

599 Uppsatser om Improvements - Sida 18 av 40

Vägen mot flexibilitet : En studie av Sex Sigma och lean production inom industrin

This paper is about the new methods and metrics used in industry and business today striving for better revenues and larger market shares. It investigates the relations between the old fordistic and tayloristic way of manufacturing and compares it to the models used in industry today for being competitive, seeking to please customers and becoming more flexible. More specific the paper is about if Six Sigma and lean production are the key for succeeding these days. SKF:s factory in Gothenburg and other companies will make an example for how these methods are used in practice.The aim is to try to answer if these systems with inherited tools and methods are the right way to get the flexibility that is needed for being able to deliver the right goods to customers and market. For a company to be flexible decisions must be made fast and needed changes must be able to be done easy and without too large costs and investments.

Uppföljningsarbetet av efterkalkyler på Portsystem 2000 AB

This thesis is carried out at Portsystem 2000 AB who manufactures and markets industrial doors and docking systems. The background to this thesis is that the company?s management considers that their follow-up process of cost accounts is not fully functioning.The aim with this report is to investigate and describe the present procedure of the follow-up process concerning the time of operations and come up with suggestions for Improvements. This thesis is performed within the range of the following areas: Information systems, quality, processes and cost calculation. The main method we used were semi structured interviews with a fairly opened framework.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av Boussignac CPAP inom prehospital vård

Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible Improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.

Val av teknik för hastighetsmätning i kallvalsverk

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Konsekvenser av ny teknik på en sjukhusmottagning

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Tiga är silver men tala är guld : en undersökning av kunskapsförvandling i projektbaserade företag

Tacit knowledge refers to the knowledge that is located inside individuals; it is not expressed or written like explicit knowledge. Inherently, tacit knowledge is often limited solely to one person and consequently individually based. Project based companies need to acknowledge the importance of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit in order to preserve the knowledge inside the organisation. If the knowledge is not transformed, there is a great risk of losing the knowledge when a key individual leaves the organization.One way of transforming the tacit knowledge is through Nonaka?s and Takeuchi?s knowledge spiral.

Körplaner hos Solna Pressgjuteri : En undersökning av bristerna i användandet av ERP-systemet

This thesis investigates lacks in today?s use of the ERP-system Mapaz Affärssystem inthe production planning at Solna Pressgjuteri, and possible Improvements. Today thedates calculated by the program to plan the orders are inaccurate and the ordersequence is not optimal, and therefore continuous manual corrections are needed.The approach was to study the program Mapaz to understand how it works, andidentify available parameters for input and output in the different tools offered in theprogram. By studying old lists of planned orders and relevant parameters in Mapaz forindividual orders, production groups, products and operations, the connectionbetween input and output parameters could be understood.Participating in planning meetings and discussions with the company behind theERP-system identified the current usage, desideratum and possibilities with theavailable tools. These were then matched to describe the reasons to the insufficientplanning and form possible actions for improvement.The work has showed poor understanding for the ERP-system and its functions, assome tools intended to assist the planning were not used, and some even usedincorrectly.

Underlag för implementering av lean : För Atlas Copco Craelius AB

The Production Manager at Atlas Copco AB Craelius wants to adopt a lean approach to become more competitive. This thesis is an exploratory study of the subject and what it means for the business activity and its implementation process.The objective is to provide a basic understanding of lean to the company, and what this means for Atlas Copco AB Craelius. The report describes the industrial revolution in brief. This is because the company itself must understand where certain ways of looking at production management is derived from. Furthermore, it provides an understanding of Lean's origins.

Lagerhantering på Voice AB

This examination paper is a lead in the educational program Industrial Management at Jönköping University. The paper itself contains an analysis of the warehouse organisation and its efficiency at the furniture company Voice AB in Torsvik, just south of Jönköping, Sweden. The report also contains propositions to raise the level of efficiency in the company warehouse and warehouse management.In the investigation of the warehouse a number of possible Improvements were found. Examples are lack of a system for labelling shelves and racks, lack of an efficient location system and development possibilities in work routines. For the empirical investigation both qualitative and quantitative methods ware used.

