3275 Uppsatser om Human nature - Sida 66 av 219
Manfred Björkquist och Nathan Söderblom i den kyrkopolitiska debatten, : speglad i deras brevväxling 1914-1931
This essay constitutes an attempt to expose, with reference to contemporary animal research, the limits of Martin Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (1929/30) and to propose some possible ways to think, within the philosophical style of this particular work, the being of those animals that most distinctly transcends Heidegger?s concept. The essay seeks to address the following question: Do the results of contemporary animal research expose ways of being within animality that withdrawal from Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in general, and if so, how should we think these new ways of animal being? The motivation to ask this question, I argue, are immanent to Heidegger?s thinking in at least three ways: 1) Because of his standpoint that philosophy cannot, in any meaningful way, create an ontological concept of animality without an orientation towards the results of the positive sciences; 2) Because of the unfinished and tentative character of Heidegger?s analysis, a character that is such that it should be seen, according to Heidegger himself, as an essential point of departure for further thinking; 3) Because of Heidegger?s view that the being of the animal are such that it involves the withdrawal of this very being from any originary access, a withdrawal that necessitates an infinite return to the question concerning the being of the animal. The essay wants to be a continuation of lines that are present in Heidegger?s open-ended thought on this theme rather than to be an external critique that approach the text, which is most often the case, as a closed point of view which we are forced to affirm or reject.
Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv
To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived aspainful by children. Therefore there is a need for something,which can distract children?s attention from their perceivedpain. During my graduation project, I discovered a designopportunity to work with suspended ceiling systems inexamination rooms, as there is not much to look at whilebeing examined.The result, Twig Ceiling is an interactive nature-inspiredbacklit module with colored LEDs. Twig Ceiling has onelayer of pattern that is visible when the module is not litand the second layer of pattern appears when turning onthe light.
Perception of human acoustic communication in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
For most dog owners today it is natural to use acoustic stimuli such as talking to communicate with their pets. Words are used both to ask the dogs to perform tricks, as well as to hold ?conversations? with the dog. This literature review looks at how dogs perceive human acoustical communication and how this can influence the behaviour of the dog. This information could be used e.g.
Att läsa eller inte läsa en "guideline" : En aktionsforskningsstudie angående externa riktlinjer i ett interaktionsdesignprojekt
As part of an Agile developing team I have in my role as interaction designer also tried to evaluate the ?iPhone Human Interface Guidelines?. With action research I have taken actions to change the workflow and to see what there can be done to make the guidelines more motivating to use. Action 1 tried to make the iPhone components more available and it suceeded, action 2 tried to make the guideline more available in whole and did not work as it was designed to do. The guidelines did not work as a source of inspiriation and I and my fellow designer distanciated us from it.
Design, anläggningsmetoder och skötseltekniker för hagmarksbestånd :
Establish a pasture
There is many valuable nature and culture landscapes in Sweden that has developed during a long period of time, throw natural processes or human use. Unfortunately lot of these are disappearing. My thought with this work is to explore the possibility to establish new areas with similar qualities. The motive for this is that attractive countryside biotopes are well worth to use as model to enrich the urban landscape.
Another thought has concerned the people that establish, build and manage landscapes and parks. They often have varied views, both coming from a difference in background and previous experiences.
Får Jesus stor eller liten plats i religionsböckerna?
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the high school textbook on religious studies differences in how Christian ethics and in what way it is presented in comparison with the presentation of Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism and it´s ethics. The analyzed material is textbooks from the late 1960s to the 2010s. Due to the survey´s nature the focus is first and foremost the chapters dealing with religious ethical issues and what amount of pages or space the different religions are given in the books. The results from the textbooks are compared with the curriculum that is or was effective during the time the books were published. This is done to determine whether there is a clear link between the books and the guidelines of the curriculum.
Hundars förmåga att tolka mänskliga signaler och känna empati
Hunden och människan har levt med varandra i ca 15 000 år och vår relation har ständigt utvecklats. Det finns mycket forskning som bevisar de positiva hälsoeffekter som hundar har på människor, men vad betyder vår relation för hunden? Vad får den ut av det hela?
Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva hur hundar tolkar vår icke-verbala kommunikation, hur mycket den förstår och påverkas av vår sinnesstämning, vad ägaren betyder för hunden och vad vi som hundägare kan göra praktiskt för att påverka hunden positivt.
