

2364 Uppsatser om Human geography - Sida 31 av 158

The Mortality of Euthansia in the Light of the Catholic Church's Teaching

The question of euthanasia has kept pre-occupying and agitating the minds of thinkers, sweeping the globe, pummelling pedagogy, assailing assumptions, and bludgeoning biases. Both the moralist, ethicist, theologian, psychologist, educationist, anthropologist, politician, physician, patient as well as the common man in the street are interested in it. This pervading interest simply arises out of the fact that euthanasia involves the question of life, and life is something that is a common denominator to all men.The controversy hinges on the fact that, there are divergent views on the moral question of euthanasia. While some would unflinchingly opt for euthanasia others would prefer to oppose it to the best of their strength, yet others will remain agnostic about it. But the issue here remains: is euthanasia in any way morally justified? Has human life an intrinsic value? Or is human life valuable only when it is healthy? Are we the ones who decide when to die? Has the physician any right to either assist or terminate the life of the patient simply on account of suffering? Has the patient any right to end his/her life? Are there some conditions in which euthanasia could be allowed? Is suffering meaningless?The topic of my project is: THE MORALITY OF EUTHANASIA IN THE LIGHT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH?S TEACHING.

Striving for innovation; working in CFT - a case study of Audi

The purpose of this thesis is to study and determine how working in cross functional teams can generate value in an effort to facilitate innovation. An inductive scientific perspective is chosen as the research approach. A single case is investigated with the theoretical framework based on Resource Based View, Intellectual Capital, Innovation theory and theories concerning Cross Functional Teams. The empirical material has been collected through primary data; surveys, interviews and secondary data; literature, websites and further complementary data. The practice of using Cross Functional Teams will enhance organizational learning, knowledge transfer, increase communication and innovation, which in turn will increase the speed and performance of the new product development process.

Marcela Montgat och verkligheten

What is it that I do in my artistic work? And above all, what is it that I meet in the making? I become aware of a strong link between reality and art, for example, when I tell a fictional story on stage or compose, mirror, a human destiny in music. My compositions are, together with events before, during and after they've began to exist, an experience where I move between - sometimes I have chosen to express it - different dimensions of reality..

Hur lär vi oss av misstag? - En undersökning av inlärningsprocessen i svensk hälso- och sjukvård

In scientific investigations on how organizations can learn from their mistakes the perspective is usually that of the social engineer; the object is to prevent human errors through modeling the system in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to explore the learning process from a different standpoint than those usually applied in organizational learning and error theory. By studying the learning process in Swedish health care I seek to discover how theoretical presumptions affect the outcome in terms of what we actually learn. The theoretical framework draws on two major discussions in contemporary political science; the question of structure and agency and the question of whether to focus on formal or informal structures when explaining organizational behavior.The investigation shows that Swedish health care tend to understand human errors as a result of formal organizational structure. Such a view leads to insufficient explanations to why errors occur but is useful in producing preventative measures.

Att upptäcka det oväntade : En studie av begreppet serendipitet och dess förekomst på det digitala folkbiblioteket

The purpose of this study is to examine if digital public libraries are serendipitous environments. Serendipity in this instance is defined as finding something unexpected and valuable, while searching for something else.A survey was conducted at two Swedish digital public libraries, where the patrons were asked to fill in a questionnaire online. The questions were based on the work on serendipitous digital environments by Lori McCay-Peet, as well as considerations of human factors that could possibly influence serendipity.The result indicate that a majority of patrons experience serendipity at the digital library, although it?s still more common to do so at the physical library or on other web sites. The result also confirms the importance of taking human factors into account when studying serendipity.

Den mångfacetterade vampyren : En undersökning av vampyrens roll i min roman

The first vampire film I ever saw was Interview with a vampire. ?I haven?t been human for two hundred years?, opened up not only the film, but a whole new world I knew nothing about. The world, as it were, opened its doors to me again after I had seen the film adaption of Stephenie Meyers Twilight. I decided to write down a few thoughts, capture my frame of mind, and these paragraphs then turned into a text: ?I tankarnas skal?.              When I did research for this essay I discovered that my text held certain similarities with the modern vampire novel.

Integrationens villovägar : En kvalitativ studie om hur personal på HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn beskriver barnens integration i samhället.

