

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 15 av 628

Att mäta det omätbara

Följande studie syftar till att belysa hur organisationer idag arbetar med att mäta och följa upp sina immateriella resurser, vilket i denna studie avser personal. Vi lever idag i ett kunskaps- och tjänstesamhälle vilket innebär att människans bidrag i form av humankapital generellt värderas högre än materiella tillgångar. Dessutom medför en ökad globalisering ett hårdare affärsklimat och konkurrens. En konsekvens blir därför att organisationer för sin överlevnad måste vara allt mer lönsamma, vilket ökar vikten av en rätt hanterad personalresurs som kan generera kostnadsfördelar. Med den bakgrunden bör organisationer fokusera på metoder som kan synliggöra den allt viktigare personalresursen.


The aim of the thesis is to explore how the human subject is depicted in contemporary posthumancinema and how these films effect our comprehension of human subjectivity. The object of analysis isJames Cameron?s Avatar (2009) and the method of analysis is cybernetic and intermedial. The conclusionis that Avatar is a film that depicts a posthuman network society where existence and subjectivity in a greatvariety of forms is possible. The film presents posthuman subjects in symbiosis with avatars, terminals,extensions and prothesis.

Burkaförbud : Rättfärdigad restriktion eller brott mot de grundläggande friheterna och mänskliga rättigheterna?

The fundamental freedoms and human rights is something the countries, and its citizens, of theEuropean Union more or less take for granted. However, in recent years these rights have become atopic of discussion in the way that a debate about the Islamic headscarves has developed. Thisdebate has resulted in that a number of countries, including France, have taken legislative measuresto ban clothing that fully covers ones face. Out of these bans a discussion has arisen concerning thefundamental freedoms and human rights. These burqa bans, as it is labeled in the pubic debate, havebeen accused to wrongfully limit the individuals freedoms and human rights.This study therefore has the aim to analyze these burqa bans in relation to the European Union,United Nations and the Council of Europe?s general declarations concerning the fundamentalfreedoms and basic human rights.The main result of this study shows that these bans in fact is not a proportionally restrict in thefundamental freedoms and human rights.

Arkeologihund : En studie i experimentell arkeologi om möjligheten att använda hund som arkeologisk prospekteringsmetod för att lokalisera humanosteologiskt material.

In today?s archaeology there?s a growing need for non-invasive prospection methods. However there?s a methodological gap and what?s missing is a method for locating human bones. In this study a specially trained German shepherd is put through scientific tests determining how good the dog is at telling the different between the scent of human and animal bones.

Hund som komparativ modell för autoimmuna sjukdomar :

In this essay dog as a compatible model were put against human. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes were compared between dogs, human, cat and mouse. To evaluate dog as a model and study similarities and differences was the aim with this review. Dog as a model contributes to understand mechanisms behind autoimmune diseases and showed clearly histological similarities between human and dogs concerning the skin disease mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP)/cicatricial pemphgioid (CP). Further genetic evidence motivated the choice of using dog as a comprehensive model when the MHC-complex correlated with hypothyroiditis in Doberman dog as it does in human. Physiological similarities with low levels of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) together with high level of thyroid releasing hormone (TSH) were found in the same way as in human.

Att övervinna det mänskliga : En läsning av återkomsttanken i Nietzsches Så talade Zarathustra i ljuset av Heideggers kritik

The aim of this essay is to discuss the meaning of the human and its possible overcoming in Friedrich Nietzsche?s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same, with Martin Heidegger?s readings of Nietzsche as point of departure.According to Heidegger, Nietzsche?s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same represents the end of occidental metaphysical thinking. The thought concludes a thinking of being as the presence of beings, where the original question of being was never developed out of its own ground.But at the heart of this interpretation, often considered ?violent?, lies the question of whether man is able to think being out of his finitude. This is the question I will unfold, through a reading of Nietzsche?s thought of the eternal recurrence of the same, as it is presented in his Thus spoke Zarathustra, as an attempt to think beings in their being beyond a ?humanization? of them, expressed in transcendental aims, purposes and categories.

Fick gymnasiereform och skollagsändring 2011 några konsekvenser? ? En undersökning av Gymnasiebibliotekets integrering i undervisningen.

This essay investigates the integration of the school library into teaching in one of Sweden?s senior high schools and the effects of the new education act which gives school libraries a stronger standing. A second purpose is to investigate teachers? views on professional responsibility with regard to the development of information literacy. Through an email survey different aspects of library integration are investigated.

Har ni tänkt på det här med värdet av underhållning?: En kvalitativ studie av företags investeringar i ståuppkomik

The use of entertainment in various kinds of business events has recently increased in popularity among Swedish firms. Often, stand-up comedians are hired to entertain the employees or customers during these happenings. Generally, the firm invests a considerable amount of money in this service and is furthermore willing to pay a premium for a famous comedian. Although the market for this type of service is fairly large, the knowledge of the motives behind the investments is yet limited.A grounded theory study is carried out exploring the purpose of the entertainment as well as the rationales behind the preference for a famous comedian over an unknown. Two general types of contexts (internal and external) are identified and a number of objectives related to each type are distinguished.

Margin of Appreciation : en kulturrelativistisk doktrin?

