

30 Uppsatser om Heuristic - Sida 2 av 2

Att göra det osynliga synligt : sökmotoroptimering (SEO) av en webbsajt

A webpage can be perfectly usable but if users are unable to find the webpage it will remain unused. Nine out of ten Swedes use a search engine and the most popular one is Google, amongst other search engines. In this report I seek to answer which ranking factors that should be included in an SEO-audit of an existing webpage and also how to optimize a webpage for search engines. Applying the method Heuristic evaluation normally used to discover usability issues in an existing interface, on TT News Agency?s campaign site I found issues having a negative impact on the visibility in Search Engines Page Results.

Resursbesparande mätmetoder inom användbarhet

Detta arbete är en jämförande studie mellan mätningar inom användbarhet. Studien jämför en heuristisk utvärdering med ett användartest, med inriktning på ekonomi och resultat. Syftet är att belysa den ekonomiska aspekten mellan de två metoderna. Samtidigt undersöker studien om heuristisk utvärdering är en metod som lämpar sig som beslutsunderlag. Studien är genomförd på ett tryckeri där tryckeriets IT-system har testats och utvärderats utifrån de två metoderna.

Att utföra användarcentrerat arbete med små medel

Usability is a field within systems development which doesn?t get the attention it might deserve. Above all, it?s considered time consuming and expensive by many people in the industry. The current information regarding low-cost alternatives to achieve a more usable system seems to be almost non-existent.

Leder icke användarcentrerad systemutveckling till låg användbarhet?

Within system development users have rarely been involved or received much attention during the development. Most of the times, the primary focus within system development lies on insuring functionality, rather than making the system usable. The literature specifies that a non user-centered approach can contribute to a product with low usability, which can lead to an ineffective and unsatisfactory experience for the end users.The purpose of this thesis is to begin an investigation to see if the use of non user-oriented system development methods is a possible cause of low usability in the final system.To achieve the purpose of this thesis, we have conducted a case study. Within the case study we examined the usability of a time reporting system. The case study included seven minor studies; an investigation concerning the development of the system, an expert evaluation of the system, interviews and observations of users, developed paper prototypes and executable prototypes, both which user testing was performed on.The result of this study shows that by working with user-entered methods, the usability in the time reporting system increased after the design had been revised.

Museum på webben - en undersökning om användbarhet och åtkomst

The aim of this thesis is to describe and evaluate the usability of two Swedish systems, Sofie and Carlotta, which are used to organize and present data regarding museum objects on the web. This thesis also presents how objects are described and made accessible to the public in the two systems. To evaluate the usability, a Heuristic method combined with Systematic Usability Evaluation has been used. The description and accessibility of object representations in the systems are evaluated using indexing and classification theories from the field of Library and Information Science. Additional theoretical background that has been used is how users search and browse information systems.

En digital publikations skapandeprocess : Dagens funktioner och framtidsvisioner

Detta projekt har haft som syfte att producera och grafiskt formge det kommande numret av tidskriftsapplikationen Scandinavian Architectural Review för förlaget It Is Media Svenska AB i Stockholm. Skapandet har utgått från applikationens tidigare grafiska profil och har ämnat att följa tidigare utseende och funktioner utan nya tillägg. Hela produktionen har skapats genom Adobe InDesigns tilläggstjänst Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Efter att produktionen färdigställts har en analys gjorts av den färdiga applikationen enligt en heuristisk utvärdering ur ett människa-datorinteraktionsperspektiv, till vilken David Benyons tolv designprinciper har  tillämpats. Till stöd i analysarbetet har ett aktivitetsdiagram skapats för att ge en god överblick över hela tidskriftens disposition.

Beslutsfattande hos män och kvinnor samt påverkan av ångest och prestationsbaserad självkänsla vid genomförandet av ett medicinskt prioriteringsbeslut

Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka beslutsfattande, riskbedömningar och skillnader i konsolidering i anslutning till ett medicinskt prioriteringsbeslut (Svenson & Lindholm, 2007). Studien belyser betydelsen av den kognitiva och emotionella komponenten i beslutsfattande (Boyer, 2006) med utgångspunkt från bl.a. Differentiering och Konsolidering, Kognitiv dissonans och Affect Heuristic. Dessutom undersöks huruvida det förekommer en könsskillnad mellan hur män och kvinnor fattar beslut och utvärderar risker samt om ångest och prestationsbaserad självkänsla påverkar konsolideringen. Rekryteringen skedde vid Malmö högskola och omfattade 72 studenter.

Erfarenhetsrapportering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Utvärdering av erfarenhetsåterföringsprocessen samt utveckling av ett systemstöd

Organisations constantly live under the potential threat of events and accidents that seriously could harm the organisation. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, the company that this master thesis focus on, is in no aspect excepted from this threat. Through an early identification of near misses and the taking of corrective action in use, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB has managed to reduce the likelihood and the consequence of events and accidents. The purpose of this master thesis is to evalutate Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB?s operation experience process on the basis of IAEA?s and WANO?s requirements within the field of operation experience and to develop a usable system applicably within the field of operation experience.The thesis is divided into two parallel tracks, where one is the evaluation of the operation experience process and the other the design of a usable system, applicably within the field of operation experience.

