1043 Uppsatser om Hexagonal Close Packing - Sida 17 av 70
Den värdefulla insidan : en fallstudie av Swedbank Stadion
The purpose of this essay is to look at the Swedbank Stadion, which is a modern stadium in the south of Sweden. Swedbank Stadion is the home ground of Malmö FF, one of the largest football team in Sweden, and the goal is to create value for the team. The stadium owners have to get companies to hire premises inside of the stadium so they can pay for the home ground of Malmö FF. Therefore we have focused on the servicescape in the stadium and how it can create value for the companies that act on Swedbank Stadion on a daily basis.This study of the Swedbank Stadion is based on a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach is chosen because we wanted to establish deeper understanding for the case itself.
Det splittrade subjektet : En analys av Marx filosofiska grund genom Kritiken av Hegels Rättsfilosofi
In the Philosophy of Right Hegel develops the concept Sittlichkeit (Ethical life) that represents Hegel´s view of how the State should be constituted. In Critique of Hegel?s ´Philosophy of Right` Marx provides a critical so called ?Prussian? reading of Hegel as ultimately a defense for the Prussian empire of that time. The study focuses on a close reading of the chapter on the state, which includes the paragraphs 257-313 in the Philosophy of Right. It examines how Marx?s philosophy developed from this Criticism including some of his basic concepts, notably Gemeinwesen and Gattungswesen, that he takes over from Hegel and includes in his own theories of human alienation.
Bosnienkriget och ICTY : -tidens rättvisa?
When Swedish authorities are to purchase or rent something, public procurement is used as a means to an end. Authorities as well as suppliers are subjects to the fact that Swedish law regarding public procurement regulates the form of procurement in one set of particular regulations (LOU) and the form of contracts in another set of general regulations (AvtL). Suppliers and purchasing authorities close a contract regarding the subject of procurement and the law of public procurement regulates when such a contract can be closed, simultaneously the law of contracts regulates when parties are held to contracts and when contracts are to be rescinded. I investigate in this essay what these two types of regulations can result in for the contracting parties. As it is today agreements that have been entered into wrongfully still are valid, even if a court of law nullifies the procurement and sentences the purchasing authority to make a new public procurement.
Att vara närstående på en intensivvårdsavdelning : upplevelser av delaktighet och patientens omvårdnad
Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur närstående till intensivvårdspatienter upplevde en intensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) med fokus på delaktighet och omvårdnad. I studien intervjuades fem närstående. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en förenklad variant av meningskodning och tre kategorier som beskrev de närståendes upplevelser av IVA utvecklades. Kategorierna benämndes: "Första intrycket av IVA", Att leva med osäkerhet" och "Att vara delaktig". De närstående upplevde ett inre kaos när deras anhörig vårdades på IVA och använde sig av olika copingstrategier.
Restspänningar i arc-förångade (Ti(1-x)Al(x))N ytskikt
This report is the written documentation of a project work carried out at the Division of Engineering Materials at Luleå University of Technology in cooperation with Seco Tools AB. The project deals with the analysis of residual stresses in Ti-Al-N thin film grown on WC/Co cutting inserts. The composition of Al varied from 0% up to 75%. Increasing the Al content in the Ti(1-x)Alx N compound improves the compressive residual stresses even after annealing of the material. The experiments have been performed in a high temperature x-ray diffractometer (HTXRD) where the interplanar atomic spacing was determined in-situ and subsequent converted into stresses.
Marknadsundersökning av Södra skogsägarnas medlemmar inom Vimmerby verksamhetsområde
This thesis is based on a market survey sent to the passive members of Södra skogsägarna within the scope of practice of Vimmerby. A member of Södra skogsägarna is considered passive if the member not has delivered timber to the association during the past five years. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain as much information as possible about the forest owners, to be able to interpret why the member did not choose to deliver their timber to the association. The survey was worked out in close collaboration with Södra skogsägarna to answer this question.
The responses indicate that economic returns are important to the individual landowner. The price of timber is most important in a timber business and the majority of forest owners want to have a personal meeting if you can choose how you wish to be contacted by the inspector.
Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen
During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890?s until the end of 1930?s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo?s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration.
Konstruktion och utvärdering av diplexer
The report descripbs how a diplexer for a hybrid analog/digital filterbank has been constructed and tested. A diplexer divides the frequency band into two different bands that do not who doesn't overlapp each other. The sampling rate for the two ADC:s is 80 Msps, and therefore it is advantage to have zero at 80 MHz. The reason for this is that a proposed class of hybrid filterbanks with very good quality requires a zero at or close the sampling frequency to work well. The diplexer was made in three versions.
Dåtidens betydelse för nuet och nuets betydelse för dåtiden : Skildringar av påskupproret på Irland 1916
In this essay, I compare ten different depictions of the Irish Easter Rising of 1916. These depictions are all from books published between 1924 and 2000, which deal with a wider context of the history of Ireland or Northern Ireland. I relate the depictions to the point in time when they were written, the geographic focus of the book, and the views that the author expresses about the present and the future, and about the significance of history. The main result of my essay is that the depictions differ in a way that seems connected to whether or not there was an ongoing violent conflict in Ireland at the time the books were written. Texts written when the political violence was present, or close, in time and location, are likely to be written either in a neutral tone with concern about objectivity, or incorporating the Easter Rising events in context of an ongoing socialist struggle.
Vägen till beröring i det palliativa skedet
In the palliative care there are many close encounters between the care-taker and the care-giver. To be touched is foundational to every human being and the care-giver shows his presence to the care-taker, when he touch the care-taker. Touch is an important tool for the care-giver in the care for the care-taker. It becomes a natural way of communicating. The aim of this literature study was to describe which factors that are important, for the care-taker in the palliative care, to receive touch in the purpose of feeling well-being.
Stora markägares val av fastighetsmäklare
The work is conducted in cooperation with LRF Konsult. The data has been collected thru a survey involving 145 landowners in Östergötland. The study is aimed at landowners how owns at least 400 ha of land. The purpose of this study is to find out how large landowners choose brokers when they are looking to sell their property.
The purpose of this work is to find "larger landowners' needs / choices of Realtors. The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions, and asked to investigate the seller's most important factors when they select brokers.
Lokal näringspolitik som nationell angelägenhet : - en teoriprövande studie av implementeringsproblemet i en näringspolitisk kontext
This study aims at contributing to the studies of political implementation. The theory of implementation claims that local implementation that meets the demands of national policies is close to none existing. By examining the implementation of industrial policy in two Swedish municipalities that differs in location, prosperity and political believes I am putting the theory to the test. If the test were to show that the implementation is rather well executed in these two cases, where the risk of failure is great, the questions about whether the theory is valid or not will rise.By interviewing the two local government employees in charge of the work with industrial policy, and studying their strategic documents I got my answers. This by looking at their work but also their attitudes towards the national policy in terms of understanding the policy, being able to work with it, and wanting to work with it.
Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan
This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.
Utveckling av förpackningssystem för torra insatsvaror i livsmedel
This project includes development of new packaging for dry spices and an investigation of how to automate the production line. The preliminary investigations show needs of an environmental friendly packaging possible to re-close. After screening for suitable materials three concepts were developed, a stand-up pouch, a plastic jar and a metal can. The pouch was excluded in a concept choosing process. In this process it was also decided to further develop the metal can concept.
Besökarstudie i Kilsbergens rekreationsområden : en metod för att utveckla rekreationsmöjligheter på Sveaskogs marker
In this Master thesis an effective method is presented to find out what is requested in a forest or outdoor recreation. The aim with the study is to find out how Sveaskog can increase the general interest for experiences in nature and improve the access for recreation. Some questions that have been used to answer this purpose are: Who is visiting/not visiting the recreation area? How is it possible to increase the number of visits? The study is carried out in Kilsbergen and mainly centered around Ånnaboda, which is the natural place for people to meet at and undertake recreational activities.
The method that is used is a mail-survey that was sent to visitors and people living in Örebro. People living in Örebro represent potential visitors who live close to the recreation area.