

282 Uppsatser om Horse trappings - Sida 9 av 19

Mykotoxiner och deras effekt på hästens hälsa

AbstractMycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. Moulds producing mycotoxins grow on various crops that are used as horse feeds. Since the treatments of mycotoxin poisoned horses are limited it is important to prevent production of mycotoxins in feed. The major mycotoxin producing moulds in horse feeds are Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp.

Undersökning av ackommodationsförmåga och brytningsfel hos varmblodiga travare :

Skiascopy is used to objectively determine the refractive power of the eye. Except for a Swedish study in 2007, where 93 horses of different breeds and ages were examined with respect to their refractive status, most studies on equine refraction were published about one century ago or more. The objective of this study is to examine the refractive status of healthy warm-blooded trotting horses. Skiascopy was performed in 117 horses in total, aged 3 days to approximately 22 years old. In a pilot study, it was determined whether young horses were able to accommodate or not during skiascopy. The horses in the pilot study were all younger than 14 months. In foals younger than 1,5 months we saw a significant difference in the skiascopy result in the right eyes before and after topical atropine was instilled, but not in the left eye.

Utfodring av hästar i tropiska klimat : möjlighet att använda regionala fodermedel i Tamil Nadu, Indien.

This study consists of a literature study and a survey in Tamil Nadu, India. The aim of the study was to get an understanding of horse feeding in tropical climates and what kind of feeding related problems that could occur because of the fodder. Information and data were collected from eight different stables and from Tamil Nadu University of Agriculture in the region of Tamil Nadu in March-April 2009. The horses in Tamil Nadu were given rice straw, unknown grass, Cynodon dactylon, lucerne, maize, Pennisetum glaucum x Pennisetum purpureum hybrid and Chloris gayana as roughage. As concentrates, the horses were given wheat bran, oats, barley, soybean meal, maize, carrots, coconut cake, peanut cake, horse gram and chick pea.

Bandtraktorer - något för framtiden? : en ekonomisk jämförelse mellan hjul- och bandtraktorer

AbstractMycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. Moulds producing mycotoxins grow on various crops that are used as horse feeds. Since the treatments of mycotoxin poisoned horses are limited it is important to prevent production of mycotoxins in feed. The major mycotoxin producing moulds in horse feeds are Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp.

Ridhästens samling : en jämförelse av subjektiva bedömningar och objektiv kinematisk analys

The modern veterinarian in horse practice is often consulted by horse owners concerning riding problems. These problems are more complex and show other characteristics than traditional lameness. For the diagnostic process and to give adequate advice the veterinarians need an understanding of riding terminology and problems related to riding. It is also of high importance that riders, trainers and veterinarians increase the knowledge of equine biomechanics and how these are influenced by the rider. Collection is an important concept in the riding terminology.

I vatten eller jord? : Nytolkning av depåfyndet från Eskelhem

In 1886 Hans Hildebrand received a Bronze Age hoard found in a field that belonged to Eskelhem´s rectory. A record was made where Hildebrand presented and documented the artifacts. The following year Oscar Montelius reviewed the artifacts, which he described as horse gears. He compared the horse gears with similar artifacts found in Europe that roughly had the same dating in order to trace the origin of the hoard.  Montelius conclusion was that the hoard was created on Gotland around 500 BC.

Avel och fruktsamhet hos nordsvenska hästen : en enkätundersökning

The fertility of the North Swedish horse was investigated using a questionnaire. Data concerning altogether 73 North Swedish stallions and 213 mares used for breeding during the season 2005 were collected and analysed. The survey also included the analyses of 305 breeding case books, especially distributed for this study, from 27 stallions. The aim was to collect information on how the breeding was carried out in the North Swedish horse, and to learn what categories of mares that were covered and what routines were used in these farms. Breeding statistics from 1999 to 2004 was also analysed to complete the questionnaire.

Effekter av två olika hösilagefoderstater på tarmfloran och träcksammansättningen hos häst och gris :

The aim of this study was to investigate if the botanical composition of haylage affects pH, dry matter content and microbial composition of the faeces in horse and pig and ileal environment in pigs. Two separate studies were conducted where pigs and horses were fed two diets containing haylages with different botanical composition. The first haylage was from a tilled land dominated by timothy and meadow fescue and the other haylage came from a meadowland with a large inclusion of dandelion, 25 % and common couch. The dry matter content (70.8 % and 73.0 % respectively) and the pH-value (5.7) were similar in both feeds. The first study was made as a three-periods switch-back study with 7 Standardbred horses. In the first and the third period, 7 and 9 days long respectively, the diet consisted of the haylage from the tilled land, oats, sugar beet pulp, soy bean oil meal, lucerne pellets and brewers yeast.

