

3895 Uppsatser om Hedonic pricing model - Sida 53 av 260

Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21

During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.

Gallring av böcker på svenska folkbibliotek idag ? hur kan den se ut? Några exempel

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how books are weeded in some Swedish public libraries today. It tries to shed light on some of the problems and obstacles that may arise, and on the criteria used by staff for weeding. I also hope to build a model for weeding, based on the results of my investigation. The method I have chosen for my work is qualitative interviews. The results of my thesis indicate that weeding is not the top priority of the staff at the investigated libraries.

Nunnor och läsning: En kvalitativ studie av åtta nunnors utbyte av läsning samt klosterkulturens inverkan på läsningen.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how nuns regard reading. The reading of the Bible is a regular element in their everyday life. This study however, focuses mainly on the nuns? self-chosen reading beyond the reading of the Bible.

Innovera eller stagnera! : Öppen innovation inom tillverkande små och medelstora företag i Småland

Titel: Innovate or Stagnate! ? Open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized businesses in Småland.The purpose of the study is that, from a leadership perspective (innovationmanagement), create a better understanding of open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises. The study therefore intends to contribute to the understanding of how open innovation processes leads to greater innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized businesses.We have used a qualitative research method and adopted an abductiveapproach. We made interpretations and created meaning based on our research results.Our theoretical framework is based primarily on Chesbroughs (2003) research on open innovation. Based on this model, we have selected a number of other theories, which we perceived as prerequisites for small andmedium sized companies in open innovation processes.

Är det någon skillnad? : En kvalitativ undersökning om bibliotekariers uppfattningar om den användarstyrda förvärvsmodellen Patron Driven Acquisition.

This thesis is about new technology in academic libraries in the form of Patron Driven Acquisition. As libraries take part in the digital era, a new model of patron driven acquisition has emerged. This model gives users more influence over the libraries electronic book collection. The collection development model changes libraries traditional role in the collection development process, from collecting for the future to the present.The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of what acquisition librarians think about the effects of PDA on the collection, the acquisitions role and the cost structure. The theoretical framework relies on Christensen?s theory about disruptive technology and was used to interpret outcomes of new technology in libraries and its staff.Five librarians from four different Swedish university libraries were interviewed using a qualitative semi-structured method to carry out the investigative part of this thesis.

Att prognostisera avverkningspotentialen i privatskogsbruket

For the actors in the Swedish forest industry, it is important to have the ability to forecast the state in the privateforests. The information that comes out of the forecasts will be the base for the activities strategic direction.The aim in this exam is to survey what information that is present today as basis for forecast calculation, andeven to examine what other possibilities it might have in the future.From a limited geography and out of different time perspective forecast the felling potential in the privateforestry.With the word felling potential means regeneration felling and thinning. The exam will answer the questions:What information is needed to build a relevant forecast model?Is this information available today?Is there information to buy that would improve the forecast model?The result of this exam will be presented in form of a ”case study” showing the opportunities in the market tocreate a forecast calculation of felling potential in the private forestry within the Forest Owners’ AssociationMellanskogs wood-area Dalarna..

Kärlekens många ansikten. Ett lärstilsprojekt vid en kommunal gymnasieskola, baserat på Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model.

Syfte och frågeformuleringarUppsatsens syfte är att undersöka om Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model kan vara en metod som är skolutvecklande samt om modellen möjliggör att elever motiveras och engageras i sina gymnasiestudier.Frågor:- Ger arbete utifrån Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model möjlighet till skolutveckling?- Hur uppfattar eleverna lärstilsarbete, utifrån Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model?- Skapar modellen inlärningsmöjligheter, engagemang, förståelse och motivation?MetodUndersökningen är kvalitativ, där datainsamlingsmetoden består av öppna frågor i en enkät. Nittio elever besvarade enkäten. Genom systematiskt urval plockades därefter trettio enkäter ut och bildade den undersökningsgrupp som uppsatsens resultatdel bygger på. I resultatet behandlas och grupperas de åsikter som eleverna gett uttryck för.ResultatResultatet av elevenkäten visar att arbete utifrån Dunn & Dunns lärstilsmetod är en möjlig väg för skolutveckling.

