

2364 Uppsatser om Human geography - Sida 58 av 158

Kvinnojourerna och myndighetssverige. Kvinnojourernas ställning i det svenska samhället.

The violence against women is an important matter. In Sweden there are several organisations that takes care of the women and children in need.One of the many organizations you can turn to is women's shelter organizations. They are nonprofit organizations. They depend on the contribution of peoples free time and on the government's awareness of the work that the organization do. The social services has the main responsibility to take care of women and children in need.

Mjölksammansättning hos djur som helt eller delvis fastar under digivningsperioden

This literature study assembles current knowledge about CODD (Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis). The aetiology of this disease is not completely known and to obtain a manageable overview, this study aims to summarize the knowledge from published studies and shed light on the subject. Search for literature on the subject has been made in the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar, and has been compiled in this paper. Footrot and ovine interdigital dermatitis are differential diagnosis of CODD and they possibly have a common role in the emergence of CODD. Several studies have drawn parallels to bovine digital dermatitis.

Med datorn i fokus : Nio lärares tankar kring IKT i skolundervisningen

One of the essential needs of human beings is to be involved in a social context. The intention of this study was to see if the opportunity to have an iPod Touch, could make it possible for students with literacy difficulties to participate in the regular classes and if the implementation of iPod Touch in the school setting would result in informal learning outside the school. In this case study two pupils with literacy difficulties have been using an iPod Touch in their daily school activity. The pupils as well as their teachers have been interviewed about their experiences of implementing iPod Touch as a tool in the regular classroom teatching. The results indicate that iPod Touch can help students to be in inclusive education and that they use the iPod Touch outside school.

Impact of Eucalyptus plantations on pasture land on soil properties and carbon sequestration in Brazil

Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and fluxes in forest ecosystems are influenced by natural and human disturbances. In the tropical regions the highest impacts on disturbance in forest C cycles are related to human activities such as conversion of natural lands to cropland and pasture areas and to forest plantations. The disturbances in the forest C cycles will release CO2 emissions to the atmosphere triggering global warming. In this study the focus was set in subtropical soils in Brazil, south extreme region of Bahia. The aim of the study was to investigate whether reforestation of Eucalyptus plantations under former pasture areas will help mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration.

En problematisering av föreställnigen om att hatbrott endast utförs av högerextremister

Detta är en uppsats med syfte att analysera och motbevisa den allmänna föreställningen om att endast högerextremister och Nationalsocialister begår hatbrott. Detta görs med hjälp av frågor som, varför existerar denna föreställning? Vilka antaganden tas i ett sådan föreställning? Vilka är motargumenten? Med hjälp av en diskursanalys, analyseras rapporteringen av ett hatbrott från ett antal tidningsartiklar, för att på så vis kunna visa hur media osynliggör de personer som utför hatbrott men inte definierar sig som extremister. Vidare handlar uppsatsen om ett upprätthållande av heternormativiten dels genom hatbrott men även konstruktionen av det avvikande..

OPAC - på Märsta folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how user-friendly the OPAC of the Märsta public library is considered to be.Theoretical basis are HCI and Allwoods definition of usability. Issues are: Is the OPAC suited to its task? Is the OPAC user-friendly? How well does a user accept the OPAC? and What degree of competence is shown by users of the OPAC? The source material consists of six interviews in the form of .avi files. The method I have chosen is qualitative semi-structured interview form. The result is that, based on Carl Martin Allwood?s defini-tion and with exception for the using of help-resources, the usability of Märsta?s library OPAC can be considered less good..

Generös föräldraledighetspolicy - en konkurrensfördel?

En studie om huruvida en generös föräldraledighetspolicy kan bidra till att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Uppsatsen behandlar ett urval av organisationer med erkänd generös föräldraledighetspolicy inbäddad i företagskulturen. Efter en inledande redogörelse av bakgrundsbilden för detta ämne, följer en beskrivning av respektive organisations policy och process. Dessa, tillsammans med teorier huvudsakligen hämtade från området Human Resource Management, är ämnade att utgöra underlag för den analys av och diskussion kring hur ovan nämnda organisationer kan använda sin föräldraledighetspolicy för att skapa långsiktiga konkurrensfördelar. Resultatet är inte självklart.

