2676 Uppsatser om Human dimensions - Sida 56 av 179
Ekologiska fotavtryck för koldioxidutsläpp för Stockholms län, Norrbottens län och Stockholms läns landsting : En kritisk metodgranskning baserad på kvantitativa data
Human existence and welfare depend on functional ecosystems. Ecosystems are critical to sustain life-support services for human well-being. One method that visualizes that humanity requires ecosystem services for resource consumption and assimilation of produced waste is ecological footprints. This study focuses on the ecosystem service carbon sequestering. A quantification of this ecosystem service showed the potential for accumulation of carbon in different ecosystems in Stockholm and Norrbotten County for the years of 1995 and 2004.
Närhet och distans i Norrbottens läns landsting: Medarbetares upplevelse av sin arbetssituation
Begreppet employer branding handlar om en arbetsgivares attraktivitet utifrån olika faktorer så som lön, förmåner, utveckling, arbetsmiljö etc. Begreppet har under de senaste 10 åren utvecklat ett starkt fäste i organisationers strategiska prioriteringar.Norrbottens läns landsting står inför en av deras största utmaningar för att säkra den framtida kompetensförsörjningen. Landstinget står inför ett stort generationsskifte med många pensionsavgångar och måste lyckas attrahera nya medarbetare att söka sig till organisationen. Ett starkt arbetsgivarmärke kan vara avgörande för hur levande en organisation blir, människan är en av de främsta resurserna i en organisation och medarbetarna är en viktig ambassadör.I Norrbottens läns landstings medarbetarundersökning från 2014 signalerar medarbetarna ett missnöje gentemot arbetsgivaren. Denna studie, som är en master uppsats i Human Resource Management med utgångspunkt i Sociologin, avser att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med anställda inom hälso- och sjukvården undersöka medarbetarnas upplevelser av arbetsgivaren för att identifiera vad missnöjet kan bero på.Resultatet visar att medarbetarna är nöjda med sin arbetsplats, med sina arbetsuppgifter och med sina kollegor.
Protection of Regional Values - A comparative study of EU and ASEAN
Regionalisation has become an increasingly important phenomenon in a globalized world. As models of regional integration, the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are two prominent examples. This thesis seeks to explore through a comparative analysis, the different mechanisms and institutions for handling breaches against fundamental values within the two regional organizations. Inter-linked with the issue of the legal-institutional framework is that of what values the mechanisms are designed to protect. The method used for the analysis is first and foremost that of public international and European law, but the thesis also attempts to give a broader picture of the issues presented.
Arbetsmiljö inom äldreomsorgen : en studie om enhetschefens resonemang och förhållningssätt i arbetsmiljöfrågor
The occupational group who works in the care of older people in Sweden is an exposed group since the work is often defined as a strenuous profession, both physical and psychically, and this puts comparatively many workers on sick leave. To promote good health, as well as prevent bad health is the main purpose of the work environment development. The attitude of the care manager towards work environment development may have a significant impact on the co-workers health. The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitude of care managers towards work environment development and the co-workers work environment and in the same time get knowledge in what issues they have a salutary approach respectively a pathological approach. Empirics were gathered from semi-structured interviews with six care managers from the care of older people administration in municipality of Kalmar.
Katastrofal rapportering : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om jordbävningen i Haiti respektive översvämningen i Pakistan 2010
This study deals with the distinct difference in media attention the earthquake-disaster in Haiti and the flood-disaster in Pakistan got in 2010. There may be many reasons to this divergence, but this study focuses on how news articles can create compassion. This study, with its critical perspective, examines how two daily papers in Sweden portray the suffering of the victims of the catastrophes in Haiti and Pakistan, and create compassion for them. Furthermore it asks the question who benefits from the newspaper?s description of human suffering in the third world. The result shows that the manner of which Swedish daily newspapers report from the catastrophe in Haiti creates an emotional involvement, which most likely leads to compassion. Furthermore it shows potential to lead the readers to identify with the suffering people in Haiti. The Swedish daily newspapers report of the catastrophe in Pakistan on the other hand, does not involve the reader on an emotional level, but gives them the role of a spectator.
Borrelia burgdorferi : metodutveckling och tillämpning avseende odling och resistensstudier mot komplement, särskilt interaktion med faktor H
The genus Borrelia is a widespread, pathogenic pest and the causative of among others borreliosis or Lyme disease. The vector for the bacteria is the hard tick, Ixodes ricinus and the infection is transferred through a bite. Untreated, Borrelia may cause arthritis, heart damage or neuroborreliosis. Infection is made possible through different strategies for avoiding the body?s complement system.
Leder bistånd till ökad kosmopolitisk rättvisa?
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida bistånd leder till ökad kosmopolitisk rättvisa. Begreppet kosmopolitisk rättvisa är i första hand hämtat från Kok-Chor Tans bok Justice Without Borders. Kosmopolitisk rättvisa används för att kunna operationalisera rättvisa på ett kvantifierbart sätt, vilket ökar möjligheten att mäta huruvida rättvisan i de undersökta fallen har ökat, minskat eller varit konstant.För att besvara frågan undersöker jag sambandet mellan bistånd och rättvisevariabler, med hjälp av ett statistiskt datamaterial och regressionsanalys. Jag använder tvärsnittsdata som kommer från UNDPs organisation Human Development Report, vilken listar världens länder utifrån om de har High, Medium eller Low Human Development, varav statistik om länderna i de två sistnämnda kategorierna används i uppsatsen. Jag använder mig av olika variabler, exempelvis Nettotalet för barn som börjar skolan "primary" uttryckt i procent, Platser i parlamentet som innehas av kvinnor och Offentliga utgifter för utbildning som procent av BNP, för att undersöka huruvida det finns en positiv korrelation mellan dessa och bistånd.Jag använder mig även av en fåfallsstudie där jag undersöker det svenska biståndets effekt på kosmopolitisk rättvisa i Indien och Sri Lanka, för att jämföra och dra slutsatser om hur biståndet har påverkat utvecklingen av rättvisan.
