

2362 Uppsatser om Identity creation - Sida 45 av 158

?Här hämtar man kraft? : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av deltagande i Qvinnoqulan, ett projekt för kvinnor på väg ur missbruk

The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of what impact support-groups, such as represented by Qvinnoqulan, can have on women with drug-addiction. The questions at issue for the essay was: How does a selection of women who participate in Qvinnoqulan describe their thoughts, experiences and reflections of the group? What sense has Qvinnoqulan made for the women on a personal level and for contributing to live a life without drugs? To answer the questions a qualitative method was used and five interviews were made with women who participated in the activities of Qvinnoqulan. To analyze the data a social constructionist perspective and an empowerment perspective was used. The result of the study showed that the women were in the process of rebuilding a new life without drugs and reconstructing a new identity.

Revisorn 3.0 - identitetskrisen som inte finns

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utforska hur revisorns egenskaper och uppfattningar om en god revisor påverkar den professionella och organisatoriska identiteten.Metod: Genom att använda oss av ett positivistiskt synsätt i kombination med en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod har vi erhållit vårt empiriska material.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien utgår från litteratur gällande revisorns traditionella och nya roll. Vidare har teori om professionell och organisatorisk identitet använts samt andra teorier inom vårt ämnesområde.Empirisk metod: SPSS har använts för att analysera vår empiri som erhållits genom en kvantitativ metod, enkäter. Empirin har analyserats genom multipel regressionsanalys samt faktoranalys.Resultat: Vårt resultat visar på att organisatorisk och professionell identitet lever i symbios och kan numera betraktas som en totalidentitet för revisorn. .

Mittemellan eller både och? : Upplevelser och erfarenheter av den multietniska livssituationen

Multietniska individer antas stå inför större utmaningar än monoetniska individer när de gäller att utveckla och anta en etnisk identitet. Huvudsyftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter multietniska individer i Sverige delar. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes, fem män och fyra kvinnor i åldrarna 20-27 deltog. Deltagarna upplevde att de både kände att deras identitet har influerats av två olika kulturer samt att de uppstod situationer där de kände sig kluvna och osäkra krig sin etniska identitet. Resultatet visade att det fanns olika faktorer som kunde påverka den multietniska identitetsutvecklingen och att deltagarna valde att etniskt identifiera sig på olika sätt.

'Vi' och 'dem' : -En diskursanalys av konstruktionen av gruppidentitet hos Moderaterna, Sverigedemokraterna och Vänsterpartiet

The aim of this essay is to show if and how group identities are being constructed in maindocuments from three political parties in the Swedish parliament, focusing on class, genderand ethnic identities. The three parties who?s documents are being analyzed are theModerate Party, the Sweden Democrats and the Left Party. The conclusion of the essay isthat the Moderate Party is so focused on the individual that they are not promoting groupidentity based on class, gender or ethnicity. The Sweden Democrats are mostly discussing,and therefore creating a discourse of, cultural identity, where Swedish, Nordic, Europeanand Western culture are being created as the ?us?, and others are being created as ?them?.They are also promoting difference between men and women, therefore dividing the sexesin groups.

Man blir påverkad av sitt kön vare sig man vill eller inte : En kvalitativ studie om skillnader i män och kvinnors musikpreferenser

Music has always been an important form of communication and it can be found in many different contexts including aesthetical, cultural and emotional forms. In the globalized society of today music can be distributed fast through radio, TV, CD: s and the Internet. For many people consumption of music is an important part of the daily life and it can contribute to shape an individual?s attitudes and personality.The main purpose of this study is to find out whether there are any differences between men and women?s musical preferences. I will apply an explorative approach using qualitative interviews to describe what causes the differences.

"Jag förstod ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om sex ungdomars upplevelser av att ha dyslexi i grundskolan

One of the most important goals of school is to teach children how to read and write. But there are also children with great problems in reading and writing/dyslexia at school. In the Swedish School Plan you can, for example, read that one of the school?s most important goals is to give these children with special needs the help that they need.This study will investigate how six young people with reading and writing problems/dyslexia experienced the first nine years at school. There has been very little research regarding students´ experiences of having reading and writing problems/dyslexia early in school, which is strange because school is a place where children spend most of their time.

Kampen om Könskriget : - en diskursteoretisk analys av meningsskapande kring Dokument Inifråns granskning av extremfeminismen

AbstractTitle: The struggle of ?The war of the sexes?- A discoursetheoretical analysis of Dokument Inifrån?s review of extreme feminism (Kampen om Könskriget ? En diskursteoretisk analys av meningsskapande kring Dokument Inifråns granskning av extremfeminismen)Number of pages: 40Author: Anna OsterlingTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: March ? May 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To analyse the debate in Dagens Nyheter from May 2005-June 2005 concerning the documentaries ?The war of the sexes? and to use discourse theory to reflect upon how the texts create different thruths and discources. A second purpose is to analyse how the texts create identities and groups, mainly concerning feminism. A third purpose is to relate the creation of meaning to structures of power and genderrelations.Material/Method: The material consists of 57 texts from Dagens Nyheter published during the chosen period, all relating to the documentaries. The method is textual analysis with a discoursetheoretical persective and analysis of societal structures and power using theories from Foucault, Conell and Säljö.Main results: There are several discourses struggling to create mening around ?The war of the sexes? of which some are greatly antagonistic towards each other.

