

988 Uppsatser om IP-network - Sida 15 av 66

Inlärning i Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning i kontinuerliga domäner

The largest project at the AICG lab at Linköping University, Cognitive models for virtual characters, focuses on creating an agent architecture for intelligent, virtual characters. The goal is to create an agent that acts naturally and gives a realistic user experience. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an appropriate learning model that fits the existing agent architecture using an agile project methodology. The model developed can be seen as an online unsupervised reinforcement learning model that enhances experiences through reward. The model is based on Maes model where new effects are created depending on whether the agent is fulfilling its goals or not.The model we have developed is based on constant monitoring of the system.


This is a report written for an examination project C-level, on the subject of energy. The examination project is a product of the FVB Sweden AB (district heating bureau). It started with a meeting with Stefan Jonsson FVB Sweden AB, were he explained the content of the project, and from this a presentation of the problem was made. The problem that needed to be solved was how they could control the valves in the system to provide heating to everyone in the system. The valves are often oversized so the pump in the heating plant would have to be enormous to be able to provide enough flow to be sufficient, if everyone in the system had there valves fully opened. I came up with two solutions to the problem, one was a wireless network that could keep track of the valves and the other solution was an extra sensor that was placed on the radiator.

Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete

Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality?s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established.

Hälsofrämjande skolor i Norden och Storbritannien, praktik möter teori : En litteraturgranskning

Denna studie berör skolor som är medlemmar i nätverket European Network of Health Promoting Schools och benämner sig som hälsofrämjande skolor. Syftet var: Att identifiera, beskriva, förklara och förstå de metoder som används inom undervisningen i hälsofrämjande grundskolor i Norden och Storbritannien. Metoden var litteraturgranskning då detta är en litteraturstudie. Vetenskapliga artiklar och utvärderande material användes och ett totalt antal av 13 artiklar som berörde flera skolor i ett land presenteras i studien. Resultatet visade att eleverna skulle vara mer självständiga i sitt kunskapsinhämtande och skolorna använde metoder såsom egna undersökningar eller diskussioner.

ArcView för kommunal skolskjutsplanering

Examensarbetet är tänkt att visa hur GIS-programvaran ArcView 3.0 Network Analyst kan användas till inom kommunal skolskjutsplanering. De moment som ingått i arbetet är följande: ? Sammanställning av indata. ? Uppbyggnad av databas i Access.

Vägen till rätt information. - En studie av informationsbehov hos personer som arbetar med information i olika verksamheter

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine theinformation use and information seeking behaviour amongpersons who actively work with information. For this study,interviews have been conducted with a group of six personswho work with information in information intensiveorganizations. The aim is to answer the following questions:What kind of information is connected to the respondents?work tasks? What is the purpose of their search forinformation? Which information sources do they use and whatkind of information sources do they demand? The theoreticalframework consists mainly of Wilsons information needs andinformation seeking model.The results of this study show that none of the respondentshad any strategic model for their work with information. Theinformation that the respondents were searching for is ofdifferent content and depends on the organization in which therespondent operates.

Att fånga en föränderlig värld : En utredning av omvärldsanalysens nuläge och utvecklingspotential inom Regionförbundet Örebro

The first aim of this thesis is to descriptively identify and chart the activities of the strategic intelligence and environmental scanning that take place at the regional collaboration network Regionförbundet Örebro. This identification is essential in reaching the comprehensive and primary aim of the thesis: to discuss, through normative discourse, what the options of improvement are and in which ways systematic operations can be integrating parts in the organization. In order to offer guidance of development from the perspectives of environmental scanning, the question at issue has emanated from activities concerning the present methods of working at Regionförbundet Örebro.During the creation of this thesis, several interviews have been made with people who are regarded to be key roles within the regional collaboration network. An analysis has been made, based on governing documents and answers from the interviews, where possible improvements of the business have been identified. The inferences become parts of a greater potential of amelioration since they are presented as active solutions and proposals that can be directly adaptable to the organization.Our proposals of improvements/ameliorations are constituted by a number of concrete/explicit points such as: a wider public information supply and an introduction of several annual routines and methods..

Karakterisering av bioslam för modellering av biogasproduktion

The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.

Nätverkssäkerhet med IPS : Förbättrad nätverkssäkerhet med Intrusion Prevention Systems

Att skydda sin IT-miljö mot olika typer av intrång och attacker som till exempel trojaner,skadliga Java applets eller DoS attacker med hjälp av brandväggar och antivirusprogramär två viktiga lager i skalskyddet.I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur väl ett Intrusion Prevention System skulle kunna fungera som ett ytterligare lager i skalskyddet. Fokus ligger på hur väl IPS-systemet klarar av att avvärja attacker, hur mycket tid som går åt till konfigurering och drift för att få ett fungerande IPS samt hur prestandan i nätverket påverkas av implementationen. För att mäta hur väl IPS systemet klarar av att upptäcka och blockera attacker utförs två experiment där ett mindre nätverk attackeras på olika sätt. I det första experimentet skyddas infrastrukturen av en brandvägg och klienterna är utrustade med antivirusprogram. I det andra experimentet genomförs samma attacker igen fast med ett Snort IPS implementerat i nätverket.Resultatet av de genomförda experimenten visar att en IPS klarar att blockera ca 87% av attackerna, men nätverksprestandan påverkas negativt.

