8539 Uppsatser om Hypothetico-deductive method - Sida 14 av 570
Det praktiska intellektet: timmerlagning med mallbr?da som exempel
This thesis presents a method of making repairs in log houses. The purpose of the thesis is to use this
method to exemplify crafters practical intellect. The method is based on the use of a template board to
transfer the measurements onto the new log. There is a dearth of literature dealing with timber repairs,
and the literature regarding using a template board for this is non-existent. The description of this
method has therefore been compiled from interviews with active timber crafters.
Ett undervisningsförsök att skapa meningsfullt lärande i frisörens grundläggande tekniker
This Independent work is about testing a method to create meaningful learning and a deeper comprehension in matter of basic hairdressing techniques. I got the idea for this method by reading literature related to my education to become a teacher for hairdressers, the new schoolreform and from my own experience of a teaching method that I saw an opportunity to develope. My teaching method was based on first teaching the pupils the basic techniques, and then give them an assignment were they were to find out their own final result by using a picture for inspiration. They were given an assignment description with certain frames but with freedom of choice how to get to their own final result. By making a job description and a headdrawing to show how the work should be done, and during the process try different ways to achieve the best result, my idea was that a deeper understanding and a feeling of meaningfulness would appear.The result shows that the pupils by freedom within frames experienced meaningful learning and thereby deeper understanding when it comes to basic hairdressing techniques.
Finns det något samband mellan skuldsättningsgrad och P/B tal? : En studie av svenska börsnoterade bygg- och fastighetsbolag före, under och efter finanskrisen
Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.
Reklambyråers anpassning till en föränderlig omvärld : En fallstudie om vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att reklambyråer ska överleva på den alltmer konkurrenskraftiga och överetablerade marknaden
Background: Change factors have appeared in advertising and customer understanding has grown among companies, which have led to important competitive advantages. Advertising agencies are not the only ones benefiting from this expertise anymore, but companies are starting to thus take clients from advertising agencies. They are also taking intermediaries, such as production, over more and more jobs from advertising agencies. This has led to an even tougher competition in the market and that advertising agencies are losing their jobs. The increased competition in the market, has also led many companies choosing to change its advertising agency, to think in new and changing strategies in the enterprise.
Annonsering utanpå tunnelbanevagnar : en studie om effektiviteten i pilotprojektet, Stockholm våren 2005
This thesis explores the effect of using a new media in the marketing mix. SL, in cooperation with Clear Channel, has covered the outside of an entire carriage, 46,5 meters long, in an underground train with an advertisement for a company. This new form of advertising has taken place in the Stockholm Underground system during spring 2005. The five companies participating in this project are MTV, the Aftonbladet/Sportsbladet, Eniro 118 118 SMS, Heinz and the Gallerian.An empirical study has been carried through to survey the motive for companies to market themselves, their brand and product/service, by using the outside of a carriage on an under-ground train as a gigantic, mobile bill¬board. The study also investigates the commuters? attitude regarding this form of advertising.
Verkligt värde : Hur verkligt är det egentligen?
Masters thesis in Business Economics IV, VT 2012Linneuniversity in Kalmar Authors: Johanna Susaeg and David JohanssonTutor: Petter BoyeExaminer: Karin JonnergårdTitle: Fair value - How real is it? Background and research discussion: The concept of fair value is today connected with great uncertainty, which may be a result of the various guidelines developed during recent years. Hence, auditors have an important role in situations where they have to make projections concerning fair value and also do inspections of the management´s own assumptions. The critique that has been shown regarding fair value is that it can be difficult to estimate, especially when there is no active market to proceed from. This problem has been confirmed through that the management often uses the estimations subjectivity to deliberately show higher or lower values in the accounts. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study and describe auditors, appraisers and real estate companys interest and procedure in valuation of real estates. We also going to describe theirs view on fair value of real estates plus analyze and explain the actor?s roles in the valueprocess and how their particular interests can affect the final valuation in different situations. Methodology: The study is characterized by a qualitative method containing a pilot interview and several personal interviews with auditors, estimators, and real estate companies.
