

673 Uppsatser om Immune response - Sida 9 av 45

Worldizing kontra IR-reverb

Detta examensarbete går ut på att jämföra två verktyg som ljuddesigners kan använda sig av för att placera ljud i önskade akustiska miljöer. Verktygen i fråga är båda två metoder för att applicera reverb på ljudfiler. Angreppsvinkel för jämförandet är främst frekvensanalys, men utöver rent tekniska detaljer finns även en rad andra inspelningsproblematiska detaljer att ta i beaktning..

Effekter av sedering med dexmedetomidin och butorfanol på hudreaktivitet vid intradermaltest på friska hundar

The effects of dexmedetomidine and butorphanol sedation on skin reactivity during intradermal testing in healthy dogs were evaluated. The effects of dexmedetomidine and butorphanol were compared to medetomidine, a sedative agent having scientific proof of not interfering with skin test reactivity, in a randomised, double blind, cross over study performed on 8 adult dogs. The dogs were sedated with medetomidine (Domitor vet.®, 0,01 ml kg-1) intravenously, or dexmedetomidine and butorphanol intramuscularly (Dexdomitor vet.®, 0,01 ml kg-1; Dolorex vet., 0,01 ml kg-1) after which they received intradermal injections of positive control solutions (histamine 0,1 mg ml-1, 0,05 mg ml-1, 0,025 mg ml-1), a negative control solution (0,9 % NaCl) and allergen extract (Dermatophagoides farinae, Cladosporium and Artemisia vulgaris). After a wash out period the trial was repeated with a reversed sedation protocol.Skin reactivity (wheal size, induration and erythema) and quality of sedation (immobilization, response to stimuli and injections as well as over all working conditions) were evaluated. The combination of dexmedetomidine and butorphanol provided reliable, good sedation and analgesia without adverse effects.

Fri vilja? : En jämförelse och rimlighetsprövning av Augustinus och Luthers syn på den fria viljan

The aim of this essay is to examine what happens when Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogy is read with a lutheran theological pre-understanding. Using reader-response theory and lutheran theology written for and in a post-modern context, three lutheran figures of thought are presented as one way of understanding the trilogy. The conclusion is that it is possible to reveal lutheran ideas concerning justification, guilt, forgiveness, mercy and self-sacrificing love in the Divergent-story. .

Echinococcus multilocularis immunomodulatory strategies in the intermediate host

Echinococcus multilocularis är en helmint med indirekt livscykel. Parasiten lever i tarmen på sin huvudvärd, framför allt räv, som utsöndrar ägg med faeces. Äggen tas upp av en mellanvärd, migrerar till levern och utvecklas där till ett larvstadium kallat metacestod. Mellanvärdar är framför allt vilda smågnagare, men även andra djur inklusive människor kan infekteras. Hos mellanvärden ger E. multilocularis upphov till en sjukdom kallad alveolär echinococcos.

Bemötande inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens bemötande gentemot unga lagöverträdare

Author: Nina Ekberg and Therese LjungTitle - Within the social services approach: A qualitative interview study of the social services attitudes towards young offendersSupervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf DruggeThe purpose of this study was to see the social workers attitude towards young offenders and how this can affect the teenagers. The theoretical perspectives have been the theory of street-Level Bureaucracy, social constructivism and Stages of change. The material has been collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and email-interviews with the social workers. The aim of this study was to examine if the social workers uses their theoretical experiences about their attitudes in their practical work and if their response can raise or reduce the young offenders motivation to change their behaviour. To collect information it was chosen that this study would only concentrate on the social workers opinions.

Stress hos hund ? stressreducerande åtgärder på vårdavdelningen

Stress is common in today?s society, but the word stress has numerous connotations. The aim of this study was to investigate how dogs are effected by stress and what the veterinary nurse can do to help dogs to avoid or at least mitigate stress within the veterinary hospital. The goal was also to see how dogs perceive the environment in the veterinary hospital and what behaviours dogs demonstrate when they enter the hospital and during their stay. Studies have shown that dogs have a reluctant feeling on entering a veterinary hospital. They can feel stressed by coming to a new environment, as well as by being put in a cage with no control over what is going to happen to them.

Inköpsstrategier för ökad konkurrenskraft inom dagligvarubranschen

Term: Spring term 2007Study objects: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna, ICA Sverige ABPurpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse how procurement is used as a strategy to achieve better competitive strength, within the retail food industry.Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates different procurement organisations, multiple and single sourcing, brand equity, consumer behaviour and involvement, Efficient Consumer Response including supply chain and category management and finally Demand Chain Management.Method: For the case studies, three food retail companies have been interviewed: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna and ICA AB. To illustrate how consumer behaviour influences retail food market, several secondary consumer research studies have been analysed.Conclusions: The results indicate that the procurement organisation can achieve a better competitive strength by a centralised organisation, which make it possible to improve conditions of terms when ordering higher purchase volumes. The sourcing strategies can improve a company?s power within the supply chain. All companies within the study had a very good knowledge about consumer behaviour.

ATT VARA ELLER ICKE VARA? - En studie om effekter av kongruensnivå mellan personalklädsel och varumärket

Many companies have a specific dress code in the workplace. In some companies, the code is not very extensive, while other companies have uniform requirements. What is little understood however, is what effect different staff clothing might have on consumer response in terms of satisfaction, purchase intent, attitude, interest and so on. Some limited research has shown how different levels of congruence between individuals in their marketing, and the brand they are representing, can affect customers. To avoid any wrong focus in marketing it is key to understand the knowledge gap on the potential impact the personnel in the store have on its customers.