Att bryta isoleringen - sociala faktorer i nätbaserad distansutbildning

Detta projekt fokuserar på distansstudenter och deras studiesituation i tre nätbaserade kurser. Genom en empirisk studie bestående av samtal med studenter och lärare, samt deltagande observation, har vi försökt finna lösningar för att förbättra studenternas lärandemiljö. De sociala faktorerna visade sig vara av stor betydelse i en studieform som tidigare kännetecknats av isolation mellan studenter och lärare. Projektet visar på hur en nätbaserad utbildningsplattform genom enkla tekniska lösningar kan ta hänsyn till studentens behov i fråga om att stödja kommunikation och samarbete..

Händelser som påverkat musiklärares undervisningssyn - Intervjuer med fyra fiollärare

Events that have effected music teachers? view on education - Interviews with four violin-teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out what forms the violin-teachers view on how education shall be operated. Through qualitative interviews, four violin-teachers from around Sweden have told about their growing up, higher musical education and what is current. The result shows that the higher musical education and their own teachers throughout the years are factors that have partially shaped their views.

Förändring = Förbättring? : En studie av hur några användare skattar och upplever förändringar i ett datorstöd

Human-computer interaction is central for computer assisted development. The aim was to investigate the user experience of a new (U2) compared to an old (U1) computer system, within a cognitive psychology frame of reference. Six subjects, frequently using the system, participated in the study. It was shown that the new (U2) compared to the old system (U1) enhanced and supported more the users? system related procedures/tasks.

Lactobacillus reuteri som probiotisk terapi mot bakteriell vaginit hos avelsråttor :

Lactobacillus reuteri has been used as probiotics in piglet and chicken feedings as well as in different diary products for humans. In this EEF-work I have shown that L. reuteri can be an alternative for treatment of vaginitis in laboratory rats used for breeding. In a breeding stock with 3000 animals some animals had a vaginal infection with ??haemolytic streptococci group G.

Gränslandet, dubbelheten och collagets undanträngda natur : En bildanalys av Lisa Jonassons verk Existentiell #6

This essay examines the relationships between the different elements in Lisa Jonasson?s collage Existentiell Progg #6 and her very detailed technique. The essay has as its aims to understand and analyze both the details and the wholeness of the artwork and to try to put the collage in an art historical context. The thesis finds that Existentiell Progg #6 has a connection to the imagery of Africa and other collage artist such as Hannah Höch and Nancy Spero, which also gives the paper a perspective of feminism in the arts. The paper continues to create an understanding for the collage work by putting it in to Theodor Adorno?s theories about nature, the human being and the animal kingdom.

Markägare i Stockholms län och deras inställning till biodiversitet och skydd av mark :

This report investigates what attitude private forest owners in the County of Stockholm, Sweden have towards biodiversity landconservation. Private landowners were asked to answer a questionnaire containing questions about there property and there attitude towards biodiversity. The results show that private landowners attitude towards biodiversity is affected by, amongst other things, the size of their property; a larger property have a more negative owner than a smaller property. A landowner that lives on his property has a more negative attitude towards biodiversity than a landowner that?s not living on his property.

Fackförbunden och livslångt lärande : Kritisk analys av livslångt lärande ur ett fackligt perspektiv

Lifelong learning (LLL), a concept dating back to the 1920s, is much used both by the OECD, UNESCO and the EU. But while intergovernmental think-tanks and supranational organisations often use the term in a positive sense, many (not least scholars) are critical of the term. The critique either deals with the lack of a universal definition, that the implicit responsibility for LLL has shifted onto the individual, or that the meaning of the term has shifted from a humanistic one linked to the personal development and a better society to a neoliberal one that involves growth, competition, globalisation and human capital theory. This study is based on interviews with nine trade union representatives on their understandings of lifelong learning. The results showed that while LLL was positively viewed by most, there was virtually no communication vis-à-vis members on the topic, most trade unions have no policy regarding LLL, and responses from representatives were sometimes self-conflicting..

Förstår du vad jag menar? - En undersökning om kommunikation med hjälp av bilder mellan användare och systemutvecklare.

Ibland kan det förkomma problem mellan utvecklare och kund/användare då de tar fram kraven till ett nytt system. En anledning till detta kan vara att utvecklingsgruppen och användargruppen inte har samma kunskaper och erfarenheter och talar då inte "samma språk". En lösning till detta problem kan vara att ta hjälp av en mockup. En mockup är en fysisk och/eller interaktiv modell av ett gränssnitt. I detta arbete har vi, med hjälp av intervjuer och observationer, undersökt om detta hjälpmedel underlättar kommunikationen i verkligheten..

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