

282 Uppsatser om Horse trappings - Sida 10 av 19

Objektiv utvärdering av hälta under ryttare

Background: The most common reason for veterinary care in horses is lameness. Lameness in riding horses is often difficult to evaluate and in many cases may require riding to come to a diagnosis. Evaluation of lameness has proven to be very subjective and depends on the examiner. There is a need to evaluate ridden horses in an objective way.

Foderhäckar till hästar i lösdrift :

Knowledge about feed racks for feeding forages to horses is lacking. Racks for sheep and cows are sometimes used for horses. Feeding roughage on the ground, or feeding silage bales with the plastic and net still on, can bring on a lot of different problems. The opportunity to control the hygienic quality is small and feed losses can be high. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how the eating behaviour and consumption of horses were influenced by feeding racks of different constructions. Feed losses and changes in chemical composition of the forage were also studied.

Ett nytt hjälpmedel för läkemedelstillförsel till hästögon

Medicinering vid sjukdomstillstånd i det främre segmentet av ögat hos häst är ofta tidskrävande och komplicerat för djurägaren. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett nytt tekniskt hjälpmedel, en spiral som kallas OphthaCoil, fungerar för långtidsmedicinering hos häst. Två olika designer på spiraler utvärderades. Efter en ögonundersökning placerades en spiral i nedre konjunktivalsäcken och hästen observerades till dess spiralen trillade ur. Resultaten visar att ingen av de använda designerna låg kvar tillräckligt länge för att kunna användas för en längre tids behandling.

Förbättrad omvårdnad med sårprodukt av mjölksyrabakterier och honung, för hästar med muggliknande sår

Wound care of the horse?s distal part of the leg is challenging. Due to that distal limb wounds are easily enlarged, infected and generally heal slower than wounds on the body of the horse, the need for improved wound nursing arise. One way of improving wound nursing is to evaluate new ways of healing treatment. In this study, evaluation was made of a new product consisting of lactic acid bacteria and honey.

Djuromvårdnad vid fång, bärrandsröta och spiktramp hos häst

60 million years ago the horse was the size of a small dog, and walked on four toes. Today it can weigh up to 500-1000 kg and has evolved to walking on only one phalanx. The anatomy of the horses? legs and hooves allow them to run at high speeds, and at the same time enables them to bear the extremely high concussions applied to the foot at high speeds or jumps. Every horse owner has his or her own opinion on how to manage their horses? hooves, and whether the horse should be shod or unshod. The knowledge, commitment and attention of the owner determine the quality of the hoof care, but also the time between the arising of symptoms of abnormalities of the hoof until care is sought with a farrier or veterinarian. New laws will be applied at the beginning of 2015 which bring on changes in authorization for farriers.

Korta tyglar? En queerfeministisk läsning av tio samtida hästklubbsböcker

This master thesis is discussing ten pony books from 2006 in relation to the heterosexual matrix. It contains a rather extensive research overview regarding horse riding from a gender perspective, pony books, traditional feminist studies of girls? books and queer readings of girls? and children?s literature. The aim of the empirical study is two folded; firstly to show how the girl protagonists? horse riding is presented in terms of masculinity and femininity (as defined by Natalie Koivula), secondly to analyze the relations between the girls appearing in the books from a queer perspective attempting to find some queer leakage in the depictions.

Terapeuters val av hästen som terapeutisk resurs : En deskriptiv studie om terapeuters tankar om val av metod och hästen som terapeutisk resurs i hästunderstödd terapi

Fokus i studien ligger på terapeuters val av metod och synen på hästen som terapeutiskt resurs. Detta görs genom kvalitativ deskriptiv ansats. Terapeuterna intervjuas genom semistrukturerad intervjuguide med öppna frågor. Arthurs teori om vilka typer av terapeuter som, utifrån personlighet och epistemologiska uppfattningar, är disponerade till en viss typ av terapeutisk inriktning, användes för att försöka förklara varför de terapeuter som arbetar med HUT, väljer den metoden. Resultatet visar att terapeuternas val av HUT metod inte kunde förklaras genom Arthur's teori.

Septisk tenosynovit i kotsenskidan hos häst : en retrospektiv studie av 21 hästar

Septic tenosynovitis involving the digital sheath is a relatively common problem in the horse and the prognosis has been considered as poor. However, there are only few studies confirming this. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about the prognosis for septic tenosynovitis in the digital sheath. The literature indicates that half or a bit more than half of the treated horses will return to previous use. The recommended treatment is debridement of the wound, lavage and sometimes application of drains and broadspectrum antibiotics. The prognosis is considered as worse when the infection is established.