Mellan digitalt arkiv och socialt forum - en idéanalys av visionerna bakom biblioteksportalen Europeana

Digitizing and digital libraries create great opportunities toprovide access to cultural heritage globally, but the quicklychanging information technology environment also raises manyquestions. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse whatvisions and ideas behind one specific digital library, Europeana,that can be found in documentation related to the project. Whatideas can be identified concerning aspects such as userparticipation, access to information, knowledge andinformation literacy? What is the project?s role in relation toeducation, preservation of cultural heritage and democracy?The method used to answer these research questions is adescriptive idea analysis. The empirical material, consisting ofprimary sources written in relation to the project, has beencategorized within dimensions and analysed according toDouglas Raber?s three public library strategies: social activism,the conservative response and the populist initiative.

Betydelsen av kön och sexualitet i mötet med sjukvårdsrådgivningen.

SammanfattningDetta är en studie av sjuksköterskors bemötande av patienter på Sjukvårdsrådgivningen i Region Skåne. Syftet är att undersöka hur det helhetstänkande som är vanligt förekommande i teoretiska debatter om sjukvården är förankrat i den praktiska verksamheten. Jag fokuserar på bemötande som kompetens, och studerar dess plats och auktoritet i organisationen. Jag undersöker även hur helhetstänkandet praktiskt fungerar i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient genom att fokusera på hur kön och sexualitet synliggörs och beaktas i samtalen.Jag utgår från Judith Butlers teori om den heterosexuella matrisen och om hur kön och sexualitet görs genom social interaktion. Jag använder mig också av intersektionalitet som ett analysverktyg.

Påverkan på elektronik och sensorer i radiologisk miljö

The objective of this thesis is to make a training material for KSU, which shows how radiation affects the different electronic components in a radiological environment.All electronic systems in the presence of high ionizing radiation can experience difficulties and be destroyed.This influence may compromise the control system and thus the safety of a nuclear reactor plant.To achieve this objective requires a description of electronic components and sensors, to better understand its function.This thesis will also show the possible solutions available that the author found interesting.Organizations such as NASA, CERN and ESA have worked to develop electronic components immune to radiation. Those organizations have also developed a test protocol that guarantees to a certain extent the security of electronic components in a radiological environment.Since we know how the material reacts with the radiation, it could develop a material that can be resistant to radiation or like CMOS technology has proposed, to reduce the component to avoid the storage of charge in the oxide.Another solution can be the GRAPHENE. Its features will revolutionize the electronics and provide answer to the radiation problems, Graphene will replace Silicium and the electronic components will only have a few nanometers dimensions so the oxide area also reduces, and in this way avoid the known problem of storage of charge..

Betydelsen av kolkälla och mikrobiell fysiologisk status för temperaturresponsen (Q10) vid nedbrytning av organiskt material :

The increasing threat of climate change has led to a increased need for models to predict future climat. In these models the changes in the soil carbon pools due to changes in microbiel degradation of the organic matter can lead to both positive and negative feedback-effects. There is however a lack of consensues on the temperature respons on degradation soil organic matter. This paper aim to give a better understanding on the factors controlling the temperature respons. The factors studied were the carbon substrate qualitity and the physiological status of the microorganisms.

Förlåtelse : Begrepp och metod inom socialt arbete

AbstractAim: this paper is a report of a concept analysis of forgiveness and its practice within the social work area. Background: worldwide interest in and funding for forgiveness research has brought about a body of knowledge from many disciplines that could be clinically useful to social work. At this time forgiveness interventions are used in social work in other countries, primary in the USA. The social workers in the Scandinavian countries need to focus on this important area of inquiry. Method: forgiveness was explored from a philosophical perspective and from forgiveness interventions from a variety of areas suitable for social work.

When the Network Strategy Is Not Enough -The Case of European Full-Service Airlines

The 1990s were one of the most profitable periods for European airline companies, mainly because of development of world economy and increasing globalisation trends. However, towards the end of the decade, a global economic downturn, high oil prices and new forms of competition turned the industry towards troubled times. The European air-travel industry had to face and accept the new airline business concept, called low-cost or no-frill airlines. In these conditions, traditional airlines had to rethink their strategies and question the old business model. As a response to the competition, European traditional full-service airlines formed alliances or networks to expand the route network and to increase efficiency.

Immunförsvaret mot rabies

Rabiesvirus är en allvarlig sjukdom globalt då minst 35 000 människor mister livet varje år på grund av den fatala sjukdomen. Idag finns inget botemedel mot rabiesvirus när sjukdomen brutit ut, det enda skyddet är vaccinering. Hur immunförsvaret reagerar på viruset, varför inte immunförsvaret klarar av att eliminera viruset och vad post-vaccinering innebär undersöks i det här arbetet. Rabiesvirus utsöndras i saliv och den vanligaste infektionsvägen för rabiesvirus är via bett från infekterad individ och för människa är hundbett största risken. När infektion har skett transporteras virus till centrala nervsystemet (CNS) via intraaxonal transport. Rabiesvirus är ett neurotropt virus och replikerar i CNS.

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