

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 13 av 133

Corporate Social Responsibility som ett profileringsverktyg : En fallstudie av Holtab ABs CSR projekt "El i Jyamrung"

Bakgrund: Företag världen över har börjat fokusera mer på ansvarstagande och att arbeta för ett mer hållbart samhälle samtidigt som de inser att det kan skapa lönsamhet. Ansvaret som implementeras i företagsverksamheten kallas för Corporate Social Responsibility och har blivit ett sätt att skapa innovation, värde och konkurrensmedel. Det är inte längre frågan om företag ska arbeta med CSR utan hur. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur medarbetares samt kunders image av företaget Holtab AB har påverkats av det genomförda CSR projektet. Vi vill även undersöka hur företagets profilering av CSR projekt kan förbättras. Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av företaget Holtab AB. Vi har utgått från den kvalitativa metoden då vår empiri består av 15 intervjuer från 23 respondenters uttalanden samt information från CSR utbildning vilket har skapat förutsättningar för en tolkande analys.Slutsatser: Vi har kommit fram till att majoriteten av medarbetarnas image av Holtab inte har påverkats av det genomförda projektarbetet ?El i Jyamrung? samtidigt som några av kundernas image har påverkats av projektet.

Mediernas påverkan : En fallstudie inom djurrätt

AbstractIn the heart of Paris, you will find Sweden?s only cultural center abroad. Since the early 70?s a wealth of cultural activities has been offered, and every year the center receives more than 100,000 visitors. The center is a branch of the Swedish Institute (Si), a public authority which promotes mutual relationships between Sweden and other countries through culture, education, science and business.

Identitet, image och profil. En diskursiv studie av Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses about Malmö public library that can be identified in several documents published by the library, articles, and various WebPages. Furthermore, our intention is to study the relation between the library?s identity, image and profile. The questions posed in the study are: Which identity discourses are Malmö public library giving expression for? What kind of conflicts between these discourses can we find? How is the identity, image and profile of the library in relation to one another? How does Malmö public library profile and market itself as a non-profit organization? Our theoretical and methodological building ground is in the discourse analytical field, with Enesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theories about discourse and society, as a starting-point.

Bryr sig företagskunder om leverantörens corporate image? : Betydelsen av leverantörens corporate image vid köp av kunskapsintensiva IT-konsulttjänster.

Background: Critical conditions to become an attractive supplier of knowledge based IT-services in the B2B market are many. Besides the fact of supplying a service of high quality one must as a supplier communicate values which are understandable and desirable for a new buyer. Buying a knowledge based IT-service involves several risks; the consultant might not have sufficient knowledge or have difficulties understanding the corporate culture and collaborating with other staff within the client?s organization. Since services are intangible offers and it can be intricate to put right price level for something which can only be evaluated when the project is finished, puts severe strain on suppliers competing with other companies in the same market when looking for new clients.

Svensk design and the american style

I denna studie avser vi att undersöka hur varumärken, främst de korporativa, kan förstärkas genom tillämpning av de olika country of origin strategierna i företagens varumärkesbyggande. För att uppfylla vårt syfte har vi valt att utföra en kvalitativ undersökning av två fallföretag. Vi har samlat data till empirin i form av intervjuer, butiksobservationer, hemsidor samt diverse nedskriven dokumentation. I analysen tolkas sedan empirin i skenet av teorier kring varumärkesbyggande och country of origin. Genom att tillämpa effekterna av country of origin kan företag på ett effektivt sätt förstärka sitt varumärke.

Det relativa värdet av ämnesingångar i databaser: Variationer mellan discipliner

This thesis deals with tactics for information seeking in electronic databases. An important aspect is knowledge of the relative value of different subject access points. The method used here is literature studies. Nineteen empirical studies are described and analysed with the purpose to compare the relative value of different subject access points. The studies examined compare the relative value of subject access points in relation to each other or in relation to different scientific disciplines.

Vem är bibliotekarien? En dammig bokmal eller en informationsexpert? en explorativ undersökning om olika gruppers bild av bibliotekarien.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to explore the image of the librarian from three groups: librarians, researchers and directors of staff from industrial companies. The purpose was also to study the image of the future librarian as the Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the University College of Borås introduces it. As my theoretical framework I used communication theories and marketing theories. I searched answers to the following questions: - Is there any resemblance at all between the common stereotypes of the librarian and the images given by the participants of the survey? - How do the librarians view themselves? - What is the image of the librarian among the researchers who use the services of the library? - What is the image of the librarian among the directors of staff from the industrial companies? - What is the image of the librarian given by an educational institution during the basic education? I contacted the participants and asked them to draw a picture of a librarian and write a short text about the picture.

Bolagisering : - På vinst och förlust

This study has it´s beginning in the term corporatization and what the consequences will be for the Swedish athletic club, after the implementation of it. The corporatization among the athletic clubs is a very up-to-date-topic after the ?Riksidrottsförbundets? approved the new law constitution in 1999, that gives the athletic clubs the opportunity to change their legal form. We want to create an image that explains the situation in the two athletic clubs we choose for our study. This image helps us to give examples of how the corporatization will affect them.