I människans tjänst? : en studie om relationen mellan människa och djuroffer i gravar från yngre järnåldern

By examine cremated remains from graves dated to late Iron Age I wanted to find out what sorts of animals were placed in the graves. But also to see if the animal sacrifices had any connection to the Old Norse religion. The osteological material that were analysed were from both cremated humans and animals and had been dated to Viking Age. The material is from burial ground 59 at Laxare, Boge parish on Gotland. In addition to the human remains, the material contains bones from horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, cat, bear, birds and fish.

Vitamin A och E i relation till hästutfodring :

The purpose of this study was to examine vitamin A and E in equine nutrition and especially in relation to forages. A literature review was conducted to examine factors that influence the level of vitamins present in forage, the vitamin A and E requirement of horses, and the absorption of vitamin A and E in horses. The influence of DM level on alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene content in ensiled forage was investigated in a controlled ensiling study using baled silage and haylage. The results from the ensiling study were combined with data of vitamin A and E concentrations collected from literature. Calculations were done to theoretically establish how well the vitamin content in ensiled forage can cover the maintenance requirements of vitamin A and E in horses.

Krubbitning hos häst : implikationer på djurvälfärd och argument för en nollvision om förekomst av beteendet

Most descriptions of stereotypic behaviours have in common that these repetitive behaviours only has been observed in captive animals and therefore it has been proposed that stereotypies exist because we house animals in environments that are sub-optimal to them. Some scientists claim that performance of stereotypies in itself decreases the animal's welfare due to costs in time, energy and health and a poorer quality of life. Other scientists assert that individuals performing stereotypies may have a better welfare compared to the rest of the animals in the same environment, since these individuals have developed strategies to cope with stress. Studies have estimated the prevalence of abnormal behaviours in horses to 18-30 % of the population. Several studies on cribbing have revealed a prevalence of 4-5 %, although some results indicate that more than 10 % of the horse population performs this stereotypy.

Större och mindre växtätares samexistens : Möjlig interaktion och effekt på lokal biodiversitet

The purpose of this report was to investigate to which extent local presence of large herbivore mammals (Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Dama dama and Sus scrofa) covaries with small rodents (Myodes glaerolus, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus? The hypothesis was that high abundance of wild ungulates would inhibit the density of small forest rodents. The data was collected during field work within FoMA (Environmental Monitoring Assessment)/SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Science). The Ungulate dropping inventory and rodent trappings, which is the base in this report, where performed 2012 ? 2014 in Gnesta/Nyköping municipalities (G/N) with a relatively high density of wild ungulates and Vetlanda/Växjö municipalities (V/V) with relatively lower wild ungulate density.

Krubbitning hos häst på olika strömaterial :

By limiting our horse?s freedom of movement, we restrict their opportunity to forage, which is one of their most important needs. If their need of forage is not fulfilled it can lead to frustration, which might manifest itself in abnormal behaviour, like the oral stereotypies for example crib-biting. It is a held belief that the horse swallows air while crib-biting, which they don?t, and that swallowed air causes colic, and the belief that other horses can copy the behaviour, leads to the use of many methods to prevent the behaviour.

Skadeförekomst hos häst relaterat till olika typoch mängd av utevistelse

This study was performed to examine whether horses that are kept alone in smallpaddocks are less likely to suffer injuries, compared to horses kept in biggerenclosures with the company of other horses, or not. In not yet published researchmaterial from 2005, risk factors associated with ?accidental injuries? versus ?wearand tear injuries? (represented by trauma injury and fetlock inflammationrespectively), were compared. That material, based on the results of 507 returnedquestionnaires from owners of horses in a Swedish insurance company, includedquestions about paddock/pasture confinement. The results from those questionswere then analyzed in this study in a so called case-control study, in which thegroups with trauma and fetlock inflammation were compared to a healthy controlgroup.The results show that the risk of fetlock inflammation is greater in a smallconfinement, OR for inflammation in a small paddock is 2,2 (95% KI 1,2-3,9)compared to a bigger paddock.

Omvårdnad av häst i boxvila : ett examensarbete baserat på en enkät gjord bland hästägare i Sverige

This thesis is focused on what impact stall confinement has on a horse?s mental and physical welfare. It was of great interest to get a gathered picture of how Swedish horseowners had experienced having their horses in stall confinement. A survey study was conducted to achieve this. The survey included twelve questions which for example investigated the horses? age at the time of stall confinement, the length of stall confinement and their sexes.

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