

599 Uppsatser om Improvements - Sida 19 av 40

Försäljningsorganisationen Stjärnägg : en utvärdering ur ett leverantörs och ägarperspektiv

Stjärnägg is a sales organization operating on the Swedish eggmarket, owned by nine Swedish packing companies. Those nine packing companies are not just owners of the sales organization, but at the same time competitors since they compete in the market when they do not sell the eggs through Stjärnägg.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the sales organization from a supplier and owner perspective. To answer the purpose of this study, qualitative interviews have been conducted with the owners of the egg packers. This has been done in order to get as fair picture of the sales organization as possible. From the answers of the interviews, a compilation has been made to be able to give Stjärnägg concrete proposals of Improvements in the organization.

Att skapa ett enhetligt användargränssnitt : Användargränssnitt baserat på personametoden som koncept istället för empiri

Man's life has changed in many ways since technology made it?s entry for public at large. In response to this change the science of human-machine interaction was invented. It has in turn evolved into human-computer interaction. With this science the focus is on the customization of the system for the actual person who will use it.The thesis has been implemented in a telecom company's development department.

Områdessökning i geografiskt associerad data

This thesis considers the problems associated with searches in insufficiently geographically tagged data. The thesis was carried out at Booli Search Technologies AB, a company developing a search engine for the Swedish real estate market.The aim of the thesis is to identify some areas of possible Improvements of the company?s existing technical platform, perform a benchmarking among similar services, suggest possible solutions and lastly, build a prototype from one of the suggested solutions.The thesis starts out with defining the problems that the search engine faces: some areas are not possible to perform searches on, the users are not presented with the full search result that they expect, some results are placed incorrectly on the map associated with the search results and results are also not described with enough geographical information. These problems are due to the fact that the data retrieved at the indexing stage in the company?s information retrieval process are insufficient and incomplete.As a result of a benchmarking process and after discussing the results, severalinteresting solutions were identified.

ISO 14001 : En genomgång av SSAB EMEA Oxelösunds miljöledningssystem

Environmental issues is now taking a growing place in society and to ensure that companies meet public expectations and do their part in working towards a sustainable development, environmental management system is said to be an effective tool (Almgren & Brorson, 2009).This case study has examined a company's environmental management system in order to find strengths and weaknesses within the ISO 14001 system. The work was carried out using interviews, document reviews and analyzes in which the three main concepts control the report ; "daily work", "audit" and "environmental aspects".The results shows that the daily work looks different depending on where you are; in the production or at the office. The audit examined all documents related to the environmental management system and the study showed that the biggest strengths was the commitment and waste handling while areas such as environmental goals and management review needed improvement. As a result of the deficiencies identified, suggestions for Improvements was proposed. The investigation of the routine of the environmental aspects showed an incomplete routine where the red wire from identification to evaluation was missing.

Den teoretiska utmaningen - En undersökning om nyinstitutionalismens (o)förmåga att förklara förändring.

This thesis aims to examine the possibility of understanding social change by using new institutionalism approaches on a specific case, The case, which describes the implementation of new public management reform in the Swedish health care system, is analysed from two separate new institutionalismperspectives; the tool perspective and the symbol perspective. These approaches differ from one another in the sense that the first relies on a rational choice ontology, while the latter rather refers to a sociological tradition. In the analysis, causal explanations as well as aim related explanations are presented. Formative moments such as economic stagnation, non-socialist governments and ideological isomorfism are presented as important factors behind the reformation. By using the tool perspective, the motives of the idea spreading and reformation of the Swedish health care system, are connected to a strictly rationalbasis such as cost efficiency and quality Improvements.

Metodikmodell för styrning vid inköp

The work with this report has been focused on developing a methodology model for control at purchase. The methodology model covers parts classification, dispatching systems, batch shaping and more. The aim with the methodology model is that it will be used as an aid for a cost effective material planning to increase the value for customer.The work covers also a description of the present situation and the purchase process at Company X. Six parts have been applied, two from each class (A, B and C), in the methodology/model. The parts that have been applied are included in the flow between Company X and their supplier Company Y.Data have been collected trough literature studies, interviews and the company?s business system.

Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.

