1878 Uppsatser om Image compression - Sida 65 av 126
Genus i bilderboken : En analys av hur karaktärerna framställs i tre bilderböcker
The picture book is the children's first contact with the world of literature. The aim of our study is to look at how children and adults are portrayed in the picture book, from a gender perspective. Our aim is to critically examine how girls and boys, men and women are presented when it comes to both characteristics and appearance. Our research also focuses on how the text and images complete each other and we conduct a qualitative text and image analysis. We use Nikolajevas (2000) analytical model for picture books and previous research that already exists within the subject.In our paper we have clarified the concepts related to gender: gender, gender roles, gender equality and the picture book.
Att marknadsföra paradisdestinationen Mauritius : En fallstudie om platsmarknadsföring
Denna kandidatuppsats berör platsmarknadsföring på semesterön Mauritius. Vi författare har under en tre veckor lång fältstudie undersökt varför Mauritius utvecklats till att bli en exklusiv paradisö samt hur detta arbete har gått till väga. För att få en helhetsbild av ön samt direktkontakt med berörda aktörer har vi under vår studie intervjuat olika aktörer såsom marknadsföringsorganisationer, myndigheter, lokala entreprenörer samt turister. En intressant synvinkel för Mauritius del är hur denna lilla ö så snabbt kunnat växa fram till vad många i västvärlden kallar ett paradis. Vi åkte till Mauritius i ett tidigt stadium i uppsatsprocessen för att undersöka vilka grundläggande förutsättningar som krävs för att bygga upp en destination samt vilken ekonomisk betydelse turismen har för Mauritius.Uppsatsen fokuserar på de tre begreppen platsmarknadsföring, platsvarumärkesbyggande samt platsimage.
Bilder av Ryssland: Annorlundahet och misstro i samtida svensk Rysslandsdiskurs
This thesis analyzes contemporary Swedish discourse on Russia, i.e. the ways Russia and Russians are perceived in Sweden today. After a summary of historical Western and Swedish perceptions of Russia, and a discussion about the treatment of these tensions within modern research, contemporary Swedish discourse is reconstructed based upon analytical articles in three major newspapers during the period 1992-2007. It is argued that the prevailing image of Russia contains the reproduction of old stereotypes and prejudices. The five major representations of Russia in contemporary Swedish discourse are: non-Western, unreliable, authoritarian, threatening and eternal, with the last one being a meta-representation functioning both as a representation of its own and a mechanism for the reification of the others.
Bemötande och inflytande inom äldreomsorgen är ju bra, egentligen. : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och inflytande ur ett brukarperspektiv
In this study we have investigated how care users in a nursing home experience their possibilities for influence and treatment from the staff. The study was conducted through focus group interviews with six participants who we met on four occasions. Questions the study departs from are: How do users experience their opportunity to influence? How do the users experience the treatment from the staff? The study has a qualitative approach and has been analyzed by means of symbolic interactionism, with an emphasis on the Self. Our results demonstrate that in situations of good treatment there is also a good influence.
Läsa med självförtroende : En fallstudie om hur lärare arbetar för att motverka Matteuseffekten
The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher and a special education teacher cooperate to prevent a pupil with reading difficulties from ending up in the vicious circle of the Matthew effect, and to find out how a pupil with reading difficulties experiences his or her reading situation. This case study is based on a phenomenological perspective whereby qualitative interviews illuminate a commonly occurring problem in today?s schools. Interviews were conducted with a teacher, a special education teacher, and a pupil in grade 1, in order to cover everyone?s perspective in this situation.
Padre versus Pappa - en kvalitativ komparativ studie om mäns erfarenheter och attityder till faderskapet i Spanien och Sverige
Different institutional and culture contexts are argued to create differences in fathers practices and attitudes toward fatherhood. By in-depth interviews with swedish and spanish fathers, this Bachelor thesis aims to describe fathers experiences and attitudes toward fatherhood and how they relate to the institutional and culture context. The selection of swedish and spanish fathers aims to illustrate differences and similarities in two welfaremodels that differ. The main difference was how social policy provoces differences in the distribution between paid and non-paid work, where the spanish fathers remain as the main breadwinner. Differences also appeared in attitudes toward formal care.
Bildregistrering i teorin och praktiken: Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection och Kungliga biblioteket.
This thesis presents a comparative study of image registration at two picture collection libraries. The two registration systems are analyzed as to the theoretical principles behind them and their practical application, and related to theoretical tools for subject analysis and bibliographic standards. While a growing number of picture collections now digitize their material, generally accepted standards and methods for the registration of digital images are still lacking. Many different systems coexist, often developed in-house in response to ad hoc needs and based on traditional registration tools created for textual documents, resulting in internationally incompatible mixed-format systems. The two picture collections examined here, however, have opted for similar, standardized tools for registration and subject analysis, and while there are differences in their application and focus, they have both considered issues of cross-system compatibility.
Varumärkesstrategier : Identitet = Image = Starkt Varumärke?
Problemet som denna uppsats behandlar är vilka faktorer som är av betydelse för stora svenska elhandelsbolag idag, när det gäller kundnöjdhet.När man talar om elbolag idag, är det missnöjda kunder som oftast blir det främsta samtalsämnet. Allt fler elkunder tycker att det fifflas för mycket med betalfakturor och att elbolagens service fungerar dåligt.Efter avregleringen av elmarknaden 1996, har allt fler mindre elbolag försökt bryta sig in på elmarknaden för att konkurrera med de stora elbolagen, som innan avregleringen hade monopol över eldistributionen. I och med avregleringen, utsattes marknaden för hård konkurrens och kundernas krav på service ökade. Dagens kunder har blivit allt mer medvetna om att det finns fler elbolag att välja bland, än bara de tre gamla monopol företagen, Vattenfall, Sydkraft och Fortum.Någonstans på vägen, efter avregleringen, har det dock gått utför för el-jättarna. Allt fler undersökningar har visat att fler och fler av deras kunder känner missnöje och har blivit illojala till sitt elbolag.
