

599 Uppsatser om Improvements - Sida 1 av 40

Ständiga förbättringar : Motivera ICA:s kollektivmedarbetare till ett ökat engagemang

 AbstractTitle                                      Continuous improvement ? Motivating ICA´s  personnel to    a greater engagement.Problem                                  Getting ICA: s employees involved with continuing Improvements.Purpose                                  To motivate ICA: s employees to a higher degree of commitment and    contributing with ideas and embracing approved Improvements. Research questions   - How should the employees be properly motivated to contribute with   suggestions for improvement?  - What message and content should Improvements send to inspire the   employees? - Witch channels should be used to capture the employee?s attention? - How can best practice be recognized and how can the knowledge be spread  through the organization?Methodology                          Initially a theory study was completed and from the results a case study were  conducted.Conclusion                             Combining success factors for continuing Improvements.  To get the      employees feeling appreciated with their work. Results             By combining ten sucessfactors and trying to see the whole picture.                .

Utveckling och visualiseringav arbetet med ständiga förbättringar : För Pfizer, Strängnäs

Today it becomes more and more important to work with continuous Improvements to stay ahead of the competitors. Pfizer in Strängsäs started working with continuous Improvements in 2010. By the end of 2012, the company?s goal is to reach 24 Improvements per employee at the factory.Their project has two main purposes; to examine the need and possibilities for visualization regarding continuous Improvements at the production department and to develop a concept for visualisation of the entire factory?s continuous Improvements.To attain the information required to examine the needs at the production department, interviews with relevant employees at the department were conducted. Using interviews as a benchmarking instrument was also helpful in getting different points of views.

Från förslagsverksamhet till ständiga förbättringar på Husqvarna AB

An organization that uses all of its improvement opportunities has a great advantage compared to its competitors. It is an important task when it comes to continuous Improvements of every process. Up until September 2007, Husqvarna AB had a suggestion committee who evaluated every suggestion separately and the proposer received a payment if the suggestion was approved by the committee. However, this system did not work satisfying enough to fulfill Husqvarna?s needs and they are now looking for a system that can handle the ideas from the employees in a more effective way.

Effekter av att införa Ständiga förbättringar : En fallstudie av förändringsprocessen vid implementering av ISO 9001:2000 genom kvalitetsprojektet BIKE på Metso Paper Service i Sundsvall

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the effect of introducing the qualitystandard ISO 9001:2000 at Metso Paper Service in Sundsvall. The investigation has been focused on implementation of the new method of work, Continuous Improvements. The implementation has been studied in a case study with both a qualitative and quantitative method. Continuous Improvements is a way of working focused on continuously increasing the efficiency and having the purpose of achieving the formulated goals. This is often accomplished by the organisation carrying out the changing process to a great extent in small but efficient teams.

Organisationskultur samt avvikelse- och förslagshantering för ständiga förbättringar i tjänsteverksamheter : Fallstudie Vägverket

Because of an increasing demand from customers and changing external environment, there is a need for continuous Improvements, for both manufacturing and service organizations, to meet these demands. Manufacturing organizations have been working systematically with quality Improvements for a long time, but it has not been as common for service organizations. Because of that the methods to use for implementation of the systematic Improvements have not been designed to fit service organizations, and not either for public organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to explain if and why the Swedish Road Administration?s organizational culture and handling of ideas and deviation support an implementation of continuous improvement management.

En väg till förbättring : Systemanalys ur ett användarperspektiv

In almost every workplace today IT-systems have strong and significant roll in theeveryday work. It is therefore important that the systems have a good functionalityand that they work as an aid for the users. This thesis aims to study the systems atthe company Telge Nät and to analyse them from a usability perspective. By using thisperspective it has been obvious how difficult it is to make Improvements on usability,once the system is in place. Even other larger Improvements of the systems aredifficult to make at this stage and this is something that the users are aware of.

Tillämpning av utvärdering inom operativt förbättringsarbete

In the fall of 2014 a literature review and a scientific study of the topic; "... in the extent to which companies in the industry applies the evaluation of continuous improvement? was conducted at Mälardalen University. These studies are the foundation of this thesis.A strategic improvement is often divided into smaller steps of Improvements at each hierarchical level from the top down through the organization. But if there is no response system that can confirm the results of these Improvements back through the organization it is very hard to see if the Improvements really are Improvements or just changes and a waste of resources.