Hundar har ett naturligt sätt att förstå våra signaler, hur subtila eller tydliga de må vara, pekningar som blickar. Hundar kan urskilja detaljer i vårt ansiktsuttryck och förstå när vi är glada och föredra den känslan över när vi är neutrala, äcklade eller rädda. De reagerar t ex på ett specifikt sätt när vi gråter, men i dagsläget är det svårt att säga vad det är hunden reagerar på.
Begärets erotiska identitet : Queera tendenser i språk och bild hos Marguerite Duras
The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered:? Are there any reasons, if so ? which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And;? To what extent is the term ?inhumane? limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective?One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term ?inhumane? evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise ?violence? and ?cruelty? towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general.
Äkta dans : en studie av förändringar i konst och konstnärskap beroende på kulturbyte, fallet Abdul Rahim Ghafori
This study examines the nature and possible causes of the changes in the art and artistry of Abdul Rahim Ghafori, an Afghan artist who has migrated to Sweden. The premise of this paper is that over time a person who migrates to another culture will undergo change. In an artist this change should manifest itself in his art and artistry. The study examines this process of change and how it is manifested in the artistry and art of Abdul Rahim Ghafori. The study intends to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes a person undergoes when experiencing a culture change..
Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen
The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.
Bara det som lyser genom porerna - En kroppsnarratologisk studie av Malin Kiveläs "Du eller aldrig"
In Malin Kivelä?s novel Du eller aldrig (2006) the reader experiences the world through the body of Aija, the narrator; a middle aged woman living in Helsinki. Aija has no family or other social relations. Hers is a life of strict routine: she spends her time reading, cleaning and studying snowflakes. Critics of the novel have stressed that Aija?s way of narrating creates a strong sense of presence in the text, but also that Aija?s atypical social behavior evokes a sense of loneliness and alienation.
Handläggning av Rädda hjärnan patienter på Akademiska sjukhuset : Före och efter införandet av Rädda hjärnan mappen
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.
Retinoskopi av katter : en validerande studie av undersökningsmetoden på katt
Retinoscopy, also known as skiascopy, is an objective method for assessing therefraction of the eye. This method has been used for a long time, both in animalsand human patients. According to the literature, it has been postulated that it is notnecessary to obtain cycloplegia before the examination in lower mammals. Someauthors even mention that it can make the examination more difficult. Therefore itis not recommended.
Projektledarkarriären på Volvo Group Truck Operations - Möjligheter och drivkrafter ur ett HRM-perspektiv
Genom att undersöka vad som motiverar projektledare och vilken syn de har på sin framtida karriär, syftar studien till att bidra med kunskap som kan hjälpa HR-funktioners arbete med att utveckla strategier för att behålla denna värdefulla kompetens.Studien genomfördes med en deduktiv forskningsansats och kvalitativ strategi med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsverktyg. Totalt genomfördes tio intervjuer med projektledare och ytterligare fyra med informanter.För att analysera det empiriska materialet användes litteratur kring projektledarrollen, karriärsutveckling, motivation och Human Resource Management.Studiens resultat visade att projektledare har olika uppfattningar kring karriär. Dock ansåg de flesta att karriär innebär utveckling med fokus på lärande och att de själva bär ansvar för sin karriärutveckling med stöd från ansvarig chef. Projektledares syn på framtida karriärmål skiftade mellan att vilja fortsätta inom projektledning till att vilja byta inriktning till linjechefsyrket. De projektledare som ville fortsätta inom projektledning ville antingen bygga en karriär genom utmanande och intressanta projekt eller avancera genom att driva större komplexa projekt.
"Sour Milk" Corporate Branding under Surrogate Boycotts - the case of Arla Foods in the Muhammad Crisis
Surrogate boycotts are highly threatening for corporations in terms of both economical cost and image damage. All corporations are due to our globalized environment and increased stakeholder fragmentation gradually more risking to become victims of surrogate boycotts, which of nature is hard if not impossible to predict and prevent. Corporations are generally recommended to build clear and strong corporate identities, which should be reflected in their most important stakeholders, as this will secure minimum damage on the corporate image.
Even a surrogate boycott situation can have positive effects on corporations, especially in terms of image, as such situation increases the brand involvement and thereby make it possible for corporations to connect with important stakeholders on an emotional level.