2285 Uppsatser om Human Dignity - Sida 30 av 153
Spelarens Värld : en fenomenologisk studie av hur individer som spelar Counter-Strike upplever sin nutida värld
The purpose with this qualitative interview study was to try to describe, through a phenomenological viewpoint, the meaning that Counter-Strike players put on there contemporary world. We started to explore this Game World with field research studies on the world?s biggest Game exhibition Dreamhack in the city of Jönköping. This helped us to develop our main question for this study.The thirteen participants of the interview were selectively chosen from a Game Café in the city of Karlstad. They were interviewed with five questions that dealt with their experiences of playing Counter-Strike and their experience of time perception in their world.
Kompetensf?rs?rjning under digital transformation En kvalitativ studie om hur sm? och medelstora managementkonsultbolag i Sverige arbetar med kompetensf?rs?rjning
The aim of this thesis is to analyze how small and medium-sized management consulting firms in Sweden work with human resource management during digital transformation. By interviewing companies, this study explores their approach to attracting, recruiting, and developing competence. The results showed that management consulting firms have good access to candidates, made possible by having a strong corporate culture and attractive working conditions - Crucial parts for attracting talent. Social media and networking are frequently used for marketing and attracting interesting candidates. Digital tools and social media showed to be useful during the recruitment process, but personal contacts and networking still play a central role.
Prosamodernism, form och genusdebatt : En komparativ form- och receptionsstudie av Karin Boyes Astarte och Rosa Chacels Estación, ida y vuelta
The aim of this study is to compare the modernist novels Astarte (1931) by the Swedish writer Karin Boye with Estación, Ida y vuelta (1930) by the Spanish author Rosa Chacel and the reception of these literary works in contemporary academic research. The theoretical ground of the study consists of feminist and critical theory, with traits of discourse analysis.Astarte and Estación were in large part forgotten and ignored by the Western Canon of literature during most of the 20th century, but have lately gained more attention as important modernist novels by researchers (from the feminist, poststructuralist or hermeneutic theoretical fields) who primarily examine the experimental forms figured by the texts in relation to the deconstruction and shattering of human homogenous ?essence?.The results found in the study show that the literary forms of both novels can be associated with a kind of illusion rapture, which relate to the modernist inclination to what Frederic Jameson calls artificial narrative; a form technique that points back at itself to emphasize its own characteristic of being a constructed and subjective illustration of reality. The contemporary interest in these artificial literary forms expressed by Astarte and Estación is therefore probably a consequence of the vibrant academic debates carried out during later decades concerning the conception of human gender and identity as construction and performance. .
Klimatsmarta Hyresgäster : Potential hos hyresgästen för minskning av energianvändning i en kontorsbyggnad på ett klimatsmart sätt
The starting point for this master thesis was the product of the company "Humlegården", which allows its tenants in office buildings to follow their electricity consumption in real time, through their Smartphone's. The idea that resulted from that application is to investigate if it is possible to direct the tenants in office buildings to reduce their energy consumptions, but also to be satisfied with the indoor environment. This work addresses the factors which are the main energy consumers in office buildings. It addresses legal requirements and standards which are important to follow in order to achieve good thermal comfort in buildings. Some of them are physical climate factors like thermal environment, air quality and lightning.
En studie om EU-direktiv 2005/0182 : ? med fokus på personlig integritet, etik och gällande direktiv
EU direktiv 2005/0182 röstades igenom i början av år 2006. All trafik-data kring Internet- och telekommunikation ska lagras mellan sex må-nader och ett år. Direktivet kommer innebära gemensamma regler för EU:s medlemsstater. Syftet med direktivet är att data ska lagras för till-gänglig vid utredning, avslöjande och åtal av grov organiserad brottslig-het och terrorism.Studien innehåller tre problemområden som behandlar andra gällande direktiv och konventioner, personlig integritet och etik. Först undersöks det nya direktivet i relation till European Convention on human rights (ECHR) Vidare förs diskussioner kring lagring av trafikdata och lokali-seringsdata i förhållande till personlig integritet.
Vart är EU:s asyl- och invandringspolitik på väg? : EN idealtypsanalys av EU-ländernas gemensamma asyl- och invandringspolitik
This essay is about the asylum and immigration politics within the EU. Due to the heavy criticism the EU has been exposed to from among others different kind of human rights organizations I have become interested to find out what kind of asylum and migration politics right now is being formed by the member states of the union. Thus the purpose is also to see if the EU is creating a policy within this area that intends to live up to the human rights obligations.My overall research question is:Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU?The theoretical perspectives of universalism and particularism are used as two analytical tools in order to understand the phenomenon I am investigating and to identify its characterizing ideas. In my essay universalism and particularism are used as opposite ideal types.
Att skilja äpplen från päron : en studie om belöningssystem
Companies today need to be more focused than ever on having an active Human Resource Management culture. This is not only because of the companies? concern for their staffs wellbeing, but for the companies? effectiveness in the long run. The reward systems which many corporations use today, to both keep their employees and attract new ones, is a well researched subject by scholars as well as journalists. Earlier research has suggested that it is important to implement an active Human Resource Strategy.
