

2134 Uppsatser om Height structure - Sida 47 av 143

Stormskador i stickvägsgallrade bestånd i sydvästra Sverige :

A storm in January 2005 felled 75 millions cubic metres of forest in South Sweden. Previous studies of wind damage in thinned stands indicated the importance of early thinnings. The risks of wind throw increased by increasing age and height of the stands. Previous studies also indicated increasing risk of wind throw along the strip roads. The aim of the present study was to investigate wind damage in Norway spruce stands in South Sweden in relation to time of the first thinning and different pattern of strip roads (width, length and direction).

Kaizen i praktiken inom Primärvården

The aim of the study was to support the ongoing kaizen work at a medical centre. Two main topics have been addressed in this study:? Find a solution to ensure that the kaizen decisions are followed and will get a strong grip in the organisation.? Support the kaizen process by giving advice on how to structure the meetingsand how the kaizen work could be done more effectively.The study started with a visit to the medical centre to observe the kaizen process and the attitudes among the employees. The employees were asked to fill in a survey about the kaizen work at the centre. The final recommendations given have been based on this and also information gathered from other medical centres which work after the same kaizen principles.

Utbyte av massaved och biobränsle i några typbestånd av Contorta :

The aim of this study is to describe a number of type stands of lodge pole pine in Norrbotten with respect on stem volume and total biomass. Further questions to answer is if there is stand characteristics that make the stands more suitable for pulpwood in early thinning, or if it is better to apply whole tree harvest. The study shall also give an indication if bio energy can be an economical interesting alternative for Sveaskog. Sampled trees represented the variation in the different stands. Five trees were selected from each stand to represent that stand. Stem volume and biomass (kg dry weight (DW) per hectare) for each fraction was calculated.

Kunskap som vaccin : - En kvalitativ studie av Svenska Röda Korsets lokala kommunikationsstrategier och relationen till det globala

AbstractPurpose/Aim: This essay deals with The Swedish Red Cross Society and their work concerning strategical information and communication about HIV and AIDS in the Swedish context. In a broader sense the relation between the global and the local will be investigated and a discussion about what it means to work in an organization operating on a global arena will be held.Material/Method: This essay is based on relevant theories about culture and health communication which I have studied, selected and put together, with purpose to analyse The Swedish Red Cross Society and their informational work with HIV and AIDS- prevention. Furthermore I have interviewed four of the organizations co- workers to collect data about their experiences in working in the Red Cross organization with this specific mission. Moreover I and my colleague Hillevi Good attended at seminars and lectures to observe activities held by the organization and to get inside information about what people working with HIV and AIDS are discussing and considering as critical issues. The study holds a qualitative approach focusing on understanding this typical case rather then generalizing facts in a larger sense.Main results: The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross has a difficult mission in their work to inform the public about HIV and AIDS, although it is the perfect organization when it comes to communication due to their well-known profile and a huge geographical spread.

Förslag till bebyggelse och park i kvarteret Seminariet i Uppsala

In the urban planning debate of today, two strategies for city development stand out as each other's opposites, urban sprawl and smart growth. This thesis concerns a development project of the latter kind and aims to give an alternative proposal to new buildings and a park in a Swedish city block. The term sprawl is used for new developments on virgin soil on the outskirts of cities leading to a city spreading, while smart growth stand for increased city density through development on re-used land within the city boundaries. The latter are often seen as more sustainable in many levels and are also shown to have positive effects on a number of city functions. At the same time smart growth has negative consequences on other aspects of the city such as public open spaces.

Konstruktion av ränndalskap CPD08

Our Bachelor?s Thesies has been performed in co-operation with Cellplast Direkt AB inLaholm. Our task was to develop a construction that cuts gussets to ceiling disposition as isused to isolation.Our goal with our construction was to increase the degree of automation so that theproductivity increased and also meet the market which is getting tougher and tougher due tothe future business cycle.Cellplast Direkt gave us free hands in order to enable new ideas. A pair different principleproposal was developed and prepared to a final structure.The Bachelor?s Thesies resulted in one PLC - governed machine with three engines that runthree different moves, wich does that the degree of automation increases and the risk forerrors decreases.We have developed a complete production bases to Cellplast Direkt and our hope is that thecompany comes to produce the machine in the future..

Terminallokalisering med tyngdpunktsberäkning och kostnadsanalys

The Kedertruss is the loadbearing part in the Keder weatherprotectionsystem and it has been analyzed concerning its loadbearing capacity. The Kedertruss is produced and manufactured by Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG and this report has been made for their Swedish division Layher AB.  The Kedertruss, designed in Germany according to German designcode, has been recalculated concerning Swedish conditions according to Eurocodes and a ongoing European standardization project. The two-dimensional program Winstatik Frame Analysis has been used for evaluation of load effects. Capacity has been calculated by hand-calculations and it has been verified that the Kedertruss in its larger spans isn?t able to withstand the loads.

Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :

This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.

Habitat use and ranging behaviour of GPS tracked juvenile golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos)

Throughout its wide distribution in the northern hemisphere, the golden eagle occurs in a diverse range of environments, e.g., mountainous, forest and open areas. The literature on juvenile golden eagles is limited, and this study provides further knowledge on habitat use and ranging behaviour during the post-fledging period in boreal Sweden. A total of 14 golden eagle juveniles were tagged with GPS transmitters during 2010 and 2011, and nine could be followed during the entire post-fledging period from fledging until migration. The juveniles fledged at the end of July and beginning of August and initiated migration during October and beginning of November. The length of the post-fledging period, until migration started, ranged from 49 to 97 days. During this period, the juveniles? distance from their natal nest and their GPS height increased with time as their flying abilities developed.

Vardagsprat eller marknadsföring? : En studie i Buzz Marketing

This essay is focused on the marketing phenomenon buzz marketing. Buzz marketing is all about making the consumers to talk about your product. In the world we are living in with all the marketing messages, companies tries to find new ways to reach the consumers with their marketing message. The essay consists of 6 interviews with a low level of structure and standardisation. The material from these interviews has been analyzed with the help from the theories of buzz marketing, word of mouth, marketing communication, consumer behaviour, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing and marketing ethics.

Landsbygdens miljökvaliteter - från folkmun till planering :

Abstract Considering the social dimension of sustainable development this thesis focuses on the qualities of life and how the environmental qualities that the inhabitants value can be incorporated in the physical planning of the municipality. The thesis deals with the problems that occur when the physical planning, whit its focus on the environmental aspects, also needs to consider peoples opinions, that springs from the individual experience of the place. The municipality of Mark, where this thesis takes its place, is characterised by the countryside landscape. Mark is situated in the western part of Sweden close to Göteborg, Borås and Varberg. The commuting is extensive and the demand for dwellings in the municipality is increasing. Those who strive to live in the municipality have a conception of what life on the countryside means and of which environmental qualities they want to assimilate.


Dagdrömmar är en tapetkollektion bestående av tre fondtapeter som kombinerar det moderna, massproducerade digitaltrycket med traditionell, unik broderiteknik. Genom att tillföra handbroderi och dess struktur och textila känsla till ett digitaltryckt tapetmaterial skapas en kollektion som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan design och konst, lyx och budget samt dröm och verklighet.Daydreams is a wallpaper collection consisting of three images that combines the modern, mass-produced digital printing techniques with traditional, unique needlework. By applying embroidery ? with its structure and fabric texture ? to a digitally printed wallpaper material, a collection is created that lingers on the borders between art and design, luxury and modesty as well as dream and reality..

Roadmate re:design : Design- och utvecklingsprocessen vid redesign av en digital tjänst

This report describes the initial work intended for updating the car sharing service Roadmate. Roadmate is one of the services received by the car rental company Hertz First Rent a Car. The goal was to present the client with design- and structure proposals for a car sharing service that includes high usability and at the same time remains aesthetically pleasing.The work is based on an initial study with data collection, mapping the target user group and its needs. Subsequent structural and design proposals for Roadmates company carpooling service are based on the facts surrounding the target group's needs. The result are well developed and tested design sketches with accompanying visual identity and sitemaps that can be the basis for the further work on the development of the service..

Att handla till underpris genererar vinst, men fo?r vem? : En studie av underprissatta bo?rsintroduktioner och a?garstruktur pa? Aktietorget

Risk-free profit sounds appealing. The opportunity to arbitrage exists. Investments in underpriced IPO:s can generate profit, but for whom?Previous studies have shown that underpricing is a common phenomenon. This study intends to investigate whether underpricing and the arbitrage opportunity exists on Aktietorget which is a smaller venue.

Inlärning i Emotional Behavior Networks : Online Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning i kontinuerliga domäner

The largest project at the AICG lab at Linköping University, Cognitive models for virtual characters, focuses on creating an agent architecture for intelligent, virtual characters. The goal is to create an agent that acts naturally and gives a realistic user experience. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an appropriate learning model that fits the existing agent architecture using an agile project methodology. The model developed can be seen as an online unsupervised reinforcement learning model that enhances experiences through reward. The model is based on Maes model where new effects are created depending on whether the agent is fulfilling its goals or not.The model we have developed is based on constant monitoring of the system.

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