American Psycho ? En analys av Patrick Bateman som berättare
In order to be a good teacher according to preferences from outside the school area, there are many different voices to listen to. The different roles that are assigned for teachers are colliding with the latest research from the pedagogical institutions and therefore the role as a teacher of today is in a complex state of mind. Somewhere, between the traditional role of teaching and the moderating ideal image, reality is revealed in the ambivalent role of the teacher of today. In this pedagogical essay on advanced level we are focusing on obstacles that are hindering the moderating teacher?s role, to be fully developed in the classroom.
Bilden av den kvinnliga stiftaren : en jämförande studie mellan 1100- och 1400-talets kvinnliga stiftarbilder på skånska kalkmålningar
In this study I compare the donor portraits on wallpaintings in Scanian churches from the 12th and the 15th century and relate them to medieval society.I find that women were equally capable of owning and donating land during the entire period. The image of the ideal woman changed during the 14th century from a married woman to the unreachable mistress of the chivalrous culture and the holy virgin. Women had a natural place beside their husbands in 12th century donor portraits, while single male donors are more frequent in the 15th century. While 12th century donors were supposed to show their position in society by offering plentiful donations directly to God, donors in the 14th century instead strived to present themselves as humble and pious. The individualisation of late medieval society meant that people had to depend on themselves to achieve salvation..
Nådastolen : att förmedla andlighet : ett skissuppdrag för Kalmar nya Pingstkyrka
Is it possible to convey spirituality through art and material culture? Is it possible to renew art within the traditional church so that it appeals and is understandable for the modern man? These are the fundamental questions of my master´s work, which has it´s starting point in a public commission for an artistic contribution to the new Pentecostal church in Kalmar. The work also addresses the question whether there is a need for symbolism, art and sacred objects also within the Pentecostal movement, a traditionally strong image hosting environment. If so, how is it possible to bring this in to the church without completely breaking with the tradition and ideology of the movement? I want to communicate the Christian message in a renewed way, and in this particular project also highlight the importance of using images also within the Pentecostal movement.
Hur den missbrukande modern porträtteras i samhällsvetenskaplig forskningslitteratur
In this essay, I have studied the image of the drug abusing mother and her motherhood as seen in some of the social science literature on drug abusing women. This I did with a qualitative research design and with the questions:How is the drug abusing mother and her motherhood portrayed by social scientists?What signification is her motherhood given in her life by the researchers?What approach towards the drug abusing mother in the research process, and hence in the creation of the images of her, does the scientists have?I found that there are distinct patterns and themes in the research on mothers with a drug abuse. The researchers studied the women with the goal to understand them and to give them the opportunity to speak for themselves through the researcher. The drug abusing mother is in short portrayed as a woman who cares for her children, whose motherhood is one of the most important factors in her life and who is anxious that her substance abuse should not threaten it.
Människosonens beständighet : Bildanalys av två surrealistiska konstverk
Syftet med detta arbete är utifrån litteraturuppgifter samt analys beskriva Salvador Dalis och René Magrittes konstnärliga arbetsmetod, och utifrån detta göra en egen visuell gestaltning. Metoden jag har använt mig utav är litteratur, bildandalys och konstnärliga gestaltningar.Salvador Dalis metod i Minnets beständighet bygger på gränslöshet och fantasi, med tydliga semiotiska inslag. Du som betraktare avgör vad som ses, vill du se målningarna enkelt och bara uppleva det som är målat, eller vill betraktaren sjunka in i en värld av nyskapande, suddiga gränser och bortom alla regler. René Magrittes metod bygger i Människosonen på naturliga och trovärdiga drag, hans målning framstå som verklig fast med en touch av fantasi, med sparsamma drag av semiotik..
EU:s klimatpolitik - förhandlingsvägen till framgång
Eleven years after broking the Kyoto-protocol, the European Union still stands in the front line, combating climate change. How come the EU, with 27 diversified states, is able to integrate its members to what is widely considered the most progressive climate policy in the world? This thesis takes a closer look at the negotiations that have shaped EU climate policy. Using negotiation-models to categorize different aspects of EU climatenegotiations, several key-findings are presented. The thesis concludes that while EU entered the Kyoto-protocol with little to lose because of external factors like previous energy-reforms in key member countries, it had plenty to win in global influence and the satisfaction of an overwhelmingly Kyoto-positive public.
KRISHANTERING : Frågan är inte om, utan när!
Datum: 2007-06-04Nivå: Examensarbete DFörfattare: Richard Caspar, Joakim Lindberg & Philip SavénHandledare: Universitetslektor, docent Nils KinchTitel: KRISHANTERING! Frågan är inte om, utan när!Problemformulering: I litteraturen finns en mängd olika uppfattningar om hur företag bäst skall hantera en kris. Vad som däremot saknas är ett gemensamt förhållningssätt till hur dessa bör hanteras. Går det att fastställa olika allmänna rekommendationer från fallstudier och litteraturen kring krishantering?Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra ett antal olika kriser för att se om det går att utforma en generell metod för krishantering inom företag.Metod: Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie där nio fallstudier har granskats för att därefter analyserasSlutsatser: Våra slutsatser visar att företag bör försöka förstå sin omvärld, vara effektiva i sin kommunikation, planera för det värsta samt agera rakryggat och ärligt..