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Simuleringsverktyg som hjälpmedel vid optimering av signalavstånd inom järnväg : Simulation tool as a help for optimization of signal distances on a railway track
The project Design analysis and proposals of plastic screw caps in Australia was performed at Högskolan Dalarna incooperation with University of Western Sydney, Australia. The Swedish company Tetra Pak, in Lund, were assigner forthe project that was performed 2006-2007. The commission was to do a survey about the packages for non-carbonateddrinks in Australia. The bottles had to be plastic, able to open in one step and with focus on the caps.The project has result in design analysis and a new proposal of a plastic screw cap for the Australian market. Sixbottles were choosen and they were all testet on 20 consumers each with a Likert-scale test.
Housing of ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, from an ethological perspective
Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.
Optimal spelstrategi för yatzy
This report intends to analyze the difference between the original rules and a modification of the rules for the Scandinavian version of the world famous dice game yatzy (yahtzee). Several works are made previously existing strategies for yatzy and Yahtzee.The study was conducted using the optimal strategy calculated and implemented in the programming language Java. The execution of the application to create the file containing the optimal strategy was running on leased powerful servers from Amazon and took just over six hours each.A simulated player played 100,000 games based on the strategy, to obtain data which then was used to plot graphs and analyze the expected score and its standard deviation. The expected value (mean) and standard deviation of the score for the possibility of three or four throws were 233.00 ± 44.82 and 280.07 ± 41.25.In view of the results drawn the expected conclusion that the four possible throws provides increased probability of getting a high score, unlike the case where the player may only be able to throw the dice three times. The fact that the variance is lower in the case of four throw session is equivalent to that the likelihood to get close to the expected value increases..
Kartläggning av plastkorkar och förslag till förbättringar för den australiensiska marknaden
The project Design analysis and proposals of plastic screw caps in Australia was performed at Högskolan Dalarna incooperation with University of Western Sydney, Australia. The Swedish company Tetra Pak, in Lund, were assigner forthe project that was performed 2006-2007. The commission was to do a survey about the packages for non-carbonateddrinks in Australia. The bottles had to be plastic, able to open in one step and with focus on the caps.The project has result in design analysis and a new proposal of a plastic screw cap for the Australian market. Sixbottles were choosen and they were all testet on 20 consumers each with a Likert-scale test.
Släktforskning och identitetsskapande
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how genealogists create identity through their own research, and how they live with their ancestors in the everyday life. The questions at issue are: How do genealogists deal with concepts like ?native home district?, ?heritage? and ?family?. Does it exist a problem in creating identity and how genealogists regard other people with a different background, for instance immigrants. This thesis consists of three parts: in the first I present my aim, questions at issue, my method with qualitative interviews, and my theoretical frame from sociology and anthropology.
Födelsevikt och tidig tillväxt hos nyfödda lamm
Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.
Naturvårdsavsättningar vid avverkning på Orsa Besparingsskog
Orsa Besparingsskog has an aim to take nature considerations in relation to the harvested volume and area of the annual felling. Around 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume should be set aside. It is important to keep close to those figures to avoid future negative effects on the long-term harvesting planning. The purpose of this study was to use laser scanning data to estimate those proportions.
The result showed that the proportion of conservation considerations in the ten selected objects in the study was significantly higher than the target of 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume. The result showed a setting aside of 19 percent of the acreage and 17 percent of the volume.
Utanför unionen - har EU:s östutvidgning påverkat rysk utrikeshandel?
In May 2004 eight former communist countries (EU-8) with close historical trade ties to Russia joined the European Union. According to integration theory, we expect that Russia ? a so called third country ? in some cases may suffer from trade diversion due to this. This thesis focuses on the possible effects on Russian trade resulting from the 2004 eastern enlargement of the European Union. It aims to find out whether any evidence of trade diversion can be found.
Specialpedagogens funktion - andra yrkesgruppers perspektiv
The purpose of this study is to achieve a greater understanding of the perception of the use of Special Educational Needs Coordinators? (SENCOs?) competence in school. The informants of this study are the director of the school district, two principals and six teachers in two schools in a municipality in Sweden. The method used for this study is qualitative interviews, and the results have been analyzed using perspectives on special education. The results show that the director of the school district has one ideal view of SENCOs working close to the principals with supervision of teachers, school development, administrative tasks etc.
Valfrihet, likvärdighet eller kvalitet? : Legitimitet för att avveckla en skola
In a suburb of Stockholm, local polititians descide to close down an elemantary school. Because of its shortage of pupils, the polititians claim they can not guarantee the quality of the school and the public requreiments of equal education. The school-employed teachers and parents of the pupils are all unhapy with the descision, but first and foremost dissatisfaied with how the descision was communicated.Using qualitative methods; interviews and content analisys, this thesis aimes to determine how the involved parties, in regards to the termination of the school, view the concepts of freedom of choice, equal education and quality. Interviews have been made with decision-makers, employees of the school, the school leader, one civil servant and parents; all with the goal of understanding how the involved parties view the events leading to the termination of the school and what causes they see. Furthermore, the thesis analyses if and why the involved parties experience the decision as legitimate..
Konst, mångfald och representation : Hur begreppet mångfald manifesteras i och kring konsten vid Södertörns högskola
This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..
Samhällets Sårbarhet för Klimatförändringarna
The effects of the climate changes are expected to generate several substantial direct and indirect consequences on both ecosystems and societies. It is the extent of the negative consequences that determents the vulnerability of the things or the ones exposed. The knowledge of the effects and consequences by a changing climate provides an opportunity to take measures to reduce the vulnerability.Our society?s vulnerability depends on how we choose to act out of the existing knowledge and what measures we choose to take. Karlstad municipality has good knowledge and perception of the increased flood risks the climate changes will generate and the probable consequences that most likely will follow. How the municipality decides to manage the flooding issue is not just affected by the will to mitigate the vulnerability but also by the vision to increase the number of citizens.
Omsorg i nöd och lust : kvinnliga och manliga anhörigvårdares upplevelser av att vårda sina makar
In using a qualitative method have I interviewed six women and six men taking care of their wives respectively husbands suffering from physical disease, disfunction or demental disease. The purpose was to find out whether male and female caretakers were differently influenced in their situation, relationship and in their partners, when they became caretakers of their spouse, depending on what the partner suffered from.The results showed that, when a husband or wife was hit by disease or disfunction, the caretaker was influenced both in the partners situation, the relationship and the role towards the partner. The couple still lived in a close relationship and could communicate. For the carers spouse suffered from a demental disease, there was no communication as before or possibility to remember. The carers also felt the loss of community, nearness and sympathy.
Konflikten i Georgien:förhandling som konflikthantering eller som problemlösning?
The aim of this essay is to examine which of the two approaches within the field of conflicts that best explains the conflict between Georgia and Russia using negotiations, dialogue and conciliation. According to the first approach negotiations are used to handle a conflict, according to the second approach negotiations are used to solve a problem. The focus will be on how the two states acted and how the dialogue from the European Union as a conciliator was brought before the war escalated in 2008. The EU is today an important actor within the international politics and has established close relations to the two states. The conflict goes back in history and is still not solved. In the fields of international studies, there is a realistic view that claims the international politics to be shaped by suspicions between states as main actors. War is never far away, what is claimed to be solved through diplomacy.
Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark
The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia.