

24 Uppsatser om Hunter S - Sida 2 av 2

Övergången från natur till kultur

Göbekli Tepe is an 11000 year old religious center where Totem has been exercised. It was raised by megalithic hunters and collectors that still during the construction lived in small-scaled mobile groups in order to find food and therefore should not have had time to raised costly stone monuments. The religious center consists of four enclosures with two T-pillars decorated with pictures of different animals and birds. Any dwellings have not been found. The place has been constructed by a well-organized elitist organization that has been capable of raising constructions in order to exercise their religion in a way we did not thought was possible such a long time ago. Analysis and findings from the near east existing from this time shows however that social changes happen in the communities around the region. Can archeological finding from the excavations on the religious center give any answer or clue regarding how man came to develop from hunter and collector to farmer? Do the findings reveal that the religion has changed Mans way to think and organize so that she was prepared to introduce the agriculture that occurs? The aim of thesis is to clarify whether Göbekli Tepe has played any role in the complex origin of agriculture..

Comparison of two methods for evolving recurrent artificial neural networks for

n this dissertation a comparison of two evolutionary methods for evolving ANNs for robot control is made. The methods compared are SANE with enforced sub-population and delta-coding, and marker-based encoding. In an attempt to speed up evolution, marker-based encoding is extended with delta-coding. The task selected for comparison is the hunter-prey task. This task requires the robot controller to posess some form of memory as the prey can move out of sensor range.

Den livgivande elden och det livsviktiga bränslet : Bruket av eld och behovet av bränsle på mesolitiska och tidigneolitiska boplatser i Norrland.

Research on Stone Age hunters and gatherers in Norrland has been lively since the 1960s. Central to this research are questions about the organization of society, sedentariness, continuity and resource management. One central part of life in the taiga is the need for fire and fuel. This aspect has been little discussed in conjunction with the mentioned research questions. My goal is to show that the matter of fire and fuel is an important one that needs to be taken in to consideration when discussing Stone Age Norrland and hunter/gatherers.

Possibilities for, and attitudes towards, a potential reintroduction of wild forest reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönn. to parts of Sweden.

AbstractThe wild forest reindeer is a subspecies of the reindeer. Wild forest reindeer earlier had awide distribution range in Sweden, but it was extinct in the middle of the 19:th centurybecause of extensive hunting. In Finland, the w.f.reindeer was extinct a few decades later bysimilar reasons. Later they migrated back to the eastern parts of Finland in the middle of the20: th century. Around 1980, the w.f.reindeer was actively rentroduced to western Finland,and there the population has had a positive development.

Charlie don't surf! : En studie av det postkoloniala perspektivet i amerikanska Vietnamkrigsfilmer

Syftet med denna studie är att i sex amerikanska filmer som tar upp kriget i Vietnam undersöka hur den västerländska och den orientaliska kulturen skildras i relation till varandra utifrån ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Både framställningen av såväl amerikanerna, fienden och sydvietnameserna har studerats ur detta perspektiv. Detta undersöks genom att koppla till teorier och begrepp såsom semiotik och ideologi och metoder såsom diskurs och diskursanalys, mise-en-scéne och filmanalys. Studien undersöker om det skett någon förändring av det postkoloniala perspektivet i filmernas framställning. Undersökningen inkluderar: Gröna Baskrarna, The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now Redux, Plutonen, Full Metal Jacket och We Were Soldiers.

Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren

AbstractMaster?s Thesis in Comparative literatureTitle: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children?s vampire literature and its significance for the vampire literature genre)Writer: Peter KostenniemiDepartment of Literature, History of Ideas and ReligionSupervisor: Anna NordenstamExaminer: Yvonne LefflerKey Words: Vampire literature, children?s literature, Der kleine Vampir, Nattens BørnIn vampire literature research the focus usually lies on adult and, to some extent, young adult fiction.

Illegal rovdjursjakt : en rättsekonomisk analys av rovdjursproblematiken i Sverige

In this essay a model of a potential illegal hunter?s decision-making is created and presented in order to provide an overview of important parts of the complexities associated with the current Swedish predator policy. A comparison is made between a livestock owner?s economic incentives, and the expected costs faced by the potentially caught lawbreaker. In accordance with economic theory the benefits and costs of illegal hunting are compared and thus the optimal choice is determined where marginal costs and benefits are equal.

Analys av geografisk platskänsla vid olika brottstyper

Uppsatsen avser att studera hur geografisk platskänsla spelar in vid olika kategorier av brott. Även undersöks om personer vid lagbrott använder sig av sin vardagsgeografi samt om känslan för rummet och platsen skiljer sig nämnvärt mellan emotionella brott det vill säga brott där känslor ligger till grund (våldtäkt, pyromani etc.), instrumentella brott (inbrott) och instrumentella nätverksbrott (smuggling, langning etc.).Ausonius attentat i Stockholm (1991 till 1992) har använts samt Niklas Lindgrens överfallsserie i Umeå som sträckte sig över 8 års tid. Två personer ombads att utföra en fiktiv brottserie med instrumentella brott (rån och inbrott). Även har en förfrågan skickats ut till KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch I Samhället) om distanser till och från brottsplaster samt känslor inför dessa. Denna förfrågan har även de fiktiva brottslingarna svarat på.Insamling och sammanställning av materialet har pekat på att för emotionella överfallsbrott och instrumentella brott lönar det sig att känna till kopplingen mellan gärningsman och hans/hennes geografi.

Metoder för att beskriva kumulativa effekter med avseende på biologisk mångfald och vägar :

Cumulative effects are seldom treated in Swedish Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). This report treats these questions and which procedures and methods that can be used when assessing cumulative effects in EIA. This report is a literature study where also a case study is a part. The case study shows how existing methods for cumulative effects can be used in practice. The report is concentrated on biology and treats cumulative effects on premises of biodiversity and roads. Cumulative effects include both direct and indirect effects.

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