

4426 Uppsatser om High- and low utilizers - Sida 24 av 296

Vuxnas läsning av ungdomslitteratur ? en påse med godis, en trettioårskris eller som vilken litteratur som helst?

I approach the subject of adult readers of young adult fiction through an analytical framework influenced by Cultural Studies, implicating that young adult fiction is caught up in a system of distinction between popular literature and high literature. I contrast this with theories that suggest that there has been a loosening of this hierarchy and that they now coexist, even borrowing features from one another. I also examine questions of ideology, namely the ideology of mass culture, the ironical attitude and the ideology of populism. I also use Andreas Huyssen?s theory of mass culture as a woman, seeing as popular literature often tends to be categorized with feminine traits.

Fokus på personalomsättning : en etnografisk studie på försäkringsbolaget Trygg-Hansasoutboundavdelning i Växjö

Master's thesis, Master of Business Administration program, School of Business ofEconomics at Linnaeus University, Management, Course code, 4FE10EAuthors: Anton Milemo and Christoffer WideénTutor: Magnus ForslundTitle: Focus on employee turnover - an ethnographic study on the insurance companyTrygg-Hansa?s outbound department in VäxjöBackground: The costs of losing employees, recruiting new people, making a selectionof potential employees and training them are all high. The costs often exceed onehundred percent of the annual salary for the otherwise vacant position. In addition to thedirect costs of employee turnover troubles, things such as work confusion, loss oforganizational memory along with strategic skills can arise. The employee turnover rateof Trygg-Hansa?s outbound department in Växjö is too high according to the officemanager.Purpose: Understand the causes of high employee turnover in a Swedish insurancecompany.Methodology: This thesis consists of an ethnographic study of a Swedish insurancecompany.

Självskattning av depression hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom : Validering av självskattningsformuläret ?Känsloläge?

AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the statistical properties of a self-assessment instrument for depression, Känsloläge, with regard to validity, reliability and factor structure. Method: The data collection method used for the study was mail questionnaires. The sample consisted of patients who had received treatment for heart failure, arrhythmic disorders or coronary heart disease at a hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. The study population consisted of 53 patients. The self assessment form?s validity was analyzed by measuring the criterion validity.

Att fråga eller inte fråga, det är frågan : En studie av frågor mellan lärare och elever under kemilektioner

This report presents the use of questions by both teachers and students in chemistry class. Both students and teachers have been observed during 24 lessons, both theoretical and practical. In addition, interviews have been made with the teachers and the students have answered a questionnaire. The result show that a high number of questions are asked, more than one per minute and that both teachers and students ask the same amount of questions. This contradicts earlier findings were teachers questions dominate.

Plackindex, gingivalindex och erhållna munhygienåtgärder hos patienter i åldern 20-26 år som har behandlats vid tandhygienistprogrammet i Kristianstad-journalstudie

The aim of the study was to examine plaqueindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measure among patients between 20-26 years of age, who were treated at the Dental Hygienist Programme at the University of Kristianstad. The study was performed as a dental record. All 126 subjects with records in this age were including in the study. Sixteen records (13 %) were excluded because the criteria were not fulfilled. Plauqeindex, gingivalindex and oral hygiene measures were registered from 110 records.

Älgarås avloppsreningsverk- studie och metodisk felsökning av en biobädds BOD-rening

Wastewater contains biodegradable materials, which are often measured as BOD7.Trickling filters are sometimes used as a purification step for BOD-reduction. Atrickling filter is a tower, which is filled with a carrier material. Microorganisms growon the carrier material in the form of a biofilm. This biofilm consists mostly of bacteriathat purify water from BOD.In Älgarås? wastewater treatment plant the water is purified by a trickling filter.However the treatment plant has difficulties reaching the emission requirements forBOD.

Regionala och sociala skillnader i hälsotillstånd : En jämförelsestudie av Danderyd och Rinkeby

Sweden's population holds today one of the highest life expectancies in the world and an increasing number of Swedes believe that they have good health. However, the problem still remains that there exists significant differences in health between different population groups and neighborhoods. Two neighborhoods that demonstrate high inequality in health status are Rinkeby and Danderyd in Stockholm County.    The purpose of this study was to examine why health differs between different neighborhoods and how residents experience the area and their health. To answer this purpose a combination of statistical data and qualitative interviews with residents in Danderyd and Rinkeby has been used with an additional literature review.      The study showed that the causes of health inequalities between these neighborhoods was primarily concerned with the factors of education, economic conditions, ethnicity, conditions of comfort and companionship and the surrounding residential environment. The population in Danderyd, made up largely of people with high education, good economic conditions and few foreign-born, while the majority of Rinkeby?s population consists of individuals with low education, poor economic conditions and a high proportion of inhabitants of foreign origin, which are determining factors leading to poorer health status among the population.