Betydelsen av prokainets nedbrytning i plasma vid penicillinchock hos häst :

The use of intramuscular injections of procaine penicillin G (bensylpenicillin procaine) in the horse is now and then associated with acute adverse reactions (penicillin-chock). The etiology is not yet clearly understood, but the theories are several. One possibility is that it can be caused by procaine toxicity. Procaine penicillin G is a salt which is quickly dissolved in plasma. Procaine is then metabolized by plasmaesterases to non-toxic metabolites, p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol.

Kolik hos häst - vanliga riskfaktorer och profylaktiskt arbete : en mindre enkätundersökning om svenska hästägares erfarenhet

Reasons for performing this study: Colic has for a long time been seen as a serious health problem in the equine population. Even so, the knowledge of colic seems to differ a great deal among the people interacting with horses. A large number of studies have for several years looked at risk factors that cause colic, in order to provide knowledge about them. The knowledge can then be used as tools for developing prophylactic methods in order to reduce the number of horses that develop colic. Objectives The aim with this study was to investigate if people have the correct knowledge about colic in horses, which risk factors that cause colic today and describe prophylactic methods that can result in avoidance of colic in horses. Method Eleven veterinary practices were contacted in order to send out two questionnaires for a study of six weeks.

Omvårdnad av hästar med mugg för att undvika omotiverad antibiotikaanvändning

Pastern dermatitis is a common condition among horses. It is a symptom, a reaction in the skin of the pastern rather than a diagnose. There are a lot of homemade treatments when you ask horse owners how they handle pastern dermatitis, but what does the science say about how it should be treated? Today there is a growing problem with antibiotic resistance, but how good are the veterinarians on testing for resistance before they describe antibiotics? Bacteria and fungus is seldom the primary cause for pastern dermatitis, the reaction is often secondary to environmental factors. It?s difficult to diagnose the primary factor and it´s even more difficult when the horse has been treated in different ways before the veterinarian gets involved.

Hästens hudproblem : en retrospektiv fallstudie

SUMMARYThis work consists of a review of the medical records of 142 horses that visited the Equine dermatology clinic, at the University Animal Hospital, UDS, at Ultuna, Uppsala, Sweden, between January 2007 and June 2010. The study answers certain main questions like clinical signs responsible for the visit, the most common diagnoses, their diagnostic procedures, treatment modalities and finally, the outcome of treatment.Among 50 diagnoses, four were predominant followed by additional 46 diagnoses, each presenting by few or, in many cases, only one horse. The most common dermatological problem diagnosed was Equine Sarcoid representing 18,3 % of the cases (26/142), which probably reflects the initiation of a Sarcoid treatment-trial in 2007, that resulted in an accumulation of sarcoid horses in the clinic .The second most common diagnosis was Atopy 12 % (17/142) followed by Allergy with skin affection 9,2 % (13/142) and Acute superficial pyodermia 4,9 % (7/142). If the horses were divided into diagnostic groups, the majority (34,5 %) belonged to HA5 group, (Immunological skin diseases), followed by group HA4, (Infectious and inflammatory conditions of the skin) (22,5 %) and HA6, (Neoplasia) (21,8 %). Traumatic skin injuries represented only 2,1 % of the cases, compared to 80 % of horses in the Agria insurance statistics for veterinary care.The most common clinical sign and reasons for veterinary consultation was pruritus (35,9 %), suspected sarcoids (17,6 %), alopecia (12,7 %), nodules (12 %), seborrea, scaling and crusts (9,2 %) and excoriations (5,6 %), respectively, followed by a scattered number of more uncommon symtoms.The diagnostic methods most frequently applied were cytology and biopsy, used in 41,5 % and 36,6 % of the cases, respectively.

En kvalitativ utvärdering av det accelerometerbaserade hältdetektionssystemet ?Lameness Locator? :

Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician.

Klinisk gradering av hästens luftvägsstatus : en jämförande studie av kliniska graderingsprotokoll samt deras relation till luftvägshälsa och neutrofilförekomst i BAL-vätska

Respiratory disease with airway inflammation as main characteristic is common in the horse. It is a syndrome that is not yet fully understood. The etiology, pathogenesis and classification into different disease states are subjects for discussion and under continuous revision. Despite a number of modern techniques, the diagnostic procedure is challenging. There is no test considered to be gold standard when diagnosing these diseases.

Fälttest av en ny metod att med objektiva mätmetoder karaktärisera egenskaperna hos ridunderlag- en pilotstudie. :

Background Research concerning footing and its contribution to injuries has been conducted primarily in racing Thoroughbreds. Studies in UK and Japan indicate that some specific factors could be responsible for an increase in performance-associated injuries. Researchers in Sweden have performed studies on Standardbred trotters. More research is needed to be done on equestrian sports since requirements on footing are not exactly the same in riding and trotting horses. The lack of scientific evidence on the construction of equestrian surfaces has lead to anecdotal validation of designs.

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