

7059 Uppsatser om Health care nurse - Sida 9 av 471

Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg

The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC (The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).

Orsaker till låg följsamhet till handhygienföreskrifter : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most fundamental means to prevent care related infections. It is of great importance that the guideline of hand hygiene is followed for the patient?s sake. Unfortunately, healthcare workers perform hand hygiene too seldom. If the patient comes down with a care related infection, the suffering will increase.

Vitamin- och mineraltillskott för barn : Utbud, innehåll samt kunskap och attityder kring dessa produkter hos personal vid apotek och hälsokosthandel

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

Experiences in enabling elderly people for communion and solitude in a South African context

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the care providers' experiences in enabling communionship and solitude in daily living for elderly living in old age homes in a South African context. Method: This study was done using a qualitative analysing method, with empirical data obtained from nursing staff of elderly. The study was phenomenological which aims at deepen the understanding of human experiences as phenomenon. The data was collected by using a groupinterview which included five informants from an old age home in Pretoria. The analysis included two steps; Naive reading and structural analysis in order to transform the individual elucidations into an abstract which had no individual touch.

Skolsköterskans arbete med psykisk ohälsa hos elever

 Title: School nurse work with mental health problems among studentsBackground: A good mental health and psychosocial wellbeing is considered to be an important aspect of how students can cope with everyday challenges. In order to experience psychosocial wellbeing well working interpersonal relations and a belief in the future is important. School is an important aspect of the student?s early years in life and therefore it is vital that school health services become important part of the childhood. The school nurse is an important part of student health and he or she is responsible for vaccinations and health check-ups.

Interaction with long-term mentally ill seen from the caregivers point of view

Background. With the mental health care reform 1995, the long-term mentally ill patients were meant to be integrated in the society. Instead, they became ?deported? to mental health care. Aim.

Patienters upplevelse av omvårdnad efter suicidförsök : En litteraturöversikt

INTRODUCTION: Attempted suicide is very common. Those who arrive to a hospital by reason of attempted suicide need a nurse with qualifications in the care of suicidal patients. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compile and elucidate research which describes how patients in care for their attempted suicide experience the care that is received. METHOD: A literature review was chosen for this study. Scientific articles sought in the database CINAHL.

Hur personer med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet inom primärvården : En litteraturöversikt

Background:Mental illness has increased in Sweden and the individuals seeking care expect to be met with respect. The way patients perceive themselves to be treated by health care professionals plays a central part to care and treatment of patients, and the patients experience will decide how future care will proceed. The majority of complaints from patients with mental illness suggest that the way they are treated in health care is inadequate. For people with mental illness it is crucial how they perceive themselves to be treated since poor treatment can lead to reluctance in seeking future help. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how people with mental illness perceive themselves to be treated in primary health care.

Abort, en kvinnas fria val : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av abortvård

Background: The abortion issue raises many ethical, moral and religious aspectsand is therefore well debated worldwide. In the care for an abortion seeking woman, it isimportant that the nurse find a balance between her and the woman's moral opinions aboutabortion in the quest to achieve good care.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses? experiences of caring for womenundergoing abortion.Methods: Literature review based on ten original articles.Results: Literature review's results highlights two key themes: nurse?s experience of anemotional roller coaster as well as difficulties and challenging experiences at work inabortion care. These two themes consists of three subthemes: to get support in the workthrough to vent thoughts and feelings, how strain and stress affects the nurse's work and as anurse learn to accept the woman?s choice.Discussions: Within abortion care nurses find it difficult dealing with theemotional roller coaster that can occur while they strive to maintain an ethical andprofessional approach.

Och då kommer jag osökt in på det här med alkohol En pilotstudie om hur distriktssköterskor använder AUDIT

Background: The district nurses profession has traditionally been health promotion. In order to find patients with excessive alcohol intake, district nurses use AUDIT. Research shows that health professionals find it difficult to face alcohol abusers in primary care. AIM: The aim is to describe how district nurses work with AUDIT. Method: Semi-structured interviews with six informants were carried out.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda barn med palliativt vårdbehov och att växla mellan att vårda barn med palliativt och kurativt vårdbehov : - En kvalitativ studie

Caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs arouses different reactions in nurses and depends on what prior knowledge and experience nurses have. To besides shift focus from to care children palliative to care curative is further a strain and an emotional changeover. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurse?sperceptions about caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs, and how they shift focus of care between children with palliative care needs and children with curative care needs. The study has a qualitative approach and data were collected with interviews from two focus groups.

Patienters upplevelser av epiduralanestesi i samband med kirurgi - En intervjustudie av epiduralanestesin

ABSTRACTIntroduction: An increasing number of patients in Sweden receive epidural anaesthesia (EDA) in connection to surgery. Caring for patients with acute pain is a responsibility that is strongly established within the profession of the nurse anaesthetist. If the care provided by the nurse anaesthetist for patients who receive epidural anaesthesia is to evolve then further insight and knowledge is required regarding the individual´s experience.Aim: To describe patients' experiences in receiving epidural anaesthesia based on an earlier perioperative start-up of the EDA.Method: Based on a qualitative approach, the aim is to conduct semi-structured interviews with patients who receive EDA in connection to abdominal or gynaecological surgery. Research subjects' statements in the context of the interviews will be transcribed and then analysed using qualitative content analysis. In order to evaluate the chosen method regarding data collection and analysis model an exploratory pilot study was conducted.

Friskvårdsförmåner och förändringar i motionsvanor hos brevbärare

The purpose of this study was to determine if wellness benefits led to any changes in exercise habits among employed postmen. The study was a cross-sectional study carried out by a quantitative method. The collection of data took the form of a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 30 postmen employed at a post office in northern Sweden. The results show that of the postman who use health care benefits, there has been a relatively small change in exercise habits.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta patienters existentiella och andliga tankar i palliativ vård

Background:Existential and spiritual thoughts are a big part of pallative care. The terms existential and spiritual can be understood in many different ways. It may mean thoughts about faith or thoughts concerning life and death. The nurse in palliative care need to have good communication skills, be responsible and be present and supportive in meeting with the patient.Aim:To describe the nurse's experiences of meeting patients' existential and spiritual thoughts in palliative care.Methods:A literature review based on 10 scientific studies have been done. The studies have been downloaded from the following scientific databases; Academic Search preimer, CINAHL Plus with   Full Text, and PubMed.

Spiritual and Existential needs in palliative care

Background: Previous research has shown that the understanding and knowledge about the spiritual needs is not given high priority among nursing staff. During the latest years the body and its functions has controlled the healthcare and the spiritual needs has been placed in the background. All humans have spiritual needs that must be satisfied irrespective of religious background. Aim: The aim of this study was to in a caring perspective illustrate patients? spiritual and existential needs in palliative care.

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