

11124 Uppsatser om ICT in the Swedish subject - Sida 43 av 742

Jakten på stoff : Hur historieläraren på grundskolenivå gör sitt stoffurval

No matter what subject or which grade you are active in, the teachers in Sweden have incommon that they are provided with governing documents that states the guidelines and goalsregarding each subject. Along with these governing documents every teacher has to findmaterial that will be used as the foundation of the teaching. This thesis is a study of howSwedish history teachers define what material they are going to use in their teaching, andwhich the factors are that is affecting these choices. The question whether a child?s ethnicaland cultural background is a factor that affects this choice of material is concerned, as well aswhat is current in Sweden and the world.

Prissättning Ekologiska livsmedel

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Lgr11 ?  Vägen till en modern skola? : En undersökning om lärares uppfattningar i samband med införandet av lgr11

The investigation has taken starting point in the Swedish school history by a look back at the last three curricula and its rating system in order to see the differences and similarities between them. Furthermore, the focus was on the implementation of lgr11 and how it has worked out both on the national and local levels, with the help of, among other things Imsens "five faces of the curriculum" and Lipsky theories of grassroots bureaucrats. The aim of the study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of differences in teaching and assessment in grades 7-9, during the changeover from Lpo94 both on lgr11.The questions developed for this purpose was: How do teachers say that their teaching changed in conjunction with curriculum change? Has there been a refocusing about the concept of knowledge in the curriculum shift, and if so, how?How the assessment and grading did change with the curriculum change?Data collection has been made using a quantitative survey with qualitative elements. The survey consisted of 10 questions that everyone faces the transition to lgr11.

E-Handeln i Sverige : En studie om den offentliga statistikens möjligheter inom svensk e-handel

The Internet has developed into a marketplace for national and international companies. With relatively small means, a company can reach out to millions of people on a daily basis by placing itself on the Internet. With this report, we wish to suggest how e-businesses can change its strategy to adapt to the new market. Focus is on the Swedish Internet market where Swedes, resident in Sweden, trades with Swedish e-companies active within the Swedish borders. To be able to make suggestions, we will first paint a picture of the Swedish e-commerce market from statistics collected from public sources.

Integration och intersektionalitet - Tre skånska kommuners användning av intersektionalitetsperspektivet

Integration is a phenomena that occurs in all societies that experience any form of immigration. This process is dependent on how we analyze, both the groups of immigrants, and how we analyze the society in which they becoming integrated.Intersectionality is one method of analyzing this framework. By applying the categories: gender, class and race on the integration process, we get a more complex picture of the subject. Therefore we also become more able to adjust the actions and arrangement around the different questions of inte-gration.In this essay I try to explain what the intersectionality is, how it is used and how it can apply in integration as a specific subject. I also apply the intersectionality model on different policy documents from Malmö, Vellinge and Landskrona to find out if they show any awareness of this model both explicitly and implicitly..

Modellering av dagvettenavrinning - Mousetrap

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Elevers uppfattning och Historia och historieundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate the tendencies among pupils concerning their attitudes towards History and some of the stated goals in the present and in the proposed course plan of History, since there is, probably, a change coming in 2011. The study is built on questionnaires answered by one hundred pupils at a Swedish upper-secondary-school. The results point to the fact that most of these pupils like history, but still they do not wish to make it an obligatory subject, which is a government proposal at the moment. Furthermore, the answers about sources, democracy, the use of History and the consciousness about History, have a clear tendency; there have been too little education about these areas during the pupils former nine years in school, still the pupils think that these are important areas to work with. Moreover, this study shows a disheartening picture when it comes to pupils knowledge of their cultural heritage. Only half of the pupils know which century Gustav Vasa lived in and just a third know what year universal suffrage was introduced in Sweden, two facts that ought to be set in most Swedes? mind..

Förskolebarns kommunikation i leken : Lek, kommunikation och språk i sammanhang

The aim of this study is to observe Swedish preschool children in their natural habitat and without any intervention. Four different observations are made and thereafter analyzed. Throughout the whole study the subject of interest is the children's communication in their play. Children can communicate with each other in various ways, for instance with speech and without speech, i.e. with their physical language, aesthetic and multi language.