Gångtrafik i citymiljöer : En studie via två angreppssätt
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Gridens svar på överlevnad : -en studie om revisorers beaktning av fortsatt drift
An auditors? job is to review the company's figures and, as an independent part, give an accurate picture of its financial situation. Auditors have to relate to ISA where ISA 570 can be found and which deals with the going concern. The standard addresses a couple of factors that may be indications that a company can have problems with their continued operation. The problem is that ISA does not evaluate the events, which is more significant than others in the assessment, but it is up to the auditor to consider.The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors, which the auditor believes is more important than others in assessing the going concern and explain why it is so.
Ensamhetsupplevelsen hos äldre personer - en begreppsanalys
Background: Loneliness is an ordinary but complex concept which exist of several dimensions. Loneliness can mean and create suffering for the individual but there is sometimes a need to be alone and some individuals who live alone can experience a communion with the existence itself.Aim: To clarify the concept loneliness and its complexity with focus on the experience of loneliness in elderly individuals.Method: Walker and Avants (2005) model for concept analysisResults: The defining attributes the analysis resulted in that the experience of loneliness in elderly individual's is: a subjective and unique experience; positive or negative and ranges in intensity; strongly connected to communion and social relationships with other individuals; connected to loss and miss of one or several elements as meaningful interactions, communion, physical abilities, work, respect, health and quality of life. The attributes were also closely connected to their antecedents and consequences. To clarify the concept further was a model case, a borderline case and a contrary case created. The empirical referents are presented in the discussion.Conclusion: Through clarifying the core of the concept with focus on elderly individual's experience of loneliness is the hope that this concept analysis can support nursing staff to search for understanding for the elderly individual's experience of loneliness and pay attention to its complexity..
Pekska?rmar i turbulenta miljo?er : I vilken utstra?ckning kan precision uppra?ttha?llas
Pekska?rmar anva?nds i allt sto?rre utstra?ckning som interaktionsteknik fo?r hemelektronik. Tekniken har traditionellt sett inte anva?nts i kra?vande miljo?er, exempelvis i miljo?er da?r skakningar och g-laster fo?rekommer. Introduktionen av pekska?rmsteknologi i cockpitmiljo? fa?r konsekvenser fo?r utformningen av fo?rarmiljo?n vilka bo?r utredas.Denna studie syftade till att empiriskt utva?rdera anva?ndarnas prestation med avseende pa? precision vid olika interaktionsmano?vrar pa? en pekska?rm.
Analys och modellering av de viskoelastiska effekterna hos polypropenbaserad fiberväv
Företaget BBA Fiberweb tillverkar polypropenbaserad fiberväv som bland annat används inom hygienindustrin till ytskiktet på blöjor, engångskläder, filter, agrikulturapplikationer, fuktspärrar vid husbyggen samt geotextilier.Vid tillverkning av fiberväv rullas materialet vid produktion upp på rullar, vilket sker under anbringande av en dragspänning. Spänningen medverkar till att väven packas tätare vilket ger en mindre volym som är positivt ur transportsynpunkt. Dock ger den anbringade spänningen upphov till en spänningsrelaxation i väven samt dimensionsförändringar i materialet. Syftet med examensarbetet är därför att öka förståelsen för hur BBA Fiberwebs fiberväv svarar på en anbringad spänning. Detta har gjorts genom relaxationsstudier samt genom undersökning av tvärkontraktionsbeteendet.Vid experimentella studier av spänningsrelaxationsbeteende visas att den anbringade spänningen avtar exponentiellt med tiden.
Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?
People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.
FN:s barnkonvention : Demokratins positiva inverkan på staters implementering av barnkonventionen. Fallet Nigeria.
Even though many states have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and sworn to protect human rights, viloations occur every day both in developed and developing countries. United Nations gave Sweden critique for not implementing the Convention conrerning article 11, which raises the question how respected the Convention is amongst other states? Does democracy contribute to a higher level of implementation?.
Balanserad styrning, från kvalitetsverktyg till administrativt redskap : - en fallstudie av Leanlink inom Linköpings kommun
Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how Leanlink, as a part of the municipality ofLinköping, uses balanced control as a management model. The authors compare, based onliterature of the balanced scorecard, the way Leanlink control their activities. Further, theauthors try to understand why the administration chose to use balanced control in the waythey do.Methodology: The authors have chosen a qualitative case-study method to achieve thepurpose of the thesis. Through semi-structured interviews primary data have beencollected, that have been analyzed along with secondary data such as, business plans andwebsite.Theoretical perspectives: The authors shortly emphasize general government as it appearstoday, to further examined how and why the scorecard is used, its dimensions andobjectives and difficulties that may arise along the way.Empirical foundations: The empirical findings are based mainly on information frominterviews with representatives from the case company. Some information is taken fromthe municipally website and additional information through interviews.Conclusions: It is possible that it became a too big a commitment for Leanlink when theyselected the Balanced Scorecard as a management model.