

3267 Uppsatser om Human nature - Sida 41 av 218

Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch : Två ideella organisationers ramar för verkligheten

Enligt Grossman och Krueger, finns det ett samband mellan BNP och utsläpp där utsläppen följer en inverterad U-kurva, en så kallad Kuznetskurva. För att undersöka om detta påstående stämmer har historiska data över BNP och koldioxidutsläpp inhämtats från perioden 1860-2000. Syftet med denna uppsats är att med hjälp av kointegrationsanalys undersöka om det finns någon form av samband mellan dessa serier. För att kunna göra detta har villkoren för kointegration redogjorts och undersökts för dessa serier.Resultaten i undersökningen visar att empiriska stöd har erhållits för den hypotetiska Kuznetskurvan. Däremot hittades inte empiriska indikationer för ett linjärt, monotont växande samband.

Rekreation och utomhuspedagogik i tätortsnära skog : planering av skolskog och rekreationsanalys för Sätra, en stadsdel i Gävle

This Masters Thesis includes a survey of recreational habits and the attitudes towards forests of the people of Sätra, a suburb of the city of Gävle. The study also includes the planning and design of a forest suited for education in the same part of the city. The thesis is a part of a project called Tätortsnära skog, commissioned by the Swedish forest agency. The project aims to survey the recreational habits of the general public in the regions of Dalarna and Gävleborg. Tätortsnära skog is focused on cities with a population of more than 20 000 inhabitants, of which Gävle, Sandviken, Falun and Borlänge all fall within the category.

Dvärgen från Löddeköpinge. En paleopatologisk undersökning

This is a paper in human osteology which concerns a paleopathological investigation about a possibly male dwarf from the early middle-age graveyard at the site of Löddeköpinge in Skåne, Sweden..

Bland legohjältar och tillfångatagna prinsessor : En undersökning kring femåringars bråklek i förskolan

By using the children's own thoughts and stories this theses aim to investigate and illustrate the phenomenon of rough and tumble play and its existence among five year olds in preschool.    The formulations of the questions are:What do children consider as rough and tumble play? - and what characterise that?From without a perspective of rough and tumble play, which kinds of rough and tumble play do the children play in preschool? - and how do those characterise?What makes rough and tumble play possible and accepted for the children to play in preschool?In this thesis I have investigated the questions above by interviewing 11 five years olds about how they consider rough and tumble play in preschool. From without Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson's and Torben Hangaard Rasmussen's view about play and rough and tumble play I created a perspective of rough and tumble play, which I used for analyzing the empirics. With rough and tumble play I mean games or plays that includes wrestling, hitting, kicking, pushing, chasing, running or/and the use of weapons against other human beings or other visualized beings or/and human beings.The conclusions are that children has many different opinions of what rough and tumble play is. Depends on who you are asking you will get a different perspective.

Informationsbehov och informationsflöden : en studie av hur Human Resource Partners upplever informationsutbytet inom Human Resource organisationen på Astra Zeneca

Informationsteknik (IT) är en marknad som förändras snabbt. Att investera i IT kan därför vara kritiskt. Att ha en strategi för hur satsningar på IT ska göras kan minska risken för felinvesteringar på IT men strategin kan även ge andra fördelar. Att ha en IT-strategi innebär dock inte automatiskt att den ger fördelar. IT-strategin bör även användas.

Bilder från dödsbädden : En kontextualisering och funktionsstudie av två postuma barnporträtt

This essay, Pictures from a death-bed, expands on the pictorial genre called post mortem portraits, a field with long history in the western society. A post mortem portrait is an artwork where the artist paint or photograph the model after her or his dead. My survey delineates to treat two specific pictures, one from the seventeenth century and one from the twentieth century. Both of them are portraits of dead boys on their death-beds, but the first one is a painting and the other one is a photo. By this survey I wanted to find both similarities and differentials between the pictures; if they were made by the same reasons, if you could see anything different between the portraits by children and by the portraits of adults, and finally, if there were any cultural or religious connections between the pictures and their existents.

Argument för grönska : ur människans hälso- och upplevelseperspektiv

This essay examines what some of the Swedish authorities? argument are for vegetation, what their grounds are for the arguments and why vegetation is important for the human health and experience. I have examined publications and reports from 6 different authorities on state- , regional and communal level. The authorities which publications I have studied are Boverket, Naturvårdsverket, Folkhälsoinstitutet, Miljödepartementet, Länsstyrelsen Skåne och Malmö Kommun. The publications has been analyzed by different themes; Children and young peoples influence of vegetation, Elderly and sick?s influence of vegetation, Human health, wellbeing and experience of vegetation, Vegetation at work, The influence of vegetation on stress and The effect of vegetation in the city.

Social rekrytering : en kvalitativ studie som behandlar fyra organisationers och fyra professionella aktörers tankar om rekrytering oc sociala medier.

