

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 49 av 67

Den fysiska vårdmiljöns betydelse för vårdtagarnas välbefinnande. En litteraturstudie

Sammanfattning Syftet var att belysa den fysiska vårdmiljöns betydelse för vårdtagarens välbefinnande. Frågeställningen löd; Hur belyser litteraturen vårdtagarens upplevelse av den fysiska vårdmiljöns betydelse för välbefinnandet? Metoden var en litteraturstudie och sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar har skett på databaserna Cinahl, Academic Search Elite, Emerald, Springer Link, ADAM, BYGGDOK, Pubmed, IDEAL, Kluwer, Libris, ScienceDirect och Scirus. Sökord som används både separat och tillsammans inom samtliga databaser var health facility, environment, architecture, design, art, surroundings, ward, garden, välbefinnande/well-being, hospital, health, light, noise. Med sökmotorer har vi sökt på nämnda sökord och namn på olika forskare, samt MeSH- sökverktyg för översättning av svenska ord till engelska.

Adaption och subversion : Återbruk, mening och nonsens i Block av Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson

The Swedish contemporary poet Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson (UKON) creates his poems by recycling and manipulating existing material. Though the overall opinion of his work has been positive, the idea that experimental poetry focus shape on the expense of content has led critics to either interpret the nonsensical and absurd aspects of UKON?s poetics as a consequence of the technical methods he uses to create his poetry, or to look beyond the nonsensical and absurd aspects to focus the fact that the poems creates meaning at all. The poems of UKON?s sixth collection of poems, Block (2005), differ from each other in many ways: some poems are lists and other revolves around a person ? their content and construction vary and they can hardly be read as an expression of one persons thought.

Att skapa ökad hälsa och välfärd : Rehabrådgivarnas påverkan på individens hälsa och livskvalitet i ett governmentalityperspektiv

From a view of health strategies and techniques this thesis wants to throw a light on how the individual in its"health thinking"is governed. A thinking that, according to the author, can lead to a new way of governing as in municipal activity, an activity whose focus is on health and ill-health. The study is done whit a theoretical approach of power, with qualitative interviews as method and analysed from a perspective of Governmentality. The object for the study is Socsam and Rehabrådgivarna in Finspång. Socsam is a local project, and their main task is to create cooperation between health- and medical services, social services and social insurance.

Söka eller browsa? : En undersökning om personliga mönster i sökbeteendet vid informationssökning på nätet

This Master's thesis in Library and Information Science aims to explore if personal patterns can be detected in web-searching. It is based on a study where the search sessions of nine test persons were video-recorded, transcribed into logs and analysed.A major objective was to find out whether there is a correlation between individual searchers' personal attributes and their web search behaviour. The logs were therefore compared with the test persons' results in a learning style test (Kolb's Learning Style Inventory) and with interview answers about information behaviour and personal background.While several patterns were indeed discovered, none of them turned out to be strictly personal. The nine test persons could be divided into five types of searchers: the purely analytic searcher; the generally analytic searcher; the balanced searcher; the mixed searcher and the browser. All types of searchers were found to have the attribute learning style in common.

Effekter av spädningsvätska på motilitet och fertilitet hos hingstsperma : en jämförelse av subjektiv motilitetsbedömning och QualispermTM

At SLU, Divison of Reproduction, Dept of Clinical Science, there is an ongoing project on the development and evaluation of new methods for the assessment of stallion semen quality. This EEF-study, which is a part of that larger project, has focused on the effects on motility and fertility of stallion semen of two different extenders and selection. Both an objective method and a subjective method for analysis have been used and compared in the study. The increase in the use of artificial insemination with cooled semen in Swedish horse breeding over the last decade is thought to play a part in declining foaling rates (Kareskoski et al, 2006, Kuisma et al, 2006). This calls for better evaluation methods of semen quality since cooling and transportation put higher demands on semen quality in order to maintain fertility (Aurich, 2005).

Cancersjuka patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet och välbefinnande i samband med yogautövning. : En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer.

AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to describe cancer patients? experiences of quality of life and wellbeing in relation to yoga practice.Method: A descriptive qualitative study with semi structured interviews was carried out during the fall of 2009 at the University of Uppsala. Informants in the study were cancer patients who were participating in the yoga/psychotherapy group at the clinic of oncology at the Akademiska hospital in Uppsala.Result: Five out of six informants experienced that their quality of life and their wellbeing improved by practicing yoga. One informant had mixed feelings which were not due to the yoga practicing, but to the place where it was practiced. For her this place was associated with illness.

"Trained to Empire, trained to rule the waves" : En jämförande analys mellan John le Carrés Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy och Tomas Alfredsons filmadaption

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.

Begreppet med fäste i gråzonen : Korruptionsdefinitionen i Hufvudstadsbladets nyhetsrapportering

In this study, my intention has been to examine how the ambiguous concept of corruption is constructed by the press. Emphasizing the media?s representations of the socially constructed and context-specific concept, this work adopts a critical perspective on discourse, together with an approach of conceptual history. Finland has for many years been appointed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, signing several international conventions against corruption since the 1990s, which in turn has led to an increase in discussion regarding the phenomenon. By conducting a multi-method study, my aim has been to analyse the possible changes in the definition of ?corruption? in the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet during the period 2000-2013.

