

2051 Uppsatser om Imageöverföring - Sida 65 av 137

Elever och lÀrares syn pÄ engelskundervisning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om motivation och integrering av engelska

Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.

Upplevelser och hanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar med IBD. : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

LÀkemedelsbolagens strategier för att begrÀnsa nedgÄng i marknadsandelar vid patentutgÄng

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding on how market leading pharmaceutical companies in Sweden limit the market share decrease when these companies patent expires. In order to respond to the purpose, two research questions have been asked: how do pharmaceutical companies deal with market strategies prior to the expiration of a patent: and how the market strategies is used when a patent has expired and as a consequence, generics entered the market. A case study was implemented based on two interviews with a brand manager and a therapy area manager within the company Pfizer AB in Sweden. The results suggest that pharmaceutical companies implement strategies in numerous ways which differs substantially from the theories, this having to do with Swedish legislation. The main aim with the execution of the strategy, before and after patent expiration is not to limit a decrease in market share hence, rather to retain the pharmaceutical companies strong brand image.

Kvinnors upplevelser av anorexia nervosa : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex condition with high mortality. AN has increased within the last fifty years and it?s associated with considerable suffering.Aim: To describe women?s experiences of AN.Method: This study was made as a systematic literature review. Articles were searched in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Eleven articles were used.

VÀrldens bÀsta jobb - En studie av enhetschefen inom Àldreomsorgen

Föreliggande uppsats har utförts under vÄren 2008 och utgör examensarbete pÄ socionompro-grammet. Vi som författat studien har lÀst utbildningen med fördjupning mot verksamhets-ledning. Syftet med studien Àr att belysa enhetschefens arbetssituation utifrÄn sina möjligheter att pÄ-verka sitt arbete nuvarande och framtida arbete inom Àldreomsorgen utifrÄn boende- och om-sorgsaspekter.I studien har vi anvÀnt en kvalitativ metodik, med en narrativ intervjumetod utifrÄn ett slump-mÀssigt urval. Den empiriska studien utgörs av det material som framkommit vid intervjuer med respondenter som tjÀnstgör som enhetschefer inom Àldreomsorgen. Av intervjumaterialet har fem teman vaskats fram som vi ser har relevans till uppsatsens syfte och frÄgestÀllning, nÀmligen boende, omsorg, organisationskultur, ramar och ledarskap.

I valet och kvalet - Studenters tankar kring konsumtion

Abstrakt Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen HOS, Programmet för sociologi och socialt utvecklingsarbete, Höstterminen 2007Titel: I valet och kvalet, en undersökning om studenters tankar kring konsumtionFörfattare: Anna-Carin Elb och Carolina Johansson Dokument: C-uppsatsExaminator: Magnus Ring Handledare: Åke NilsĂ©nSyfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att beskriva hur en grupp högskolestudenter upplever och förhĂ„ller sig till konsumtion. Vidare vill vi lyfta fram vĂ„ra respondenters tankar om de valmöjligheter som konsumtions-samhĂ€llet erbjuder samt hur deras behov och begĂ€r efter marknadens produkter tar sig uttryck och dĂ€rtill Ă€ven hur de anvĂ€nder dessa som ett medel för att framstĂ€lla sig sjĂ€lva. FrĂ„gestĂ€llning: HuvudfrĂ„gan vi stĂ€llt inför uppsatsarbetet Ă€r, hur upplever och förhĂ„ller sig studenter till konsumtion? Har studenterna olika förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till konsumtion?Metod: I relation till vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning har vi valt att anvĂ€nda oss av den kvalitativa metoden. Syftet med att anvĂ€nda denna metod och göra intervjuer med tio studenter pĂ„ Högskolan i Halmstad var att fĂ„ fram information som genom analys kan leda till att vi kan hitta mönster och göra jĂ€mförelser i vĂ„rt insamlade material.