Detta är en kvalitativ studie som behandlar relationen mellan sociala medier och rekrytering, så kallad social rekrytering. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med personer från företag och offentliga organisationer kring deras användande av social rekrytering. Vi har även intervjuat fyra professionella aktörer som arbetar med sociala medier, kommunikation och human resources, med avsikten att få en djupare inblick i hur sociala medier bör och kan användas i rekryteringssammanhang. Vi kopplade våra intervjuresultat till teorier kring bland annat rekrytering, sociala medier och employer branding.Studiens frågeställningar berörde hur företagen och de offentliga organisationerna möter social rekrytering samt hur de använder social rekrytering idag. De professionella aktörerna besvarade frågor kring hur de ser på samspelet mellan rekrytering och sociala medier.

Välkommen : vackrare infart till Vilhelmina

The purpose of this thesis is to show how a good approach can be designed, focusing on the southern approach to the Swedish town Vilhelmina. Prior to the car being part of everyday life, the approach was a road where the town showed itself from the very best side. When the amount of traffic increased, so did noise and other disturbances, and as a consequence industrial areas replaced the residential buildnings at the approaches. Today, the pendulum is turning back and in recent years the approach is regarded as a place to introduce the town. The approach is also the place where cars should slow down from the speed of the main road to the speed of the city.

Konditionalitet, effektivitet och legitimitet. En normativ studie av politisk konditionalitet.

Since the end of the Cold War, foreign aid donors have been using political conditionality to promote human rights, democracy and good governance in recipient countries. This phenomenon has been analyzed and criticized, but mainly from a strictly empirical point of view. In this paper, the legitimacy of political conditionality is analyzed through a normative perspective based on the extrinsic value of efficiency. If the political conditions don?t result in a democratic development, including respect of human rights and good governance, they can not be justified.With at theoretical focus on the donors, based on the unequal relationship between donor and recipient, I am examining the donors? possibility and supposed will to use political conditions in development cooperation.

Idiopatisk epilepsi hos hund

ABSTRACT Epilepsy describes a neurologically caused condition which involves seizures. Epilepsy can be classified according to different types of causes and the nature of seizures can vary. Medication for epilepsy in dogs is limited in comparison with human medicine. Idiopathic epilepsy is the most common neurological disease and one of the most common genetic diseases in dogs. Because epilepsy has a higher prevalence in certain breeds, there is reason to suspect that it is a hereditary disease. The inheritance of idiopathic epilepsy is for most breeds not determined, except for a few variants of the disease.

Den påbörjade interaktiviteten : En fallstudie av Socialdemokraternas användande av och strategiska arbete med Facebook

Human Resources (en benämning för personalarbetet) är ett yrke som idag blir allt populärare. Trots detta visar statistik att en majoritet av kvinnor både studerar och arbetar med personalfrågor. Studien har därför som syfte att undersöka varför Human Resources branschen har en ojämn könsfördelning. Detta görs genom en historisk inblick i branschens utveckling i relation till samhällets förändringar, där en analys av texter ger en bild av dagens personalarbete. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna består dels av socialkonstruktivism och dels av begreppen mjuk och hård Human Resources Management.

Kommunernas rekryteringsprocess : HR i praktiken

Rekryteringsprocessens utformning och utövande är helt avgörande för att verksamheten ska kunna fortsätta att utvecklas samt nå uppsatta mål och visioner. Hur arbetsgivare rekryterar på ett professionellt och tillförlitligt sätt kräver kompetens. Organisationer idag har i regel en egen personalavdelning som inriktar sig på att rekrytera nya medarbetare. Många organisationer som anställer personer i betydande positioner använder sig av externa rekryteringsföretag. Rekrytering är en omfattande och kostnadskrävande process, men att göra rekryteringsprocessen rätt från början kan bli förhållandevis billigare än en felrekrytering.

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar av sitt arbete kring energiomsättningen

The aim of this study is to examine the understanding, preschool teachers, have about their work related to energy conversion in the human body. Through individual interviews, answers have been sought to the following questions: What do the preschool teachers believe they need to know about the link between food and energy? What are the different methods preschool teachers use to workwith the area of energy conversion in the human body?The results show that preschool teachers have knowledge in terms of food and its nutrients as an energy source for the body to cope with. However the more thorough and detailed questions become all the more uncertainty there is about the topic. Preschool teachers on their own initiative do bring up the topic with the children and begin conversations as well as ask questions, perform experiments and demonstrations.

"Fördomar? Då skulle du träffa min pappa!" : En undersökning av hur intolerans och fostrande undervisning beskrivs av gymnasieelever på ett yrkesförberedande program

The purpose of this study is to describe how the employee appraisal is perceived by managers, employees and representatives from human resources departments. The empirical material con-sists of 15 interviews: respondents were two representatives of the human resources departments, four unit managers and nine employees who work at a state institution or municipal management. In the study, I adopt a sociocultural perspective, with the communicative relational perspective. The latter is a special education perspective in which the interpenetration of participation, com-munication and learning emphasized.The result shows that the majority of employees would like to see that the talks will be held more frequently than once a year. One of the managers has in cooperation with his co-workers devel-oped a model based on that each year, in addition to salary talks, have an individual conversation, a conversation with each group and individual follow-up talks.

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