

2128 Uppsatser om Height structure - Sida 2 av 142

Analys av hur byggnadens höjd påverkar energiförbrukningen i flerbostads- och kontorshus

This diploma work has been carried out in collaboration with the building contractor Sh Bygg Fastighetsutveckling AB in Uppsala with the intention to investigate how the height of a building affects various energy aspects such as transmission losses, infiltration, and the specific energy usage. Three different reference objects have been studied. The reference objects have been simulated for four different heights in the calculation program VIP-Energy.The results show that an increase in floor number can lead to both advantages and disadvantages. As the number of floors increases, transmission losses per square meter floor area decreases. However, as the height of the building increases, the reduction rate decreases.

Optimering av antenndesign utifrån experimentella data

During the work at Gateway Security AB in Motala I began examining available antenna models to get a wider perspective, this have given knowledge of their structure, and an understanding of their function. All my necessary fact is based on my observations and notes of these measurings. New antenna models, and available models were examined where measurements at different heights and different distances on the antenna were performed with the help of an oscilloscope and a measure probe, peak ? to - peak was brought on the signal. The measurements are presented in a line diagram.

Betesskador på lärkplantor

The purpose of this study was to show how the Hybrid Larch (Larix eurolepis x) are used by large herbivores in terms of grazing and fraying. More specifically I studied how impact on the seedlings was affected by forest stand area, tree height and stem density (stems/ha).The survey was done in Jönköpings county in southern Sweden. About 50 % of all stems that are measured are damaged by grazing and 5,8 % was damaged from fraying. The conclusion of the study is that the biggest influencing factor is the height of the seedlings. The size of the stands and number off seedlings per hectare have almost no impact on the injuries on the seedlings. Fraying are common on trees smaller than 3 meters, and doesn?t occur on trees above that height.

Skogseldens påverkan på epifytiska trädlavar på tall i relation till brandintensiteten :

Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization. The study was performed at three locations just outside Umeå in Västerbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.

Skillnader mellan länsstyrelser ? takhöjd för häst

To ensure that animals are treated well and kept in environments fitted for them, Sweden has animal welfare legislation. One of the requirements in the legislation is that horses are kept in spaces that has a ceiling height that measures at least 1,5 * the height at the withers of the horse, but always a minimum of 2,2 m. But a minor derivation can be accepted from these measurements if certain criteria are fulfilled. If the ceiling height is to low the ventilation in the stable can be negatively affected. It can also affect the posture of the horse and may increase the risk of the horse being injured.

Samverkan på svenska mötesdestinationer.

Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization. The study was performed at three locations just outside Umeå in Västerbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.

Bildrendering med intermodulerat Atomkraftmikroskop

Intermodulated force microscope (ImAFM) is a type of dynamic AFM. ImAFM opens up possibilities for mapping the topography and making quantitative determinations of material parameters at the same time. With increased information the need to generate more informative images of the sample emerges. In this Bachelor's degree project I have created tools for rendering images of a sample. The topography is plotted as the height and a material parameter is color coded on topography.

Tillväxt och potentiell sågtimmerkvalitet i gallringsmogna jämförelseplanteringar med Pinus contorta och P. sylvestris :

The Swedish Cellulosa Companiy, SCA, has today 280 000 ha planted with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) (?C?) which is equivalent to 14 % of its total forest area. Exotic lodgepole pine has in previous experimental stands shown a superior growth than the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (?S?).But also the comparison could be questioned because stand histories were was unknown and also differences in age between C and S existed.

Site preparation, planting position and planting stock effects on long-term survival, growth and stem form properties of Pinus contorta on southern Iceland

In order to evaluate different afforestation methods for exposed heath lands a field experiment was established in Mosfell on southern Iceland in 1989. The trial comprised six different site preparation methods (control, herbicide application, tree shelters, patch scarification, TTS trenching and mounding). In total 960 container seedlings (1+0) and 960 Nisula roll transplants (2+1) of lodgepole pine were planted. Various planting positions (furrow, hinge, no site preparation (control) and on top of mounds) were tested within the site preparation treatments. This study involves renewed measurements and analyses of the trial.After 19 years the overall survival was 51,7 %.

Testing and optimization of Unicorn Fluid-Structure Interaction solver for simulating an industrial problem

In industry applications, such as power supply plants, the issue of interaction between fluid and structure is always presented. More precisely, the fluid flow affects the structure by applying force(s) on it and vice versa. As a result, the structure can move (vibrate) or deform. A good understanding of this problem can help to design the system in term of safety, stability and efficiency.This project aims to optimize and test the Unicorn FSI solver from the FEniCS project [1] to simulate the interaction of fluid and structure in an experiment, which was carried out at Vattenfall Research and Development. The target is to improve the Unicorn FSI solver to cope with a real industrial problem.

Behavioral studies in healthy Standardbred trotters subjected to short term forced recumbency aiming at an adjunctive treatment in an acute attack of laminitis

Laminitis is a debilitating disease causing much suffering to horses and ponies all over the world. It is manifested in the hooves as a mechanical failure of the suspensory apparatus between the hoof capsule and the distal phalanx. Due to the weight of the horse the disease may result in a dislocation of third phalanx. Six healthy standardbred trotters were used in this study on whether standardbreds tolerate forced recumbency as well as Shetland ponies. Recumbency was induced pharmacologically but maintained only by lowering the ceiling height of the box to a height of approximately 125 ? 140 % of the horse´s thoracic height.

Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk

During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.

Levande vikt vid olika åldrar och sambandet med bröstomfång och mankhöjd hos SRB och SLB :

Live-weight at different ages for Swedish Holsteins (SLB) and for the Swedish Red and White Breed (SRB), and the correlation to heart girth and height at withers. The aim of this investigation was to study the live-weight changes and mature weight for the Swedish Red and White Breed (SRB) and for Swedish Holsteins (SLB), and to estimate the correlations between body weight and body measurements such as heart girth and height at withers, respectively. The material used was from one of the experimental dairy herds (Jälla) of the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. It included recordings on 293 dairy cows with information from 7142 weight occasions and recordings on 275 dairy cows with information of 557 heart girth measurements and 560 measurements of height at withers. The registrations were done during 1993-2002. There was a large variation in live weight between cows in different ages and lactation stages.

Precommercial thinning stumps´susceptibility to Heterobasidion spp : a comparison between high and low Norway spruce and birch stumps : a measuring of the efficacy of Phlebiopsis gigantea stump treatment

Each year, Heterobasidion spp. is a major cause of economic losses to forestry in the northernhemisphere, including Sweden. New results indicate that pre?commercial thinnings could be at riskfor Heterobasidion spp. infections.

Fågelbär (Prunus avium L.) - överlevnad, höjdutveckling och skador i unga planteringar på småländska höglandet :

Plant survival, plant damage and height growth were studied in nine wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) plantations in southern Sweden established between 2000 and 2002. All stands were located to the county of Småland. The survey was conducted during May and June in 2007. During the survey the height, diameter and quality of the cherry trees were recorded. In one stand, red ? berried Elder (Sambucus racemosa L.) was a dominant species.

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