Ekosocial välfärd : En kunskapsöversikt
There seems to be a consensus in the world that the climate is changing, bringing unpredictable and severe consequences for both humans and nature. The feld of social work is known for helping misfortunate individuals and groups, and is said to deal with people in their environments. Yet there seems to be a lack of giving these environments meaning as also something natural. This thesis has the purpose of exploring the connection between social work and the physical environment made by research literature, using the methodology of literature review. The questions asked is in which ways the physical environment can be connected to human welfare; if so, what implications are there for the feld of social work, and fnally how can the discussion be understood using a typology over environmental sustainability presented by Andrew Dobson.
"Det gäller att följa sin egen stjärna, lita på sig själv, att odla det inre äventyret" : En studie i skapandetemat i Bruno K. Öijers poesi
Bruno K. Öijer is one of Sweden's well known poets. He belongs to a poetic avant-garde and made his debut in 1973. Many literature researchers and reviewers have focused on Öijer as person and poet. I will discuss Öijer's authorship in relation to literary traditions, such as orphic tradition, avant-garde and modernsim, surrealism and the outsider definition.
Human Stem Cell - European National Innovation Systems and Patents
The purpose of this paper is for the reader to realise how national innovation systems are deeply intertwined with the legal background of a country and to understand the processes that involves national innovation systems specifically regarding the stem cell / genetics research and how the need for specific community law must be considered targeting the stem cell patents. The legal part will try to answer: Why is it important given the actual state of the European stem cell national innovation systems for the European Commission to take a stand and tackle issues regarding the patenting of the human stem cell innovations? This is done from a country industry analysis (business approach) and then linking it with competition law from a community stand point of view (that tackles biotechnology issues). In order to achieve this the paper is divided into three separate analyses beginning with a theoretical background of general biotechnology / genetic terms that will enable the reader to have a general understanding of the importance of this kind or research ( genetics / stem cell research). The chosen countries case studies exemplify very diverse economies and development perspective from the traditionally R&D intensive to the least and from the biggest countries in Europe to one of the smallest, thus giving cultural, legal, economic and scientific variety..
Paragrafrytteri eller inte?: en studie om en personaladministratörs vardagliga arbete
Syftet med forskningen är att ta reda på hur en personaladministratörs vardagliga arbete ser ut samt att undersöka om en personaladministratörs vardagliga arbete handlar om paragrafrytteri. För att får svar på syftet genomfördes den kvalitativa forskningsmetodens deltagande observation och intervju. I två dagar observerade jag en personaladministratörs vardagliga arbete och därefter genomförde jag intervjun. I denna uppsats har jag redovisat resultatet så teorilöst som möjligt för att läsaren skall få en helhetsförståelse av hur en personaladministratörs vardagliga arbete kan se ut. I undersökningen fann jag att personaladministratörens arbetsuppgifter är bland annat att ta fram underlag för strategiska program och policyprogram, avtalstolkning, lönefrågor, lönekartläggning, ekonomi samt hjälpa övriga anställda i olika frågor inom det personaladministrativa området.
Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal : En litteraturöversikt om patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal
Bakgrund: Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter kan medföra både positiva och negativa erfarenheter för patienter. När en människa intar rollen som patient hamnar hen i en situation där patientens avskildhet kan bli svår att bevara och värdigheten kan bli hotad.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga studier, varav nio var kvalitativa och en var både kvalitativ och kvantitativ. Studierna som erhölls ifrån databaserna CINAHL och PUBMED analyserades och sammanställdes.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudteman och sju subteman. Det första huvudtemat benämns som Att vårdas i en flerbäddssal med tre subteman; Betydelsen av att ha sällskap av medpatienter, Stödjande samtal av medpatienter och Bevara självständighet och värdighet genom ett oberoende. Det andra huvudtemat benämns som Patienternas upplevelse av att vistas i en flerbäddssal med andra medpatienter med ett subtema; Att vårdas i en könsblandad flerbäddsal som ett hot mot värdigheten.
Från whiteboard till pekskärm : En studie av universitetslärares upplevelser av interaktiva klassrum
Information technology (IT) have for several decades been used in university education. An increasing number of classrooms today are built around a concept which uses IT in collaboration with the room itself. However, little is known about the experience of university teachers when working in such classrooms. This study examines the views and opinions of teachers at a Swedish university regarding using and interacting with these classrooms. Furthermore, we identify possible underlying factors that influence these views.
Dikaiosyne theou : Guds rättfärdighet i Rom 3:21-26
The aim of this study has been to try to understand the meaning of dikaiosuvnh qeou` in Rom 3:21-26, and how man receives this righteousness.The study has two main parts. The first part is a study of Greek terms and words, where the following terms are examined: First the iJlavskomai word group, and especially the word iJlasthvrion. Secondly the words divkaio" and dikaiosuvnh. Thirdly the word novmo" and fourthly the words pisteuvw and pivsti". The final term examined is ajpoluvtrwsi".
Det kvinnliga medborgarskapet och jordfrågans lösning : En undersökning av Elisabeth Tamms artiklar utifrån ett ekofeministiskt perspektiv
This master thesis is about one of the first female in the Swedish Parliament, Elisabeth Tamm (1880?1958), and her political articles in the magazine Tidevarvet. The aim of this study is to find similarities with Tamm?s political thoughts with the Ecofeministic theory. Due to women?s right to vote 1919 women citizenship was in a political debate.