2813 Uppsatser om Human dimension - Sida 50 av 188
Ledarskap och personalomsättning inom mäklarföretag med franchisestruktur : kan HRM bidra till minskad personalomsättning?
SyfteVi vill undersöka om och beskriva hur Human Resource Management kan bidra till minskad personalomsättning inom franchisedrivna fastighetsmäklarorganisationer. Huvudfrågor:Hur upplever anställda och före detta anställda fastighetsmäklare att personalomsättning påverkar branschen och deras arbetssituation?Hur skulle en mer omfattande organisationsstyrning med inriktning på HRM kunna minska personalomsättning inom fastighetsmäklarorganisationer styrda enligt franchisestruktur?MetodI arbetet hålls ett Hermeneutiskt synsätt. Ämnet personalomsättning och dess orsaker har tidigare behandlats i uppsatser som berör fastighetsmäklarbranschen och vi ser vårt arbete som en vidareutveckling i denna fråga. För att få en uppfattning om hur medarbetare ser på ledarskap och personalomsättning, används den kvalitativa intervjumetoden.Resultat & SlutsatsDe svar som framkom av intervjuerna med anställda och före detta anställda, visar att det finns en stark oro för personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta påverkar anställda mäklares redan höga arbetsbelastning.
LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality : Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China
Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.
Miljö- och hälsorisker med konstgräsplaner
In Sweden today many municipalities and sport clubs chooses to build artificial turfs becauseof the increased period of using the turfs during the year and less maintenance requirementsthan for natural grass fields. What could be problematic with artificial turfs is the rubbergranules used as infill material in the turf matt. The rubber granules are often made fromrecycled tires, which may contain for the human health and the environment, harmful substances.This was the reason why the Swedish Chemicals Agency commissioned a statusreport in 2006 which, among other things, concluded that the environmental and health risksassociated with granules made from recycled tiers in artificial turf fields were small, but thatthere could be a local environmental hazard. The purpose and objective of the risk assessmentwas to identify how artificial turf plans granules can affect recipients in the area closeto the pitches and provide input to reduce the spread of metals and substances harmful forboth human health and the surrounding environment. The work was divided into three parts:(1) the construction of artificial turf pitches and their material content, the spread of granulatesoutside the fields and disposal of artificial turf pitches.
De medeltida djurfigurernas idévärld : med kyrkomålaren Johannes Rosenrods exemplifiering
In the medieval ruling catholic time the church walls was swarmed with programs of pictures with religious motives there the animal figures rich symbolics was significant first and foremost for the illiterate. Principally the inspiration comes from the antiquitys pagan world of fables and bestiary Christian world of symbols with the bible as the essential source. The essay describes six of the most common animal symbols who occur; dragon, the sneak in the Paradise, mouth of hell, lion, the fox as a preacher and the devil.To attain to a discussion about why just animals are used as symbols for human characteristics in the medieval church art instead for human beings as it's actually be about, I have studied bestiary and other literature about medieval churchpainting to get an understanding about the history of ideas about the thoughts of the time and about symbolics of animals, worth and how the Christianity have had an influence on the pictures.I have used Johannes Rosenrods church pictures from Tensta church in Uppland from 1437 as an exemplification but also mentioned other unknown painters who used similar animal codes and motives.It's plausible that the purpose of the animal figures was both religious and political, which was used by both the spiritual and the worldly authority so they could keep their dominance over the peasant. The figures was simple to read and remember and they made a deep impression on the people together with the sermon. The churchgoer get so to speak a sound- and image experience, a medieval reality who impress their world of ideas.When it's about the artistic formation of religious expression and characteristics it was undoubtedly a great advantage for the artists to use an animal code like a schemata.
Ibland är det svårt : Varför specialpedagogen ibland nekas tillträde av lärarna till klassrum/lektion
The aim of this work has been to investigate how it is that it sometimes can be difficult for special educators to gain access by teachers to the classroom/lesson to make observations. A partial order has been to determine whether the special educator can curb the negative response from the teacher in question, concerning access to the classroom/lesson. The survey has a phenomenological perspective as the basis of the test procedures and the analyses made. Phenomenology has as its starting point that the human does not perceive the world in the same way, and that she has different motives and intentions for her actions. In order to understand why the human act like she does, you have to create an image of the personal meaning behind this action. To create this image, I have implemented conversational interviews with five teachers at a high school, in central Sweden. The investigation revealed that it is missing that the school's teachers are clearly informed of which laws and regulations the special educator is subordinate to.
Kommunikation, Motivation & Relationer : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers erfarenheter av ledarskapets inverkan pa? ha?lsan bland ansta?llda
The aim of this study is to understand first line managers experiences of the impact leadership have on the health of employees. The study focuses on leadership behaviours and actions, experienced by first line managers working in elderly care, with either positive or negative outcomes on the employees health. To answer the purpose of the study a qualitative method was used and the data was collected through seven individual interviews. The analyse was conducted using theories of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. To enable a broader dimension to the study the concept of health-promotion leadership was also used in the analysis.