Då och nu på biblioteket : Bibliotekariers förändrade yrkesroll

In this Bachelor thesis, we examine how the work of the librarian has changed over the past three decades. The research questions focus on the changes in librarians´ roles and working tasks regarding factors like technique, meetings between librarians and visitors and also how to give service to visitors.We have conducted interviews with librarians at university libraries as well as public libraries. In all, there were four interviews. We have also compared the two types of libraries.We have looked closely at these factors: the tasks of the librarians, the skills needed, how the library has been used as a democratic arena, and what kinds of meetings there are among librarians and users of the library. From these themes we have created interview questions, and our analysis is structured according to the themes.We have worked from a theory on different kinds of identities within the profession.

Kramfors och kampen om livskvaliteten - En diskursanalytisk studie av kommunens marknadsföring

In the era of urbanization and globalization, many small, rural and post-industrialcities struggle for growth. The competition for citizens and visitors is intense, andone commonly used strategy is to promote the city to a target audience. Placemarketing, however, is homogenized to a great extent. Marketing thus seems likea useless approach, yet almost every city does it.By using discourse analysis and institutional theory, this essay aims to explainwhy the city of Kramfors markets itself. There are several problems arising due tothe marketing of places, especially concerning the discrepancy between the city?simage and identity.

Mitt språk, min värld : En socialpsykologisk uppsats om språk och identitetsutveckling på ett språkcafé

We want in this paper, by using participant observation and qualitative interviews, comecloser to an understanding of what meaning a language café might have for the peoplewho go there. Many of the visitors are people who recently moved to Sweden and are inthe middle of a process of learning Swedish. We want to get a further insight into howthey feel about their situation and what the social encounters on the language café mightmean to them. The purpose is to examine how this can have significance for the identitydevelopment of the visitors.The result shows that the language café is an important place for the visitors because itis the only place they can go to in order to practice speaking Swedish, which isimportant for them to find their place in Sweden. The language café also fulfils animportant function of a place where the visitors can receive an understanding of theSwedish society and reflect about it, but also a place for self-reflection to see theopportunities in the situations they find themselves in.

Yarden/Yarden : En berättelse om prekaritetens verklighetsuppfattning

By using contemorary work-theory this thesis aim to show how Yarden. En bera?ttelse, puts into play the circumstances of precarian work, circumstances that have gender political as well as identity political overtones. It tries to show how the idea of ?class-jouney? is used as a conciliatory element.

Integrerad genom språket? : Interaktion och samtal med kvinnor från olika etniska bakgrunder

The thesis examines how language, culture and family structures interrelate and affect the process of migration. Vital is how women from a different ethnic background integrates during migration and in a dialogue context with us as researchers and native Swedes. The thesis is interdisciplinary and analyzes empirical data through a qualitative method by using the perspectives gender, ethnicity and identity. The empirical material consists of 7 interviews, which have been transcribed and then broken down in to quotations. Thesequotations have then been analyzed using the perspectives mentioned above.

Hur är ungdomars förhåll-ningssätt till krogbesök? En kvalitativ intervjustudie

This paper is about finding out why minors are visiting pubs, and what it is that determines which pubs they opt to visit. To catch this, a qualitative approach is applied, specifically Fo-cus group interviews. There are interviews with a total of 10 informants. The informants come from two different schools in Gothenburg. There are six boys and four girls.


In this thesis we have examined if some young people's identity is influenced by television programs. We chose to illustrate this from a gender perspective and have made use of social construction theory. We did group interviews with 13 youngsters, in three groups, to find out how much insight they had in what they watch, if they believe that they are affected and how they believe that gender roles in television programs often look. Our questions are: Does young people's identity take influence of the TV program? How? Creates a social construction of gender in the television programs that young people are watching? Is there awareness among young people on what they watch and how is this in this case out? Important to emphasize is that our results are not necessarily representative of youngsters in general when we only had the opportunity to interview a few.

Arena för ungt skapande. Hur biblioteket tar till vara unga människors kulturuttryck: exemplet Demoteket

The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore the function of public libraries as arenas for young people's artistic creations. It examines how the public library makes activities based on independent creativity visible, and what activities of this sort imply to the public library. The thesis also relates this to the public library's task in society. The main object of examination is Demoteket, an on-going project in the south-eastern parts of Sweden. In this project Länsbibliotek Sydost co-operates with Reaktor Sydost, a centre of resource in the fields of young communication and filmmaking.

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