

343 Uppsatser om Hegemonic masculinity and manhood - Sida 2 av 23

En riktig man är modig : En preventionskampanj om den idealiserade mansbilden

Men commit more suicide than women all over the world. They commit more violent crimes and are more inclined to alcohol abuse. There are studies that relate this behaviour to the hegemonic image of masculinity.My work focuses on Switzerland. The suicide rate in Switzerland is worrying, for men between 15 and 44 years suicide is the most common cause of death. There is no national suicide prevention and no information or prevention that highlights the connection bet- ween the hegemonic image of masculinity and the suicide rates.

"Jag kanske är en typisk kvinna i en manskropp" : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socionomers upplevelser av att arbeta inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine male social workers experiences of working in a female dominated work. The aim with this study was to find out how men perceive working with mostly women and how this effects their construction of masculinity. The theories that have been used in this study are a social constructive perspective on gender, Chodorows (1995) Theory of Socialization and Connells (2008) Theory of Masculinities. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews based on the experiences of five male social workers in Sweden.The interviews have been recorded and retailed in text in its full version, to enable analysis out of the above mentioned theories and earlier studies. The result of the study shows that the men in this study experience mostly benefits from working with women and they feel appreciated as being men.

Maskulinitet och femininitet som hinder och möjlighet : en kvalitativ studie av genus i skolkuratorns vardag

The purpose of this study was to illuminate the everyday work of school counsellors in the City of Stockholm with a gender perspective by studying the school counsellors ? talk about masculinity and femininity. The aim was to reach an understanding of how parts of the counsellors everyday work are influenced by gender through the perspective of the school counsellor. The study was conducted using qualitative methods. Six school counsellors, five woman and one man, were interviewed.

Maskuliniteter : Genusnormernas inverkan på individers sociala förutsättningar

The purpose of the thesis Masculinities ? Gender and its Impact on the Social conditions of individuals is to perform a critical study of how gendered norms influence the social conditions of individuals. This has been done by a problematization and the attempt to answer the question of how the hegemonical masculinity can be analyzed as a discourse, and how the structural aspects of this discourse inflict on the social conditions of masculinities.The question was divided into the analytical themes: the boarders of the discourse, the institutionalization of the discourse, the actuation of the discourse and the agents of the discourse. The theoretical frame is constituted by the theory of discourse by Michel Foucault, the theory of the hegemonical masculinity by R.W. Connell and a subversive identity theory by Judith Butler.

Machobögen, Brukspatronen, Vapendragaren & Queerkvinnan : En kvalitativ analys av män och kvinnor i HBT-magasinet QX

The aim of our study was to examine how homosexual and heterosexual men and women are represented in the Swedish magazine QX, a magazine for gay, bisexual and transgender people. We wanted to find out what kind of roles the persons in QX appears in, and inquire the relationships that exist between them.We analyzed the texts in twelve magazines, from December 2008 to November 2009, in order to get the most current results as possible. We used a discourse analysis, with focus on identities, relationships and the representation of the world. Representations, gender, hegemonic masculinity and stereotypes have been significant theories to analyze our results.The results showed that the successful gay man is the most important person in QX. He is the perfect masculine macho fagot, who is highest in rank.

Fadern, Sonen och Partnern: representationer av ett faderskap eller en helt vanlig treenighet

The thesis explores representations of fatherhood in the Swedish blog 'Hemliga pappan' ('Secret/Anonymous Daddy'). The purpose is to identify three themes in the blog material; The Father, The Son and The Partner. I have performed this study using discourse analysis as methodological tool and Critical Studies on Masculinities and Fatherhood as theoretic approach. The theories are Social Constructionist and consist of sociologists and socio-psychologists as Connell, Hearn and Johansson. Important theoretic concepts are the presence and absence of the father as well as hegemonic masculinity.

"Ta det som en man?" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på maskulinitetsdrag hos karaktärer i Svenska filminstitutets rekomendationer för Skolbio

This study is a qualitative content analysis which sets out to examine the representation of stereotypic masculine traits amongst the main characters in two films from The Swedish Institute of Film's (Svenska Filminstitutets) selection for ?School Cinema? (Skolbio). The study is operationalised through the use of a scheme, constructed by Lorraine Evans and Kimberly Davies for their study No sissy boys here, which maps stereotypical masculine and feminine traits and originates from Sandra Lipsitz Bems ?Sex Role Inventory?. The masculine traits in the scheme are: aggressive, competitive, argumentative, decisive, assertive, risk-taking, self-reliant and adventurous, and the feminine are: affectionate, emotionally expressive, impetuous, nurturing, panicky, passive, tender, and understanding.

Manlighet i mellanstadiet : En kvalitativ studie om maskulina ideal bland pojkar i mellanstadiet

The aim of this study has been to examine, describe and analyze how masculinities can be represented and understood among boys in a Swedish primary school context. The study was conducted within a school located in a small community on the country side. Through the use of a qualitative research design we interviewed 13 boys from the fifth grade of this school, who all got to express and reason their perspectives of what it meant to them to be a boy in primary school and how that could impact their social life. For a wider understanding of the different dimensions of masculinity we used R.W. Connell's (2008) theoretical framework, hegemonic masculinity, which implies that there are multiple definitions of masculinities that are constructed in relation to each other in a hierarchical order.