Digitalisering inom redovisningsbranschen. En kvalitativ studie om redovisningskonsulters upplevelser och inst?llningar f?r den digitala f?r?ndringen

Under de senaste ?ren har digitaliseringen framfart f?r?ndrat hur m?nniskor lever och arbetar, vilket har lett till stora f?r?ndringar inom m?nga yrken ?ver v?rlden. Redovisningsyrket, som traditionellt innefattar rutinm?ssiga uppgifter som bland annat bokf?ring, registrering, uppr?ttande av ?rsredovisningar och finansiella rapporter, har inte varit ett undantag. Denna studie syftar till att utforska hur digitaliseringen har p?verkat redovisningskonsulters yrkesroll i Sverige.

"Vi bara frĂ„gar dem... Är det fritids nu? ... och dĂ„ sa de ja!" : En studie om barns perspektiv pĂ„ grĂ€nsen mellan förskoleklass och fritidshem

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the views of the elderly and the caregivers that appear in brochures for the elderly and the discourses that can be found within. The data that the study is based on was collected and analysed using content analysis and Faircloughs (1992) critical discourse analysis. The theoretical frameworks that have been used are social constructionism, critical discourse analysis, assortment and protest, and New Public Management. The results showed two images of older people (I) the elderly as active and autonomous and (II) the elderly as passive and in need of help. The results also showed two pictures of the caregiver (III) the caregiver and NPM, and (IV), the non-profit care provider as a complement.

A world of illustration - Ett utforskande projekt om Illustration som begrepp och koncept, dess gÀllande och möjliga anvÀndningsomrÄden samt utformningen av en arbetsprocess

It is not about the perfect tune or pretty picture.It is always, always about the story. (Is or ought to be)When we release a new album, publish a book or show a brand newcollection of clothes or furniture etc. it is (or ought to be) because we havesomething to say (tell/share). The choice of language, in which we tell our stories,is vital for how they will be perceived.This is where illustration comes in. Illustration is a tool for storytelling, for contributingto the world in the most legible way.Illustration is legibility, it is the italic, the underline, the ?quotation mark?, the exclamation mark!It is not about the pretty picture.I want to talk about this.

Optimization of Burner Kiln 7, Cementa Slite

In this report focus is put on the combustion process at a cement plant. Combustion is the heart of the cement making process and absolutely crucial to have under full control and well optimized. The fuel is put into the process through a burner pipe and this burner pipe is modified to reach a more efficient combustion. The primary target is to enable burning of heterogeneous alternative fuels and increase the production level. Other positive effects from this type of optimization is lowered specific fuel consumption and lowered CO2 emissions. A redundant burner is chosen for the project and overall the project steps are the following: 1. Installing a Jet air nozzle ring in a way so it can move both axially and radially due to temperature changes. 2.

"Man fÄr det intrycket av dig" : En samtalsanalytisk studie i journalisters anvÀndande av det indefinita pronomenet man i partiledarintervjuer.

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

Valkyrieritten som filmmusik : Wagners musik i fyra filmer

Adina Schneltzer: Valkyrieritten som filmmusik. Wagners musik i fyra filmer. Uppsala: Musikvetenskap, 1998. C-uppsats (60 p).Uppsatsens syfte Àr att undersöka vilka funktioner Richard Wagners musik kan ha som filmmusik. En begrÀnsning har skett till fyra filmer, dÀr Wagners musik har anvÀnts inom diegesen, dvs handlingen, och i originalsÀttning eller orkesterversion.

Stockholm : The Capital of Scandinavia?

Bakgrund: I denna uppsats presenteras lÀsaren till Stockholm Visitors Board varumÀrke som under nÄgra Är anvÀnts och marknadsförts internationellt för att locka företag, besökare och investerare till Stockholms stad. Författarna har undersökt varumÀrket ?Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia? för att ta reda pÄ vad de danska och norska turistorganisationerna anser om detta. De utlÀndska organisationerna Àr VisitNorway, Wonderful Copenhagen och VisitDenmark. Samtidigt har en utredning pÄgÄtt för att se om nÄgot motarbete gjorts frÄn ovan nÀmnda organisationerna.Med facit i hand kan författarna konstatera att dessa organisationer Àr likasinnade i sitt sÀtt att arbeta.

Lantbrukare och rÄdgivare : tillsammans kan de frÀmja biologisk mÄngfald.

With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.

Blodtryck hos förskolebarn korrelerar med BMI redan frÄn 12 mÄnaders Älder

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

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