2813 Uppsatser om Human dimension - Sida 62 av 188
Det omänskliga lidandets diskurs : En diskussion kring FN:s definition av tortyrbegreppet i dialog med postkolonial teori
The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered:? Are there any reasons, if so ? which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And;? To what extent is the term ?inhumane? limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective?One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term ?inhumane? evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise ?violence? and ?cruelty? towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general.
Smärta och extas : En studie om det abjekta och groteska i Nathalie Djurbergs verk
This essay examines the relationships between the different elements in Lisa Jonasson?s collage Existentiell Progg #6 and her very detailed technique. The essay has as its aims to understand and analyze both the details and the wholeness of the artwork and to try to put the collage in an art historical context. The thesis finds that Existentiell Progg #6 has a connection to the imagery of Africa and other collage artist such as Hannah Höch and Nancy Spero, which also gives the paper a perspective of feminism in the arts. The paper continues to create an understanding for the collage work by putting it in to Theodor Adorno?s theories about nature, the human being and the animal kingdom.
Användargränssnittets positiva effekter på minnet
Studies in the field of interaction design and the human memory claim there can be positive effects on the memory when information is presented for the user as a graphical pattern rather than a series of numbers. This thesis aims to influence designers to choose graphical patterns as an interface for information display. Low-fi and hi-fi prototypes of graphical patterns were constructed and tested in a variety of configurations by two users. The users showed differences in the ability to memorize a sequence of digits depending on how this sequence was presented. This study suggests that users are more easily able to recall information presented via a graphical user interface than when the same information is only presented digitally..
Implementeringen av jobbgarantin förungdomar-En studie om kampen mot arbetslösheten påkommunal nivå
Essay in political science, D-level, by Samanta Pudic´, spring semester 2009. Tutor: AlfSundin. ?Implementation of a job guarantee for young people. - A study on the struggleagainst unemployment at the municipal level?The purpose of this dissertation is to examine if municipalities could affect theimplementation of labour market policy measures to reduce unemployment among youngpeople.
Skogsmyr och öppna vyer : Platsens betydelse för gestaltningen av Vi och Dom i Sara Lidmans Hjortronlandet
Sara Lidman?s second novel Hjortronlandet (1955) unfolds in the north of Sweden in the early 20th century. It describes the progress of modernity and the conflicting interests of an old local culture and a new more ?civilised? one. The two cultures are constituted by different value systems and in the novel they are represented by two neighbour communities.
Must I move to be with my family? The right to family reunification in EU law and the problem of reverse discrimination
The Court of Justice of the European Union has progressively revised the rule of purely internal situations to ensure a wider scope of application of the economic freedoms as well as the EU citizenship right to move and reside freely within the Union. This development, combined with the increasing importance of fundamental rights, has strengthened the family life protection of those EU citizens who come within the scope of EU law. The limit between the individuals who may benefit from a EU right to family reunification and fundamental rights protection and those who find themselves in purely internal situations has, however, become more legally uncertain. The disadvantage suffered by those who fall outside the scope of EU law is known as reverse discrimination.The 2011 case Zambrano confirmed the trend towards an increasingly generous EU law protection of family life in cases where the exercise of freedom of movement and enjoyment of EU citizenship rights is potentially restricted by a Member State measure. By contrast, in the subsequent McCarthy- case, it became clear that families in purely internal situations may only rely on national immigration and procedural law to obtain family reunification and protection of their fundamental rights.
Filmberättandets kraft : om att vara pedagog och konstnärlig ledare i skolan
This essay follows a Media Teacher in her work as a coordinator and an artistic leader for a European project called Legalopoli concerning laws and ethics in a senior level school for 13-16 year-olds in Mora, Sweden. The students write film stories about how their characters have to make choices in ethical dilemma situations. Then the learners create interactive computer games together through practical film work. At the same time we can see how the educator also gets into difficult ethical situations, when she is working with the students. This forces her to self-reflection.
Simulering av rök : Dynamiska partikeleffekter i datorspel
Dagens datorspel innehåller en mängd effekter som försöker ge spelaren en känsla av en interaktiv värld. Många av dessa effekter simuleras med hjälp av partikelsystem. Exempel på sådana effekter är explosioner, rök och blodfontäner.Tyvärr är de flesta partikelsystem byggda så att de existerar i en egen ?dimension? med varken uppfattning av dess omgivning eller omgivningens beskaffenhet. Detta resulterar i att partikelsystemen ibland kan verka, i vissa situationer, orealistiska och opassande.Detta arbete presenterar därför en metod att tillfoga realism genom att ge ett partikelsystem och dess partiklar möjligheten att interagera dynamisk med sin omvärld.