This study discloses Swedish human service organizations and their methods of integrating unaccompanied children into the Swedish society. The purpose of the study is to investigate how social workers at HVB-homes for unaccompanied children depict their experience in and knowledge of how the unaccompanied children are integrated into Swedish society. The method of investigating the questions raised by the purpose of this thesis has been qualitative analysis of answers derived from interviewing personnel at HVB-homes for unaccompanied children. In doing so we have made use of a semi-structured method of interviewing the above-mentioned personnel. The data derived from these interviews has thereafter been analysed and filtered through the concept of integration and the theoretical formations human service organizations and street-level bureaucrats.

IMPLEMENTERING AV HÄLSOBOKSLUT : en studie om hur fyra fallföretag hanterat hindrande faktorer

Uppsatsen behandlar problematiken kring implementering av personalekonomisk redovisning, i form av hälsobokslut..

Gymnasieelever tycker till om historia

This essay is a comparative analysis with focus on Jean-Paul Sartre´s existentialism and Ferdinand Alquié´s cartesianism. They both represented the French philosophy of conscience in the early and mid 1900s. Because of that, they had similar ideas concerning the human conscience and freedom of the mind. But how did they come to those conclusions? And in which cases did they differ from one and other?.

Dokumenthantering i en kommunal organisation.

Examensarbetet berör frågor kring arkivering och dokumenthantering på stads-byggnadsförvaltningen i Trollhättans kommun. Problem som kommunen har är dagslägets hantering av digitala filer..

Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn : Hur den svenska banksektorn använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete

SammanfattningTitel:                                   Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn.Författare:                         Martin Eriksson och Oscar Alfelt Handledare:                      Timurs UmansNivå:                                  Kandidatuppsats 15 hp, Ledarskap, VT 2012 Frågeställning:                  Hur använder svenska banker talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete? Syfte:                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur banker använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete och på så sätt öka sin konkurrenskraft och effektivisera sitt arbete. Vi ämnar undersöka hur processen kan anpassas till en specifik sektor vilket i vårt fall är den svenska banksektorn.Metod:                               Studien gjordes med ett beskrivande angreppssätt. Vi använde en kvalitativ ansatts med individuella öppna intervjuer. Intervjuerna gjordes över telefon med fem stycken respondenter från svenska banker. Teoretisk referensram:    Den teoretiska referensramen består av tre delar där första delen handlar om att förklara vad talent management är för att sedan presentera två talent management processer samt att beskriva HR inom banksektorn.

Hur eller Varför? : Kunskap i sociokulturellt eller existentialistiskt perspektiv? En kritisk betraktelse

This essay set out to propose a problematic interpretation of the socio-cultural perspective on learning. Its purpose is to show how the socio-cultural perspective on learning defines the concept of knowledge in an incomplete way. The aim becomes then that of giving a more comprehensive description of this concept, and, to this end, to construct a new, broader pedagogic discourse. The investigation starts with a deconstructive analysis of Roger Säljö?s socio-cultural text in order to point out the incompleteness of the concept of knowledge.

Analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes : A comparison between EPICS XL and Celldyn Sapphire

Flowcytometric technology has been widely used for measurement of the absolute numbers of T-lymphocytes subsets in Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), defining the disease state, monitoring antiviral treatment, and identifying any risk for opportunistic infections. A manual preparing of the samples is required. More recently an automated and enclosed blood cell counting, Celldyn Sapphire has been introduced. In this study the performance of the Flow cytometer EPICS XL as a reference method for analysis of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8 T-lymphocytes was evaluated with blood from 40 individual?s samples.

Layers of land : the palimpsest concept in relation to landscape architecture

This paper researches how the palimpsest concept is used in relation to landscape, and how it can function as a tool within landscape architecture. Palimpsest originally refers to old parchment handwritings, where new text has been applied on top of effaced, but still discernable, earlier writing. Superimposition of information is the core of the palimpsest concept, used within a range of scientific as well as cultural fields. The purpose of this paper is to find how a landscape palimpsest can be distinguished among the many different layers of landscape, such as historical or cultural, and to examine the potential use of the concept in theory and practice of the landscape architecture field. The study is conducted as a literature survey, examining the use of the palimpsest concept within academic works related to landscape.

Sinnesmarknadsföring : En jämförelse mellan två galleriors tillämpning av sinnesmarknadsföring

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of sensory marketing in malls.Problem discussion: The competition between malls is increasing, where visitors are increasing demands on the shopping malls layout. Shopping malls surface and its atmosphere becomes essential in the design of a mall so it will be attractive enough. Sensory marketing can be an appropriate method to stand out from the crowd and attract visitors. Sensory marketing is a process of engaging visitor?s senses to create a strong relationship between the brand and visitors.

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