- as well as information science. The empirical material has been collected through qualitative interviews with seven students studying at an art school in Sweden.

Skolbiblioteket : om skolbibliotek i och utanför Sverige med fokus på Svenska skolan i Berlin

The focus of this thesis is the library at the Swedish school in Berlin, Germany. Being a school in a foreign country, and playing a role also as a public library, the conditions for the library are somewhat unusual. Considering those conditions, how should the library be organised and developed to meet the users' needs in the best way possible? To put the library in Berlin into a greater perspective, the first chapters of the thesis are dedicated to the issue of school libraries in Sweden; their historical development, their importance in the school curriculum and their present situation. Swedish research in the field of school libraries is presented and includes descriptions of theoretical analysing models.

Demokratin blir till - Ungdomars demokratiföreställningar och skolans roll

This study is about youths, democracy and school. It seeks to describe and problemize the school's role in the democratic society. Firstly, using Social Representations Theory, 44 upper secondary shool pupils? representations, or conceptions, of democracy are described and discussed. These representations are then analyzed in relation to the school's role in the democratic society, as it is described by different researchers.The results show that many of the youths have a rather simplistic and abstract view of democracy, describing it only in terms of general principles and the main features of the representative democracy, such as voting in national elections.

Alkoholvanor inom det gymnasiala fordonsprogrammet

The consumption of alcohol in Sweden has increased considerably within recent years. Among youths there has been a tendency towards drinking more frequently and increased volumes. Alcohol habits among students on the high schools auto mechanic line has been given a questionnaire to examine their experience of the immediate after effect of alcohol and how et effects their situation in school. It has been proven that participating students are drinking alcohol more frequently than the average among Swedish high school students and girls more often than boys. The general experiences of alcohol after effect are predominantly negative both physically and psychologically, but the students are not concerned of their alcohol habits having an effect on their school work..

Bilderboken i förskolan : Vad pedagoger tar hänsyn till när de väljer böcker

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge regarding the selection process of picture books by pre-school educators. My intention is to find out which criteria educators use to select the books. I have restricted the study to pre-school educators, because I wish to find out how they work with the selection process and which criteria and considerations are included. I also want to know if the children have influence in the book selection and how the books get to the pre-school.The study is based on qualitative interviews with educators at a pre-schools in my area as well as relevant publications. The questions the educators were given were semi-structured.

Exekveringsmiljö för Plex-C på JVM

The Ericsson AXE-based systems are programmed using an internally developed language called Plex-C. Plex-C is normally compiled to execute on an Ericsson internal processor architecture. A transition to standard processors is currently in progress. This makes it interesting to examine if Plex-C can be compiled to execute on the JVM, which would make it processor independent. The purpose of the thesis is to examine if parts of the run-time environment of Plex-C can be translated to Java and if this can be done so that sufficient performance is obtained.

En jämförande studie av några fritidslärares och klasslärares syn på formellt och informellt lärande

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how teachers in school and in leisure time center look at informal and formal learning. Informal learning is often associated with leisure-time while formal learning is generally linked to school. My questions also deal with the teachers? view of each other?s activities from a learning perspective and visibility of informal learning. I have made an empirical study with qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three class teachers and three leisure teachers.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

Matematiksvårigheter : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om matematiksvårigheter.

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

Predikaren och jakten på mening : En undersökning av intertextualiteten mellan Predikaren och filmerna Under solen och Sånger från andra våningen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Barnsäkerhet på förskolan : en kvalitativ jämförelsestudie

The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the attitudes of personell involved in the preschoolorganisation in a Swedish commune regarding injury risks for children in pre-school. Sixrespondents were interviewed in a qualitative interview study.Two different pre-school units were investigated, and it was found that they had surprisingly largedifferences in how they were working with children safety. However, in summary it can be said that therespondents perceived that child safety should encompass a safe and secure environment, however withthe important caveat that accidents can never be completely excluded, due to the natural anddevelopmentally important play of children.The investigated commune and pre-school units improved children safety mainly by using yearlyplanning meetings (Sw. "barnskyddsrond") where the physical environment in the school wasinvestigated together with external specialists. However, there are important differences in how the unitsworked within this framework, some units actively encouraging and others discouraging children andparent participation in the work..

Läsinlärning och läsinlärningsmetoder : En kvalitativ studie om verksamma lärares val av läsinlärningsmetoder för läsinlärning hos barn i klasserna Fk-3

This study centres on learning to read and methods for teaching reading skills. The aim is to provide a survey of the concept reading skills and the methods developed on the basis of different theories and the methods preferred when teaching children in primary school and why. The study is based on interviews with eight teachers who are working on a dailybasis teaching Swedish in preschool class or lower primary school. The result of my study is that the majority of teachers do not use a specific method, but rather combine several different methods, thus adapting instruction to each individual pupil. .

?Man försöker haka på något? - Om gymnasiebibliotekariers professionsroll i arbetet med elevers läsförståelse och deras roll i skolans pedagogiska verksamhet

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with four high school librarians. The purpose is to illustrate their professional role in proportion to that of the teachers from working with students? reading comprehension and from their role, if any, in the school?s educational activity. The work is based on the following questions:- How does the high school librarian describe his or her work to increase the students' reading comprehension and contribute to their reading development?- How does the high school librarian describe his or her involvement in the schools? educational activity?- How can one understand the high school librarians' relation to the teachers with reference to the librarians? jurisdiction and the formal and actual legitimacy of the school library profession?The theoretical framework constitutes of the concept of jurisdiction and of formal and actual legitimacy.

IKT och Pedagogik : En kvalitativ studie om datorbaserad undervisning och elevutveckling utifrån språklärares perspektiv

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the foremost teachers thinking of computers in teaching, how they work practically with computers as a tool, and if it is reflected in the students' school performance. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed four teachers where two works at the high school and two in upper secondary school. Both schools use computers in teaching as a supplementary tool for teaching materials. All teachers have similar ideas regarding what purpose one should use the computer and in which way, but the important thing is that the teachers and students receive an introductory course in how to use computers. Educators agree that this approach is and can promote students' language and knowledge regardless of the subject.My informants have come up with own methods that they use in the digital classroom including Skype, YouTube, Facebook and flippedclassroom where one can learn from other educators working.

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school.The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils? needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage..

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