2614 Uppsatser om Heterosexual relationship - Sida 23 av 175
I Huvudet på Pedro Almodovar : - Karaktäristiska drag som format hans filmskapande
This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.
Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap
This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin.
Vänner eller Fiender? - Förändringar i Thailands utrikespolitik gentemot Burma
This Master Thesis investigates changes in Thailand's foreign policy towards its neighbouring country Burma. It argues that Thai foreign policy towards Burma has experienced major changes during four periods between 1945 and the present. The thesis investigates these foreign policy changes during the four periods. What changes occurred? What were the reasons for the changes? What reasons dominated during what periods? The four periods of Thai foreign policy changes towards Burma and the common history of the two countries since their respective foundations does not suggest a stable peaceful relationship or a bitter hostile relationship leading to war.
Blod, svett & tårar : En studie av vad som skapar varumärkestillknytning till träningscenter
We have examined how the dependence, identity and social bonds affect customer loyalty and attachment to a training centre. The method used is a survey on SATS Karlstad city where 128 respondents were asked, out of which 118 surveys were used in the final analysis. The data was analyzed using ANCOVA and multiple regressions.The result showed significant relationships on attachment between identity and dependence. Social bonds had no significant effect on the attachment a member have towards training centre. Customer loyalty was measured by how long the individual has been a member and his or her training frequency.
Spelar läraren någon roll? Instrumentallärares berättelser om sin musikundervisning
Title: Does the teacher play any role? Instrumental music teacher's stories about their music teaching.This paper focuses on how instrumental music teachers describe their own significance for- and relationship to the pupils and if the teacher-pupil relationship has any significance for the pupil's success in music learning. How important are the teachers? What kind of teaching behaviours do the teachers emphasize in their telling? The theoretical background is psychology and educational theory. My research method is qualitative, particularly interviews.
Våldet, Rätten och Rättvisan : En kommentar till Walter Benjamins Försök till en kritik av våldet
This paper is an attempt to re-read Walter Benjamin?s essay ?critique of violence? by separating what we here presume being its three-part core or axis, namely Right (rätt, as in Law), Justice (rättvisa) and Violence (våld), and then make an inquiry into the relationship between them, or, to what extent these three parts relate to each other. The method for doing so is at first a close-up reading of Benjamin?s text, where the core parts are being mentioned. Thereafter we will take a look at some of the most prominent attempts to read Benjamin to see to what extent their interpretation is compatible to ours.
Ungdomars medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker med bankverktyg
According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.
Rolf Edberg : En studie av ett miljöfilosofiskt författarskap
In this essay I have tried to present the ideas and thoughts of the Swedish author Rolf Edberg (1912-1997), journalist, ambassador and county governor. By many regarded as an environment philosopher and the introducer of deep ecology into Sweden. The essay emphasizes Edberg as a modern renaissance man of important knowledge with a rhetorical force to present and generalize the problems the planet Earth is meeting. The paper compares him with Henry Thoreau but also finds a close but perhaps unintended relationship with the German philosopher Ernst Haeckel although Edberg himself claimed to be a Darwinist at heart.The essay stresses on four characteristic features in his authorship namely 1) a holistic view of nature and man, rejecting dualism for monism; 2) a cosmic relationship within the whole universe and also between organic and inorganic matter; 3) the planet Earth is in a crisis due to an uneven and unjust distribution of the resources of the Earth, the nuclear weapon threat and the overpopulation; 4) the evolution and not the religion has the answer to our existential questions..
Fastighetsaktier och inflation : Kortsiktiga och långsiktiga samband
The purpose of this paper was to examine the inflation hedging capabilities of property shares. A common notion is that property is a good hedge against inflation. Indeed, positive correlations have been found for direct investments and inflation. However, property shares are generally perceived as a perverse inflation hedge. This discrepancy has often been quoted as evidence of property shares divergence from the development of the underlying property market.
Långsiktiga inköp och leverantörsförhållanden - En studie av svenska tillverkningsföretags inställning till leverantörer och leverantörsbedömning
This thesis aims on adding another piece to the puzzle that is the supplier relationship research. Taking its base in a series of articles regarding the transformations of global supply chains into more long-term profitable ones. Two research questions are presented, one regarding long-term supplier relationships and one regarding the main criteria?s while evaluating new suppliers. With an emphasis on the long-term relationship and profitability are five medium sized Swedish manu-facturers examined through semi-structured interviews.
Heligt vatten : En jämförande studie om två rituella bad och hur dessa kan kopplas till ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasieskolan.
This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.
De djupaste ärren är dem vi inte ser: en kvalitativ studie av några professionella behandlares tolkningar av självskadebeteende, med fokus på kroppen
This study will focus on how patients that suffer from self-injurious behaviours experience the relation between their self and body according to some professionals. The purpose is to enlighten why a person who has mental problems chooses to injure his or her body. We believe that the reason behind this is based on the early attachment between the parent and child. We also believe that a person only continues with this behaviour if he or she gains from it. The research questions this study raises are:· How does a person with self-injurious behaviour experience the relationship between their body and their self?· What is the effect of self-injurious behaviour on the body and what is the effect on the relationship between their body and their self.· How did the relationship between body and self evolve?This study is qualitative and is based on interviews from our respondents of whom all work or have worked with self-injurious behavioural patients.
Civilsamhället i Ryssland : En fallstudie om hur den ryska staten förhåller sig till civilsamhället.
When Vladimir Putin in the year 2000 came to power in Russia many believed that the Russian civil society were weak and had very little influence and with Putin people say that the situation have deteriorated. The purpose of this paper is to establish what kind of relationship exists between the Russian state and the civil society and to analyze this from a top-down perspective. We are looking at Russia during Putins first term in office from the year 2000 until 2004. In order to establish the relationship we have used John S. Dryzeks theory of inclusive and exclusive state and whether it?s active or passive in this process.
Vanmakt och motmakt i personliga assistenters relationer till brukare
The aim of this study was to examine the aspect of power in the relationship between the personal assistant and the disabled person he or she works with (the user). The study was based on interviews with five personal assistants who worked for private companies that provided personal assistance. Seven themes were identified and discussed. These were: the users amount of control over the assistance given, the workplace environment, the working conditions, the organization of personal assistance by private companies, the assistants recourses and usage of power and the users participation in chores. To analyze these themes I used Foucault's theory of power and the perspective of Human Resource.
Fetisch, mode, performativitet : en studie av relationen mellan kropp och estetik
For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.