?Den seriösare heterosexuella mannen som har en homosexuell läggning.? : en studie om maskulinitet, manlig sexualitet & representation i tv-serien Queer as folk

Purpose/Aim: This study is an analysis of the view on masculinity, male sexuality and creation of identity with the television series Queer as folk as a base. The analysis is partly based on a semiotic analysis of the representation of masculinity and male sexuality from an episode of the chosen television series Queer as folk, and partly based on a thematic analysis of focus group discussions with young men with different sexualities.Material/Method: This study is based on focus group interviews and a semiotic and thematic analysis. The focus groups consisted of three men in three different groups and were chosen on the criteria of gender and sexuality. All groups were presented with an episode of the television series Queer as folk to see how they perceived masculinity and male sexuality. Their discussions were analyzed with a thematic analysis and the television series Queer as folk with a semiotic analysis.Main results: The three analyzed characters in Queer as folk showed different representations of masculinity and male sexuality.

?Det ska vara rutor på magen och ränder på ryggen? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie med tidigare användare av anabola androgena steroider.

The aim of this study was to explore and try to understand the subject of AnabolicAndrogenic Steroids (AAS) from the users own perspective. Four qualitativeinterviews with former AAS-users was carried out to find out why the informantsstarted and continued to use AAS, and what benefits and disadvantages theyexperienced in relation to their use of AAS. Two of the interviews were conductedby telephone, and the other two in person. One of our main results was that maleusers of AAS in our study tried to attain a higher status in society, which we haveexplained with Connells theory about Hegemonic Masculinity. The two othertheories used in the study are Erving Goffmans Stigma Theory and SystemTheory.

Zlatans betydelse för barn i Rosengård

Our study describes how much influence and importance Zlatan Ibrahimovic has on a part of Malmö called Rosengård where he himself grew up. We made interviews with 16 children in the ages of six to ten. The theoretic views applied in this study come from Robert Connell?s Notions of masculinity and William Corsaro?s Sociology of childhood. The questions we answer in this study are; if Zlatan has any influence on the children in Rosengård? How do children and media look at Zlatan and the myth that surrounds him? How does the picture of Zlatan Ibrahimovic get constructed amongst the children? How does hegemonic masculinity present itself amongst the peer-cultures of the children in Rosengård? Our study shows that Zlatan has no influence amongst the children we interviewed.

Högläsning i förskoleklass : En studie om fem pedagogers arbete med högläsning

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Interaktion mellan män på Internetforumen Sekreterarakademin & Flashback : där sambandet är köp av sexuella

In this study I will analyze how men who buy sex interact with one another on two different Internet communities: ?Sekreterarakademin? and ?Flashback?. This analysis is carried out in an attempt to challenge the conventional image of the man who pays for sex.The aim is to examine the role of Internet forums for men who buy sexual services related to cross-border, both in terms of standard borders, gender boundaries, boundaries of sexuality and masculinity. I will also attempt to investigate what opportunities that are available to overrun different borders and how these opportunities affect the conditions of the various players. I will evaluate theories such as homosocialtet, hegemonic masculinity and normalization used by KAST (Köpare Av Sexuella Tjänster, the Swedish public support for clients of sexual services) and which are partially consolidated in studies published by KAST concerning issues related to internet based prostitution..

Mäktig eller osynlig : En diskursanalys ur genusperspektiv om hur maskulinitet tolkas och värderas i genusmedvetna texter och i museers utställningar

The survey aims to problematize masculinity in the exhibitions of the museum.  In what way is masculinity interpreted and valued in exhibitions? What is the attitude towards masculinity in gender oriented museological texts? This study investigates in which way masculinity is written about ? how interpretations of masculinity emerge in the texts and what consequences this may have.The survey is based on the method of discourse analysis and the material is processed from a gender perspective. The source material consists of museological texts dealing with the topic of gender and museology, which also is the core material. A complement to this is a selection of exhibition catalogs from museums as well as reviews which are also based on art exhibitions. The main point of the source material consists of the museological texts.The survey highlights that the gender-conscious museological discourse understands, interpret and evaluate masculinity on a more or less given regulatory framework.

Maskulinitet i läromedel. En kritisk diskursanalys av en lärobok i religionsämnet

This study indicates that research about men and masculinity does not appear to have advanced as far as research about women and femininity. Similarly to attitudes concerning women and femininity, clear norms and attitudes regarding men and masculinity pervade society. Hence, there is a clear need for further research within this field to be carried out. This study, with the support of previous research, looks at gender norms which exist in educational material and the impact it might have on students. Against this backdrop, the author has focused the analysis on one textbook as educational material at upper secondary level with particular emphasis on masculinity and its associated norms.

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