

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 16 av 133

Musik i Film : The Sound of Movies

The purpose of this study is to generate a greater understanding of the different ways in which music can be used to build an identity and create image within movies, and also to explain the different impacts this can have on the parties involved. Through the history of movies music has been used as a tool for enhancement and for expression of emotions. Through music the audience relates to personal memories or emotional states and the experience is given a deeper impact, helping to create memorable movie scenes. Certain directors have created a unique identity through the use of music in their movies, and also artists have been brought forward by starring in a soundtrack. What we find interesting, and what is also the discussion in this study, is in what ways this collaboration/artistic expression can be done and what impact it has on the parties involved.

Dior - Ett lyxmodemärke i kris : - En studie i argumentens bild av händelsen

ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay has been to analyse an incident that received huge attention in the media that took place on February 24 2011 involving the famous fashion designer John Galliano. Galliano who at the time served as a creative director at French luxury fashion house Dior hurled anti-Semitic remarks during an altercation to a couple at Paris café La Perle. We intended to do a study of the material in two parts. The primary focus of our thesis was to analyse six different newspaper articles that involved the incident. We chose to analyse three articles from Great Britain and three from the United States to get a versatile image of the incident.

Hav, Fästning, Kurort & Surfing - En studie om image och varumärke för en destination, med Varberg som fall

Det är svårt att skapa en enhetlig bild av en destination eller stad, och därför är det svårt att skapa ett destinationsvarumärke. Destinationens image, alltså hur folk ser på destinationen och uppfattar den, kan påverka varumärkets framgång, och även tvärtom. Hur påverkar en destinations varumärke destinationens image, och vice versa? Det är vår forskningsfråga i den här uppsatsen. Syftet är att öka förståelsen för hur en destinations image och varumärke hänger ihop och påverkar varandra.

Att få diagnosen Asperger syndrom i vuxen ålder : ur ett individperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyse the consequences of being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome during adulthood. My ambition was to investigate the participants? perspective on how the diagnosis affected their lives and relationships with their partners. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How did the participants experience being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome? (2) What have the diagnosis meant to the participants? self-image and self understanding? (3) Have the diagnosis influenced the participants? understanding of their partners and have the diagnosis influenced the partners? understanding of the participants? The study is based on qualitative interviews with two men and two women living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Bibliotekarier i dagspressen ? En diskursanalytisk studie

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish daily press portraits librarians and the profession. I have used a discourse analytic study in my purpose to examine the image of librarians and the profession. I have analysed 34 articles between January 1, 2009 until January 1, 2010 from Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, which are the two daily newspapers with the largest circulation in Sweden. I have used three major questions to answer the aim of my study: In what context do librarians and the profession appear in the daily press?What qualities are librarians assigned in the daily press?What views and attitudes about librarians and the profession appear in the articles?My analysis resulted in three discourses; discourse about librarians? relation to literature, discourse about librarians and the labour market and discourse about librarians and information.

GPGPU : Bildbehandling på grafikkort

GPGPU is a collective term for research involving general computation on graphics cards. A modern graphics card typically provides more than ten times the computational power of an ordinary PC processor. This is a result of the high demands for speed and image quality in computer games.This thesis investigates the possibility of exploiting this computational power for image processing purposes. Three well known methods where implemented on a graphics card: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi point tracking) and the generation of scale pyramids. All algorithms where successfully implemented and they are tree to ten times faster than correspondning optimized CPU implementation..

Externa intressenters uppfattning om SMS-kreditgivares image och rykte

Titel:Externa intressenters uppfattning om SMS-kreditgivares image och rykteKurspoäng:15 HPKursnivå:C-uppsats i företagsekonomiFörfattare:Fredrik Akdogan & Christian WandtHandledare:Agneta SundströmBiträdande handledare:Zahra AhmadiExaminator:Akmal HyderDatum:2013-06-Syfte:Syftet är att öka förståelsen för hur SMS-lån uppfattas av potentiella kunder och intresseorganisationer samt hur de ser på långivande företags image och rykte. Delsyftet är att förstå hur bilden av SMS-lån hos intresseorganisationer kan påverka potentiella låntagare i samband med lån.Metod:För att genomföra studien har vi samlat information från artiklar och litteratur. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med anställda på två myndigheter och en intervju med en nyhetsbyrå samt även samlat in data genom en enkätundersökning för att ta reda på hur potentiella låntagare uppfattar SMS-lån och hur de uppfattar information om lånen från intresseorganisationer.Slutsats:Studien har visat att intresseorganisationer har en stark inverkan på företagens image och rykte. Ett samarbete mellan dessa ökar deras förmåga att sprida information till potentiella SMS-låntagare vilket gör att de kan anpassa långivningen att den blir mer informativ och trovärdighet. 5Allmänheten har en mycket dålig bild av dessa företag och dessa skulle vad vi kan anta tjäna på att arbeta på ett sätt som bättre ligger i linje med vad dessa intresseorganisationer vill se.