Skolbibliotekarien : Image Profil Identitet

International research has shown that through the involvement of the school library and the school librarian in the daily school work with the pupils, the pupil´s learning can be increased and reading comprehensions significantly improved.One purpose of this master`s thesis is to study the school librarian as a brand, representing the school library as well as the school librarian and whether there is a correlation between different comprehensions of the professional role of the school librarian. This is done by examining whether there is a difference between a specific librarian´s own perception of their professional role, compared to the image of the school librarian among teachers and principals working in the same school district and by comparing the profile the school librarian expresses with the image that is conveyed through communications via webpage, written and oral information given on services and competences provided by the school librarian and work carried out by her.A difference of comprehension of the school librarian´s competence and work, could be part of an explanation as to why the correlation between the involvement of school librarians in the school work and the improved learning achievements of the pupils has not resulted in the expected measures, regardless of the investments in school librarians and school libraries. The school librarians´ school identity could be difficult to establish. Whether or not the profiles and images of the professional role are consistent with each other is a much more manageable purpose which could go a long way of explaining the circumstances of the school libraries.That is the reason why we have examined whether the comprehension the school librarians have of themselves corresponds with the idea/ conception/ image conveyed to their surroundings, and with the idea/conception/image encompassed by people in their immediate surroundings..

"Sour Milk" Corporate Branding under Surrogate Boycotts - the case of Arla Foods in the Muhammad Crisis

Surrogate boycotts are highly threatening for corporations in terms of both economical cost and image damage. All corporations are due to our globalized environment and increased stakeholder fragmentation gradually more risking to become victims of surrogate boycotts, which of nature is hard if not impossible to predict and prevent. Corporations are generally recommended to build clear and strong corporate identities, which should be reflected in their most important stakeholders, as this will secure minimum damage on the corporate image.Even a surrogate boycott situation can have positive effects on corporations, especially in terms of image, as such situation increases the brand involvement and thereby make it possible for corporations to connect with important stakeholders on an emotional level..

Safe retrieval of nutrients to improve food security

Safe retrieval of nutrients from human excreta to fertilize crops in order to gain adequate yields will increase food security and sustainability in agriculture areas with nutrient-poor fields. Safe and nutritious food will meet the dietary needs of the individual which promotes public health and the ability of an active life. Human excreta should be considered as a resource instead of being assumed as waste. Human faeces and urine is excellent fertilizers which may close the nutrient loop if utilized properly. However, sanitation of the excreta is required to prevent disease transmission by reducing the content of gastrointestinal pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. The objective of this study was to in small scale evaluate the sanitation in a combined liquid compost and urea treatment by monitor the inactivation of bacteria and viruses at the combination three start temperatures, 45, 40 and 35 °C, and three additions of urea, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and reference, 0 % urea addition.

Bruce Springsteen och myten om Amerika : en studie av skivomslagsbilder

I uppsatsen behandlas omslagsbilderna till Bruce Springsteens Born In The U.S.A samt singelversionen av titelspåret utifrån teorier kring nationellt mytskapande, genus och skivomslagskonst.I uppsatsen undersöks hur och i vilket syfte en artist etablerar en image samt hur denna image kan tolkas i flera olika kontexter. Här visas genom semiotisk bildanalys på hur omslagsbilderna driver en aktiv kritisk retorik mot ett politiskt system. Vidare visas på populärkulturens möjligheter att med mytologiserad symbolik och bildspråk aktivt opponera sig mot vedertagna konventioner och sociopolitisk verklighet.Den mytologiska retorikens inneboende tvetydighet och förfogandet däröver lyfts fram, liksom hur en artist genom skivomslagsbilden kan formulera sin identitet för att aktualisera och utmana sociala och politiska konventioner och trender..

Automatisk testning av WebGL på mobil- och desktopenheter

WebGL is a standard for drawing graphics in a web browser. Currently it isn?t widely understood how consistently WebGL performs across a majority of the de- vices that support it. Determining if an image looks correct to a human observer is an interesting problem. The solution for this is useful when developing WebGL applications, since a developer could make better informed decisions during de- velopment.

Rekrytering- en bit imageskapande

Vi har tagit del av teorier inom företagsidentitet, företagskommunikation, rekrytering och image. Vi har valt att arbeta utifrån fallstudiemetoden och skomodeföretaget NilsonGroup AB blev vårt studieobjekt. Primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer och observationer på central och lokal nivå det vill säga båda på huvudkontoret och ute på de enskilda butikerna. Uppsatsens ändamål har varit att se om rekrytering kan användas som kommunikationskanal av företagsidentiteten. Utifrån teori och empiriska studier har vi dragit slutsatsen att rekryteringen har betydelse och kan hjälpa till att förmedla företagets identitet för att på så sätt uppnå en önskvärd image.

Nätneutralitet och yttrandefrihet : Hur trafikstyrning påverkar yttrande- och informationsfriheten på internet

Syfte:  Syftet a?r att underso?ka diskrepansen mellan Karria?rcentrums och studenternas uppfattningar av Karria?rcentrums verksamhet. Detta fo?r att kunna sta?rka sin image, identitet och profil fo?r att o?ka deltagandet pa? fo?rela?sningarna.  Metod och empiri: Studien baseras pa? en kvalitativ underso?kning i form av enskild intervju samt fokusgruppsintervju. De som studerats a?r Karria?rcentrum och studenter.

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