

2504 Uppsatser om Idrottspolitisk plan - Sida 4 av 167

En förenklad tillämpning av plan- och bygglagen: Viktiga förbättringar angående bygglov och bygglovsprövning för den enskilde

Syftet med denna uppsats var att redogöra för rättsreglerna som är gällande i den nya plan- och bygglagstiftningen. I den svenska Plan- och bygglagen (1987:10) (PBL) stadgas bestämmelserna om den kommunala mark och vattenanvändningen samt bebyggelsemiljöns utveckling. Allt sedan PBL började gälla har behovet av en mer förenklad och förtydligad plan- och bygglagstiftning succesivt ökat. Detta har motiverats efter ett stort antal utredningsförslag som nu resulterat i en ny Plan ? och bygglag (2010:900) som träder i kraft 2 maj 2011.

Mobbning och kränkande behandling : En undersökning om skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling

The purpose of the work is to highlight schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment, find out about schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment follow what is written in the governing documents and how schools can work preventively against the same. The questions have been investigated through qualitative interviews and analysis of documents or in the theoretical background. The interviewees and partially schools were selected through an arbitrarily selection. In each plan against abusive treatment states that the monitoring and evaluation should be conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the responses from leisure educator 1, 2 and 3. School B's plan does not contain an overview of the measures needed to prevent and stop abusive treatment of children.

Jämställdhetsarbete på en akademisk institution, från ord till handling

The essay discusses how to look at a equality plan of a academic department experiences the, gender equality in general and how power is portrayed from a gender perspective in the academic department. Through the use of qualitative interviews and a short survey the results have shown that few of the staff members have knowledge about the equality plan and few are familiar with its contents. Furthermore results show that the academic department is run hierarchyilly and that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation exists.The climate at the academic department is characterized by the will to work with gender equality but so far there have only been few exercised or planned efforts to do so. The gap between theory and practise is wide, the will to be seen as an equal academic department concerning equality of men and women seems important. The conscious or unconscious strategy of covering up the real gender equality seems to be done by focusing on the numerical equality..

Att spegla sin omvärld ? En exemplifierande fallstudie av Haninge kommuns biblioteksverksamhet

The purpose of this paper is to investigate in which aspects the public library is affected by its local community. This is re-searched by means of an exemplified case study of a Swedish public library in which we analyze governing documents and the library website with respect to environmental scanning and mar-keting of library services.The research questions are: How are the local community?s demands on the public li-brary being described in the governing document? How is the public library?s response to the demands of the local community being described in the operational plan? How are the demands of the local community, as shown in the governing document and the operational plan, re-flected in the marketing of library services on the library website?Our conclusions are that:The demands of the local community are described in a general fashion in the governing document, but there is a lack of concrete political guidelines.The public library's response to the demands of the local commu-nity is described to some length in the operational plan, but not with respect to economical factors.The demands of the local community are reflected to some length in the marketing of library services on the library website. Many of the overall themes that we identify in the governing document and the operational plan can be found in the marketing directed towards important target groups..

Medborgarinflytande i detaljprocessen : En jämförelse mellan PBL 1987 samt PBL 2010 ur ett demokratiperspektiv

In the year 2002 a commission wasappointed by the government and taskedto clear up possible flaws in the lawgoverning spatial planning (Plan ochbygglagen, PBL). The commission's reportlaid the foundations for a new law whichwas adopted by the Swedish parliament onthe 20th of June 2010 and is scheduledto come into effect on the 2nd of May2011.The purpose of this thesis has been toexamine the changes made in the new law,primarily from a civil-rights point ofview, focusing on the appeal process.This is a highly interesting subjectconsidering one reason behind the newlaw was to simplify and streamline theplanning process while keeping civilrights intact.Through a comprehensive literature studyand interviews with experts the currentplanning process was mapped out andrelevant changes in the new law wereexamined. After the study had beenconcluded we were able to distinguishseveral areas that underwent especiallyinteresting changes;The requirement of a plan program wasremoved and the exhibition process wasremoved and replaced by a writtenreview. Individuals were given thepossibility of requesting a plan notice.The different spatial plan documentswere merged into one single document andthe number of responsible authoritiesfor spatial plans is no longer limitedto one.The study has shown that the aspirationfor a more effective spatial planningprocess has mostly been conducted at theexpense of individual rights.The single biggest obstacle forachieving a democratic planning processis learning how the law works and howthe spatial planning process isimplemented, this is has been proven tobe a very hard and time consuming taskfor individuals to undertake..

Forskarservice vid Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek : en dokumenthanteringsplan

We have produced a process mapping and from there developed a document management plan for the research service at the Labour Movement Archives and Library (ARAB) in Stockholm, Sweden. The project was conducted during five weeks in the spring of 2011 at ARAB and the resulting classification structure and document plan has been formulated and presented to the staff at a seminar. We found that the institution in some cases were suffering from an inadequate documentation in a number of the identified processes, and also in their records management and archiving. In this additional memorandum follows an analyzing discussion of activity-based document- and archive management, e-archives and process mapping. We have accordingly tried to standardize the process of research services and contribute to a more adequate document management within the institution.

