

599 Uppsatser om Improvements - Sida 36 av 40

Lönar sig Supply Chain Management för mindre företag?

Purpose - To analyze the relationship between supply chain management maturity, supply chain performance and financial performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME:s).Design/methodology/approach - The data comprises 15 SME:s that participated in a local logistic study in Gävleborgs län. The levels of supply chain mature within these firms were based upon an interview study and the financial performance of the firms was then examined using financial reports-based data.Findings -The results of this study indicate that there is a strong relationship between SCM maturity and SC performance in SMEs, some relationships between SCM maturity and financial performance, as well as some relationships between SC performance and financial performance. This means that if firms use maturity indicators in the SCOR areas to improve their processes, they will most likely achieve a positive effect on supply chain performance and probably also on financial performance. The result implies that the supply chain maturities in these firms are higher than expected with no one at the adHoc level.While this study is based on a rather small number of participating firms, it would be valuable to further test the significance of the indicated correlations between SCM maturity and performance in a large-scale survey.Research limitations/Implications - The research is an attempt to understand supply chain maturity and it´s implication on financial performance. Developing supply chain maturity is an opportunity for a company to gain superior performance.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Renovering av Säteriet, Råda - Från miljonprogram till attraktivt bostadsområde

The homes that were built in the 60?s - and 70's are now so dilapidated and worn that they need thorough renovations. These renovations are expensive to implement for the landlords, which means that the funding for these renovations can create problems. Currently there are no government subsidies for these renovations. This report will examine how Förbo performed the renovation of Säteriet.

Utveckling av Materialförsörjning : En studie av Sandvik Coromants försörjning av stål

This report is a master thesis performed by Adam Lundin at the company Sandvik Coromants production facility in Gimo. The work started in January 2013 and went on for the duration of 20 weeks, which is equivalent to 30 hp. The project was executed at the department GVR10. The scope of the project was to create a base for Improvements in the purchasing process of direct material to the production. The background to the project was that the centralized purchasing department has gone through changes and decision was taken to decentralize the purchasing of direct material to Gimo.

Tiden, hälsan och familjen : En intervjustudie av tidsbrist och dess konsekvenser för hälsan

Aim and scientific issuesThe aim was to identify potential health risks, for full-time working parents with small children, caused by time shortage. The intention was to better understand and help this particularly time-pressured group in society to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The identification was built upon their own opinions about possible health risks and upon an interpretation of the health risks from a health promoter?s perspective.How do full-time working parents with young children handle time-shortage in a health perspective, specified in the categories: sleep, recovery, nutrition, physical activity, social health and mental health?What consequences for health does time?shortage have for full-time working parents with young children?What do parents with young children think could help them to obtain a better health in everyday life? MethodThe study was based on a literature overview and semi-structured interviews with 6 people who were strategically selected: the interview objects were all full-time working or studying, had one child under 7 and lived together with a partner. All interviews were recorded using two dictaphones and were implemented, transcribed and analyzed by both writers of this essay to increase the reliability of the results.ResultsTime shortage is shown to be handled especially through priorities in the respondent?s lives.

Pallaskattens (Otocolobus manul) beteende i två djurparker - påverkan av hägndesign och miljö

The Pallas cat is a small cat living in central Asia. The cat is approximately the size of a domestic cat but the Pallas cat is more stocky build and has a much thicker fur that enables the cat to live in a climate with temperatures plummeting to -50°C. The thick fur is one of the reasons this cat has been a popular game for hunters in the past. Nowadays there are other threats to the Pallas cat. One of the major threats today is the reduction of food sources.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader i samband med reklamationsprocessen

During the 1970?s the interest for quality management and the concept of quality costs increased considerably. Business leaders noticed that there was a great potential for reducing costs of poor quality. Since up to 10-30% of a company?s total turnover may consist of poor quality costs some consider them as an unexploited goldmine.

Hägn i skogsbruket :

This survey was made during the autumn of 2002 and the beginning of 2003, on commission from the National Board of Forestry. The purpose with the survey was to gather experience and knowledge in the organisation about fencing and this was made through interviews. The ambition was also to get knowledge from people outside the organisation that have great experience of forestry and fencing. The interviews were based on questions that have been composed by the author with help from the supervisors. The questions were the same to both the personal from the National Board of Forestry and to the foresters. Interviews were also made with private landowners, gamekeepers, game researcher, the County Administrative Board, the National Road Administration, pole and net retailers and contractors. The target group for this work is the National Board of Forestry to be forwarded to persons interested in forestry with the ambition to spread knowledge about how to prevent damage on the forest by browsing animals. The deer populations are big in the south of Sweden and growing populations have increased the damage on plantations of broadleaves of the most species.

