

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 60 av 133

Arbetsprocess för materialanskaffning vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB

This thesis has been made on behalf of Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB and is the final part of the education of Bachelor of Engineering in ? Innovation, production and logistics atMälardalens Högskola.Forsmark nuclear power plant is located in Östhammars municipality at the coast of Uppland. The three nuclear reactors in Forsmark together produces approximately one-sixth of Sweden?s electricity consumption each year.The background of this study is that a large number of requests come to the purchasing department with incomplete information. Usually it is in the description of what is to be acquired as the information is incomplete, but also in knowing when Quality Control-functions (QC) is supposed to be used.The aim of this work is to describe and analyse the material acquisition process.

Tredjepartslogistik i Smälteryd En fallstudie med förslag till förbättringar

Examensarbetet är en fallstudie med förslag till förändringar åt uppdragsgivaren som ägnar sig åt tredjepartslogistik. Uppdragsgivaren är Kriminalvårdsanstalten Smälteryd i Sätila som ligger i Marks kommun. Anstalten utför logistiska aktiviteter mellan Monzon AB och dess kunder. Monzon AB är i sin tur ett företag som säljer - och till viss del hyr ut - byggnadsställningar, väderskydd och säkerhetsprodukter till företag runt om i Europa. I dagsläget finns ett antal logistiska problem på Smälterydsanstalten vilka i detta arbete identifieras och analyseras.

Binär matchning av bilder med hjälp av vektorer från deneuklidiska avståndstransformen

This thesis shows the result from investigations of methods that use distance vectors when matching pictures. The distance vectors are available in a distance map made by the Euclidean Distance Transform. The investigated methods use the two characteristic features of the distance vector when matching pictures, length and direction. The length of the vector is used to calculate a value of how good a match is and the direction of the vector is used to predict a transformation to get a better match. The results shows that the number of calculation steps that are used during a search can be reduced compared to matching methods that only uses the distance during the matching..

Standardisera mera? : Z39.50 mellan enighet och mångfald

Z39.50 is a standard protocol designed to create an interface between diverse computer databases for diverse information needs. Since it has to be adjustable it is also complex and demands a certain degree of expertise when being set. However, the aim of this paper is not to make a theoretical description but to examine certain conditions in practice. From the perspective of Swedish research libraries two principal hypotheses are examined: 1) the implementation of a given technology (Z39.50) is primarily influenced by social circumstances, and 2) the way in which the technology is implemented will bias the results of information retrieval. For this examination we need a framework of theories concerning the relationship between technological development and society, organisational theories and database theories.

Kartläggning av sömnvanor hos ungdomar mellan 11-13 år

Mitt syfte med studien är att övergripande presentera hur företagsbloggar kan användas som kommunikations- och marknadsföringskanal för att skapa goda relationer med sina kunder. Jag kommer även att redogöra för andra aspekter som jag tror är viktiga för att nå framgång och förtroende i användningen av företagsbloggar. Nedan följer mina frågeställningar för studien; ?    Hur kan förtagsbloggar användas som kommunikations- och marknadsföringskanal samt hur kan den fungera som relationsskapare??    Hur kan man som bloggare skapa en förtroendegivande image??    Hur kan företagsbloggen fungera som Word of Mouth kanal??    Vilka aspekter är viktiga att tänka på för att nå framgång med sin företagsblogg?De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för min studie består av; ?företagsbloggar som kommunikations- och marknadsföringskanal?, ?strategisk kommunikation och retorik?, ?relationsmarknadsföring? samt ?Word of Mouth och Buzz Marketing?. Jag valde att utföra min studie med en explorativ ansats då jag ville ta reda på hur företagsbloggar kan användas som kommunikations- och marknadsföringskanal i praktiken.

Tumult i Texas - ett undersökande arbete om bildspråk och berättande

Thick skin in Texas - an investigation on storytelling and pictorial language. I took my starting point in a story about the cowboy Jaquin, who goes to the Tivoli, where he gets caught up in a dramatic adventure. I extracted three scenes from this story, and I experimented with whether it was possible to make the separate scenes tell their own story, in three separate drawings. Without depending on the frame story or on any kind of text. In this project I partly wanted to explore the possibilities of the drawing.

Visuell kommunikation inom en butikskedja

Denna uppsats avser att söka, jämföra och analysera hur två butiker inom samma butikskedja, genom sin visuella kommunikation, kan ge kunden olika erfarenheter. Vi valde att begränsa ämnet till endast undersöka tre faktorer: skyltar, placering av varumärken och butikslayout. Vi bestämde oss för att jämföra två av Design Onlys butiker i Göteborg, som ligger i Nordstan och på Fredsgatan där vi uppfattar skillnader i den visuella kommunikationen Genom att med utsikt över hela kedjan från ägarnas visioner för hur butikskommunikatörer fungerar och slutligen hur kunderna uppfattar visuell kommunikation i butikerna, har vi kunnat dra slutsatser om hur väl företagets identitet matchar dess image..