Studie av flöden på en dagkirurgisk avdelning

Sepsis (blodförgiftning) är ett allvarligt tillstånd och behöver en snabb diagnos som fastställs genom blodprov. Blodprov från hela Stockholms Län skickas till Karolinska Universitetslaboratoriet (KUL) för analys, där biomedicinska analytiker och läkare fastställer arten på infektionen och beslutar vilken antibiotikabehandling är optimal.Målet med arbetet var att identifiera eventuella problem som skapar flaskhalsar hos Klinisk Mikrobiologi i Solna som är en del av KUL. Därefter skulle lösningsförslag framföras och möjligheten att införa blodprover i ett nytt automatiskt system, BD Kiestra Total Lab Automation undersökas.Verksamhetskedjan för laboratoriet analyserades genom observationer och läsning av metodbeskrivningar. Utifrån verksamhetsanalysen identifierades sedan problem. En utbildning med BD Kiestra TLA gav en översikt av hur systemet fungerar samt fördelarna med att använda det.Genom litteraturstudier samt öppna intervjuer kunde förslag på lösningar och förbättringar framföras. Resultaten behandlar de lösningsförslagen för de identifierade problemen, och sammanfattas i en tabell. BD Kiestra TLA behandlades separat med en systembeskrivning, följt av de problem som finns för införandet av blodprov och hur dessa problem kan lösas..

Värdedrivare i buyout-investeringar av noterade private equity-bolag - En empirisk studie av 15 svenska buyout-investeringar 1998-2012

Sweden is a world leader in listed private equity and ranked fifth in the world in market capitalization. The sector is attracting increasing interest from the investment community. However, the private equity industry in Sweden has historically poor reputation and is criticized for creating value through high leverage, multiple riding and severe cuts. This study analyzes value creation drivers in buyouts from the perspective of the private equity firm using a dataset of 15 realized buyouts by private equity firms listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm. The methodology used separates the value contribution of leverage on the private equity firm's return from internal operational Improvements and external variations in transaction multiples.

Synen på ett kollektivt lärande i arbetslivet utifrån ett pedagogiskt perspektiv : En intervjustudie

In an environment, demanding both innovation and flexibility, higher requirements of competitiveness and productivity is a necessity. Changed conditions of today's working situations have resulted in an actualization of new ways and methods of working. This has contributed to a development of participating working processes in form of groups and teams. The purpose of these communal working processes is that they ought to result in an increased knowledge and understanding among the group members which in turns will generate positive results in the daily work. This drives the search for new knowledge and development possibilities to handle these changed working processes.

IKT i förskolan : Diskursanalys av två styrdokument och sex förskollärares berättelser om arbetet med IKT

The aim of the study is to learn more about the way preschool teachers work with Information and Communication Technology(ICT). More specifically, this study aims to explore how preschool teachers describe their experience of ICT, the conditions and opportunities to work with ICT, and their own knowledge and competence in the use of digital tools with preschool children. The research method consists of interviews with preschool teachers and observations at five municipal preschools in Stockholm as well as an analysis of the relevant passages in the Curriculum for the Preschool and the Curriculum of Stockholm city. This study shows that there seems to be great variation in the amount of ICT tools present in preschools. Preschool teachers expect a lot from ICT, and the Improvements that it can make on their work.

Effektivisering av lagringsplatser. Ett förbättringsprojekt på Mekpart AB

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

Bedömningsgrunder och reningskrav för avloppsreningsverk, 25-2000 pe, i Laholms kommun

The aim of this project was to look into ten small sewer systems in the municipality of Laholm, in Sweden, in order to work out common assessment grounds for them. The sizes of the systems for purification of wastewater were within the range of 25 to 2000 population equivalents. Our method was to study literature, the laws and regulations applicable and the files at the municipality. The conclusion is that every sewer system is different and every situation is unique. We concluded that based on laws and assessment grounds sewer systems equal in size and pollution load ought to have similar demands attached to them.

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