Validering av Casmo-5M / Simulate-3

The objective of this M. Eng. Diploma work was to validate the new version, CASMO-5M, and compare the results with CASMO-4E, by using the same input in both programs. The tasks that were included in this work was to compare TIP-measures, k-effective curves (warm), k-effective curves (cold), the effect of void on k-effective, the isothermal temperature coefficient (ITC), the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), damping ratio calculations, internal effect in a fuel bundle of a BA-rod, the speed of BA-out burn, impact of xenon, falling control rod, margins and isotopes.The TIP-measures showed that the differences were small for all reactors, at most, 6% nodal improvement by C5M (Casmo-5M) for Oskarshamn 3. The warm measurements of k-effective showed that C5M had a higher value for all cycles of Oskarshamn 1, 2 and 3 in comparison to C4E (Casmo-4E).

"Gävlemodellen" : ? Födseln av en unik "bildbyrå" tillhörande två konkurrerande tidningar i Gävle

The role of the professional photographer is ever changing. The changes take place as the Swedish media industry itself, due to fluctuations in the economy, is forced to change. As the demand for printed news wane, the advertisers seek out other media and free newsprint & the internet take over large portions of the market, the newspaper industry is forced to cut issues and make drastic changes to stay in business. This changes directly affects the way news bureaus are organised and inevitably changes the working conditions of their employees. The two competing newspapers ?Arbetarbladet? and Gefle Dagblad? in the Gävle district were affected by this kind of change in quite a unique way.

Miljonprogrammets Rosengård: den avbildade verkligheten

The purpose of this thesis is to cast light on the residential area Rosengård in Malmö which during the years between 1965 to 1975 was part of a programme known as "Miljonprogrammet", a project which was supposed to put an end to the housing shortages. The purpose of this thesis is also to investigate the social consequences in Rosengård, which arose as a result of Miljonprogrammet. Rosengård is one of many immigrant-dense suburbs in Sweden that by the media is given an exaggerated negative portrayal. Through our work, we also want to bring out and highlight the true image of Rosengård. The questions that have served as our starting ground include; what were the thoughts behind Miljonprogrammet? What were the consequences of Miljonprogrammet? What does the true image of Rosengård look like? What can the new government do in order to improve the situation in Rosengård? In order to answer these questions, four interviews were conducted with specifically chosen people.

On the hunt for improvements : possibilities of increasing welfare in captive cheetahs through hunting enrichment

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is one of the big feline species kept in zoos worldwide. The wild populations are quite small and therefore the captive population make up an important part of the total population of the world. Although life in the wild is not always easy and a captive environment provides shelter and food it does not come without problems. In captivity cheetahs become chronically ill and also develop stereotypic behaviours. Neither of these are problems in wild populations and both can be linked to stress in captivity.

Standardiserat utförande och förbättring av avropsprocessen : En fallstudie på Balco AB

Course: Degree project in logistics, 4FE05E, spring 2013Author: Maria WennbergSupervisor: Petra AnderssonExaminer: Helena ForslundTitle: Standardization and improvement of the outbound process execution Background: Transportation represents a critical part of companies? logistics. Special management and control is needed when using a third party logistics. Balco uses a third party logistics for their deliveries of balcony parts and before it takes place the outbound process is executed. Currently, Balco experience difficulties with the process? many ways to be performed by the project managers and logistics department.

Evaluation of the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and a proposal on how to establish an enhanced animal welfare assurance program for the Swedish Trotting Association

According to the basic values of the Swedish Trotting Association the horse and its welfare should always be held in highest consideration. One part of the animal welfare work in the organization is to ensure good horse management practices by controlling all active trainers through the local licensing committees situated at the Swedish racetracks. The Swedish Board of Agriculture stated that high quality animal welfare assurance programs used by the industry organizations can be used in the risk assessment of the official animal welfare control to make the official control work more effective and the ambition of the Swedish Trotting Association is to establish an animal welfare assurance program which may be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Racehorses are exposed to welfare hazards both in their management as well as during training and racing and factors like handling, training, feedstuff, stable environment, medication and the possibility to express natural behavior all affect the welfare of the horses. The aim of the project is to investigate and evaluate the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and to give advice on how to improve the industry?s animal welfare control.

Arbetsmiljöekonomisk utvärdering av ergonomiförbättringar : Grundade i antaganden om sjukfrånvaro och förändring i arbetsbelastning efter intervention inom en avdelning i läkemedelsbranschen

The purpose of this study is to incrementally, through a combination of various methods, examine the assumptions about the working economic outcomes that can be made based on planned ergonomic intervention in a department at Pfizer Health AB in Strängnäs. The study contributes to knowledge about how assumptions on OSH financial results can be made, based on planned ergonomic interventions. These assumptions were based on biomechanical calculations made on the basis of ergonomics measurements with inclinometer. The study is important because previous research has shown that poor work environment have a bad impact on the economy of a company in different ways. It can for example be negative impact on the company's productivity and quality of the units produced or the services provided.

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