Styr partiledaren? : En Interaktionistisk Studie i Mona Sahlins Partiordförandeskap

The aim of this paper is to study and outline the factors governing political leadership at the party leader level, and to conclude to what extent a party leader rules and to what extent the party leadership is contextually determined. The theories used are based on Elgie's interactionistic study of political leadership and Stewart's organisational model of leadership as well as political culture.Thus, the questions raised are if the leader leads or if the leader follows; if the leadership environment is formed by the leader or if it is, merely, implemented on the leader; and what a model of the political leadership consist of? To answer these questions a text analysis comparing Sahlin?s speeches to the party?s political programme is used as well as in-depth interviews with members of the Board of Party.The conclusion shows that the leadership is contextually framed, but the leader is free to implement his or her ambitions within that frame as long as it is coherent to the party line..

Virtuell community i mobilen - Kriterier som ligger till grund för en framgångsrik virtuell community i mobilen

Sociala nätverk tar stor plats på Internet genom virtuella communities. Användare har en större möjlighet att nå dem via mobila lösningar och därmed göra dem till mobila communities. Kriterierna som ligger till grund för framgång för virtuella communitiesvill vi applicera på mobila communities. För att undersöka dessa kriterier, och bakomliggande faktorer, har vi valt att titta på ?tidigt bruk? användning av en mobil community, Facebooks mobila portal med hjälp av Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Project Inti : Produktutveckling av en solugn

In this report the two authors, and project contributors alike, describe their work withdeveloping a solar cooker intended for usage in the developing countries of the world.Specifically, the work aims at developing a new, solar heat driven cooking device, possiblybased upon the current product. This should, in comparison to the current product, be lighter,easier to transport and to produce. Also, the new product?s production mustn?t be more costlythan today and the included materials and components must be obtainable from within theBolivian national borders where the product is currently produced. During the project, certainadvantages with a more efficient, and, above all, a more moderately priced product, werediscovered.

Smålands Musikarkiv: att samla och förmedla

This study examines the cultural factors which necessitated the establishment of The Music Archives of Småland in 1991 in the city of Växjö. I wanted to know the importance of the local music tradition and the role of those people who worked to create an institution such as this. In order to do this I interviewed the chief collector of early folk music, Magnus Gustafsson, and made use of literary sources to devise questions and evaluate the results of the exercise. In this study I have made use of a model of a musical culture in a society, created by Lundberg and Ternhag, based on the theory of cultural fields by Pierre Bourdieu. According to this model, the stature of a musical culture gives different forms of musical expression certain roles, but these roles can be remodelled, reflecting perhaps political or ideological influence.

Analysmetoder för rörsystem

The purpose of this thesis work is to evaluate how the physical behaviour of a pipe bend is affected by the pipe bending procedure. Effects such as initial ovalization, thinning, thickening and plastic hardening from the bending procedure are examined and the mechanical properties of pipe bends containing these effects are investigated.This has been evaluated by creating a detailed Finite Element model of a pipe that is being bent. Then the differences compared to a bent tube in a virgin state, so called Elbow elements and an analytical in-house program have been evaluated. The virgin state refers to a model of a pipe that is bent from the beginning, thus having a homogeneous thickness and not containing any plastic hardening. The Elbow element is a calculationally cheap element, specially developed for accurate calculations of pipe bends in an initially virgin state.The goal with the thesis work is to get a better picture of what happens to a pipe as it is being bent, how this affects the mechanical properties and to evaluate the possibility to develop an easy method for taking these effects into account when using the Elbow element.This report describes the layout of the work and how the detailed FE-model has been constructed.

Att vara eller inte vara med : en studie av kommuners virtuella deltagande

In today's society, the internet is an important part of everyday life. Over recent years the number of electronic services has increased markedly. Communities such as Facebook, consume more of people's time than 5-10 years ago. How can public authorities benefit from these communities or are the municipalities not ready for this? The municipalities determine how their resources should be allocated based on the municipality's needs.

En modell för att kostnadseffektivt öka produktionen inom aluminium-bearbetning

The purpose of this study is from a case study develop a model that aims to cost effectively improve productivity in a manufacturing production process. The study highlights the importance of having knowledge about customer needs and using a holistic process perspective when improving productivity to identify the relations between the process stations and by this find problems that cause waste and losses in productivity. Tools and methods used to make production more efficient such as single minute exchange of die, spaghetti diagram, 5s and master production schedule is presented an applied in the model to see how these effect costs, productivity etc.Maintenance effects on quality and productivity in a manufacturing company will as well be covered in this thesis. The results and conclusions finally reveals how the process improvement tools, maintenance and production planning for example effects each other and why it is important to establish an attitude in the company where continuous process improvement should be emphasized..

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

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