3267 Uppsatser om Human nature - Sida 19 av 218
Grafiskt användargränssnitt för rörelsemätning av ryggraden
The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.
Mätning av kranskärlet LAD:s slingrighet : en pilotstudie
The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.
Datorstödd navigering vid frakturkirurgi : Inventering och nya metoder
The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.
Utvärdering av insamlingssystem för hushållens farliga avfall
The collection of hazardous waste from the household around Swedish municipalities varies. 1% of the households waste is hazardous waste. It has hazardous features that can give bad consequences for the nature and human health if we don?t collect it and treat it. Therefore the law controls it, the municipalities have responsibility for the household waste.
Positive human to cattle interactions and the possibilities to increase animal welfare, economy and safety for farmers
Cattle production systems are changing to bigger intensified systems with larger numbers of animals per farm and more free range systems while at the same time employing fewer people. Aversive handling has been known to affect cattle production negatively for many years, but lately scientists have started to focus more on what positive effects gentle handling and positive human-cattle interactions may have on beef and dairy production. Fear can cause high stress in production animals and this can contribute to not only reduced production within beef and dairy cattle, but also increased risks for accidents and decreased animal welfare. Therefore, by reducing the fear cattle experience of humans, it could be possible to increase production, decrease accidents and increase the welfare of the animals. Reducing the animals fear and stress can be done by simple means, such as walking and talking calmly around the cattle, associating humans to positive feelings (such as feed) and stroking the cattle?s body regions associated with social grooming.
Risker med patienters användning av elektrisk utrustning under hemodialysbehandling
The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.
Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter
This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.
Biotopskydd av stenmurar : Skäl för dispens
Stone walls in agricultural land are incorporated in the general protection of biotopes. They are protected because they provide a habitat for endangered species. Therefore it is illegal to carry out proceedings in an area that is included in the protection of biotopes. In order to do that, exemption is needed which can only be granted if there are special reasons. The essay stipulates what these special reasons are.In an exemption errand the interest for nature conservation must be weighed against a public or a private interest.
Utvecklingsprinciper för eftersatta naturlika dungar och ridåer
Nature-like plantations are areas that, by today?s maintenance procedure usually gains low prioritiy and are forgotten. Most nature-like plantations are currently disadvantaged and have in many cases grown up and formed dense,impenetrable and brushwoody green volumes. These green volumes is rarely used, but usually only fills out gap surfaces. With proper care nature-like plantations can become health promoting environments in the increasinglyhardened urban environments.How vegetation systems work and how trees and shrubs interact is dependent on many factors.
Framtidens organisationsteori ? igår, idag och imorgon
Det övergripande målet med den här uppsatsen har varit att skapa en framtidsprognos rörandeämnet organisationsteori. Jag har använt den hypotetisk-deduktiva metoden för att kunnaskapa trovärdiga prognoser. Den teori jag väljer att använda som utgångspunkt är enorganisationsstruktur skapad av Henry Mintzberg, som jag sedan kopplar samman medföljande fyra olika organisationsteorier: Human Resource Management, StrategisktManagement, Produktionsmanagement och Knowledge Management.Själva strukturen är uppbyggd så att jag i den teoretiska referensramen beskriver dåtidensteorier (Den byråkratiska skolan, Scientific management, Den administrativa skolan ochHuman relations management) med fokus på de klassiska organisationsteorierna. Sedan är detmin uppfattning om hur organisationsteorier utnyttjas i nutiden som finns i kapitlet ommoderna organisationsteorier. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen baserad på dåtid och nutidskapar jag sedan hypoteser gällande framtiden..
Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Spelar utbildning och intresse roll för hur man arbetar med naturvetenskap i förskolan?
How do you see on natural science within preschool? Does education and interest play a role for how the educationalist works with natural science? And is the children?s interest for natural science affected by the educationalist, what does the educationalist think himself? These questions have I under my teachers training and under deputyship in preschool asked myself and these questions lies to behalf for my investigation. I interviewed five educationalists on different preschools for my investigation.My investigation resulted in that I have been able to see a certain conjunction between how you work with natural science in preschool and the educationalist education or interest. What also plays a role is that you often associate natural science with knowledge of nature. The educationalist seems overall positive to natural science, but depending of a lack of knowledge it feels strange and difficult.
Nationellt miljökvalitetsmål på lokal nivå : en fallstudie av arbetet med miljökvalitetsmålet Ett rikt odlingslandskap i Lunds kommun
Several thousand years of human impact on the landscape in the form of cultivation is the
reason to many nature- and culture values in the agricultural landscape today. Intensification
and rationalization has led to vast monocultures and has forced many farms to close down.
These trends have increased in the last years and constitute great threats to the values of the
cultivation landscape. The purpose with the environmental objective A varied agricultural
landscape is to protect these values.
The environmental action plan of the municipality of Lund (LundaEko) 2006-2012 is built on the
16 national environmental objectives. The purpose with this paper is to put together material that
the municipality of Lund can use in their work with modifying the local intermediate goals for
the environmental objective A varied cultural landscape. The overall issue for this paper is
?What has happened with the state of the cultivation landscape in the municipality of Lund since
LundaEko was approved in 2006?? The paper seeks to portrait the current conditions of the
following fields: meadows and pastures, organic farming, exploitation threats to agricultural
land, landscape elements with cultural values and species that are threatened.
Human Resource: involvering av personal : "alla ska med"
Our surrounding world is constantly changing and to be able to keep up with the fast pace of change organizations need to be prepared to transform as well. If there is a need for an organization to undergo a change process, the people constituting the organization also need to be prepared to change their behavior. In order for the change process to turn out successful, it is of the utmost importance that all employees are given the chance to take part in the process. The challenge for leaders during a change process is, therefore, to ensure that their employees actively get involved.The purpose of this study is to apply Human Resource (HR) theories on to an organization in order to critically review how leaders in practice, can involve their employees, on the basis of a change process.The study is a qualitative case study, the empirical material has been collected at Falkenbergs Sparbank with the help of one unstructured interview with an employee at the marketing department and four semi structured interviews with the office managers.Relationship oriented leadership is beneficial to use during change since it advocates an open relationship between co-workers and exchange of information and knowledge. Relationship oriented leadership is considered to be a good leadership style if organizations wants to turn Human Resource theories in to practice.
Kall potatis i forskningens namn: Konstruktion av ett kompendium som stöder utveckling av processkunskap inom biologiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan
Inom ramen för examensarbetet konstruerades ett kompendium som ska förmedla
kunskap om den vetenskapliga processen genom integration av autentiska experiment i
skolan. Materialet ska hjälpa eleverna att konstruera sina egna experiment och samtidigt
bli medvetna om ?tänkandet bakom görandet?. Kompendiet riktar sig till elever i
gymnasieskolans biologiundervisning, och kan med fördel användas inom kursen
biologi breddning. Den experimentella metoden som används är blodsockermätningar
med eleven själv som mätsystem.
Dårarnas slott : en undersökning av patientrullar på Stockholms hospital
Teaching preschool children about the environment. A comparative study of how two preschools work with environmental issues.My investigations are based on qualitative interviews and observations carried out at two preschools, one of which has a nature and environment profile while the other works in traditional ways with these questions. I sought to explore the ways in which pedagogues in each preschool raise environmental awareness and, more generally, awaken an interest in nature in the children. The consequences of methodological similarities and differences will be considered.This term paper concludes that the difference between an environmental profile preschool and a traditional preschool working on environmental awareness is not large. The knowledge gained by children in the latter preschool surpassed that gained in the former.