Kartläggning av omställningsarbete vid formspruta

This study will chart the changeover work, with a standpoint in the SMED-theory, at the company Peter Ernst AB in Värnamo. They are suppliers in plastic moulding industry and delivers to amongst other Saab in Trollhättan and Scania. The company are in a very competitive market, and they have to make manufacturing more efficient and rationalise their costs to be able to compete. A big problem, which the company has identified, is their long changeovers. It brings higher costs, a more stressful work climate and holds back the company from becoming more efficient.Field studies will be conducted on the changeover, which will be observed and filmed.

Flödesmätning i vattenkraftverk : Studie av alternativa mätmetoder

Flow measurement is one of the greatest challenges in order to calculate efficiency in hydropower. Most hydropower plants in Sweden use differential pressure methods for flow measurement. These methods are dependent on constant conditions in the waterways. A change in these conditions, like turbine Improvements, prevents differential pressure methods to verify efficiency Improvements. Since efficiency Improvements can?t be verified by one measurement system, another method, which isn?t affected by changing conditions, can be used.

Ständiga förbättringar hos Drive Sol Worldwide AB

The purpose with this report is to give structure to the storage area betweenproduction and packaging at Spaljisten AB in Åseda. The purpose is also to givesuggestions for Improvements of work tasks and thereby simplify and improve thematerial handling at the packing process.The background of the task is that Spaljisten AB is going to increase theirproduction and thereby they also need to increase the packing rate of theirproducts. They will manage this by installing a new automated packing line andincrease the efficiency of the old manual one. The theoretical background ismostly obtained from literature which contains relevant facts for our report.The storage area has been studied visually in order to search for Improvements oftoday?s layout.

SMED implementation vid slipoperation

The thesis has investigated how Sandvik Coromant could implement the SMED principle on one of their grinders groups and what Improvements it would lead to. The aim of the thesis is to identify the current situation and investigate how their setup times would be affected by SMED. The work initiated with a literature analysis about the SMED principles and then proceeded with an analysis of the current situation where the activity was time mapped. The analysis consisted of time trials of the process that the thesis would include. The time studies revealed opportunities for structural Improvements to create environment for a more structured process.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

AbstractTitle:Lean Production in The Public SectorsLevel:Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur MaanSupervisor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Examiner:Lars-Johan ÅgeDate:2015 ? June.Aim:The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous Improvements and customer value in the public sector.Method:The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework.

Förslag till förbättringar av materialhanteringen kring packningslinan hos Spaljisten AB

The purpose with this report is to give structure to the storage area betweenproduction and packaging at Spaljisten AB in Åseda. The purpose is also to givesuggestions for Improvements of work tasks and thereby simplify and improve thematerial handling at the packing process.The background of the task is that Spaljisten AB is going to increase theirproduction and thereby they also need to increase the packing rate of theirproducts. They will manage this by installing a new automated packing line andincrease the efficiency of the old manual one. The theoretical background ismostly obtained from literature which contains relevant facts for our report.The storage area has been studied visually in order to search for Improvements oftoday?s layout.

Planering av väginvesteringar :

The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent. Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, Improvements and updating the standard of roads.

Utvärdering och konstruktion av SVIA:s standardmaskin FeedLine

This report describes an bachelor thesis work which is performed in cooperation with SVIA that develops and sells automation solutions for the manufacturing industry. The thesis purpose was to evaluate the machine FeedLine to find opportunities for improvement in the product?s design that could lead to more standardization and thus improving the efficiency of manufacturing and assembly.Based on these basic issues suggestions for Improvements were developed:How can the design of FeedLine be improved to facilitate the assembly?Can more standardization be imposed on FeedLine?s design to enable more stocking of standard components?An initial pre-study was conducted to evaluate FeedLine?s to find opportunities for improvement in its overall design. During the pre-study staff at SVIA and two of its clients was interviewed. Based on information gathered during the interviews and observations by the authors Improvements was amendments.

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