Manliga pedagoger i förskolan : en kvalitativ undersökning om förväntningar på män och deras roll i förskolan

Media brings attention to the concept of preschools being in large need of more male teachers. In order to implement an increase of male teachers, various methods have been employed, most of which are based on the concepts of gender and equality. In question however, are the views of present teachers on the need for male teachers, and their expectations of those men! Or in other terms: What particular type of men are requested? And how does this correspond with the gender patterns induced by male teachers in their daily practical work? The purpose of this survey is to analyze expectations of male teachers and their role in the preschool context, through a gender perspective. I want to shed light on this purpose based on two questions: What ?kind? of men are requested by the present teachers? and Which gender patterns will the men induce to their daily work chores, and to their interaction with the children? The survey was conducted by means of interviews, polls, and observations, and the results were obtained from two preschools of which one in particular has extended focus on gender issues.

Röhnisch : En marknadsundersökning gällande klädval,  lojalitet och positionering.

 In light of the resent surge in globalization, and the heightened competition that follows as a result of this, there has been an increase in the importance that is placed into understanding buyer behaviour. This increase has been seen since the realization that by building strong customer relationships it is much easier to reach these through the marketing communications that are put in effect. There are also a number of upsides to enlisting the customers at an early stage in product development, such as creating greater value and a stronger sense of involvement.Röhnisch is therefore trying to show a genuine interest in supplying the costumers needs as they adapt and evolve. In order to accomplish this strive towards gaining a deeper understanding into the thoughts and attitudes that precedes the buying behaviour they conduct regular surveys. To complement this, the purpose of this paper will be to determine the actual preferences and buying behaviour of the market segment that Röhnisch has chosen for themselves, and while doing so, keeping an emphasis on loyalty.

Hur kopplad är asp till tidigare jordbruksmark? : en studie av aspförekomst och tidigare markanvändning i fem län i Mellansverige

Aspen (Populus tremula) is a tree that is important for biodiversity. It is a pioneer tree that is favored by much light. It is possible that aspens that regenerated on agricultural land have a different importance for biodiversity than aspens that regenerated in forests, since their conditions have been different. By studying how the land use have changed you can see how many of today?s aspens regeneretad on agricultural land.

Den konfessionslösa skolan - en teoretisk realitet men praktisk omöjlighet? : En kvalitativ studie av normerande företeelser i svenskt religionsundervisningsmaterial

Vocal technique and interpretation are the key elements of voice training. Thepurpose of this article is to investigate what vocal technique and interpretation meanto teachers and students and how they would describe the relationship between thetwo. The questions at issue, intended to be answered in this article, are the following:What is the relationship between vocal technique and interpretation? How should theteaching be structured for the students to experience progress on the musical plane?What role does the teacher have in the musical development of the student?This is a qualitative survey and the methods of investigation are semi-structuredinterviews and classroom observations. Presented in the article are a number ofresearchers and writers whose thoughts on the subjects have gained great importanceto vocal teachers and students, as well as leading the research on the voice and itsfunctions forward to higher grounds.

WIKILEAKS; en spark i rumpan för journalistiken? : Svenska journalister och Wikileaks

Wikileaks is using the new technical solutions to mount big leaks, consisting of secret or sensitive information from the government, institutions and business. This might profoundly change the media reality and it certainly means both new opportunities and new challenges for traditional media; the conditions for the journalists, the sources and the news reporting are changing. In this thesis the relationship between Swedish journalists and Wikileaks has been the focus; they both affect each other but the conditions for this relationship is not yet clear. Clearly there is an interdependence, but who really is dependent on the other and to which degree they are dependent on each other is still a question without a given answer.The aim of this thesis has been to discern a new journalism, and how this responds to the theories of Public Journalism and Journalistik 3.0. The main aim has been to examine what Swedish journalist thinks about Wikileaks, what their attitude towards Wikileaks are,  if and how they think that Wikileaks have affected the Swedish journalism.

?Normbrott light? : En kvalitativ studie utifrån elevperspektiv kring olovlig frånvaro och sena ankomster

I denna kvalitativa studie undersöker vi vad som ligger till grund för elevers olovliga frånvaro på ett gymnasium i Västerås utifrån elevperspektiv. Delvis i denna studie undersöker vi sen ankomst och vad det får för konsekvenser för studiemiljön i klassrummet. I den tidigare forskningen tar vi upp de två huvudteman om olovlig frånvaro/skolk, Skolk på grund av skolans brister samt skolk på grund av kriminell livsstil. Dessutom tar vi upp de riskfaktorer som den tidigare forskningen tar upp kring elevers riskbeteenden och elevernas vanligaste förklaringar som anges som skäl till olovlig frånvaro. Den metod vi använts oss av är Grundad teori (GT) där vi valt Glasers sätt att arbeta på.

Inventering och riskklassning av nedlagda deponier enligt Metod för Inventering av Förorenade Områden (MIFO), Uppsala kommun : Spridningsförutsättningar och transportprocesser i deponier samt ansvaret för förorenad mark

This master thesis encompasses an inventory and risk classification of four disused landfills within the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden. The model of the classification; ?Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites? is developed by the Environmental Protection Agency and can be used as a framework to investigate and describe the environmental damage and the level of risk for each object. The risk classification model has a rating from 1 to 4, where 1 represents a very high risk while 4 is a small risk. Risk class depends largely on the type of land use that exists on the object, and hence, various benchmarks must be taken into account.

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