Säkerhet i Wireless Local Area Networks : En studie i säkerhetslösningar utförd på uppdrag av Saab Bofors Dynamics AB.

Saab Bofors Dynamics AB is looking for ways to let the employees work wireless in the future. The security in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) has not been considered very reliable, but new standards and protocols have been developed to enhance the security in WLAN. Since most wireless components soon will have built in support for wireless communication, it is important to have a model to deal with secure wireless communication ready. This is necessary because it is important to protect the company?s information related systems, ensure contingency in the daily work and maintaining the trust of the market and the authorities.

The Life and the death of commercail email : En studie av e-postens geografi  med hjälp av Actor Network Theory

Denna studie belyser svårigheten för teknik och virtuell geografi att nå ut till mottagaren genom en kartläggning av e-postens geografi. För att skapa förståelse och fånga den osynliga processen bakom e-postens geografi  utgår uppsatsen dels från teorin Actor Network Theory (ANT) och dels från intervjuer.Under studiens gång uppstod ny förståelse för e-postens komplexitet och ledde fram till en reviderad syn. I början av uppsatsarbetet betraktades e-posten enbart utifrån sin funktion som aktant och intermediarie men i takt med att undersökningen fortgick framkom att den samtidigt, utöver dessa funktioner, fungerar e-posten som ett heterogent nätverk med betydelsefulla komponenter såsom aktörer och aktanter. Enligt uppsatsens konklusioner är e-postens trajektoria beroende av den strategi som producenten använder under skapandet av elektroniska meddelanden. Ett kontinuerligt arbete mellan producent och konsument krävs för att e-postens trajektoria ska upprätthållas och leda fram till att det elektroniska meddelande som löper igenom det virtuella nätverket når sitt syfte..

Riskkapital : Roller, Involvering och Värdeskapande

In order to drive innovation and growth in a nation is it important to have innovative companies. Many of those innovative companies are smaller companies, which are in need of capital injections for expansion of its operations or to be able to produce a commercial product. In many cases the banks will not lend because they believe there is too great a risk that they will not get their money back. It is in this situation venture capital becomes interesting. Venture capitalists? see the potential the product and/or entrepreneur possesses and are therefore more willing to take the risk in investing in these companies.

Breaking the habitual : ett gestaltningsförslag för Hagebys nya aktivitetscentrum

Utifrån rapporter från bl.a. Riksidrottsförbundet (2007) går det att fastställa att aktivitetsytor som planeras för barn och unga idag inte används jämlikt. Dagens planering tenderar att gynna killar i högre utsträckning än tjejer. Examensarbetet Breaking the Habitual ? Ett gestaltningsförslag för Hagebys nya aktivitetscentrum ställer sig kritiskt till detta och strävar efter att bryta denna planeringsstruktur.

Utveckling av kompatibilitetsdatabas

This report explains the need to develop a configuration manager that handles transmission equipment which exists in the Swedish Defence telecommunications network. The configuration module will display the configurations and compatibility among the equipment and their software which are all part of the network.Also included in this report are tools, methods and results for the development of a prototype for the configuration manager. The prototype consists fundamentally of a database assisted by a user friendly website.The transmission equipment handles a lot of important transmission of information and is in the hands of a department of SAAB, OFGCA, by orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). Within the work included in this order exists a continuous update of both software and hardware which the equipment consists of. Therefore it?s highly important that there is a monitoring of which of the software and hardware is compatible with one another, ensuring that the functions of the system work properly.The consistent updating has resulted in compatibility issues between components and because of this, a need for a configuration manager has arisen..

Förutsättningar och Avsättningar för Biogas för Gröna Vessigebro : Version 1.0

The community Vessigebro, in Falkenberg and its surrounding areas housing one percent of all dairy cattle and two percent of all pigs in Sweden. This means that there is a large amount of manure as a basis for producing biogas in the area. A number of farmers have therefore formed a cooperative named Vessigebro biogas and started the project Green Vessigebro, with the goal of creating the conditions for a more profitable and more sustainable agriculture production.The study deals with the conditions and sale opportunities of the feasibility study Green Vessigebro. The study has looked at the work that was previously carried out for the biogas that could be produced on the farms in Vessigebro, The main pipeline for natural gas on the Swedish west coast and its operators, the Swedish Competition Act , Electricity Act , Natural Gas Act, the District Heating Act , Sustainability Act , previously proposed measures, municipality interest in biogas from Vessigebro , possible collaborations, possible sale opportunities and perform calculations with data from the municipality Ljungby for a suggested transportation of biogas between Vessigebro and Ljungby.The study shows that there are several interesting sale opportunities for biogas from Vessigebro. The production and use of biogas in Sweden is increasing and the trend seems set to continue.

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