Kulturarv för framtiden : En diskursanalys av mötet mellan arkiv och bibliotek i en nationell strategi för digitalisering

The aim of this study is to examine if library and archive will meet professionally in digitization projects. The study has been conducted as a discourse analysis in accordance with the methods of Norman Fairclough, professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. The texts are seen as linguistic and semiotic elements of social events that can be analyzed as parts of the social process ? discourse. The relationship between events and structures in society will be part of the social practice.The basic data derive from five public documents collected from Swedish government agencies.

Motivation och läsförståelse : En studie av korrelationen mellan motivationen till att läsa och läsförståelsen hos elever i tredje ring på gymnasiet

This essay, called Motivation and reading comprehension, is a study of the correlation between the motivation to read and the reading comprehension of Swedish students in their final year of school before university level, meaning that they are eighteen or nineteen years old, sometimes more.The relation between the identity of the individual and the learning process has been a matter of scientific interest for some time, and this essay works in that tradition by investigating the connection between how pupils regard reading and how well developed their ability to decode text is.The reading comprehension is measured through a test that consists of a text from the Swedish epic by Vilhelm Moberg, Invandrarna, where the reader at certain intervals throughout the text is asked to mark the correct word from a choice of three. This test has been used and evaluated extensively by Per Fröjd, who has found that the results are reliable and useful.To measure the motivation to read I?ve constructed a survey to be answered before taking the reading test. It focuses on three different parts of reading motivation that are noted as the most important ones by Ivar Bråten. These are the feeling of joy and interest for reading, the goal to acquire knowledge of a specific subject, and the expectations that you have on yourself as a reader.Results show a weak or non-existent correlation between the two factors for the whole of the subjects, but once those who have a first language other than Swedish are removed the correlation becomes significant.

Visuell kommunikation i offentliga verksamheter

The aim of this paper is to investigate the subject matter of visual communication in presentation brochures of two Swedish regions: Region Halland and Region Dalarna. My focuses are the following questions: what is the aim of the brochures and in what ways does the visual material relate to that aim? How can strategic communication be defined through a visual perspective and in what ways is it useful in the context of presentation brochures of the regions? What sort of communicational functions are specific for the visual material in relation to the written language of the brochures? Lead by these questions, I start by analyzing the brochures through a textual analysis and a social semiotic approach. The result shows that the aim seems to be both political and commercial, but that the visual elements relate more strongly to the commercial aim than to the political aim by the way they strive to present a positive image of the region. The visual elements work in strategic ways that I define as visual strategies.

Vuxen i lagens mening : bakomliggande teorier, idéer och resonemang

At the turn of the century 18/1900 Swedish law looked upon young people as being adults at about the age of 15. At 15, the young person had left school, had his first employment and provided for himself and also had been confirmed to full membership of the Swedish State Church. Thus he was to be considered an adult and responsible for his actions. Parents, society/school and Church had done what was expected of them and now it was up to the 15-years old to live according to the laws and to be punished if the laws were broken. Over the following hundred years, at the time of the millennium, Swedish society changed a lot.

Journalistik på liv och död En kvalitativ studie om journalisters syn på medias roll i asylprocesser!

The main purpose of this thesis is to explore journalists? views of the role of journalism in the asylum processes. The potentially problematic phenomenon is growing, and its spread will affect the way publishing decisions are made in the future. The subject is new and foreign to many journalists, and little to no research has previously been done on the subject. Our study will therefore provide new insight in the field of journalism ethics.We have conducted a qualitative study based on interviews with eight Swedish journalists who in oneway or another have reported on threatened asylum seekers.

Barnarbete : En lokal studie av barnarbete i Stråssa gruva under början av 1900-talet

AbstractBachelor essay in Pedagogy by Johan Lidén &Kristian Sagfors, 2011."Genus i gymnasieskolan: En oengagerande fråga?".Supervisor: Zeki YalcinGender and gender equality in our school system has throughout the years become a well researched subject, however most of that research has focused on the lower levels of compulsory school. The upper secondary school has not gotten the same attention.We have chosen to explore how social science teachers in upper secondary school treat the subject of gender and gender equality, what strategies they apply in the classroom and how their pupils respond to the subject.We wanted to get access to their classrooms so we could do an ethnographical study to find the answers to how their lessons were planned and executed, if different teachers made different didactic choices depending on the orientation of the class. As our work progressed we ran in to an interesting problem which ultimately made us rethink the purpose of this paper.In our pursuit of respondents we contacted many schools by e-mail and later visited the schools to find participants. This proved difficult as we were met with a wall of silence and lack of interest.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

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