

7059 Uppsatser om Health care nurse - Sida 60 av 471

Nutritionspolicyn på en kirurgavdelning : En utvärdering av följsamheten till riktlinjerna

Introduction: Balance between the essential nutritive substances is important for aperson to maintain health. The surgical patient can be stricken with conditions, whichhave a negative impact on this balance and can lead to malnutrition. Working as a nurseit is important to identify patients that are malnourished or is in the risk zone ofmalnourishment since 30 % of all patients in hospitals are malnourished.Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the compliance to the guidelines fornutritional assessment and parenteral nutrition on a surgical ward. Also whether thenutritional treatment/-support was reported to the next caregivers if the patient wasmalnourished or was in the risk zone of malnourishment at the time of discharge.Method: 80 patients enrolled on the ward in the beginning of year 2011 were included.Audit of patient records was made according to the hospital guidelines for nutrition andparenteral nutrition and followed a study specific protocol.Results: The examination of the case records showed that the guidelines for nutritionwere partly complied with. Nutritional treatment/-support was reported to the nextcaregivers when needed.

Kvinnors upplevelser i samband med abort

The treatment that women get from health care staff can influence the experience of the abortion and how women manage to coping the experience emotionally. The aim of this study was to illuminate women?s experiences in connection with an abortion. The findings show that the women?s social situation led them to the decision of abortion.

Delaktighet och inflytande : Vad främjar elevers vilja till delaktighet och inflytande

Welfare is every person's right. To create conditions for a good welfare it requires coordinated strategic interventions at national and local level. Efforts must be politically supported to be able to strengthen public health. Local welfare management is a measure used to control and monitor public health. The purpose of this study was to investigate local actors perceptions of collaboration in strategic public health efforts with local welfare management in a municipality in central Sweden.

Sjuksköterskans tid för omvårdnad : Underlag inför implementering av patientnärmre vård på en medicinsk vårdavdelning

 Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur stor del av ett dagarbetspass som sjuksköterskor på en medicinavdelning ägnar sig åt omvårdnad i relation till andra arbetsuppgifter samt sjuksköterskans uppfattning om den tid denne lägger ner på olika arbetsuppgifter. Metod som använts var observation av nio sjuksköterskor med avseende på tidsåtgång för sex fördefinierade arbetsuppgifter; administration, omvårdnad, läkemedelshantering, ansvarsområden, rond och rapport. Enkäter delades även ut till sjuksköterskorna på avdelningen gällande självskattning av tidsåtgång för arbetsuppgifterna samt instämmande till påståenden angående deras uppfattning om tiden räckte för de olika arbetsuppgifterna. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskorna lägger ned mest tid på administration följt av omvårdnad, rond, läkemedelshantering, rapport och sist ansvarsområden. Omvårdnad utgjorde 21 % av den sammanlagda arbetstiden och de uppgav att de för närvarande inte har tillräckligt med tid för denna arbetsuppgift. .

Drogmissbrukare och psykisk hälsa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental illness and socioeconomic factors such as education, age and gender among drug users. Descriptive and ANOVA analysis were performed to 68 structured interviews (Addiction Severity Index basic). Analysis addressed associations between drug usage and level of education, age and gender. Results showed gender differences in self-rated mental health with women drug users rating their mental health lower than men. In addition, there was no association between age, educational level and self-rated mental health.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

Akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser inom psykiatrin : Vad är det som påverkar psykiatrins selektering och bedömning av de individer som söker akuta hjälp- och stödinsatser?

In this paper the authors are focusing on people that work in psychiatric acute care. How do they identify the individual that is in most need of acute care? How do they judge in this kind of cases?    The foundation in this study is in the qualitative method. The material to this study has been collected by doing qualitative interviews with six people in different professions and positions in psychiatric acute care.   The material that we collected from these six qualitative interviews has been analysed with help from Sherif?s and Hovland?s (1961) Social judgement theory.

Hellre sjuk och mager än frisk och fet : En litteraturbaserad studie av kvinnors upplevelser under behandlingen för anorexia nervosa

BackgroundAnorexia nervosa is a growing problem in society and it is most common among women. It is a complex disease that affects both the mental and the physical health. The disease expresses itself differently from person to person, therefore, treatment should be individualized. Nurses need to gain insight into how patients feel about the treatment in order to understand their experience. Previous studies use statistical research to evaluate treatment.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin föräldraroll genom deltagande i syskoncirkel- en intervjustudie

Introduction When a child comes into a family changing conditions for the older sibling, who may feel left out. This can be a problem for parents who face new challenges towards the older sibling, which can lead to parents looking for advice and support. Parenting is an activity that strengthens the role of parents and provides information about children's health and social development. Purpose The purpose is to describe the parents' experiences of support in their parental role by participating in the sibling circle. Method Semi-structured focus group interview was conducted and qualitative content analysis was performed.