Ungdomstid, Framtid, Vuxentid : gymnasieungdomars tankar kring utbildning, karriär, vagabonderande och familjebildande

The purpose of this essay was to study how youths think about their youth and future. Our intention was to study in which order of priority today's high school students in Helsingborg ranked family life, education, career and vagabonding. We also investigated what the term adolescence meant to them.Our main questions were how our respondents looked upon their youth and their future. In which way did they give priority to family life, education, career and vagabonding and why did they give these priorities? Which meaning did the respondents lay in the term adolescence?The study was based on interviews with seven young people, studying at a communal high school in Helsingborg.

Utbildningens betydelse för hälsan : En studie i skillnad på ohälsa mellan akademiker och icke-akademiker

The main focus with this study was to investigate if there was a difference in level ofeducation and self-rated health and if it could be explained by the amount of control,demands and social support at work. Theories used in this essay are education, health,and the job strain-model (control, demands and social support at work). We used analready done study by Folkhälsoinstitutet (2004) to examine these questions. Theanalysed sample consists of respondents 12 166 aged 18-84 years. The decline was39, 2 %.

Äh! Vadå nervös? Kör nu bara! : En studie om hur lärare och elever kan arbeta i gymnasieskolan för att lära sig hantera rampfeber

The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers can help their students to learn how to managestage fright. By interviewing high school teachers and high school students and also observe one oftheir classes, we wanted to find out how they think about the causes of stage fright and what youcan do to relieve it. We also wanted to find out how teachers are working to teach students how todeal with stage fright, and how they think that you also could work. As a teacher of music, among other things, the task is to assess and rate the students performancesin music. Several components are based on the students' courage to play on his or her instrument infront of other people.

Kan ät- och liggbås påverka kornas välbefinnande?

The purpose of this literature review was from dairy cows? behaviour and welfare point ofview describe how feed bunk and cubicles in a loose house system should be designed. Todaydairy cows in Sweden and in the world have high demands because of a high milk production,stress and higher risk of being afflicted with diseases. Through selection in breeding the bestquality can be performed, but high demands of the environment for the dairy cow is above allalso important for a good welfare and for a good milk production. Feed bunks and cubiclesare just some parts to be designed in the best way for a good animal welfare.

Simulation of rattan harvests in Indonesia : different harvesting pressures and the resulting patterns

The objectives of this research were to determine whether the natural rattan resources in Sulawesi, Indonesia can cope with the strongly increased harvesting pressure that has occurred over the last centuries. I was furthermore looking for patterns in the rattan population dynamics that might give a hint on how the harvesting system could be improved to ensure a maximum sustainable yield. To answer these questions, I developed an individual-based model to analyse the dynamics of rattan growth in connection with rattan harvests by locals to identify sustainable levels of rattan harvests around villages in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Scenarios with different harvesting intensities were run to compare the change in harvest amount. For a given harvesting pressure, scenarios with a high number of harvesters and a low harvesting frequency had the same effect as scenarios with high harvesting frequencies and a low number of harvesters.

Scrum ? en fallstudie från lokala företags perspektiv

Through a case study, I wanted to find out what advantages and disadvantages local companies consider with scrum and what they think about its future. To find out what scrum is, I read the literature and scientific articles and then wrote surveys based on my thoughts. Further, I also wanted to find out if it?s possible to use scrum in a school environment and therefore I visited a high school class who used scrum in one of their projects. The result was good but could have been better as it requires more training of scrum to understand everything.

Brandteknisk dimensionering av oskyddade träförband : En jämförelse mellan Eurocode 5 och alternativa metoder

AbstractThe assignment were assigned by Camatec Industriteknik AB. Camatec is a Karlstadlocated consulting company, they make everything from pilot studies to complete projects in mechanical design and calculation. They even have their own patented product, Camcoil. It is a winder for steel strips and is used for example with hardening of the steel strip. The assignment has been to solve the problems encountered by some customers within this product.

Welcome to Holland ? a study in parent experience, copingstrategies and interaction with school and municipality, of parents to children with Asperger syndrome.

The purpose of the study is to examine, describe and analyse how a selection of parents to children with Asperger syndrome understand, experience and cope with their parenthood. To attain this purpose we focused on these following questions;How does the respondents view their parenthood?; What kind of strategies does the respondents use to cope with their parenthood on the basis on their child with Asperger syndrome?; How does the respondents experience the mesosystem interact with them regarding situations contenting strenuous and stress?We chose to do a qualitative study by conducting separate interviews with eight parents to children with Asperger syndrome. Then we analyzed the answers using an abductive research, we tested the empirical data against our choice of theoretical perspectives. The results shows; that several of the parents in the study have experiences of high strenuous and stress in combination the several roles their parenthood contained.

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