Möjligheter och begränsningar med läroboksbaserad och laborativ matematikundervisning
Mathematics is a central topic in today's education debate, including discussion of its educational quality and various teaching methods. Today basically two different teaching methods are used; one is the textbook based method, with the book in focus and the other one the laboratory method by which teaching is performed through practical applications. The purpose of this study was to examine four primary school teachers' view of these two teaching methods by means of four relevant inquiries. By interviewing the four teachers, advantages and disadvantages were highlighted and the purpose was achieved. In order to support the analysis, two theories applied; the socio-cultural perspective and the cognitive perspective.
Flödesmätning i vattenkraftverk : Studie av alternativa mätmetoder
Flow measurement is one of the greatest challenges in order to calculate efficiency in hydropower. Most hydropower plants in Sweden use differential pressure methods for flow measurement. These methods are dependent on constant conditions in the waterways. A change in these conditions, like turbine improvements, prevents differential pressure methods to verify efficiency improvements. Since efficiency improvements can?t be verified by one measurement system, another method, which isn?t affected by changing conditions, can be used.
Elektronstrukturbaserad magnetiseringsdynamik
In this project a method used for performing accurate simulations on magnetization dynamics based on constrained field density functional theory has been validated and used for performing computations on a few magnetic materials. The method has been shown to simulate systems consisting of iron well, but there are still problems with simulations of alloys containing both magnetic and non-magnetic materials..
Vad kvinnor är mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I
AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care??. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I.
Relationer mellan Norske Skog och de privata skogsägarna i Jämtland :
Norske Skog Jämtland AB is like many other companies in a situation where it has to increase its purchases to provide its industries with raw material. To increase the available amount of raw materials, many companies employ purchasers to cover larger areas. This study aims to find out how to handle the increasing competition for timber suppliers. An important input for defining such a strategy is to examine how the suppliers view their relation to the company today. For a company it is extremely important to have a good relation with the suppliers to secure long term supplies.
Att främmandegöra det välkända
Our modern swedish society is charactarized by peoples and cultures from all over the world. In this perspective I believe that young pupils of today need culture studies in school in order to understand themselves and further to recieve knowledge about different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. The present study is an attempt to investigate the potential of the ethnological culture analysis as a pedagogical method. The paper is divided into two sections; one in which I (a student teacher in swedish language training) have applied the culture analysis in a literary context. By using the culture analysis on Emily Brontë´s classic book Wuthering Heights I have tried to let typical elements from the Victorian era appear.
Evaluation of ELISA and rapid test for the analysis of fecal Calprotectin
ABSTRACTBackground Calprotectin is a protein found in the cytoplasm of neutrophile granulocytes. In the course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), calprotectin is released during chronic inflammation in the gut. Activation of neutrophils during the inflammation is followed by activation and secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules such as calprotectin. Calprotectin is stable in stool up to 7 days and can therefore be used as a non-invasive marker for diagnosis, treatment and measurement of the disease activity in patients with IBD. The most common method for analysis of calprotectin concentration is ELISA.
Studentkorgen : Tjänsteutformningen som kan underlätta universitetsstudenters matvanor
The purpose of this study is to identify how the needs, demands and preferences for a certain service appear among University students in Kalmar. This is necessary to examine in order to create and design a possible service that will solve the problem with the University students eating habits.This study is based on a qualitative method with quantitative elements. The qualitative method contains of three focus group discussions. The quantitative method contains of a questionnaire. All respondents in this study fits in the target group.One important conclusion that we have stated after the investigation of this study, is that the nature of this problem seems to differ from person to person.
Att växa genom drama : En studie om dramats betydelse som undervisningsmetod i syfte att stärka barns självkänsla och självförtroende.
This essay is built upon the subject of drama. Its purpose was to examine if drama was a good and important educational method to/for children, and if drama is enhancing childrens self-esteem and self-confidence. By reviewing the results from literature and interviews, my intention was to compare the results, in order to find out what the views of the literature and respondents on drama was.I used qualitative interviewing, to find out what the teachers had to say about drama, and I used literature that was relevant to the purpose of the essay. I took a deeper look at the meaning of educational drama and pedagogical drama was, and also the meaning of self-esteem and self-confidence, in order to connect it with the results from the literature and the interviews. After studying the literature and the interviews, I could see coherence, and therefore compile a result. Both literature and the interviewed teachers considers drama to be a good and important method within the educational school and that drama positively has got a strengthening effect on childrens self-esteem and self-confidence.