Formgivning av funktion : De potentiella skydden

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Krishantering i skolan : En studie om hur skolan som helhet arbetar med krishantering.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the school as a whole is working with crisis management. The purpose includes examining the readiness of both school teachers and leisure educators when it comes to dealing with crises that children undergo and also to study how they best can provide support for those children. Accordingly, this thesis aims to provide an insight into what the school's work with crisis management might look like. The basis of this thesis consists of six qualitative interviews with a principal, a school counselor, two class teachers and two leisure educators. The study shows that it is important to have a functioning crisis team and a well-made emergency preparedness plan, which the school in this study is considered to have. The crisis group is responsible throughout the crisis work, attends trainings and updates the emergency plan.

Betraktelser kring en strand : Om platser och kulturarbete

Det här arbetets slutgiltiga uppgift har varit att skapa ett första utkast till enövergripande plan för en jämn fördelning av spelmoment för spelet Testament, ett spel som utvecklas för Svenska Kyrkan med syfte att användas inom konfirmandundervisning. Med spelmoment menas exempelvis story, miljö, utrustning och liknande.Arbetet ger inledningsvis en kort översikt över hur leveldesignen inom dataspel har utvecklats och går därefter in på det mer specifika området gameplay progression, utvecklat av Mike Lopez, som ger en översyn över vad som krävs för att skapa ett spel med en jämn fördelning av spelmoment.Därefter används denna metod för att analysera det redan befintliga spelet The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, för att testa Lopez metod, innan arbetet med att skapa en egen plan tar vid.Resultatet av uppsatsen har nått målet med en övergripande plan för en jämnfördelning av spelmoment för spelet Testament, en plan som dock kommer att behöva ses över och omarbetas under det att utvecklingen av det faktiska spelet tar vid, men som ger en bra överblick över vilka delar som fungerar väl och vilka som kan behöva extra arbete i den stundande utvecklingen..

En undersökning av miljöbedömning för RUFS 2010

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Gameplay Progression : Om skapandet av en jämn progression av spelmoment till dataspelet Testament

Det här arbetets slutgiltiga uppgift har varit att skapa ett första utkast till enövergripande plan för en jämn fördelning av spelmoment för spelet Testament, ett spel som utvecklas för Svenska Kyrkan med syfte att användas inom konfirmandundervisning. Med spelmoment menas exempelvis story, miljö, utrustning och liknande.Arbetet ger inledningsvis en kort översikt över hur leveldesignen inom dataspel har utvecklats och går därefter in på det mer specifika området gameplay progression, utvecklat av Mike Lopez, som ger en översyn över vad som krävs för att skapa ett spel med en jämn fördelning av spelmoment.Därefter används denna metod för att analysera det redan befintliga spelet The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, för att testa Lopez metod, innan arbetet med att skapa en egen plan tar vid.Resultatet av uppsatsen har nått målet med en övergripande plan för en jämnfördelning av spelmoment för spelet Testament, en plan som dock kommer att behöva ses över och omarbetas under det att utvecklingen av det faktiska spelet tar vid, men som ger en bra överblick över vilka delar som fungerar väl och vilka som kan behöva extra arbete i den stundande utvecklingen..

Den auktoriserade redovisningskonsulten : I skuggan av revisorn?

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Inflytande i teori och praktik : En kvalitativ maktanalys över arbetet med individuella planer enligt LSS

People with certain types of disabilities have the legal right to ask for an individual plan. The idea is that the plan should be a tool for the disabled to get more power and influence over the planned actions that involves their lives. The aim of this thesis was to study the individual circumstances of interpersonal power and influence in the work of individual plans. The study was done with a qualitative approach, where three executing officers and three individuals were interviewed. The results show that the conditions for the individual?s influence are far more complicated than at first glance.

Niedskrivning istället för Avskrivning : En studie i hur nedskrivning av goodwill skulle förändraresultatet jämfört med avskrivning enligt plan.

Problem: Hur ska en nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill på Solvent AB genomföras?Vad hade nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill haft för resultatpåverkan i förhållandetill avskrivning enligt plan?Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken skillnad det skulle ge i resultatet avatt nedskrivningspröva goodwill i jämförelse med att skriva av det enligt plan. Deterfordras då en metod för att kunna nedskrivningspröva goodwill för Solvent AB.Metod: Modellen som har valts för denna studie är en deskriptiv/deduktiv modell som vianser passar studien bäst. Datainsamlingen kommer främst att ske från sekundäradatakällor på ett kvantitativt sätt. Den främsta datakällan är den förvärvsanalys somgjorts av KPMG.Slutsats: För att Solvent AB ska kunna göra en nedskrivningsprövning på ett så bra sätt sommöjligt behövs att de särredovisar affärsrörelsens kassaflöden.

Den våldsutövande mannen - som vilken man som helst? : En diskursanalys av hur mäns våld mot kvinnor förstås i regeringens handlingsplan

The purpose of this essay is to identify how violence against women is understood in the government's policy action plan called Handlingsplan för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor, hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt våld i samkönade relationer. The main issue that the study is based on, is whether there is a feminist gendered understanding that permeates the action plan. To examine this, I have formulated two more specific questions:     - What is considered to be the main problem of men's violence against women?     - What is considered to be the reasons for men's violence against women?    The empirical material of the study consists of the government's action plan. With the help of Carol Bacchis discourse analytical approach "What's the problem approach", important patterns in the material have been detected.

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