Heuristisk utvärdering av typografi i responsiva gränssnitt

Denna studie syftar till att utveckla tumregler för heuristisk utvärdering av typografi i responsiva gränssnitt. Genom att kombinera traditionella typografiska designprinciper med principer för responsiv webbdesign har tolv tumregler tagits fram. Dessa tumregler har i två heuristiska utvärderingar använts av grafiska designers och gränssnittsutvecklare. De båda grupperna har dessutom fått ge sin syn på upplevelsen av att använda tumreglerna. Tumreglernas förmåga att vägleda till hittade typografiska problem i två responsiva gränssnitt har analyserats och framförallt gränssnittsutvecklarnas resultat har varit i fokus, då målet varit att tumreglerna ska kunna fungera som ett verktyg för att skapa bättre design för gränssnittsutvecklare utan utbildning i ämnet.

Standardisering av grafisk profil och utvecklingsprocess för webbapplikationer på Scania InfoMate

Scania InfoMate develops web applications that support truck distributors and workshops with the necessary tools for an effective maintenance process. However, the end-users of these applications are faced with as many different graphical interfaces as there are applications. As a consequence, important effects of recognition are lost, developers spend unnecessary time designing new solutions for each application and Scania InfoMate does not present a homogeneous brand image towards its customers.Therefore the aim of this study is to give a suggestion of how a standardized graphical interface for web applications at Scania InfoMate should be designed. The given suggestion should come from thorough investigation of both end-user needs and recent research within the area of usability. In addition to a standardized interface this study also aims to deliver guidelines that support future web application development at Scania InfoMate.Through a combination of methods, mainly Heuristic evaluation and user interviews, an elaborate description of usability and consistency problems in a defined web application portfolio is produced.

Där skollagen slutar tar förståelsen vid : En undersökning av referenter i skollagen och hur de förstås av tolkande lärare i gymnasiet

This essay consists of a Heuristic analysis of referents in the Swedish educational act, leaning on the methodological guidelines of discourse analysis. The overall aim of the essay has been to analyse in what way language in the educational act works as guidelines and law in relation to teachers? work. To correspond to this aim an openly structured questionnaire has been used, providing an empirical view of how teachers understand certain words, or referents, in the educational act. This empirical data has then been shaped to a spectrum view of the definitions of the referents showing a number of deductable facts, including the significance of the apparent use of institutional and professional language, which then have been viewed from two theoretical perspectives.

Webbaserat resultat och uppföljningsprogram för idrottsförening

Students at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have on behalf of the swimming organization ?Nässjö Sim och Livräddningssällskap? conducted research on how to monitor and evaluate swimmers and swimming groups in a simple and efficient manner with a focus on usability and user friendliness. Since no system existed that could meet these requirements, the client had a desire to tailor and develop such a system. The purpose of this work was to develop a system that would work as a tool to be used by coaches and swimmers alike and allow them to eventually follow the development of swimmers and swimming groups. The organization also wanted to have the ability to create tests and exams, both for land and water training, register these in the system and in a structured way know which swimmers took and passed these.For this thesis, the following questions functioned as a framework for progress.UsabilityHow to design a usable system and what is required?SystemWhat type of system is best suited to meet the client's requirements and preferences?Competition resultsHow can one retrieve all the competition results for swimmers of Nässjö SLS?DatabaseWhat type of database is best suited to easily share data with an external existing database?Usability has been the main focus throughout the project.

Nietzsche - "den stora hälsan" : Nietzsche, styrdokumenten och fyra idrottslärare om hälsa

Purpose and framing of questions.The objective of this study has been to problematize the concept of "health" by studying the philosopher Nietzsche's writings on the subject and by analyzing four PE teachers' thoughts on his view of health. This has been achieved by examining the following questions: What types of health does Nietzsche describe, and how are these promoted and inhibited according to him? How does a Nietzschean view of health stand visavi the one expressed by the Swedish national curriculum? What do teachers think about the Nietzschean concept of health and its potential applicability in physical education?Theory and Method.The literary study had a hermeneutic approach and was conducted according to a qualitative analytical method, in addition the so-called three-step method was used to create a definition of "health" on the basis of Nietzsche's use of the term. The source material consisted of Nietzsche's overall philosophical writings (ca 2600 pages) in order to give a complete picture of his view of health. The four interviews consisted of open enquiries, which were conducted according to a qualitative interviewing technique.

Användbarhetsutvärdering av en grafiskt visualiserad patientjournal

Förstaårsstudenter vid Linköpings Universitet har utvecklat en prototyp som på ett nytt sätt visualiserar en patientjournal grafiskt. Beställare av projektet var Institutionen för medicinsk teknik vid Linköpings Universitet som nu vill att en användbarhetsutvärdering genomförs av prototypen. Prototypen riktar sig till anställda inom sjukvården och ska användas på en liten handhållen enhet med pekskärm. Av denna anledning ska den vara ett komplement till befintliga system när användarna arbetar nära patienterna. Då den ännu befinner sig tidigt i utvecklingsstadiet är det nödvändigt att fortsatt utveckling sker i nära kontakt med användarna.Detta examensarbete syftade till att peka på vilka användbarhetsprinciper prototypen bryter mot, vilka behov den måste tillgodose, att undersöka hur användarna interagerar med en Ipod touch och vad de anser om att arbeta med en sådan enhet.

An assessment of public procurement of timber buildings : a multi-level perspective of change dynamics within the Swedish construction sector

The construction and use of buildings in the EU accounts for half of the EU?s extracted materials and energy consumptions, and a third of greenhouse gas emissions. In the past decade, the construction sector has responded to such concerns by focusing on post production energy efficiency. However, new findings indicate that upstream construction processes influence emissions significantly ? necessitating a shift in focus to include material choices and building processes.

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