Har vindsvåning blivit ett sätt att leva? : Gentrifiering ur ett svenskt perspektiv
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Vardagslivets monument : Kulturarv och ombyggnationer i miljonprogramsområdena "Blåkulla" och "Bananhuset"
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Koppar på drift
In my project, Cups on the run, I have studied the relationship between ceramic utility objects and different environments, when moving them off the table. My background as a potter has been the starting point. From there, I wanted to see if I could expand my craft to the space beyond. With the cup, which for most people has a clear function and a relation to us human, in repetitive structure I explored the spatiality and architecture in various environments. Life fascinates me through how everything is made up of tiny parts that together create the tangible and intangible.
En diamant eller oslipad sten? - Employer branding: om företagsimage och attraktionskraft
Ett av syftena med studien var att undersöka skillnader i Ingenjörsstuderande respektive Anställdas uppfattning om Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Det andra syftet med studien var att se om det förelåg skillnader i uppfattning av en Ideal arbetsgivares image och Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Studien genomfördes med stöd av en enkätundersökning med Ingenjörsstuderande och Anställda vid Lantmäteriakademin som deltagare. Totalt deltog 102 personer i studien; 55 Ingenjörsstuderande och 47 Anställda. Mätinstrumentet var Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt).
INDIVIDUELL LÖNESÄTTNING Från policy till praktik ? en fallstudie på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhus
I större organisationer finns ett behov av att säkerställa att organisationens olika verksamheter arbetar efter samma lönestrategi och mot samma mål, samtidigt som lokala verksamheter måste anpassa direktiv och policys som förs ner genom organisationen till sin kontext. Syftet med studien är att genom en fallstudie skapa en förståelse för hur individuell lön praktiseras och organiseras inom en stor offentlig verksamhet samt skapa en djupare förståelse för kopplingen mellan policy, strategi och lönesättning. Organisationen som studeras är Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhus och HR-avdelningen centralt på Västra Götalandsregionen.Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med lönesättande chefer och två fokusgruppsintervjuer med HR- medarbetare. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats med tematisk analysmetod och empirin har kopplats till teori och tidigare forskning.Studien fann att en av de huvudsakliga avsikterna med lönepolitiken i organisationen var att motivera medarbetarna, men att det bland respondenterna fanns en varierad syn på sambandet mellan lönesättning och motivation.
En heterotopologisk analys av den kulturella infrastrukturen i Göteborg: Rio Rio-båten på kollisionskurs med ett stadsplaneringsmaskineri på drift.
This essays overarching aim is to contribute to the theoretical discussion of transformation processes that are shaping the urban landscapes and further to problematize contemporary planning discourses in Sweden. Drawing on the concept of Foucault?s heterotopia and actor-network theory for spatial analysis, the paper seeks to analyze the complex urban landscape transformation process as an emergent property of human and non-human actor-networks seeking to transform and order space. With the district of Rosenlund in Gothenburg as a starting point, this thesis intends to examine how the cultural infrastructure - used by the residents and visitors of the city - are related to the city's planning and development processes. The case study is based on a boat (Rio Rio) in Rosenlund canal that is defined as a cultural infrastructure.
Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i praktiken? En studie av nio bibliotekariers förhållande till fackinformation
This Master thesis aims to illuminate nine librarians relation to professional information. This is accomplished by focusing on five questions: How do they communicate and acquire professional information, and how do they evaluate its relevance? What are their experiences of continuing professional education? What are their opinions on the academicalisation of the education? Is it possible to perceive something of the librarians professional project in the informants statements? What is their relation to the academic subject of library and information science and the research on the area? The analysis is based upon the interviews with nine librarians and carried out with profession theory in order to study the role of theoretic knowledge in our participants professionalisation processes. We also use different context oriented theories to study the contextual dimension of information need and seeking. The conclusions of this Master thesis reveal that the communication between the theory of library and information science and the practice need to be improved if we want to see more of an evidence-based librarianship.
Human resources outsourcing : att släppa kontrollen
Titel: Human resources outsourcingHögskola: Mälardalens högskola VästeråsInstitution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling.Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi - FÖA300Författare: Mattias Hedman och Charlotte SkinnarHandledare: Ulla PetterssonSidoantal: 43Bilagor: 1Nyckelord: Outsourcing, HR, relationerSyfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån teorin analysera Fortums och Foras val inom HRO och hur de hanterar den. Därefter presentera förslag på vad de skulle kunna lägga fokus på i framtiden utifrån teorin.Metod: Kvalitativ metod och deduktiv ansats. En fallstudie har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer på två olika företag.Teoretiska perspektiv: Teorin baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker om outsourcing och då främst outsourcing av personalavdelningens funktioner.Empiri: Fallstudien består av intervjuer med processägaren Lena Jonsson på energibolaget Fortums kontor i Stockholm, samt Pia Holm-Johansson, löneansvarig på försäkringsföretaget Fora i Stockholm. Dessutom har Fortums och Foras årsredovisningar från 2009 samt deras webbplatser använts.Resultat: Företagen överrensstämmer med teorin till stor del när det gäller relationen med leverantören och sin interna hantering av HRO. De har upplevt problem, dock ej längre, och företagens val med HRO överrensstämmer med teorin.
LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China
Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.