Biogas : En systemanalys av Solna Stads matavfallsprocess

Global warming is a huge issue that humans have contributed to through over-exploitation of natural resources and extensive usage of fossil fuels. Now more than ever, we need to embrace a recycle thinking and reuse our waste, for example through producing biogas from our food waste. The purpose of this report was therefore to identify the energy usage and emissions resulting from the biogas chain which spans from Solna Stad to Uppsala Vatten. Furthermore, potential efficiency Improvements were to be identified and proposed. This report focused mainly on the first part of the biogas chain that includes the collection of the food waste and the reloading process.

Sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö inom slutenvård och äldreomsorg : En litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this study was to illuminate and collect existing research from the beginning of the 21 st century about nurses work environment in institutional and elderly care in Sweden.A literature review was made by analyzing eleven scientific articles. The result showed mainly information about nurses work load. The information dealt with high work demands, too much responsibility, shortage of staff, time press and stress. Furthermore nurses reported a lack of co-operation between staff and management. An important part in nurses? work was appreciation from colleagues, management, patients and relatives.

Interacting with EDIT. A Qualitative Study on, and a Re-design of, an Educational Technology System

This thesis aimed to study the interaction between an educational technology system and its users and give suggestions for design Improvements. The technology system is called EDIT (Educational Development through Information Technology) and has been developed and applied at Linköping University?s Faculty of Health Science. EDIT supports Problem Based Learning and enables scenarios to be presented through the World Wide Web. The study was divided into two parts.

Storstadssatsningen och dess effekter på valdeltagande i kommunala val: Framgång eller misslyckande?

In 1998 the Swedish Socialist Government initiated a project in order to promote economic growth and to end the discriminating social and ethnic segregation in the greater city regions of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. One of the goals of the project was and still is to promote political participation in 24 of the poorest areas of the three cities. In a quantitative analysis I evaluate whether or not the project so far has been successful in promoting a specific part of political participation, i.e. electoral participation in communal elections. The results of the 24 poor city areas are compared with a group of 14 likewise poor city areas of major swedish cities.According to my hypothesis, general Improvements of the socio-economic status of poor city areas ought to generate positive effects on electoral participation in communal elections.

"Det gäller att få med alla på tåget" : En studie av implementeringen av ett kvalitetsregister för personer med demenssjukdom

Due to deficiency in dementia care, the government has commissioned the National Board of Health and Welfare to develop national guidelines for health care services to people with dementia and support for their relatives. It has been allocated stimulus funds that may be applied for to work on Improvements in dementia care. In August 2010 these guidelines formed the basis for a decision made that collaboration would take place between the county and the municipalities regarding dementia care in Halland, named Anna's path. The aim of this study is to investigate, analyse and describe how our respondents in the project Anna?s path are planning and preparing for the implementation of the registry of quality BPSD - Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.

Emulerad single sign-on

The goal of the project was to create an extension to Internet Explorer forStatens Tjänstepensionsverk (SPV) which would give the staff the experience ofSingle sign-on (SSO) to external web service providers as well as manage andupdate their passwords in a secure manner. The survey focused on the providersPalasso, ProCompetence and Wera. The extension was created as a BrowserHelper Object (BHO) with C# in .NET. The solution was implemented as aCOM object in a DLL-file that was running in-process with the browser. Theprogram used a locally stored XML file containing URLs, usernames andencrypted passwords to the providers.

Mödrars upplevelse av stöd vid amningsstarten

IntroductionStatistics show a declining trend despite the many benefits of breastfeeding.AimThe aim was to investigate how new mothers experienced the care associated with childbirth, with focus on breastfeeding.MethodThe study included mothers who gave birth in a hospital in the middle region of Sweden during 2011, and who responded to an online survey (n?1000). The present study was based upon answers from the open questions concerning dissatisfaction and suggestions for improvement and have been categorized using content analysis.ResultsMothers described failure in several areas, with a negative impact on breastfeeding. Many experienced that they had not been seen and treated like an individual, and that the healthcare staff had been unpleasant, impersonal, ignorant and stressed. Mothers wanted more credit from the staff concerning their own ability and some reported that they had been controlled and ?run over?.

Luftfuktighetens påverkan på konstruktion och klimat i en berghangar

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

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