Fotografers och föräldrars attityder kring skönhetsretuschering i skolfotografier : En semistrukturerad intervjustudie

Through semi-structured interviews with 8 school photographers and 10 parents,this study attempted to clarify what photographers and parents of children(aged 1?5) in preschool think of photography business in the current situationprovides retouching children?s school photographs and what they considers tobe acceptable. The result shows that companies do not offer photo retouchingfrequent, but performs this service at the direct request of the customer. Themajority of parents agreed that dirt and food was accepted to be removed fromthe photograph, and that this does not affect the child's self image. The photographersbelieve that one should be very careful when it comes to children andretouching, and that the debate is important..

Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg

The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

Visuell utvärdering av frekvensmodulerat raster på obestruket papper.

This thesis investigated if a combination of increased under colour removal (decreasing the total ink limit), normal andincreased density and modern FM-screening could be used to provide a visually better print on uncoated and coated paperin comparison with AM-screening using the same conditions.Two different test groups (one with graphic background, the other with no graphic background) were asked to a visuallyassess the quality of the prints presented in a pair comparison using a reference image.The results show that the FM-screening did not obtain any significant visual difference in comparison with AM-screening,regardless of paper types and density levels. In general however, prints on coated paper were graded higher..

Det exotiska islam : Homogenisering i bilden av muslimer i skolan

This paper studies three Swedish textbooks for the A-course in religious studies, in the Swedish equivalency of high school, to see if the image of Islam and Muslims presented is diverse or homogeneous and exotic. The purpose of the study is to see whether or not the religious studies can contribute to the forming of islamophobic beliefs in pupils. Studies have shown that islamophobia is widespread in Sweden, therefore it could be interesting to see if the schools play any part in the forming or spreading of islamophobic views. The conclusion reached is that this cannot be excluded as a possibility. There are still some textbooks that present Muslims in a homogeneous and exotic manner to some degree.

Skillnaden mellan förvaltning av gallerior i Stockholm och Singapore : Med fokus på de "mjuka värdena".

Mjuka värden är de bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar kundflödet i en galleria och kan göra den framgångsrik. Detta ska stimulera hyresgästernas betalningsvilja, vilket i sin tur ger möjlighet för ökat driftnetto hos fastighetsägare och ett högre fastighetsvärde. De mjuka värden som vi valt att fokusera på är gallerians image, hyresgästmixen, service, upplevelser och miljöfaktorer. Arbetets syfte är att klargöra skillnader i förvaltningen mellan Singapore och Stockholm med fokus på de mjuka värdena. Resultat har tagits fram på plats i Singapore och i Stockholm, där intervjuer med expertis inom området och besök av elva gallerior gjordes.En skillnad mellan dessa områden är att det finns fler gallerior i Singapore än i Stockholm, vilket leder till en ökad konkurrens.

Kökslampa : tema Fransk Bistro

The report describes the thesis I, Philip Bergstrom, have done at the University of Gotland. The work comprises 15 credits and is at bachelor level and has been done in collaboration with Lyktan Bankeryd Belysning.The project consists of developing the design of a kitchen lamp for the Swedish home following the catchwords stripped French bistro that will fit into the Lyktan Bankeryd lighting spring collection 2013, and it should not look too alike any existing lamp on the market today.The work includes analysis of the company's current products and the image the company wants to project, analysis of three other companies' products to draw inspiration from, and a simple ergonomic study of the lights in the kitchen.The final result achieves the demands made and fits well in the intended environment, there is also the possibility for further development of both a floor lamp and a wall lamp..

?Film ?r ju ett s?tt att kommunicera med m?nniskor.? En studie av Naomi Kawases portr?ttering av att vara kvinna i relation till en gemenskap.

By analysing Still the water (2014), Radiance (2017) and True Mothers (2020) by Naomi Kawase this essay will look at her work to see how she portrays the experience of being a woman in relation to her community. Looking into her way of using the camera by applying the theory of haptic visuality allows the spectator to identify themselves in a bodily relationship with the image. By using the camera to closely frame objects of importance for the characters, Kawase leads the spectator to understand the world of the film and enables a more profound understanding of their experience. For the community to be of importance for the women it must be founded in the feeling of security and a confirmation of their feelings. Once secure, the women can express themselves and by that, feminist politics..

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