Brand: "Øresund" - analys av regionen som territorialiserad simulering

The topic of this thesis interest is the relation between branding as a place making/marketing technology and the process of regionalization. The main proposition advocated is that the officially communicated image of the Øresund Region, as a cohesive place and community, is a space that has been configured with branding and can be described as a territorial simulation. The concept of territorial simulation consists of two conjoined terms: simulation which aim at explaining the idiosyncratic brand image, as a social formation, which does not represent the place it imitates but commoditise it; and territorial which seeks to visualize the process of the unfolding of this image as a territory. The main argument is made in the third chapter, which traces the process of actualization of the brand image as a territory: ?Øresund?.

Avvikande brand extensions - påverkar de ett företags image?

Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka och förklara hur brand extension produkter kan påverka ett företags image. Vi har valt att undersöka Jaguars, Porsches och Ferraris brand extension produkter då dessa avviker mycket från deras core product. Uppsatsen besvarar även hur konsumenterna uppfattar dessa brand extension produkter och företagens bakomliggande motiv till dem. Vi har under uppsatsskrivandet gång pendlat mellan teori och empiri. Vår empiri består av kvalitativa undersökningar.

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world?s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV?s target group?s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era.Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV.

Döva och normalhörandes bedömningar av manipulerade illusionsbilder

Abstract The present study examined if early deaf people and people with severe hearing loss perceive visual information differently than hearing people. An experiment was conducted with eight deaf participants and eight participants with normal hearing. The participants were between the ages of 18-74 years. The participants were asked to look at fifteen different images portraying manipulated illusions, and then assess if the images were of the same size. Subsequently another image depicting a different illusion with a face hidden in it was presented to the participants.

Identitetspresentation på Instagram : En studie i användares upplevelser och attityder till sin identitetspresentation på Instagram

In recent years, the internet has exploded of images. Not at least in the popular photo-sharing network Instagram as one of the fastest growing social network for the moment. Millions of people around the world share pictures and expose themself for friends and family. We were therefore interested in which experiences and attitudes users have towards their identities in relation to their self-image and self-presentation on Instagram. Furthermore, whether they in general have a primary interest in using Instagram as a tool to experiment with images to present their identity on Instagram, in which way they approach their Instagram follower?s expectations on how they present themselves on Instagram and if they are aware of any strategies in their self-presentation on Instagram.The result of this study is the fact that our respondents thinks that they do not intend to have a primary interest in experimenting with images on Instagram to present their identitiy, it is rather something that comes naturally in how they present themselves on Instagram.

Jag vill inte klä mig som alla andra - en studie om hur ett företag arbetar med individualistiskt mode

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en förståelse för hur nyetablerade modeföretag kan arbeta med sin identitetsmix för att kommunicera en individualistisk modeimage. Vi har gjort en fallstudie av ett ungt, svenskt modeföretag samt intervjuat fyra återförsäljare inom branschen. Slutsatserna är att ett modeföretag genom sin identitetsmix kan arbeta med att synas i rätt sammanhang, förmedla en känsla av unikhet och professionalism kring företaget, kontinuerligt förnya sin produktlinje samt värna om sin image för att inte överexponeras..

Kuling - en digital bilderbok

In what way do pictures allow for freedom of interpretation and thoughts rather thanunderstanding reality in a high paced medium? Children today are exposed more thanever to images trough various media. Children?s culture in the digital world has, troughgames and apps, become more cross-generational than literature. Unfortunately, there aremany digital books that loose the story, as the creator gets lost in technology and/or ineducation and morals.

Branding och Event Marketing : en studie om kunders imageuppfattning av svenska möbelproducenter

This essay describes the Swedish furniture business and its strong competition between domestic and foreign producers. As the demand on higher development speed grows stronger, alongside a fierce competition between the companies, long lasting and unique qualities such as customer relations and strong brand names become crucial. Nowadays many furniture producers chose to sell their products through retailers and they therefore miss out on invaluable direct contact with their customers. Consequently, this means that they lack the perquisite to build relations or more importantly, to communicate their brand.To illustrate the problem a case study and a survey have been carried out. The study compares the strategic marketing works between producers who have own concept stores and those who uses retailers.

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