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 9/11 attacks, the landscape of the freedom of religion has changed. The issues now facing freedom of religion varies greatly from the issues that the drafters of the universal declaration of human rights faced after World War II.In the light of the new issues that States face in the intersection of religion and societal interest, scholars have criticized the European Court of Human Rights to give too much leeway to the States in determining how the human rights should be implemented, by using the doctrine of margin of appreciation. Critics of the margin of appreciation claim that it is based on culture relativism and that the doctrine undermines the universality of the human rights. In order to decide if the margin of appreciation has indeed led to a relativization of the human rights I compared it to the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee and its use of the Syracusa principles. My conclusion is that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights cannot be considered to be based on culture relativism.

De svenska bemanningsföretagen : Ett sätt för organisationer att lösa sina personalbehov

Sedan avregleringen av den offentliga arbetsförmedlingens monopol har bemanningsföretagen fått en allt viktigare roll på den svenska marknaden. Vår uppsats diskuterar det relativt nya sättet för organisationer att sköta sina personalbehov, genom att anlita ett bemanningsföretag. Vi har undersökt vilka för- och nackdelar som finns när organisationer anlitar ett bemanningsföretag samt vilka för- och nackdelar det finns för individer att arbeta för ett bemanningsföretag. Vi tar även upp bemanningsföretagens historia och hur deras framtid ser ut samt tänkbara hot. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer som har eller har haft ledande positioner inom bemanningsbranschen.

Humankapitalets roll i entreprenörsbolag - En studie om hur sex entreprenörsbolagförhåller sig till humankapitalinvesteringar

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to improve the knowledge regarding how entrepreneurial companies act and behave in relation to human capital, by studying their decision-making process for human capital investments. Furthermore this study shall enrich the understandings for how their way of handling human capital investments might change over time along with the development, growth and aging of the company.Methodology:For this case study the authors have chosen a qualitative approach. The authors have collected the empirical data by interviewing the CEO?s of six different entrepreneurial companies. To be able to process and analyze the empirical data the authors have used various theoretical frameworks and also previous studies.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework brings up human capital and its importance, but also its role in the entrepreneurial company.

Attityder kring outplacement

Arbetsgivare som av olika anledningar ska skiljas från en nyckelperson, väljer allt oftare att erbjuda outplacement som en del i uppgörelsen. Antingen bakgrunden är omorganisation, neddragningar eller personliga skäl, måste situationen lösas på ett sätt som gagnar båda parter. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva outplacement och undersöka de inblandade parternas attityder till det. De parter som direkt kommer i kontakt med outplacementprocessen är arbetsgivaren, arbetstagaren och konsulten. Vi undersöker deras attityder från anställningssituationen till hur de ser på den framtida utvecklingen.

Sverigedemokraterna + FN = sant? En diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas tolkning av begreppet mänskliga rättigheter.

It is the aim of this paper to examine, and analyze at a discursive level, the Swedish Democrats' interpretation of the term 'human rights', as this is presented in the material available on the party's official website. The goal is then to investigate in what manner the party portrays its political ambitions in relation to 'human rights'. The theoretical foundation for this analysis is discourse theory as it is presented in the works of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.Furthermore, the aim is also to examine whether the Swedish Democrats? interpretation of 'human rights' is compatible with the established understanding of the term, such as this is presented in the international UN treaties on human rights. This will be done by thoroughly examining and comparing certain aspects of the Swedish Democrats' political ambitions, such as they have been portrayed in the analytical section of the paper, with relevant sections of the UN treaties..

?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjälpa människor?: En studie med fokus på det sociala arbetet med köpare och säljare av sexuella tjänster i Sverige i relation till mänskliga rättigheter.

The thesis ?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjälpa människor? focuses on social work in the field of prostitution and human trafficking in Sweden. Through semi-structured interviews with social workers in the municipalities of Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö working with persons selling and buying sex, and through discourse analysis, the author analyses the perceptions among these social workers of the relation between human rights, prostitution and human trafficking, and the social work which they conduct.The thesis concludes that although the social workers perceive prostitution and human trafficking and social work in this field as human rights related, they are not explicitly using a human rights based approach in their work.The thesis concludes that the social workers identify several aspects that infringe on the rights of their clients in relation to the human rights principles of Universality, Non-discrimination, Accountability and Rule of law and the principle of Participation and Inclusion. They portray the human rights situation of street based sellers, especially those not being Swedish citizens and those affected by human trafficking, as severe.The thesis concludes that the social workers find several obstacles (legal as well as structural) that diminish their ability to strengthen their clients? human rights situation.

De formella styrmedlens roll i ambitionen att minska sjukfrånvaron : - en jämförelse mellan stora och små företag

Syftet: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera och kartlägga i vilken utsträckning användandet av formella styrmedel, i ambitionen att minska sjukfrånvaron, skiljer sig mellan stora och små företag.Metod: Vi har i denna studie tillämpat en kvantitativ forskningsmetod för att besvara uppsatsens forskningsfråga och syfte. Detta sker med hjälp av en explorativ studie, baserad på 60 slumpmässigt utvalda konsultföretag inom ekonomisk och juridisk verksamhet. Vi har utifrån befintliga teorier skapat hypoteser som testats på verkligheten och vi följer därför en deduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in via telefonintervjuer och svaren har sedan sammanställts i olika tester i SPSS.Slutsats: Vi kan utifrån vår studie konstatera att användandet av formella styrmedel skiljer sig mellan stora och små företag i tre av fyra avseenden, nämligen användandet av nyckeltal, kalkyler som beslutsunderlag och användandet av förebyggande åtgärder. Detta trots att sjukfrånvaron inte skiljer sig åt mellan stora och små företag..

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