

672 Uppsatser om Immune response - Sida 7 av 45

Flottledsåterställning i norra Sverige: : effekter på habitatkvalitet och populationstätheter av juvenil öringar (Salmo trutta L.)

In an effort to evaluate the effects of restorations of float ways on population density of stream dwelling fish in relation to the changes in habitat, I studied the physical habitat restored and channalized sites and their population density of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in three streams in the municipality of Sorsele. The differences between the channalized and the restored sites where most noticeable regarding substrate which where generally coarser in the restored sites. The analyses showed that the proportion of habitat that where suitable to the age class 0+ where significantly lower in the restored sites compared to the channalized sites. Regarding age class ?2+, no statistical differences in habitat quality were found.

Sjukdomstillstånd associerade med monocytos hos svenska hundar : en retrospektiv journalstudie

Diseases associated with monocytosis in Swedish dogs - a retrospective study. The purpuse of this retrospective study is to determine which diseases are associated with pronounced monocytosis in Swedish dogs. Records of 153 dogs with monocytosis were evaluated. The most common cause was infectious diseases (49%) of which pyometra was seen in 23% of the cases, cystitis and fever of unknown origin each in 13% and gastroenteritis in 12%. Cortison treatment was the second most common cause with 29%. A sixth of the dogs had non inflammatory diseases such as neoplasia, renal- and heartfailure.

Inte bara en kommentar : En studie om krishantering på sociala medier

AbstractTitle: It?s not just a comment ? a study about Crisis Management on Social MediaAuthor: Malin Pettersson 910624 and Amanda White 920310Year: Spring 2014Level: Bachelor degreeDepartment: School of Business and EconomicsSupervisor: Carina HolmgrenExaminer: Frederic Bill Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a theoretical model for Crisis Management on social media. Method: The overall literature that was found consisted of traditional Crisis Management and the communication that goes with it, and it was mainly written for traditional channels such as newspapers. The theories could not concretely describe how organizations should handle crisis in Social Media. Therefore, this study focuses on if and how organizations can use the traditional theories when working with crisis management in social media. Through a qualitative method the study has examined and tested the model on three crises, and subsequently improved the model based on the empirical material and  the analysis that was made. Conclusion: The conclusion found that organizations need to adjust their crisis management after following guidelines for it to work on social media:-    Strategies should be limited to only one, and be either a rebuilding strategy or a bolstering strategy.-    The focus should be on emotional communication, and regarding the rational aspects the focus should be on actual actions and plans for the future.-    Clear guidelines for what type of questions and critics that should be answered should be set.

En Kock i Spåret - En kvantitativ studie om effekten av inkongruenta sponsringssamarbeten på hög- och låglojala kunders respons till varumärken

The increased media clutter requires of brand managers to be innovative and creative in their choices of marketing communications in order for brands to be salient in the minds of consumers. Recent studies emphasize incongruent marketing as a means of "standing out" from this competitive clutter and reaching existing and new potential customers. The aim of this thesis is to examine the effects of brand incongruent sponsorships (sponsorships which are incongruent with established brand associations) on consumer response to well-established brands from the perspective of high and low levels of loyalty. A quantitative survey was conducted and the results show that incongruent sponsorships improve brand attitude, brand interest and brand credibility, while not affecting ad attitude, purchase intention and word-of-mouth intention for customers of low loyalty. For highly loyal customers the findings were that brand attitude, brand interest, brand credibility, purchase intention and word-of-mouth intention remained unchanged while ad attitude decreased.

För evigt ung : Kitty Drew genom årtiondena

AbstractKitty-böckerna har sedan 1950-talet lockat unga flickor att läsa och bli en del av en fiktiv spännande värld. Det var en ny typ av flickbok, som lyfte fram en ung, vacker och kompetent kvinnlig detektiv som radikalt skilde sig från tidigare traditionella böcker avsedda för flickor. Med en långseriebok som än idag är en del av unga flickors gränsliv mellan barndom och ungdom hjälper författarsyndikatet Carolyn Keene unga flickor att glömma verkligheten runt sig och iklä sig rollen som hjältinnan Kitty.Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa vilka inslag som indikerar vilket årtionde boken för in läsaren i. Med hjälp av reader-response-teorin kommer också sådant läsaren själv i relation med texten skapar att lyftas fram. Läsning av Kitty-böckerna i vuxen ålder har också uppenbarat sådant som helt saknas, sådant som skulle kunna vara relevant i böcker skrivna ursprungligen i Amerika.

Avspänning som metod ? En intervjustudie om uppfattningar hos olika yrkeskategorier

Different forms of relaxing methods can be used in rehabilitation for individuals with tinnitus and Ménièré?s disease. Research continues to find convincing proof of effects from the different methods. This study presents methods of relaxing, massage and Mindfulness, as possible complementary rehabilitation tools.The purpose of this study was to investigate opinions about relaxing from professionals working with hearing care. A qualitative approach with phenomenological influence was chosen for the study.

Marknadens värdering av redovisningskvalitet

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether accounting quality is a priced factor by investors. The event studied is the release of year-end result and the release of the annual report. To assess accounting quality a sample of 30 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2003 to 2007 are studied. We assess accounting quality by the absolute size of discretionary accruals using the modified Jones model developed by Dechow et al. (1995).