Jämförelse av statistiska metoder för rangordning inom sjukvården

There has been an increasing interest for ranking of Swedish health care and a lot of emphasis has been placed on the creation of indicators in order to rank hospital units. However, essays on to what extent the choice of statistical method affects the final result of the ranking of health care units have not been given the same attention. For this particular reason, the main objective of this essay has been to investigate whether the choice of statistical model has a significant impact or not on the final result, by using five different, more or less common, statistical approaches: bar charts (with and without confidence intervals), control charts, logistic regression, multi-level analysis using shrunken residuals. The analyzed material in the essay comprises 24119 patients that all have been prescribed some form of the lipid-reducing medicine statin. According to directives given by Region Skåne, doctors are encouraged to prescribe a particular type of statin medicine, namely Simvastatin, which has been proved to be equally effective, but significantly cheaper than other statin medicines.

Gammal och förvirrad : Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre

Konfusion är mycket vanligt förekommande hos äldre och skapar stort lidande, ger höga samhällskostnader och orsakar hög mortalitet. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre patienter. Metoden var en litteraturstudie, vilken innefattade tio artiklar där relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder framkom, dessa presenterades i resultatet under VIPS - modellens åtgärdssökord. Resultatet av studien visade att patienter med konfusion mindes och uppmärksammade vad som skedde med och runt omkring dem. Viktigt var att få information om sitt konfusionstillstånd för att förstå vad som hände och varför.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av sitt arbete

Purpose: Our aim is to get an insight on how home care workers experience, handle and looks upon their work. We also want to form an opinion of how home care workers experience the relationship to the clients they meet.Questions: How does home care workers experience their daily work with their clients? Home care workers daily meet many different sorts of clients with different needs, how do they handle this? What kind of support does home care workers get in their work?Method: A qualitative design with semistructured interviews.Conclusion: The most central conclusion from all of our interviews were: that home care service workers has a very stressful and demanding occupation, that the work has a low status, that the personnel has a big responsibility for the wellbeing of other people and that they often find their work satisfying and fun. To have someone to talk to and exchange ideas with was also mentioned by the informants as a vital part of feeling support in their work. From the Antonovskys theory, a sense of coherence, and Goffmans views of the society, we also find that the larger part of our informants feel a high sense of coherence and that when they have to adjust to their different caretakers they play different roles..

"Vi är starka, ändå faller vi som furor i stormen"- Hur föräldrar till barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna med autismspektrum-tillstånd upplevt stöd från vård och omsorg.

Introduktion: Föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning är en grupp som i högre grad än andra föräldrar lider av psykisk ohälsa i form av exempelvis oro och nedstämdhet. Det är utmanande för dessa föräldrar att försöka överblicka och mobilisera de stöd och resurser som finns tillgängligt för deras barn. Forskning visar att bristande samverkan mellan olika professioner och vårdinrättningar samt bristande kunskap gör att det blir ytterligare utmaningar för dessa föräldrar. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur föräldrar till barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna med diagnos inom autismspektrat upplevt stöd från vård och omsorg.Metod: En kvalitativ design med intervjuer valdes. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom autismföreningen i Göteborg där föräldrar till barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna med autismspektrumtillstånd tillfrågades.

Småbarnsföräldrars behov av föräldrastödsinsatser

Background During the child?s first year of life there is a continuous contact with the Child Health Services (CHS) and the parents feel confident and involved. After the first year, the visits to the CHS is reduced at the same time as the everyday life changes for the family as the child starts going to day-care and the parents often go back to work.Aim To examine what it is like being a parent to children aged one to five and what kind of parenting support parents of children aged one to five are in need of.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 25 parents in 21 telephone interviews and one focus group with 4 parents. The recruiting of parents was done on site at one open day-care and with the help of CHS nurses in Sweden. There were 10 men and 15 women.

Svart på vitt i sjukvårdsreformens klassresa : En komparativ studie av den amerikanska sjukvårdsreformen i amerikansk respektive svensk dagspress

Motivation: The aim of this study has been to conduct a comparative study concerning how race, ethnicity and class is represented in American contrary to Swedish daily press and from there on to explore and explain similarities and differences that have been found in the material.Problem statement:? How is race, ethnicity and class represented in American contrary Swedish daily press?? What are the similarities and differences between the countries? daily news flow?? What causes the similiarities and differences to achieve their current form?Material: The material which has been the subject of this study consists of eight articles ? four American articles (USA Today) and four Swedish articles (Dagens Nyheter). The material has been elected to meet certain criterias and mainly discusses the effects the health care reform will have on the American population.Approach: The material has been approached by using theories concerned with race, ethnicity, class and framing. The method used to analyze the material was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).Results: The results shows significant similarities, although mainly differences, between the countries? daily news flow.

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