Instrument för att bedöma smärta hos barn inom akutsjukvården
Smärta är en av de vanligaste anledningarna till sjukvårdskontakt. Inom akutsjukvården förekommer brister i omhändertagandet av barns smärta. Upplevelsen av smärta är subjektiv och komplex samt påverkas av flera faktorer. Det är en komplex uppgift för sjuksköterskan att bedöma samt behandla smärta hos barn och en ofullständig smärtbedömning kan leda till inadekvat smärtbehandling. Studiens syfte var att beskriva och jämföra instrument som bedömer smärta hos barn inom akutsjukvården. En litteraturstudie genomfördes, där resultatet baserades på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.
Kremeringar, deponeringar och laddade ben : En granskning av gravbegreppet i bronsålderns och äldre järnålderns arkeologi
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Sällskapsdjurens betydelse för människans hälsa och välbefinnande - effekten av oxytocin
Historiskt sett har djur haft stor betydelse och anses fortfarande vara viktiga för människan.
Djurens roll som sällskapsdjur i dagens samhälle har varit som familjemedlem, kamrat och sällskap. Sällskapsdjuren har också flera positiva effekter på människans hälsa och
välbefinnande. Redan i början av 1960-talet fann forskare att hundar hade en unik inverkan på människor i svåra situationer och på människor med särskilda behov. Sällskapsdjur uppfattades som icke-fördömande, tillgivna samt kärleksfulla och därför har djur använts inom vård och rehabilitering. En växande mängd internationella forskningsstudier indikerar att djur kan ha värdefulla effekter på människan och främjar individens hälsa och
välbefinnande, fysiologiskt och psykologiskt.
Musik i förskolan : två förskollärares syn på musikens betydelse för yngre barn
I denna studie har två förskollärares syn på musik i förskolan undersökts. Kvalitativa intervjuer har ägt rum på två olika förskolor ? en utan specifik inriktning och en avdelning med musikinriktning belägen i en annan förskola. Intervjufrågorna formulerades så att förskollärarnas syn på musikens roll och användningsområden i förskolan framkom. Svaren som gavs var i stora delar liknande, bland annat när det kommer till hur förskollärarna uppfattar musikens påverkan på barns språkliga utveckling.
Geometri i höga dimensioner
I detta kandidatarbete har vi f ordjupat oss i ett par problem inom konvex geometri som har intresseratmatematiker sedan mitten av 1900-talet, n amligen Busemann-Petty-problemet och Shephards problem.Busemann-Petty-problemet st aller f oljande fr aga: Om det f or alla hyperplan H genom origo g aller attvolymen av snittet mellan den konvexa kroppen K och H ar mindre an eller lika med volymen av snittetmellan den konvexa kroppen L och H, f oljer det d a att volymen av K ar mindre an eller lika med volymenav L? I Shephards problem tittar vi p a volymen av projektionen av konvexa kroppar p a hyperplan ist alletf or volymen av snitten mellan konvexa kroppar och hyperplan.Innan vi f ordjupar oss i dessa problem beh over vi ha en f orst aelse f or vad som h ander i h oga dimensioner,vilket inte alltid f oljer intuitionen. Ett exempel ar att volymen av den euklidiska bollen med x radie okarupp till dimension 5 och sedan minskar. Volymen f or den euklidiska bollen g ar till och med mot noll d adimensionen g ar mot o andligheten. Det r acker inte med att studera euklidiska bollen f or att f a en f orst aelseav hur kroppar beter sig i h oga dimensioner s a vi har fokuserat p a ytterligare tv a kroppar, n amligen kubenoch korspolytopen.
Prestationspåverkan av flerträdshantering i klena gallringar
The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple tree handling harvesters perform compared to earlier developed standards. The study shows that multiple tree handling harvesters are more efficient in thinnings stands with mean stock volumes less than 0,12 m3fub per stock. The increased efficiency is different for different mean stem classes. In stands with a mean stem volume of 0,04 m3fub per stock, the increase can be as high as 40 percent while it is about 10 percent in stands with a mean stem volume of 0,12 m3fub.
Comparisons have been done between stands that are felled with partly limbed stands and stands without partly limbed assortments. The difference in performance is clear and shows that the partly limbed assortments strengthen the multiple tree handling harvesters positive effects in low dimension thinnings.
Varför stannar soldater i Försvarsmakten? : En studie på 72:a kompaniet
The study was conducted on 72nd company at Livgardet in order to find out what motivators makes the soldiers stay. The material in the essay is based on an interview with soldiers from the 72nd company. The motivators are then categorized in the model Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model. The model is based on human drives and I used as a tool for the analysis to identify lack of motivation in a working place. The study shows that the key motivators that make soldiers stay is: the opportunity to go on a peacekeeping mission and comrade/esprit de corps, the soldiers state that they will quit without these two essential motivators.