Regressionsmodellering av dynamiska råemissioner från statiska mätningar

By using steady-state measurements for predicting emissions under a dynamic drive cycle wouldsave a lot of time and money for the exhaust aftertreatment specialists at Volvo cars. The idea forthis thesis has been to investigate if statistical regression models can be used with good accuracy.Questions included are for example if common operating variables such as engine speed, air-fuelratio etc. is sufficient to predict engine-out emissions over the engine operating range with goodaccuracy. Focus was set on the modelling of warm engine, but also the more complex engineheat-up phase was investigated since it is a great contributor to total emissions. While NOxcouldnot be measured because of malfunctioning measurement equipment, only HC, CO andtemperature at inlet of first catalytic converter has been modelled.

Databaser i molnet : En prestanda utvärdering

AbstractAs a developer of database-driven applications you will be faced with difficult choices, when it comes to choosing database, server and programming language. For the result to be satisfactory it requires the different techniques to interact well with each other and also fulfill performance expectations. This is even more important when the application is deployed to the cloud and the response time plays a major role.This paper evaluates different databases and their performance. To test the databases there was an application made in the server script language PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor and it was deployed to Windows Azure cloud platform. The test applications task is to call and load databases by controlled requests which creates, reads, updates and deletes data in an relatively large extent.The results shows that locale databases or databases in the same data center as the server generates the fastest response.

International transmission of stock market movements - a Scandinavian focus -

Previous research has found an increased transmission of stock movements in Europe, partly caused by the establishment of institutions as the EU and the EMU. The purpose of this paper is to find the possible impact from the EU and the EMU concerning the evolution of international transmission of stock market movements, on four Scandinavian markets, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The research is based on primary data, existing theories and earlier studies regarding international transmission of stock market movements. The examined method is a VAR (Vector autoregressive model) including a 10x1 vector of variables. Furthermore the tests considered are correlation, granger-causality, variance decomposition and impulse response.

Mobile-first eller Desktop-first, en studie av utvecklingslösningar för responsiv web design

The thesis analyzes two different approaches towards responsive web design, Mobile-first and Desktop-first. Responsive web design is a concept for websites whose design is customised based on the screen size. The analysis is performed by collecting views on the methods and also analyzing the usage of mobile and desktop internet to create a prototype of a responsive website where both methods are beeing used.The main difference between the methods is the foundation, where one is designed for mobile and the other for desktop. The thesis indicates that Mobilef-irst gives a better result for the mobile, which unlike the computer has poor performance, smaller screen and poor internet connection, therefore an advantage for the device that needs more focus to maintain a fast response. Desktop-first does not take this opportunity, but focus instead on the computer where the performance is better, which leads to a unnoticeable difference in response time.

Klimatinducerade fenologiförändringar och dess effekter i näringsväven

The climate affects animal populations through several processes. These processes includereproduction, phenology and the success of hunting. By influencing the phenology of species theclimate also affects the way species interact. If a climate-induced phenology change promotes abasal species to bud earlier in the spring for example, this will affect the links to other species inthe food web due to a time lag in the tropic levels above. This dependence, that a predator has tobeing synchronous to its prey, is called the match/mismatch hypothesis (MMH).

Biblioteken och 2.0. En idéanalys av synen på den sociala webben i några skandinaviska bibliotekstidningar.

In this thesis we have examined opinions of the social web in Scandinavian Library journals. Our interest lies in aspects about the social web, and above all about Library 2.0. The central question is how this new technology, a growing digitalization, and a social web that focuses on interactivity and participation affects opinions about libraries. We have investigated opinions about Library 2.0, with respect to three different dimensions: The role of the library in society, power/hierarchy and knowledge. The method used in this thesis is idea analysis using these dimensions as analytical instrument.

Debuten av gluten ? Har tidpunkt för glutenintroduktion någon betydelse för risken att utveckla celiaki hos högriskbarn?

AbstractTitle: The debut of gluten ? Does timing of gluten introduction affect the risk ofceliac disease in high-risk children?Author: Sandra Hagwall Frohm and Maria IngmarSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Mette AxelsenProgramme: Programme in dietetics, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Bachelor?s thesis in clinical nutrition, 15 hpDate: May 26, 2015Background: Celiac disease is a chronic disease in which the intestinal mucosa is damaged bygluten exposure, and the only treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet. The disease affects about1 % of the population worldwide, but the majority are undiagnosed. Ingestion of gluten and thegenotype HLA-DQ2/8 are required for disease development, although additional genetic andenvironmental factors are believed to be of importance. One hypothesis is that timing of glutenintroduction in infants affects the disease risk.

Användning av smärtskala på marsvin ? experimentell studie i klinikmiljö

Assessing and measuring post-operative pain in all animals is a challenge, but doing it in small mammals, for example guinea pigs, presents an even larger difficulty. Validated pain scales developed for use in dogs in clinical practice are currently available, but no such scale has been widely accepted for use in guinea pigs in the veterinary setting. In this experimental study, six guinea pigs that had undergone surgery and anaesthesia were observed for behavioural changes that could be associated with pain. The six guinea pigs were also given pain scores with the use of Colorado State University Feline Acute Pain Scale (CSU-APSF), a scale which uses both behaviour when not handled, body tension and response to palpation to evaluate pain intensity. The six guinea pigs showed a number of different behaviours, for example rigid posture, fixed stare and ?wet dog response? (the body is vigourosly shaken), that could be associated with pain.

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